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Chapter 74: Chapter 74

  Shuimu walked forward without stopping.

  Kisame raised his hand to touch the same muscle on his back. His colleague tilted his head and reminded him: "One dozen Nanasang, this person seems not to be affected by your genjutsu. Should we..."

  "Kisame, we are not here to start a war. There is no need to make too much noise. This person should not belong to Konoha like us, so there is no need to pay attention to him."

  "I can see that he is a master. The chakra must be delicious, but it's a pity." Kisame put down his hand.

  The two parties were like this, one walking out and the other walking in, passing each other without paying any attention to the other.

  For Mizuki now, it is not difficult to kill these two people, but it is unnecessary and useless.

  As for Kisame, Mizuki still admired him a little. People who can make Metkai remember their names are still somewhat charming.

  As for Uchiha Itachi, he wanted to kill him several times. To be honest, Mizuki wanted to do it immediately.

  But he was very sensible and was not dazzled by hatred.

  "If I kill him, Sasuke will definitely hate me when he finds out, terminate the master-disciple relationship with me and leave."

  A talented S-level disciple like Sasuke is a solid cornerstone on Mizuki's path to becoming stronger and must not be lost.

  "Better, let Sasuke handle it himself!"

Chapter 69: Establishment of Phoenix Village

  Mizuki and the others returned to the Bird Country, and the ninja team in Phoenix Village expanded from 6 to 9 people.

  He invested more money, hired more workers, and accelerated the construction of the village.

  Soon, the first building of Phoenix Ninja Village was completed.

  Fengying Building!

  This is a Bagua Building. Looking down from the air, you can see that the building is a regular octagon with a black and white Yin and Yang diagram in the center.

  The building is nine feet high and thirty-three feet in circumference. It has thirty-six large rooms, seventy-two small rooms, and one hundred and eight windows.

  Shuimu is not an architect, but he designed the Fengying Building.

  It does not pursue any aesthetic feeling, but adds various Chinese elements.

  Yin and Yang, Bagua, Nine Palaces, Thirty-six Heavenly Gangs, Seventy-two Earthly Evils...

  Regardless of whether it was useful or not, after building such a building, he felt intimate while sitting in it.

  Downstairs of Bagua, nine people stood, looking at the majestic and strange-looking building in front of them.

  Mizuki also looked at it carefully, and the more he looked at it, the more strange it became, but he couldn't tell what was strange.

  Not just him, others seemed to feel the same way.

  Naruto looked puzzled and said, "I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always feel that this house makes me feel very kind and quiet."

  "Especially when you close your eyes, it feels like you are lying on the soft lawn, enjoying the breeze, and all worries disappear."

  When Naruto said this, Mizuki immediately discovered that this was indeed the feeling.

  Everyone else seems to feel the same way.

  Gaara, who had always been murderous and fierce-eyed, actually closed his eyes and his face softened.

  Everyone has no idea what is going on.

  Inside Naruto, in the sealed space, the sleeping Kyuubi suddenly opened his eyes.

  "This is..."

  The moment Kyuubi made a sound, Mizuki turned around suddenly and looked at Naruto's abdomen.

  The next moment, Mizuki's spiritual body appeared in the sealed space, standing outside the fence.

  "Kyuubi, you know what happened, right?"

  Kyuubi saw the three magatama in Mizuki's left eye and roared angrily: "Damn Uchiha, even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you."

  Mizuki said with a smile: "Kyuubi, I have no enmity with you, and I have no malice towards you. You don't need to be so angry. Besides, I am not from the Uchiha clan."

  Kyuubi: "Impossible, it's not the Uchiha clan, why does it have the Sharingan?"

  "I feel this powerful and evil pupil power very clearly. It is the same eternal Mangekyō Sharingan as that guy Madara."

  Mizuki smiled lightly and said, "Then look at my right eye again."

  As soon as he finished speaking, his right eye opened the Samsara Eye.

  "This... this is... how is this possible?"

  "Why do you have the eyes of an old man?"

  Kyuubi opened his mouth in surprise and looked at Mizuki in disbelief.

  "I'm different from others. I have no ill intentions towards you. So, can you tell me what is happening outside?"

  "Hmph!" Kyuubi snorted coldly, closed his eyes, lay down and pretended to sleep.

  I didn't want to answer Mizuki at all.


  Just then, Naruto also came in.

  "Teacher Mizuki, why are you here?"

  Mizuki: "Oh, it's okay, come in and chat with this big fox."

  Naruto: "It's so fierce, what's there to talk about?"

  Mizuki: "It's normal to be vicious after being locked up for a long time. In fact, it's still very cute."

  Kyuubi couldn't bear it anymore, opened his eyes and shouted: "Shut up, it's so noisy!"

  Shuimu shook his head and exited the sealed space.

  "Kyuubi must know, but it can't help it if it doesn't tell. There must be a lot to it being able to surprise it."

  We have to find a way to get Kyuubi to speak, it might be of great benefit to Phoenix Village.

  After much deliberation, I still have to rely on Naruto for this matter.

  Telling Naruto the past of Kyuubi and letting Naruto enlighten Kyuubi is definitely the most effective.

  The construction of Fenghuang Village is still going on, and the planning of the village is also designed by Shuimu, and continues to be arranged according to the Bagua pattern.

  Hospitals, schools, markets, houses, parks, lakes, training grounds...each has its own place.

  After the Hoei Tower was completed and the interior was decorated, Mizuki invited the daimyos and officials from Tori Country, as well as many people from Tori Country to watch the fun.

  Witnessed by everyone, the founding ceremony of Phoenix Village officially begins, and Shuimu will also be named the first-generation Phoenix Shadow.

  In fact, the daimyo is unwilling, because only the village chiefs of the five great ninja villages are qualified to receive the name of Kage.

  In Xiaonin villages in other small countries, if the village chief got the name of Kage, he would be laughed at.

  For example, there is a Hoshikage in the Hoshi Ninja Village in the Bear Country.

  Because of this, the Bear Country has become a laughing stock in the ninja world, and the Daimyos of the Bear Country cannot hold their head high in front of the Daimyos of surrounding countries.

  Now, this tragic thing is about to happen in the Bird Country.

  One can imagine the mood of the Daimyo of Bird Country.

  However, it doesn't work if you don't canonize him.

  After all, the fact that the Third Hokage, the Fourth Kazekage, and Orochimaru were killed by Mizuki had already spread to the Bird Country.

  Everyone in the Bird Country, from the daimyo to the officials, is afraid of Mizuki. Such a powerful person could easily destroy the Bird Country.

  How could the daimyo and officials dare to refuse such a cruel figure if he wanted to be in the shadow?

  Besides, the ninja villages in other countries all depend on the daimyo for their existence. Without the daimyo to provide military funds, the ninja villages will not be able to develop or even gradually decline.

  As for the Phoenix Village established by Mizuki, she didn't need money from her daimyo at all. Mizuki even invested a large amount of money in the daming mansion...

  Therefore, strictly speaking, Mizuki, the phoenix shadow, is self-proclaimed.

  Although, there are only 9 ninjas in the entire Phoenix Village.

  However, this does not prevent Mizuki from calling himself a shadow.

  Anyone disagree?

  Then I'll beat him until he agrees!

  "Now I announce that Phoenix Ninja Village is officially established, and Lord Mizuki takes office as the first Hokage of Phoenix Village."

  "I hope that under the leadership of Master Mizuki, Phoenix Village can become a powerful ninja village. I also hope that under the protection of Phoenix Village, the people of the Bird Country will live in peace and prosperity and will not suffer from the pain of war."

  Mizuki walked onto the high platform. At this time, he had put on a black imperial robe with the words "First Generation Eye Phoenix Shadow" written on the back.

  He is also wearing a hat exclusive to the movie, with the word "phoenix" written on it.

  "I am not an ambitious person. I thought I would live in Konoha until I die in battle or die of old age."

  "However, God failed, and the Third Hokage suspected that I wanted to defect, so without any evidence, he ordered Danzo's roots to assassinate me several times."

  "Even my fiancée died under the conspiracy of three generations."

  "As a last resort, I left Konoha and became a rebel ninja."

  "The purpose of establishing Phoenix Village is not to satisfy one's desire for power, not to take revenge on Konoha, and not to dominate the ninja world."

  "I just hope that everyone will no longer be oppressed."

  "They say ninjas are tools, but what I want to say is that ninjas are also people with flesh and blood and emotions. We are by no means tools to be driven by careerists."

  "From today on, we will unite to protect ourselves, our friends, our companions, and everyone around us."

  The short but passionate speech ended, and there was thunderous applause.

  At the end of the ceremony, the daimyo and officials left, and the people also dispersed.

  Mizuki stood on the high platform, and his eyes were suddenly attracted by the back figures of two women in the crowd.

  He has long, light yellow hair tied into twin tails, a plump figure, and a domineering walk. Especially the big word "Gamble" on the back is particularly conspicuous.

  Another man with short black hair and a tall figure seemed to be holding something in his arms, following behind the woman with twin tails.

  "Tsunade and Shizune were in the Kingdom of Birds and visited the ceremony where I became the first Hokage. How interesting!"

  Looking at Tsunade's twin ponytails swaying as she walked, three words popped into Mizuki's mind unconsciously: Increase attack speed!


  It's evil, it's evil!

  "By the way, can you drag Tsunade to Phoenix Village?"

  Mizuki felt that it was a bit difficult. After all, Tsunade is the granddaughter of the First Hokage, and her feelings for Konoha are not comparable to those of ordinary people.

  "Although it is difficult, let's try it."

  Even if it fails, there is nothing to lose.

  What if it succeeds!

  "Tsunade, don't rush me in advance. Now that I have become a Kage, it's time for Naruto and the others to be promoted to chuunin."

  Relying on the system, his strength improved quickly, but it could be faster.

  The key is the number of disciples.

  For every additional disciple, there will be three more opportunities for return every month, and the improvement in strength will be much faster.

  "System, if a disciple is promoted to chuunin, how can the quota be increased?"

  The system said: [Each genin disciple is promoted to chuunin, and the number of apprentices will be +1. ]

  Mizuki frowned, only one!

  The system added: [Every Chuunin disciple who is promoted to Jonin will have a +2 disciple quota. ]

  Based on this calculation, if Naruto is promoted to Jonin, Mizuki will have 3 more apprenticeships.

  "In this case, why not promote Naruto, Sasuke, and Nobita to Jonin status? This will immediately create 9 more apprenticeships."

  Mizuki smiled, feeling promising.

  But at this moment, the system said: [In order to train disciples properly, the system stipulates that for genin to be promoted to chunin, they must pass the chunin exam. ]


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All the fanfiction is 30-chapter ahead but this fanfic Naruto: Teaching Disciples For Ten Thousand Times The Reward is 30 chapters ahead there

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