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School time


"Ah, I slept for a really long time..." Noah mumbled, his eyes looked a bit red and tired but he stood up and headed to the toilet.

Yesterday, he had a pretty tiring day without resting for a second he had pushed his body to the limits.

Although he reaped rewards from the battle his strength was now on a whole new level because of that life-threatening fight and he knew it.

He stood up and went directly towards the bathroom to refresh his body, he still couldn't help but stare at his body as he washed it clean.

He was fascinated by it every time he took a peek at it but he knew it would only be a matter of time before he got used to it.

"Big Brother I'm ready!" Suzan yelled outside his door snapping him back to reality.

"I'll be out in a few minutes just go and eat breakfast" He instructed before quickly rushing out of the bathroom

After a few minutes he was done and he had dried his body, "I think I recall him being a student..." Noah mumbled looking through his wardrobe until he found the uniform.

It was still surprisingly new and ironed without a tear or scratch on it, it was like he never wore it at all.

"This looks good..." Noah mumbled as he looked at himself in the mirror with the uniform on, he then tucked in his clothes and wore a pair of Crocs before heading down to meet his sister.

"I'm ready~" Suzan who had been eating her breakfast suddenly turned to look at her brother only to be perplexed by his appearance.

"Uhm, is there something wrong with the dress?" He asked noticing her bewildered expression, "Yes, everything!" She replied back standing up and dragging him to his room.

She untucked his clothes and then wore him his earrings before rummaging through his combed hair making it rough and selecting a pair of designer sneakers.

She also gave him an expensive-looking gold watch making him extremely confused, it was like he was going to a modeling competition rather than going to school.

"Finally we're done," She said with a soft sigh, starting at her brother from head to toe with a proud look on her face.

"This..." Noah stood before the mirror perplexed, he looked like a total thug but he couldn't argue that it looked natural on him.

"Let's get going~," Suzan said dragging her brother out of her room and then downstairs before exiting the house.

He locked it with a key and they began walking down the street.

Noah received stares from people as he walked along the street mostly from women, he was just too handsome for the ladies not to look especially with his expensive outfit.

"Hey, isn't that Suzan's brother?"

"Suzan's brother walked her to school?!"

"It could only mean one thing..."

"He's here to beat up someone!"

Students stared at Noah with dreamy eyes as he escorted his sister while some gossiped.

It wasn't like they were haters or something since the past Noah only walked Suzan to school to beat up someone who did something bad to Suzan.

"I guess I'll stop here..." Noah said as he turned in another direction and waved his sister goodbye before leaving.

"What just happened?"

"Did he smile just now?!"

"He didn't beat up someone?"

The students were all confused, they hadn't expected Noah to have such a caring character since he always seemed like the arrogant type.

"Woah the school is huge..." Noah mused as he walked through the gates, he scanned his surroundings and nodded his head in approval.

"It seems I'm late" He mumbled as he picked up his pace walking as quickly as he could so he wouldn't be too late to class unbeknownst to him the past host had only attended school once since entering.

"Here we go" Noah mumbled as he opened the door to his classroom only for a fist to come toward his face.

Subconsciously he grabbed the fist twisted it and gave the attacker a hard stare, "What the fuck!" he questioned his eyes burning with raging anger.

The black-haired boy who had mistakenly attempted to hit him swallowed hard as sweat poured down his face.

"I-It was a mistake, I meant to hit him not you..." Zack Lee the boy pointed at a handsome-looking boy beside him, although he was handsome Noah was way more handsome than him.

Noah moved his eyes to look at Daniel who immediately moved back with his arm in a defensive position.

"Oh? Look at that!" Noah exclaimed with a smile as he let go the arm of Zack, "It seems like this school is more fun than I thought" He mumbled with a crazy smile stuck on his face.


Please forgive me I've been busy all this time, continue to support the novel I promise more chapters!

[Power estimation]

[Noah Dae-hyun]

[Current power estimation: 55,000] (permanent)

[Actual power estimation: ???]

[Potential: Slightly awakened]

[Zack Lee]

[Current power estimation: 2,300]

[Actual power estimation: 2,3100]

[Potential: Unawakened]


[Current power estimation: 3,500]

[Actual power estimation: ???]

[Potential: ???]

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