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35.18% Thorns, Fangs And Ice / Chapter 19: Chapter 19 – Deerwolf VS Child Of The Thousand Black Legs.

Chapter 19: Chapter 19 – Deerwolf VS Child Of The Thousand Black Legs.

The centipede monster launched itself at the deerwolf once again, but the deerwolf managed to dodge the attack yet again and once again, the centipede monster ended up hitting a tree nearby, but this time, a difference in power could be easily be tell with this new attack.



(It literally cut through it like a hot knife through butter!)

(Okay! That may one shot kill me if lands a good hit.)

(I think I pissed him off completely with that whole stumping the head over and over stuff, to the point it had to bring THAT out!)

The centipede monster again and again tried slashing the deerwolf with its acid coated fangs, but not managing to hit the creature, however it almost hit the deerwolf multiple times.

(FUCK! He doesn't want me to gain distance!)

(I only have time to dodge!)

(Should I use leaves again?)


(It will not fall it. It will rush through the leaves and hit me.)

(What do I do? What do I do?!)

(Sooner or later it will corner me and I would corner me at this rate! I need to do something!)

The deerwolf suddenly rushed at the centipede monster while its jaws was wide open.

It was act of desperation and the centipede monster realized that and tried to finish the fight.

But suddenly, the deerwolf got faster just for moment and runed past the centipede, but ended up having one of its antlers getting cut off.



(That was even more risky than I thought!)

(Still, I manage to escape it, but now what now?!)

(It literally cut my antlers with ease! And this thing is bit hard you know!)


(This thing is now fully set on killing me! It won't let me escape until it killed me!)

(Maybe I should have escaped while I had a chance… Fuck!)

(But I realized something.)

(Why didn't it used that acid enchantment thing before?)

(There must be a catch. For example, I need to use the acid its produced from its body, or it uses mana or stamina.)

(Should I stall for a time?)



(Like said before, this thing isn't an idiot.)

(What if the moment it stops, it will turn out it was just pretending and it will soak its fangs into that acid again?)

(Waiting isn't a good answer right now.)

(Fighting is the only option.)

(I hit head multiple times in a row, but it didn't crack. The defense on its head must be bit tougher compare to the rest of a body. Kind of like me with [Grass Helmet].)

(But the rest of its body isn't that hard. I manage to leave a wound there, but not fatal.)

(It can easily kill me with that acid fangs and it's still nowhere near dying. Great.)

(The question right now is, how do I kill it?)

The centipede monster began spitting acid spit at the deerwolf, forcing the beast to run around in order not to get hit.)

(Tch. It can fire more than one time in the row?! What kind of bullshit is this?!)

The deerwolf released a wave of leaves and shot it at the centipede monster, blocking some of the acid spits and blocking the centipede view.

The centipede monster however didn't fallen for the leaves trick again and charged forward without the care.

But as soon as the centipede monster got out from the deerwolf attack, the beast was nowhere in sight.


The centipede monster looked around, but it couldn't spot the deerwolf anywhere.

However, a sound suddenly come from the centipede side and when it looked towards the direction of the sound, it saw a tree falling straight at it.


The centipede monster quickly run away in order not to get crushed.

The tree fallen and the centipede monster got away.

However, it did not noticed the deerwolf that was hiding on the fallen tree that leaped at the monster and bit into the monster wound on the side, making the creature scream in pain and finally dealing a heavy blow to the creature.

The deerwolf quickly ripped off a chunk of the centipede monster flesh before then backing away.

(Fuck! Why didn't you let yourself be crushed?!)

(I used that tree you hit before with that acid blade of yours and made it fall on you after you weak part of it.)

(Well, the tree wasn't that big in the first place, so I should have expected not getting crushed by it.)

(Still, it didn't noticed me hiding on the tree and I even managed to rip parts of its flesh off.)

The centipede monster suddenly began rushing at the deerwolf.




(For fuck's sake! It doesn't care abouts its injury one bit!)

The centipede monster suddenly stopped in tracks, confusing deerwolf, but then the centipede monster shot out from its mouth an acid smoke at the deerwolf.



The deerwolf quickly stepped back, dodging the attack, but as soon as it dodged the attack, the centipede monster emerged from the poison smoke and stabbed the deerwolf side with one of its fangs.


(Wait what?!)

(Did he just used my smoke screen tactic against me?!)

Deerwolf tried getting rid of the centipede monster, but this time the one stubborn was the centipede monster.

It sinked its fang deeper into the deerwolf body before the ripping of a part of the deerwolf body with all its strength.



Deerwolf quickly turned around and kicked the centipede monster in the face with its hind legs, pushing away the centipede monster.


(Not only it fuking copied my tactic, but it also ripped part of my body as I did that to it!)

(Fortunately, I didn't lose limb and I'm made out of plants, so I'm not bleeding or anything.)

(However, he did FUKING tore off part of my body.)

(Still, it could have been worse.)

(I don't see any acid on its fangs, I guess it's must have run out of it the moment it spited that smoke at me.)

(Thank fuking god. If it did had acid on its fang, then the damage would have been catastrophic to me.)

(But what now?!)

(I did hit him good, but so did he!)

(Fuck me. Its not like that wolf that I deal a lethal blow and it wanted to take me down with it. Its opposite.)

(This thing doesn't see that injury as lethal, why?)

(Does it have some sort of recovery skill or something? Or its just enduring the pain?)

(Either way, it will not stop at all until I die!)

(What do I do? Should I go for that spot again?)

(No. It will not fall for it again.)

(It will be wary since I already damaged that part of its body a lot.)


(I thought I finally gained an upper hand, but that thing still isn't dying!)

(I don't know if its faking or not with the lack of acid, but I have to do it, NOW!)

(Head on attack and dodge before then attacking for real? No, it will be wary.)

(Smoke screen tactic again? No, it already realized that leaves won't do it any damage and can just run straight through them without the care.)

(Should I then try to develop a new attack right now?)

(It maybe – NO!)

(Just learning this leaves attack required a nonstop use of mana and concertation. Mana isn't problem, since I didn't used leaves attack too many times, but the problem is with concertation!)

(There is no way I can concentrate enough while fighting that fucker!)


(Wait! I forgot I have that combo!)


(Risky, but maybe an only choice I have right now.)

The deerwolf suddenly began charging at the centipede monster as the centipede monster began charging at it.

The deerwolf speed up and tried to attack the centipede with its antler, but the centipede monster easily catched the deerwolf horn before then crushing it with ease.

However, that attack was a distraction.

The deerwolf sprouted from its mane the root limb and slashed the monsters' eyes with it, taking out the monsters' eyes out.


The monster began screaming in pain as it bleed from its eyes.


(I used my skill combination to form a blade made out of leaves on the grass limb. Its not powerful enough to deal any damage to your armor, but I can damn well fuking blind you with it!)

(Ha?! How does it feel?! Now you are that needs to fight without any sight!)

(Not so funny now?! Is it?!)

The centipede monster began attacking things random around it, only hitting the air or a ground.

The deerwolf didn't saw any mercy to the foe she just blinded and rammed with her head, hitting the centipede jaw from below and making the centipede monster lose balance and fell on its back.

After knocking the centipede monster over, the deerwolf leaped at it and tried to hit its head one again with its feet, but as the deerwolf was about to hit the centipede, the monster lifted its head up and made one of the deerwolf feet fall into its mouth before then getting trapped by monster mouth.


The deerwolf noticed the two scythe fangs coming its way and quickly moved its head away, somehow dodging the scythe fangs and only losing part of the deerwolf throat in the process.

(Shit! Fuck!)


The deerwolf tried dodging the attack while also stomping on the monster mouth, trying to get its other feet freed.

The part of the deerwolf plant flesh was being torn off and off again by the centipede scythe fangs, however the centipede monster was also suffering damage.

The monster teethes couldn't hold any longer and ended up being either knocked out or ripped off, allowing the deerwolf to finally retrieve its limb.

However, the damage was already done and the limb that was trapped by the centipede monster was completely destroyed and was barely hanging by a small chunk of plant flesh.



The deerwolf headbutted the centipede monster with its head, dealing damage before then backing away.

(Well, it was quiet some time since last time my limb was destroyed, so I should have seen that coming.)

(Still, that bastard didn't completely lost it!)

(I got carless right now and it almost had my head cut off back then if I didn't reacted in time.)

(Still, it was able to deal a lot of damage to me with its fangs scythes.)

The centipede monster got up from the ground and began turning its head around.


(Is it looking for me?!)

(No wait! Its eyes are still mess!)

(Then mana detection?!)


(No. I would have already spotted me.)

(Its not a skill either. What is it doing?)

Suddenly, the centipede monster head began slowly turning until it faced towards the deerwolf.



(I get it now! Its sniffing my scent!)

The centipede monster began running towards the deerwolf.


The deerwolf jumped to the side, dodging the attack but almost losings its balance.

(Fuck me. Moving around with this limb is bad idea.)

(I maybe have hit hard and deal a lot of damage and robbed it from its sight, but I didn't predicted that it has keen sense of smell like me! No! It has better sense that smell to the point its straight up bullshit if it was able to spot my exact location like that!)

(Not only that, I cannot run at full speed with my limb like this.)

(Fuck me in my grassy ass! What the fuck?!)


(This thing will fallow my scent and try to get me all cost and I cannot run at full speed, but it can!)


(Wait! It can only spent me by my scent, yes?! The let's use it against him!)

The centipede monster noticed the scent moving away and began instantly rushing at the deerwolf.

The centipede monster knew that the deerwolf wasn't able to run after destroying it.

It knew that it matter of time until it finally catches the deerwolf and destroys it with tis fangs.

It could tell that it was getting closer to its prey.

It knew that deerwolf was a cunning creature, a creature that was both annoying and bothersome.

It wanted to kill that annoyance!

It leaped at the deerwolf, trying to deal a final blow to its prey, however, it did not hit the deerwolf but something else.


The centipede realized that the deerwolf moved away, but it wasn't that far. It realized that it must have made a desperate jump in order to dodge in last second.

It realized! Its finally over! It cannot run away in time now!

However, when it tried moving, it realized that its fangs were stuck in the tree.


Obviously the centipede monster could easily break free unlike when the it attacked the deerwolf in the past when it was still walking root.

However, it will take a moment for it to break free and the deerwolf was still right next to it since it couldn't run.

The deerwolf sinked it teethes into the centipede head, making the creature scream in pain and agony.

The centipede monster was confused.

"How?! It shouldn't be able to pierce though this part of the body since its reinforced!"

True. But the thing is the deerwolf was hitting the centipede over and over, damaging the shell over its head many times.

The shell was damage too much and that allowed the deerwolf to finally sink it teethes into the monster head.

The centipede monster could feel the deerwolf fangs sinking deep into its flesh and began panicking.

For the first time in its life, the centipede monster felt "Fear".

The monster got scared and tried to get away, but it realized it didn't had time to remove its fangs from the tree.

It then tried to launch its lower part of the body and successfully hit the deerwolf in the side, hitting right into the deerwolf open wound that centipede left open.

However, the deerwolf didn't let go and looked at centipede monster as its "Prey".

(Die and rot in hell!)

The deerwolf gathered last of its remaining strength and ripped off the part of the centipede monster head, alongside its brain.

The centipede monster body began twitching before then stopping moving complete.

The monster called "Child of the thousand black legs" had finally died.

The survivor and victor, was the deerwolf.


(Fuck…. Its finally dead… I ripped off its brain out, so there is no freaking way it would survived that….)


(Heh… I really beat it!)

(I killed the bastard that almost fuking killed me after I FUKING REINCARNATED!)



(Still. I got to say one thing….)


(Why the fuck I encountered it now?!)

(True! I wanted to have my revenge and all, but this thing was too damn overpowered!)

(I wasn't ready or anything to fight it yet!)

(What kind of stupid plot is this?!)

(Normally in revenge stories it takes a long time for the character to extract their revenge and all! Sometimes it happens at the end of the novel or at the end of a story arc! So why the fuck it appeared now?! I was supposed to hunt him! Not the other way around!)



(Fuck me…. This isn't novel or something. So maybe I shouldn't have expected some things that appear to be in novels to be true in this world.)

(Yea… I'm stupid… This isn't a fantasy written by somebody, but a reality…. And this is the reality that I now live in….)

(Expecting things that often appear in the novel to appear in this world was quiet stupid.)

(Like for example getting cheat skill when you reincarnated, I didn't get one on the start.)

(Or like having a freaking harem from get go….)

(Still… Fuck me… Are the monsters in this world that powerful?!)

(That last attack almost freaking broke my body in two. I guess it must have been its last act of desperation.)

(I was weaker than this thing and the only reason why I won was because I managed to outsmart it.)

But what if I were to run into a monster or a human that is smart than me?



(I need more strength!)

(I though that I was finally strong after becoming the deerwolf.)


(I'm still a weakling! I was always the weakling! Nothing changed to ignorant fool!)


(But now I got hit with hard reality once again.)

(I'm still pathetic.)


(Fuck you… FUCK YOU ALL!)


(I'm not a human anymore but a monster!)

(I will kill a human and eat it if I have to survive!)

(And you!)

(I'm so fuking hungry right now and you even made a freaking mess out of me!)

(So you better taste good at least!)

The deerwolf walked towards the centipede monster and began eating its corpse.

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