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27.77% Winter's Promise / Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Princess

Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Princess

2nd Month of 298 A.C Winterfell

Princess Myrcella Baratheon

Growing up, Myrcella had known there were a few things within her world that were not always complete. Her mother and father did not love one another, that much she had known from the time she was very young, it seemed the ghost of Lyanna Stark hung heavy between them, and yet there was a sense of protectiveness between them. She could not truly understand it, but she knew the tales her septa tried to tell her were nonsense, she had known that from a young age. Her parents loved her and her siblings, she knew that, but there were some things she had difficulty truly understanding, like why father took a mistress who looked exactly like mother, why would he do that? She knew her mother was many things, but to insult her so openly, that was something she was never sure she could understand. Still, if her parents were a bit different, she and her siblings were close. Joffrey, as the crown prince knew a lot, he was the oldest of them all, and there was a certain charm to him, but there was a darker side as well. They'd never seen it properly, but Myrcella knew it was there. Tommen was sweet, he truly was, and he was her close brother, she and him did almost everything together, or at least they had until recently, but that was for another time. She loved her brothers she truly did, but there was something about this visit to Winterfell that had her nervous and she was not sure why.

Winterfell, a place she had heard a lot about, growing up as the daughter of Robert Baratheon how could she not have? It was grand, just as the north was, it seemed Lord Eddard had made the changes to Winterfell and the north that were now slowly turning it into a power house, not that it had not been one before, but now it seemed it would truly become one. That was something she found very interesting, Myrcella had always been interested in history, and she found the history of the north doubly so. As for the Starks themselves, well Lord and Lady Stark were nice people, there was a severity to them though, that made Myrcella wonder what they were hiding, for she had learned early that adults would always hide something or the other despite their denials. She knew what the greatest secret her mother kept was, she knew where it was as well, and yet she did not think on that now. Robb Stark, the heir to the north was kind as well, he was married but, she knew he found her attractive, but she did not know what to do there. Bran was smart, he was a mischievous boy and Myrcella found that she liked that, she liked that a lot. The girls were good as well, Sansa was sweet, if a bit dull and Arya, well she was fierce and exciting and Myrcella liked her, she liked her a lot.

And then there were those who fostered at Winterfell, Myrcella had been intrigued by that when she had learned of it. Learning that there were more young people at Winterfell than just the Starks had been both an interesting and terrifying prospect. Myrcella had grown up knowing her Lannister cousins, but she had never really met anyone else, and that was slightly annoying for her. But then, the thing had happened, coming back from the great hall, she had stumbled upon something. A boy, who she now knew was named Jojen Reed, doing something odd. She did not know how to explain it, he had been muttering something, and then a vision had appeared, and she had seen things, things she would rather quite like to un see, but she could not, and now she was plagued by nightmares. Myrcella had screamed, by the gods she had screamed, determined to try and break through the fog that had been clouding her mind. Her father and Lord Stark had come then, and Jojen Reed had disappeared, but there was something there, something that had caused Lord Stark to pale, a piece of hair, and a finger, and by the gods it had been worrying. None had seen Jojen Reed since then, but Lord Stark and her father had been locked up in Lord Stark's rooms discussing this for many days, and when they were not discussing things, they were keeping a watch on them all. Even Lord Howland had arrived to meet with them both, though none knew what they were discussing.

All of this was rather exciting and terrifying, and as such Myrcella found herself speaking with her brothers on the matter. "What do you think keeps father and Lord Stark so busy throughout the day? I have never seen father this active before." Myrcella says.

Joffrey, who has been called the spitting image of father when he was that age, looks at her and says. "I think that whatever you saw with that Reed boy has a lot to do with it. After all, the boy was always quite odd, and I think that they are trying to figure out what it was he did. What did you see Cella?"

Myrcella shivers slightly when she thinks about that. "I saw something terrifying. I do not quite know what it was, but it seemed cold, and it seemed like it was old, so very old. It was coming towards us with a deep seated anger, and a desire to move forward."

Her brother looks at her and asks. "Did you see anything else?

Myrcella is about to shake her head when she remembers the other thing. "I saw a girl, I think. I am not sure, but she was stood there, with her hand outstretched, beckoning to me. It was almost as if she knew I was there, and yet I do not know how she could know. I do not know how she could know I was there, or if she was even real."

"I have heard about these things." Tommen says, speaking softly, shyly. "They're called green dreams I think. And you see things that either did happen or will happen."

"I thought those were the things of legend." Joffrey says then.

"So did I, but if what Cella says is true, then it is clearly not just a legend, but a true thing." Tommen says.

"And do you think what you saw was true Cella?" Joffrey asks her looking at her intently then.

Myrcella considers this question and then sighs. "I do not know, but it certainly felt very real. And I swear on the old gods and the new that I felt the breath of this girl or whatever she was on my cheeks."

Her brothers look at her, and she notes Joffrey looks intrigued, whilst Tommen looks worried. "And did she say anything to you Cella?" Tommen asks.

Cella looks at her brother surprised and then she thinks back. "She said something about a key, and a door. But it did not make much sense. I was not sure if she was speaking to me, or if she was speaking to Jojen Reed. But he was definitely speaking to her."

"What was he talking to her about?" Joffrey asks suddenly interested.

Myrcella looks at her brother wondering why he wants to know, if she is being honest with herself, she is not quite sure if she truly remembers what was being said. She was spending most of her time trying not to scream too loudly from the feeling of being crushed from the inside. Eventually she says. "Something about a dragon, and a woman with silver hair. He said that the time was nearly coming and he wanted to know if she was ready to be summoned back into the world as she was supposed to be."

Her brothers look at her confused then, uncertain of what she means, truth be told, even she is unsure of what she means. "Back as she was supposed to be? That makes no sense whatsoever." Joffrey says.

"I know, but I could not exactly escape from the thing which was hold me in place. It was almost as if there was something there, preventing me from leaving. It was worrying." Myrcella says, shivering slightly at the memory.

"And now that damned frog eater has gone." Joffrey says, his voice filled with anger. "I do not know why he would flee if he has done something most terrifying. That none have been able to find him is worrying as well. Very worrying."

"What do you think he wanted? Why do you think it happened to me and not to anyone else?" Myrcella asks, the worry she has felt some time coming to the forefront now.

"I do not know Cella, but what I do know is that there is something most definitely wrong here. Did you see the way Lord Stark looked when he saw what was left behind? There is definitely something wrong." Joffrey says. Her brother pauses a moment and then says. "I remember when Robb Stark saw what had been left behind, and though he hid it well, I could tell there was something wrong. Something deeply wrong with him."

"Really?" Myrcella asks, intrigued now. "What do you mean?"

"Well, it seemed as if he had seen a Ghost. I am not quite sure what to make of it all, but it definitely seems as if there are things here that the Starks are trying desperately to hide, things they do not want us or anyone to know. And there is only one sort of thing that such a family would do their utmost to hide." her brother replies.

It takes her a moment to catch onto what her brother is saying and when she does she finds herself shocked. "You cannot mean to imply what I think you are? Why would they do such a thing? It makes no sense, no sense whatsoever."

Her brother looks at her as if she is simple, and she really regrets saying what she just said. "Every family has its secrets, and one as old as the Starks? Well they are bound to have a score full of secrets. The question is finding out just what it is that made them all act as they did. Hells, even our father acted as if he had seen a ghost, whether that was because of how Lord Stark acted, or if it was because of some other thing, I do not know. But it is most definitely suspicious."

"What do you think we should do?" Myrcella asks. "You are going to be marrying one of them soon enough, especially if father has his way. How are we to make sure that they do not do anything that could damage us?"

Her brother seems to take this into some serious consideration then. "I do not think that Sansa Stark will be much of a worry. Oh undoubtedly she is smart, but I do not think she is smart enough to be able to out play us together. No doubt there is a part of her that is acting toward me, but there is a larger part that is intrigued by the prospect of going south. And I shall use that, I shall use that and make sure that she knows where her loyalties lie."

Something about all of this makes Myrcella deeply uneasy, but she nods all the same. "And what about the Stark boys? Robb Stark is married but his younger brother is not."

"I have a feeling that one will be coming south with us. I think it is time you began charming him. Not that you haven't already I am sure, but make sure to begin looking into him in more detail. See what you can find out, and use it." Joffrey responds.

Myrcella nods, she knows that her brother is right, he usually is, but there is a part of her that feels slightly nervous. Something does not seem right, and that is what is worrying her. She does not know what it is, but there is something within herself now, something within her that just screams that there is something wrong with this whole journey, and that they need to leave immediately. She does not know why she feels like that, but she does. She clears her thoughts, just as the door opens, and her mother walks in. Her mother looks tired, but seems to be focused now. "And what are you all doing here?" she asks.

"We were just talking is all mother. Nothing to worry about." Joffrey says quickly.

Their mother looks at them all in turn, though Myrcella notes that she does not look overly long at Tommen, and then she sits down and says. "Well, what have you come to conclude?"

They are all shocked by this and Myrcella is the one who voices this shock. "What do you mean mother?"

"Do not play the fool with me, I know you have been discussing the events of the past few days. I can see it in your eyes and hear it in your voices. So tell me, what conclusions have you come to?" their mother asks once more.

Myrcella looks at Joffrey who merely nods, and then she begins speaking. "Well, we have agreed that there is something dangerously suspicious about all of this business. There is something the Starks are hiding, and that is why they all looked so petrified when the hair and the finger were left behind. And whilst, yes, one could argue seeing a finger would be terrifying in itself, there is still something else within the family that they are scared of getting out. We all think that this makes them more dangerous. And as such we are thinking we need to charm them more than we have been doing before."

There is silence then, as they all look at their mother, waiting to see what she says, waiting to see whether she agrees with them. Eventually, Queen Cersei breaks the silence. "I think that is a very wise decision. These Starks are most definitely hiding something, but they will not reveal it without a great struggle. One shall need to lower their defences before they even think of revealing it. The girl will not likely reveal much, she is much too smart for that, but the younger brother, Brandon, and he will reveal things in time. And that is why you must make full use of your charms Myrcella. Make him your friend, and make him see what good company you are."

Myrcella nods, and then Joffrey asks. "What more do we know about the Reeds mother? I know Lord Howland came to see father and Lord Stark. Did you learn anything more?"

"Yes." their mother replies, and then she falls silent for a while, as if she is thinking over how to best bring up this topic. The silence begins to stretch on and Myrcella begins to grow nervous, there is something not right about all of this, something that is desperately worrying, and she knows it, she knows her brothers can sense it as well. Eventually, their mother does speak, and when she does the news is shocking. "Jojen Reed is dead, and has been dead for some time. It seems that the person who was here was not truly Jojen Reed."

"What? How is that possible?" Joffrey asks.

Their mother looks at Joffrey then and responds. "It seems there was someone else who was close with Jojen Reed and who took his place when the boy died some moons ago. I am not quite sure how to explain it, or rather, whether that is the right way to explain it. But, Lord Howland was not able to offer a complete explanation, or at least I did not get one from the man. Your father and Lord Stark got a complete one and now, I think we must put this matter to rest."

"What? Why?" Joffrey asks then. "If there is a fault within the Stark family, surely we can exploit that?"

"It is because it might well be a fault within the Stark family that we must leave it be. We cannot allow them to know we know of it. Not yet at least. Stark must be left to think we are merely there, and not seriously a threat to him. If that is the case, his children will not be as controlled as they might be." their mother replies.

"SO what are we to do in the mean time?" Myrcella asks.

Her mother looks at her then, for a brief moment, Myrcella swears she sees something akin to jealousy in her mother's gaze, but then she thinks she was mistaken for in the next instant it is gone. "Continue doing as you are doing, and as you said you would do. Make sure that none grow to suspect what might be coming next. And furthermore, do not, I repeat do not, make any mistakes here. We are only going to be here for a few more days, make sure noting goes wrong."

"You need not worry on that front, mother. Nothing will go wrong." Joffrey replies confidently.

"I would not be so sure on that." their mother replies, before she stands up and walks out of the room.

Myrcella watches her mother walk out of the room, and then looks at her brothers. Joffrey says nothing, but stands up and walks out of the room as well, shortly followed by Tommen. Myrcella is left alone in the room, she sees Ser Arys in the corner of the room, a silent figure in the darkening room, but she pays him no attention. Instead she reaches for a book she had been reading before her brothers came into the room, and she opens it, takes out the little note that was there, and looks at it once more. She stops reading, and wonders, she wonders what will come next, the dice have been rolled now.

DravenShadefall DravenShadefall

If you’re ready for a story that dives deep into the struggles between family, loyalty, and the harsh reality of Westeros, Winter’s Promise is your kind of ride. And if you want to see what happens before anyone else, check out early chapters on

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