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Chapter 90

Author: Ruqie Ruxu

  Dozens of shadow clones appeared.

  "You go and find the tombs of Nezuki, Kato Dan, the Yondaime couple, and the Uchiha Tomigotsu couple, and take out some of the bones from them."

  "You can also take the bones of other people, such as Hatake Sakumo, Lin, Iruka's parents, Hinata Hizashi... Anyway, take some of them if you think they are useful."

  Now that you are here, take them all away at once.

  No matter whether you use it or not, just take it and tell it, maybe it will come in handy at some point.

  After the shadow clones dispersed and found a suitable candidate, they did not need to dig the grave. They directly activated the secret technique of Heavenly Resentment Yu, drilled into the grave along the soil, and collected some bones.

  It doesn't need to be much, even a hair will do.

  Soon, the collection of bones was completed, and each person's bones were stored separately and labeled to indicate their identity to avoid confusion.

  When the shadow clone was released, Mizuki received a large amount of memory information. For a moment, his mind was filled with rotting bones.

  The huge impact of memory made him frown.

  "I don't know how Naruto managed to survive the thousands of shadow clones after they were released."

  It has to be said that the Uzumaki clan's physique is indeed powerful.

  Very resistant!

  After the discomfort passed, Mizuki discovered some abnormalities in the memories of these shadow clones.

  Many people's graves were opened not long ago, and their bones were also touched.

  "It must be Orochimaru's fault, he is very dependent on the reincarnation of the earth."

  Mizuki didn't care, turned around and walked out of the cemetery.

  At this moment, someone walked into the cemetery, walked to a tombstone in a familiar way, and stood quietly in front of the tombstone.

  Mizuki saw clearly from the side that the person coming was none other than Hinata Neji.

  The tomb in front of him is the place where his father's bones are buried.

  "Father, today I am training with Miss Hinata, but I can't help but feel murderous intention."

  "The patriarch noticed it immediately and made me miserable through the caged bird."

  "Although I read the letter you left for me and know that you voluntarily died on behalf of the clan leader, I still cannot forgive you."

  "I know that you want to use death to get rid of the Caged Bird Curse Seal."

  "I also want to get rid of the caged bird, but I don't want to die, because I want revenge, I want to change Hinata, change Konoha, and change the entire ninja world."

  "I believe that I will be able to escape the control of the caged bird, and I will work hard for it throughout my life."

  Without Naruto's other words, Neji would still be the rebellious boy he was.

  And this is really what Mizuki wants to see.

  "Young man, if you want to get rid of the caged bird, I can help you."

  "Who?" Neci was shocked and immediately opened his eyes, but saw no one.

  He was shocked. The voice was clearly in his ears, but why was there no one there?

  Is there a ghost?

  The next moment, a pool of water emerged from the ground, quickly rose up, and turned into a person.

  "It's you!"

  Neji recognized Mizuki immediately.

  Facing the Konoha S-class rebellious nin who killed the Third Hokage and the Fourth Kazekage in front of him, Neji felt neither fear nor disgust.

  Because he had no sense of belonging to Konoha, and hated the Third Generation even more, because it was the Third Generation's cowardice that led to his father's death, so he had no hatred for Mizuki, the rebellious ninja.

  "I heard everything you said, but I regret to tell you that you will never be able to free the caged bird on your own."

  Neji asked: "You said you could help me, how could you help me?"

  Mizuki's right eye turned into the Samsara Eye and said: "The Samsara Eye has a pupil technique called the Samsara Natural Technique, which can resurrect the dead."

  "The Caged Bird Curse Seal on the forehead of the Hyuga branch will be activated at the moment of death, destroying the Byakugan, and then the Caged Bird will be ineffective."

  "I can resurrect the dead Hinata branch. In this way, we can get rid of the control of the caged bird."

  Neji asked again: "Why should I trust you?"

  As he spoke, his eyes glanced at Hizashi's tombstone.

  Mizuki saw his little thoughts and smiled lightly: "I can resurrect your father, but I will not help you unconditionally."

  "As long as you can resurrect my father and help me release the caged bird, I am willing to give everything for you."

  "Giving everything? It's not that serious."

  "I am interested in your qualifications. I have only one condition. You betray Konoha, join Phoenix Village and become my disciple."

  Neji frowned: "Is it that simple?"

  Mizuki said: "It's that simple!"

  Neji said without hesitation: "I promise you, no matter what your purpose is, I promise you."

  Mizuki took out Hizashi's life substance, a piece of hair, and placed it on the ground.

  "Heretic. The natural art of reincarnation!"

  A rich green light enveloped the hair.

  The light was so dazzling that even Neji's Byakugan couldn't see clearly what was happening in the green light.

  But when the green light dissipated, Neji saw the figure with the attribute in his memory.


  Hinata Hizashi looked at Neji with a sad face and said, "I didn't expect you to come to the Pure Land at such a young age."

  Mizuki: "This is not a pure land. You have been resurrected by me."

  "Not the Pure Land? I'm resurrected? How is this possible?" Hizashi looked around hurriedly, and then he realized that he was really resurrected.

  However, Neji saw that the Caged Bird Curse Seal was still there on Rizhao's forehead.

  "Didn't you say that death can release the caged bird? Why is the caged bird on my father's forehead still there?"

  Before Mizuki could speak, Hizashi explained: "Neji, this caged bird is no longer effective."

  "The moment I die, the caged bird is released."

  After speaking, he turned to look at Mizuki and said: "I don't know what your purpose is in resurrecting me, but if you want to use this to deal with the Hyuga clan, I will never agree."

  Mizuki: "..."

  You don't know a good person's heart!

  If it weren't for Neji, I would have gone blind to resurrect you.

Chapter 84: Ninja cat wearing a bow

  "I resurrected you for Neji and have nothing to do with the Hinata family." Mizuki said bluntly.

  "Ningji is extremely talented, and our Phoenix Village needs talents like him. I will take him out of Konoha, accept him as a disciple, and teach him to become stronger."

  Hizashi breathed a sigh of relief and then said: "I think I understand your intention."

  "You have the ability to resurrect the dead. You plan to let Neji die first, and then resurrect him after the caged bird has expired, so that he can escape the fate of being separated."

  At this point, Hizashi fell silent.

  After a while, he sighed and said: "I have already died once. Although I am Neji's father, I will not make decisions for him."

  Neji said, "Father, let's go together."

  Hizashi did not agree immediately, but looked at Mizuki and asked, "Do you have the ability to protect Byakugan from being taken away by other countries?"

  As soon as he finished speaking, veins popped up in the corners of Hizashi's eyes. He actually opened his Byakugan and looked into Mizuki's body.

  " this?"

  "With such a huge amount of chakra, how is this possible?"

  He was stunned by the huge amount of chakra in Mizuki's body.

  Mizuki saw his expression and was not surprised.

  "I can only guarantee that people from other countries will not break into my village and take away Byakugan."

  "If you go out and I'm not nearby, you have to rely on yourself."

  "Of course, if any country dares to take away your Byakugan, then I will go to that country and take back the Byakugan."

  Hizashi's eyes were dull and he murmured: "That's enough! That's enough!" A person with this kind of chakra is definitely a super strong person.

  At first, Rizu's supercilious eyes were almost sent away by the third generation.

  At the end of the Third Ninja War, Kumo Ninja sent a team of peace envoys to Konoha to sign an armistice agreement with Konoha.

  But the goal of the Kumo ninja is not the armistice agreement, but the white eyes.

  At night, a Kumo ninja sneaked into the Hyuga tribe and kidnapped Hinata, but was killed by Hinata.

  After the death of the peace envoy, Kumo Ninja immediately refused to sign the armistice agreement and threatened Konoha to demand the handover of the murderer, namely Hyuga Hizashi.

  The purpose is to get Rizu's eye roll.

  What's ridiculous is that the third generation actually agreed to the request of Kumo Ninja and persuaded Hizu to take the initiative to die in order to calm the anger of Kumo Ninja Village.

  In order to end the war as soon as possible, and for the sake of peace and stability, please put the overall situation first.

  At the critical moment, Hizashi stood up and died in Hizashi's place, and his body was taken to Yun Ninja Village.

  Halfway through, the Kumo ninja discovered that Byakugan had been destroyed by the caged bird's curse seal, and threw the body away angrily.

  Three generations of cowardice have created this tragedy.

  So Hizashi knew clearly that Konoha could not protect Byakugan.

  This is why he asked if Mizuki could protect Byakugan.

  "In that case, I am willing to go with you."

  For Konoha and Hinata, he had already died once.

  Now that he is resurrected, he no longer owes Konoha or Hinata anything.

  Leaving Konoha and Hinata, he didn't have any psychological burden.

  "Let's go!"

  At night, the three of them left the cemetery and walked towards the entrance of Konoha Village.

  Mizuki took out a hat and asked Hizashi to put it on his head to hide his appearance.

  As for himself and Neji, they didn't do any covering.

  As they walked, Neji told Hizashi what had happened in Konoha in recent years.

  Hearing that Orochimaru was the fifth Hokage, Hizashi was even more grateful that he had made the right choice.

  Arriving at the gate of Konoha in a swagger, Mizuki glanced sideways. The ninjas guarding the gate immediately fell into the illusion and stood there with fear on their faces, unable to move.

  Hizashi has a better understanding of Mizuki's strength.

  The three of them left in a grand manner. Only after they were far away did the ninja guarding the door get rid of the control of the illusion.

  "Quickly, go and report to the Fifth Hokage that the traitorous ninja Mizuki broke into Konoha and took away Hyuga Neji. There is also an unidentified ninja wearing a hat."

  Ninja defection is no small matter.

  The news was quickly reported to the Hokage Tower, but Orochimaru was not there.

  Soon the Hyuga family learned about Neci's defection, and Metkai was also notified. Soon, the news spread throughout Konoha.

  Everyone was in an uproar.

  The members of the Hyuga family defected? This is definitely the funniest joke today.

  Who doesn't know that the Hyuga clan has the Caged Bird Curse Seal. Even if they defect to an alien planet, the clan can kill the defector as long as they activate the Caged Bird.

  Therefore, no one in the Hyuga family ever defected, because defecting meant death.


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All the fanfiction is 30-chapter ahead but this fanfic Naruto: Teaching Disciples For Ten Thousand Times The Reward is 30 chapters ahead there

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