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5% Multiverse Chronicles (OPM) / Chapter 2: 2 Heroes and Monsters

Chapter 2: 2 Heroes and Monsters

Saitama responded without hesitation, "What's that? I have no recollection."

Roy knew it.

Perhaps it's the luxury of the strong and the indifferent attitude towards everything.

After nearly a month of interaction, Roy had a basic understanding of Saitama. In Roy's view, Saitama possessed overwhelming power that surpassed any life form on Earth. He could defeat any enemy with a single punch, regardless of their strength or weakness. Even a catastrophic existence capable of destroying a city in a short time would fall with just one blow.

And Roy could sense that Saitama hadn't exerted his full strength with that punch.

So, even now, Roy couldn't ascertain Saitama's limits.

Therefore, Saitama's mentality also exhibited a certain degree of distortion and abnormality. In simple terms, he wasn't interested in most things.

Despite this, he displayed an exceptionally humble attitude.

It seemed that due to financial constraints, Saitama's primary concern was supermarket sales. He had never used his immense power to gain material possessions or special privileges. Although he didn't receive support or material rewards from anyone, he still persisted in hero activities.

While he was indifferent to most things, he would show relatively strong emotions about seemingly trivial matters.

He was quite a contradictory person.

So, Roy wasn't surprised that Saitama didn't remember his ability.

With a slight sigh, countless pure white particles appeared in Roy's palm. To the naked eye, it looked as if a thin layer of white mist was emanating from his palm.

Then Roy made a gesture as if holding a firearm, and with the change of his hand gesture, his beloved gun, a modified black .45 caliber M1911A1 pistol, appeared in his hand. As he demonstrated, Roy said, "In simple terms, it's the ability to create and produce various items."

This ability was acquired by Roy after he arrived in this world.

As it was a spontaneously acquired ability of the human body, it could be considered within the category of 'supernatural abilities,' so Roy could also be regarded as a monster... although supernatural abilities typically refer to psychic powers.

And this ability didn't have an exclusive name at first.

The name Dark Matter was chosen by Roy himself.

The reason for this ability seemed to be due to a mutation in his entire skeletal system... strictly speaking, it was the bone marrow responsible for hematopoiesis that underwent mutation, allowing it to continuously produce this substance called Dark Matter, as Roy termed it.

Initially, only the bone marrow underwent mutation.

However, as Dark Matter continued to be produced and transported throughout his body via blood circulation and metabolism, integrating with body cells, Roy's body underwent constant changes.

For example, the skeletal system, closest to the bone marrow, was the first place to undergo mutation. Due to the fusion with Dark Matter, the hardness, toughness, and structure of Roy's entire skeletal system underwent revolutionary changes, providing excellent protection for vital organs. Roy hadn't tested the full extent of his strength yet, but once he was accidentally hit by a car and was completely unharmed.

Similarly, after integrating with the skin, Roy could instantly increase the strength of his skin to the level of steel at will. And it hardly aged, the effects of heat and cold on the skin were also weakened. The Dark Matter in the skin cells could even simulate chloroplasts, unique to plants, converting sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water into oxygen and nutrients necessary for life, thus giving Roy astonishing endurance.

However, under normal circumstances, Dark Matter in the body only played the role of blood cells.

Therefore, in reality, Roy had immunity to any bacteria, viruses, or toxins. Anything attempting to invade his body and harm him would be swiftly killed off by Dark Matter at the fastest speed.

Due to Dark Matter's ability to freely define its physical and chemical properties, it could replace any part of the body like stem cells. With a single thought, Dark Matter in the body could even function like nanomachines, simulating respiration to greatly enhance the body's physical qualities. It was because of this characteristic that Roy seemingly had superpowers on the surface... the ability to create and manufacture various items.

These were all the small tricks Roy had mastered through experimentation.

In fact, he only knew more comprehensive and in-depth details about his abilities after undergoing a comprehensive physical examination and analysis with the help of a certain genius scientist.

That is to say, it wasn't just about rejuvenating.

But Roy was more concerned about the unreliability of his system.

After losing three unnamed, unexplained abilities, as well as a few other things or skills, it disappeared without a trace. It had been a month, and there hadn't been a peep.

And Roy hadn't explained things to Saitama in detail either.

After all, the reports from the initial stage of cooperation with Dr. Okazaki alone were quite voluminous. Although it wasn't that he couldn't say, Saitama probably wouldn't listen. After all, he didn't exercise his brain much.

After listening to Roy's brief explanation, Saitama, holding a piece of meat in his mouth, was dumbfounded for a moment before shouting, "Isn't that an incredibly powerful ability?! Can you make anything?"

"In theory, yes." Roy pinched, and the beloved gun immediately disassembled and was recovered. "It's somewhat mystical. After understanding the basic principles and designs to a certain extent, you can manufacture them. However, if the recipient doesn't understand well, it's difficult to succeed."

But for now, most common items could easily be created. To make more diverse and abundant items, it might take some time to recharge.

"What an enviable ability." Muttering this, but Roy knew that he was more concerned about the food in the pot, "So, how about your meat? Did you make it with your ability?"

Roy said, "That would be a waste. Making precious metals or rare elements with Dark Matter and selling them could make money quickly. Then use this money to buy the materials you need."

After hearing this, Saitama left behind tears of envy. Damn it, he also wanted to have this ability! So, Saitama turned his sorrow and anger into a desire to eat, intending to devour everything Roy had and quickly empty the pot.

"I feel like something's missing." Saitama, with his cheeks puffed up, looked around.

Roy pondered for a moment, then turned on the television.

"I think we're missing some background noise."

"That should do it," Saitama said contentedly as he sat back down. "Come to think of it, I've never seen this channel before."

"This the program about that national idol, Sweet Mask. It's a paid program, so it's normal for you not to have seen it, Saitama-san."

'Is this mocking me for being poor? Damn wealthy people!'

Saitama's pride was pricked.

He decided to retaliate. He would devour all the premium beef Roy had bought, leaving not a single scrap behind.

Roy didn't know what was going on in Saitama's mind, and even if he did, he would just smile it off. He was currently adjusting the channels. "There's nothing good to watch. Let's check out the news."

Just as he switched to the news channel, he noticed breaking news being reported.

"The loud rumbling and intense shaking continue!" reported a journalist wearing a safety helmet. "A City suddenly came under attack by a massive explosion. The explosion's radius is still expanding, and the entire city seems to be..."

Before the report could finish, the signal was lost, likely due to an incident at the scene.

Saitama, chewing his food, swallowed when he saw this.

"I'm full. Thanks for the meal." Setting down his bowl and chopsticks, Saitama folded his hands together.

"Are you going to A City, Saitama-san?"

"Yeah." Saitama stood up and stretched. "I guess I'm a hero too? When disasters strike, you can't just ignore them."

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