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41.17% DxD: True Phoenix God / Chapter 7: chapter 6

Chapter 7: chapter 6

After a couple of seconds, he began to look at me with understanding and perhaps even a hint of devotion.

Anyways, when I created him, I made sure he understood who I am and that I was the one who brought him into existence. I also provided him with some information about the girls, such as their titles.

Then, after a brief pause, he went down on one knee and knelt before me.

"Thank you for creating me, my lord,"

he said respectfully, his eyes shining with a hint of devotion.

I simply smiled at him. He was quite powerful, with an EP of about 800,000 thousands, even without a name. He was a primordial Nephalem on the level of an arch Nephalem, and he still had two more evolutions to undergo.

As I looked at him, the thought crossed my mind that I should give him a name. So, I activated thought acceleration and consulted with Yue.

'Yue, I want you to create a unique skill for my new butler.' (aster)

'Umu! No problem, master. just give him a name so a soul corridor can be created between you.' (Yue)

'Alright' (Aster)

I paused our conversation and deactivated thought acceleration.

"Alright, you can stand up, and from this moment forth, your name will be Abaddon," (Aster)

I declared.

A cocoon surrounded him, initiating his evolution.

<Individual Abaddon transformation from arch Nephalem to a duke nephalem… complete. A soul corridor with individual Aster created… successful. Bestowing unique skill compatible with individual Abaddon… successful. Individual Abaddon has acquired unique skills [Tempter] and [Holy and Demonic].>

That's what bothers Abaddon and I heard.

The evolution completed, and the cocoon disintegrated. Abaddon's appearance remained mostly the same, but his skin and features seemed slightly refined. However, I could sense his increased power; his EP had surged from about 800,000 to 2.1 million. It was a significant boost, especially with his two new unique skills.

Abaddon looked at me with even more devotion in his eyes and bowed.

"I will treasure this name you have given me, my lord," (Abaddon)

he expressed with pure joy at receiving a name from me.

I stepped towards him and patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry about it. I will be relying on you from now on, Abaddon," (Aster)

"You can count on me, my lord!" (Abaddon)

Abaddon responded eagerly.

I explained to Abaddon his role as my personal butler and right-hand man.

After that, Abaddon and I returned to the living room. I introduced Abaddon to the girls, and after the introductions, I suggested that everyone take a seat on the couch. However, Abaddon seemed reluctant to join them and instead chose to remain behind me.

Despite having given Abaddon free will when I created him, it was clear he was serious about his role as my personal butler.

As the girls settled onto the couch, they waited expectantly for what I had to say.

"I have two things I want to talk about." (Aster)

"Just tell us quickly! I want to go read more manga!" (Great Red)

"If you disrupt me again, I will not create more manga for you" (Aster)

"Sorry, please continue at you own pace" (Great Red)

Great Red replied, a touch of fear evident in her expression. I couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction.

"Anyway, what I wanted to talk about is that I have chosen a family name for us, but that can wait. I actually wanted to focus on you, Red!" (Aster)

"Huh, me?" (Great Red)

Great Red looked puzzled.

"Umu! It's about giving you a name," (Aster)

Great Red appeared even more confused at this statement, prompting me to explain that Great Red was just a nickname, and unlike them, anyone I gave a name to would receive a power boost.

After the explanation, she looked at me with understanding.

"I see. I will let you give me a name under one condition," (Great Red)

I furrowed my brows in confusion, wondering what condition she had in mind.

"What's the condition?" (Aster)

Great Red declared with a toothy grin.

"Fight me," (Great Red)

"Excuse me?" (Aster)

"If you want to give me a name, you have to first defeat me in a fight" (Great Red)

she explained, the grin never leaving her face.

The others looked surprised by Great Red's bold statement, and I couldn't help but feel intrigued. A smile crept onto my face as I considered her challenge.

"You don't want a name from someone weaker than you, huh? Fine, we'll do it your way then. Let's fight!" (Aster)

I accepted her challenge eagerly.

Both Great Red and I locked eyes with grins on our faces, eagerly anticipating the battle ahead.

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