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39.43% Souls in Teyvat / Chapter 55: A new job, again

Chapter 55: A new job, again

I sighed as I left the building.

"Hey you!" even under the rain, this dumbass wants revenge. "Stop right there!"

What a cliche line. Are these people soldiers or performers?

"You are-" I touched him using his soul as a point of reference and he suddenly felt very drowsy. By the time he recovered, I wasn't there.

As I was already in town, I decided to start my job from there.

I visited Chiori, who was nearby. I hit a lot of things in the way, but I didn't care about physical pain now.

"Chiori, are you there?" I asked from the outside. I heard steps, and the door opened.

"Oh no, not you again" she said in a dismayed voice.

"It's important, can I enter?" I asked in a quiet voice.

She was confused by my behaviour, but nodded and let me in. I wasn't planning to have a heart-to-heart talk, so I just stood at the entrance to avoid wetting her clothes.

"The Shogun just decided to confiscate all Visions" I said with a tired sigh.

"What?! That's impossible!". Well, that was the normal reaction.

Visions were individual property, not something belonging to the nation. It was like a soldier appeared and said, 'Give me your arm!'.

"I wish it was" I muttered. "And guess what, I'm the one in charge of collecting them".

She took a step back and covered her Vision with her hand.

"I don't want to do this, but better me than the army. The only way to avoid surrendering it is to leave Inazuma" I said, and stood up. "I know either option is hard, but the Shogun won't wait. You probably have around a week to prepare".

After saying that I left. 

I think she will run from Inazuma, she is too proud to let someone take what is rightfully hers.

"Wait!" she said, not caring about the rain. "I have a friend, Kirara. She also has a Vision. Is there a way you can overlook her?" she was anxious thinking about her friend. I admire that.

"You are barking at the wrong tree. I am not in power, I never was. I can help those with the Visions so after losing them they won't suicide, but that's about it. I got fired for speaking against it" I confessed. 

I am the grunt who will do the job, letting someone escape doesn't depend on me.

To be honest, I got fired because I couldn't keep my mouth shut. Sooner or later it was going to cause some trouble but it happened now, at the worst time possible.

"I will tell her this" she muttered.

"No, you can't" I shook my head. "What I'm doing is not something the Shogun knows, and I'm risking my neck here. You should tell her that she escapes or stays, and if she stays I will help her. If you tell her my intentions and the Shogun hears it, I will be dead and your friend will suffer".

She is stunned now, maybe she didn't think I was taking a personal risk to help.

"I need to go, think about it. If you decide to leave, get everything you need and be ready. Right now the Shogun locked Inazuma, but she didn't think of the merchants and she can't keep them here. You should be ready to leave with them" I told her the only option she has if she wants to leave.

"Thanks" she muttered and went to her shop, thinking about the uncertain future.

Next, Yoimiya.

"I knocked on her door and waited.

"WHO IS IT!" I heard Yoimiya's almost deaf dad shout.

The door opened and a curious Yoimiya looked at me from her short stature.

"Kenshin! Hurry up and come in, you are drenched" she excitedly said. I hope she can stay like this after I leave.

"Yoimiya, I need to speak with you and your father" I said, and Yoimiya took me to the kitchen, where her father was cooking.

"Kenshin! It's been a long time" he jovially saluted me, but I needed to go fast. I don't trust the Tenryou Commission to wait patiently. 

If they see a Vision they will take it, and then I won't be able to help.

"There is no time. The Shogun has ordered a total lockdown, and all Visions to be collected" I revealed to them the grim reality.

"What is going to happen to me?" Yoimiya looked at me with teary eyes.

"Nothing, that's what I'm here for" I smiled and took the Vision that shined like a bulb in my Vision. In a moment, Yoimiya's Vision dulled, but she didn't feel a change.

When I retired my hand that had the Vision on it, she grabbed my wrist, and I could feel her reluctance. She loved her Vision after all, I still remember how hyperactive she was for a month after getting it.

So now being the one who will extinguish that light is not something I am eager to do, but the alternative is worse.

"Yoimiya" her father touched her head and she hugged her father, but I knew how sad she was. I looked at his father with an apologetic expression.

"Sorry, I hope it could be different. You should stock food, but hide it or the army will steal it sooner or later. If you are willing to help, tell everyone around about this" I muttered and was ready to leave when Yoimiya's father put a hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you" he sincerely said. I wasn't even sure he heard what I said. I left the house, hearing Yoimiya's sobs in the background.

With a sigh, I prepared to leave for the next destination. Ayaka's house.

There are a lot of Vision bearers here, and I wouldn't be able to deal with all of them in a single day, so with my last strength I decided to help my friends first.

I stumbled along the way, the ink was fading and and mud was hindering my moves, but I knew someone was nearby. She had been near me since I left the Tenshukaku.

"Kuki, if you are going to help, do it now. I can't see shit" I was too tired to care about my language.

"Haahhh, what do you need?" she tiredly asked.

"As you probably know by now, but shit has hit the fan. Help me reach the Kamisato clan please" I asked, and with a hand on my shoulder, we moved towards our destination.

"Kuki, you should probably leave now that you can" I suddenly said to her. "It's an open secret that you feel asphyxiated by the life in the Shrine, so use this chance to leave".

"I will do it" she firmly nodded. She had been watching me, so she probably knew everything that happened. It was now or never.

"I can help you if you want. I will send a letter to a friend in Liyue so they help you a bit at the start" I proposed. Honestly, I think I have more friends in Liyue than here.

"That's a huge help" she nodded gratefully, but I sensed her worry.

"I will take care of the gang, don't worry" I had a wry smile. The excellent and disciplined Kuki Shinobu was friends with the 'bad' Arataki Gang. It was probably to be expected, they were free guys and Kuki desired that freedom.

"I will wait for you here" Kuki said when we arrived at the Kamisato clan.

"Go back, Ayato will help me, I may take some time" I don't know if Ayato is ready to speak or not. He is very hurt, maybe more than me.

I entered the mansion, and the guards only had grim faces. Unlike other houses, the Kamisato clan only hired people they felt they could trust, even if they were weaker.

The Kamisato clan always treated their subordinates very respectfully, so a strong bond of trust was born.

And now the guards realized that something was wrong. Maybe it was Ayato's mood, maybe they felt the violent storm, or maybe they noticed the absence of a Vision on Ayato's waist.

I went directly to the room Ayato was in. I knew this house quite well, so I didn't collide with too many things.

"How are you doing" I directly entered and asked.

"Bad" he admitted, and I know how he is feeling. 

Anger, impotence, sadness, humiliation.....

"We can talk later, I want to deal with Ayaka's Vision first" I said, but he didn't move. "Ayato, I understand that you are feeling powerless, you can't protect your sister, but there is nothing we can do. I can't console you as there is nothing good in this situation".

But he wasn't moving. He was sitting on the table with his head between his hands.

I sighed and left for the room Aunt Kayo and Ayaka were in.

"What happened?" asked a worried Aunt Kayo, with Ayaka on her lap. "Ayato just came and locked himself in the study".

Ayaka looked at me with a worried gaze. Her normally gentle and sweet brother came seething and sad, while she knew nothing.

"The Shogun ordered the lockdown of Inazuma" I said and Aunt Kayo was alarmed. She knew a lot, as she had worked as the Lord of the house for a few years.

"What abou-"

"We will buy food from the Fatuis" even I couldn't believe what I was saying. "And she ordered the Vision Hunt Decree. I will need to collect every single one".

Aunt Kayo looked horrified to hear that.

"Where is Nii-san's Vision?" asked Ayaka in a quiet voice. She is a smart girl, so she probably already knows the answer.

"Last time I saw it, in front of the Shogun" I curtly replied.

"Then take mine. If Nii-san gave it, I will do it too" I could only see the determination on her face.

"You are a good girl" I sighed and repeated the process. In a moment her beautiful white Vision turned into a dull grey.

Ayaka looked sadly at the Vision but held her tears back.

"How are you?" asked Aunt Kayo.

"Tired, but I can't stop now" I said and moved to the study again, seeing Ayato's soul in the same position i had left him in.

"No matter how much I think, I can't understand it" confessed Ayato who hadn't moved.

I only stood there listening to him.

"I grew up studying how to be a better politician. Math, protocol, economy, physical training....I gave my all in my childhood years. And yet, my father was killed" he was sobbing a bit now.

"Killed by a guy that nobody was searching for. If you didn't find it by pure chance, he wouldn't have been punished. I had to see how my mother lost her finally recovered health trying to keep us afloat. And then the assassination attempts started, just because the Kamisato clan had some power, power we used to serve the Shogun and Inazuma. We gave everything we had to serve the Shogun, but all we got from her was her indifference. Even after all the assassination attempts, all our suffering, all our losses, we never complained, as it was our duty as a privileged family to help her rule over Inazuma" he stopped for a bit, probably trying to put some order in his head.

"I always felt insulted. I was being put under some guys that are obviously looking for their own benefit while we were sacrificing everything we had for the nation. And now this, I'm being robbed of my own right, as you so coherently put it. Something mine, one of the few things the Shogun had no right over. Can you imagine the pain and humiliation I felt there, feeling all those malicious eyes on me, rejoicing at my situation while they simply are selling the country we sacrificed our blood and tears for?".

I couldn't answer. My motivation to be there is the same as Ayato's but he had sacrificed his childhood, his father died, his mother suffered alone for years, and now he had to give up his Vision.

"It was very hard to see my, MY Vision dull. It was the thing that made me realize that the Shogun doesn't care about the Kamisato clan at all. If tomorrow the Mahiro clan kills all of us and sends their representative, she won't care" he sighed, but I could feel his sadness being replaced by fury.

I don't think Ei is like that, she seemed pretty moved by some things we talked about. But the puppet?

As long as the number of people in that room stays the same, she probably won't care.

"But all of that I can bear. I'm the head of the proud Kamisato Clan, we never expected Inazuma to pay us back. We have a debt with Inazuma, and we will strive to fulfil it, no matter how much time it takes us. But now they are making my SISTER, who is just ten years old, and she is the reason I could enter that cursed room every single day to hear how people are insulting my family, give up HER own birthright. I have known you for a while, and I understand very well your ability. Even if nobody in that room understood what you meant, I am very clear about that".

"The Shogun is no longer content with our sweat, blood, tears, dedication, loyalty, effort or even our lives. Now she wants our souls. WHAT THE HELL DOES SHE WANT FROM US!!!" the normally gentle Ayato is screaming in desperation now.

"Ayato, calm down, Ayaka is listening" I could see Ayaka and her mother in the next room, and they heard Ayato's shout.

"I don't know if I want to keep fighting Kenshin. We got nothing but suffering from following that heartless woman. We got nothing more to offer" he bitterly laughed.

"Then leave" I casually said. "As you said, you gave your everything. Leave to Liyue or Mondstadt, and you will be able to live a happy life with your abilities, take your family with you".

He pondered about it for a while.

"What will you do?" 

"I will stay" I replied. "There are people I can help here. But I will send my parents to Liyue, no matter how much they scream, they will not be here when the worst arrives. And I recommend you do the same".

"You will need my help here" he sighed.

"I don't" and I was telling the truth. "The Shrine will help with the food problem, and I will throw the Vision from the entrance after dipping them in shit, so there is nothing you need to do here, even if this sounds like I'm insulting you, you have zero power here".

"I will stay" he firmly said. "But the Kamisato Clan will move only for the people. And today the Shogun failed the people of Inazuma".

"Just make sure you have no regrets. But I would recommend sending Aunt Kayo and Ayaka out of here, I can't predict how the power will shuffle with the arrival of the Fatuis and the Kujou clan growing that strong". Things will be chaotic here for years to come.

"I know" he bitterly said. 

We both know how dedicated Ayaka is, but she needs to leave. Only then will Ayato be able to move freely. Probably the Kamisato clan will disappear from the Tri-Commission as the other 2 Commissions are going to be extremely powerful from now on.

How the hell are we going to hold a festival in this situation? That is all Ayato can 'control', parties and weddings.

"I need to talk with Yae, I will talk with you in a few days, but if I were in your place I would try to convince your family this same night. We don't know when the Shogun is going to stop that storm, but you should be ready" I also was going to do the same. Tomorrow morning I will speak with my parents.

I left the house, knowing that they will be having a very serious discussion, but I knew that Ayato would win in the end.

I slowly climbed the mountain, almost slipping a few times and feeling the muddy wall in my right hand, but I finally arrived at the top, where a sad Yae was waiting for me.

"Hey, what a good weather!" I said while shivering from the cold rain.

"Just get a shower" she wryly replied, but I sensed her sadness.

And I did just that.

ARandomMob ARandomMob

A lot of Ayato's past is just like I wrote. Both his parents died and he faced a lot of assassination attempts while the Shogun didn't move.

So well, I know I'm not writing Ei or the puppet in a good light, but the only way to do it is to directly change canon.

And I don't feel like doing that, I want Kenshin to face the same troubles canon depicted, and how his presence is going to change the world. I could just make him 'convince' Ei, problem solved, but would it be good, just ignoring the problem?

No, Kenshin is going to be sucked into it, and even if not the central piece, he will have his role.

For both good and bad.

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