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68.05% Naruto: Alternative Sasuke Is Way Too Overpowered! / Chapter 98: Chapter 99

Chapter 98: Chapter 99

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Chapter 99: Worse Than Animals! Wonderful Uchiha Itachi

Sasuke always had some hope in his heart.

At the beginning, on the night of the massacre, he didn't actually see his parents being killed by Uchiha Itachi! His experience that day was that when he returned to the clan area, he found corpses everywhere. When he got home, he found his parents lying in a pool of blood, next to Uchiha Itachi with a grim face.

As for what he saw afterward, it is likely that Uchiha Itachi showed him an illusion! Sasuke sometimes couldn't help but fantasize: Maybe it wasn't Uchiha Itachi who killed his parents? After all, they were also Uchiha Itachi's parents! Although Uchiha Itachi was likely fooled by the Konoha leaders into exterminating the clan, at least he wouldn't kill his parents himself, right? That's too horrific!

But the tortured confession from Shimura Danzō shattered his fantasy! It was really Uchiha Itachi who did it! Uchiha Itachi was really such a monster! Kill your father and mother! How could he do it?

Terumi Mei: "It's true, Uchiha Itachi's hands... The title of Itachi of Genocide is fitting."

Onoki: "Sarutobi is really amazing. Use your will of fire to brainwash a genius Uchiha, let him become a weapon in your hand, kill Uchiha for you, and then blame Uchiha for the murders!"

Fourth Raikage: "Uchiha Itachi was tricked into killing his own parents... Third Hokage's brainwashing skills are too strong?!"

Simply terrible! What kind of brainwashing skills do you need to get someone to foolishly kill his own parents?

Uchiha Madara: "Damn! Uchiha exterminates the clan, but how humiliating to do it this way! What a bunch of trash! Ten trash fathers gave birth to a monster son!"

Uchiha Fugaku:

Uchiha Itachi:

Uchiha Mikoto: "Hope Sasuke won't be overwhelmed...."

Uzumaki Kushina: "Even a monster wouldn't kill his parents... I never thought that boy Itachi could do such a thing."

She had also met Uchiha Itachi when she was alive. It is completely unexpected that Uchiha Itachi, who loved his younger brother so much, would kill his parents in the future...

Sasuke punched and kicked Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzō, venting his anger and hatred crazily! No one wanted to stop it. By simply imagining it, they could feel how Sasuke must be feeling at that moment! My elder brother was tricked into killing my parents! Is there anything more tragic than this?

"Sarutobi Hiruzen..."

Sasuke stopped moving, panting from the intense emotional drain:

"I'm a bit regretful now. Even if the Sarutobi clan is wiped out, the punishment for you is not enough. I should actually control you and make you wipe out the Sarutobi clan with your own hands!"

Boom! The Konoha Shinobi fans were in an uproar. The Sarutobi clan... Is the clan extinct?

They looked around and only found that among so many Jōnins in the village, there was not a single person from the Sarutobi clan! Before, I saw a barrier raised in the direction of the Sarutobi clan, and Shukaku was also inside the barrier.

Someone whispered. Hearing this, the others couldn't help but feel stunned!

Everyone understood! The Sarutobi clan, surrounded by the barrier, had been completely wiped out by Shukaku! Is this... Uchiha Sasuke's revenge?

"It's really like this... I thought it was Orochimaru deliberately making up lies to provoke you..."

Jiraiya on the side was equally shocked. The Uchiha massacre incident was really the work of the high-level people of the village!

Hearing this, the Konoha Shinobi fans were stunned. It turned out that Orochimaru told Uchiha Sasuke the truth, and then they joined forces to do what happened today.

"Damn Orochimaru, it's all his fault!"

"The truth is actually like this... No wonder Uchiha Sasuke became like this..."

"If I were Uchiha Sasuke, I would also want to destroy the entire Sarutobi clan!"

"My brother was fooled, killed his parents, and wiped out the whole family... Uchiha Sasuke is too miserable!"

"I didn't expect the high-level people in the village to be like this."

The Konoha Jōnins were discussing.

"Old man, did Danzo do it alone, or did you both participate in the Uchiha massacre?!"

Jiraiya stared at Sarutobi Hiruzen and asked. He needed an answer! Even if he thought that his teacher had changed, it wouldn't change to this extent, right?! As a Hokage, had he exterminated a big ninja clan in the village!

This is also suitable for Hokage?!

"Do you need to ask such a stupid thing..." Sasuke sneered and shook his head, "Jiraiya, you look down on your teacher too much, don't you? You know, the ones who monitor the Uchiha clan are directly under Hokage Anbu of the Sarutobi family, and later even changed to Anbu of the Sarutobi clan!"

Based on this, he could determine that the village senior management was the murderer of the massacre incident!

Jiraiya's expression changed dramatically. Looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen, he hoped the other party could explain a few words.

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't say anything. He knew very well that if he told a lie to defend himself, he would not be able to escape Uchiha Sasuke's Sharingan. It was better to remain silent.

Orochimaru: "Jiraiya, you idiot, you still imagine that Danzo did it alone, ridiculous!"

Who would have thought that his teacher would be so corrupt!

Orochimaru: "Also, you keep claiming that I told Sasuke the truth! Damn it, what does this have to do with me!"

It's an amazing blame!

Onoki: "Sarutobi has served as Konoha's Hokage for decades, and Danzo, the shadow of Shinobi, can only be ranked below him. Doesn't this explain the problem? If Sarutobi really didn't know anything, Danzo would have been removed long ago."

Fourth Raikage: "Anyway, Third Hokage is either incapable and doesn't know anything or he's evil and allows Danzo to be his black glove! Either way, it's a terrible situation!"

Namikaze Minato: "I don't understand. Uchiha Itachi discovered the suspected mastermind behind the night of Nine Tails. So why did the village choose to kill Uchiha in the end?"

The conflict between Uchiha and the village began to intensify because after the night of Nine Tails, the Uchiha family and others were suspected of manipulating Nine Tails! But since the mastermind was found, the suspicion of the Uchiha clan should be cleared! And now that the big enemy has appeared, shouldn't everyone unite to solve the mastermind?!

Orochimaru: "Hehe, Minato, you are still a bit naive. To Sarutobi, what can an enemy outside the village do? Nothing compares to the threat inside the village! After all, Uchiha in the village was really dissatisfied and could stage a coup!"

Namikaze Minato: "Why is this so..."

Onoki: "The mastermind outside the village will not threaten Sarutobi's Hokage position. But if Uchiha succeeds in the coup, Sarutobi's Hokage position will be gone."

Fourth Raikage: "Third Hokage fights both internal and external foes, and everyone knows this."

Senju Tobirama: "Clearly, the enemy is outside, yet you, Monkey and Danzo, still think of dealing with Uchiha! Uchiha is part of Konoha! If you don't unite with Uchiha to tackle foreign enemies at this time, and instead you give Uchiha away?!"

He is truly convinced!

Senju Tobirama now truly feels that he made the wrong choice. Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzō rising to the top of Konoha was a complete mistake.

Uchiha Madara: "That Uchiha Itachi is an idiot! Even if he didn't want a coup, he could have told the Uchiha clan who was behind the Nine Tails Rebellion. Uchiha's anger has shifted, yet he still wanted a coup?"

For the Uchiha clan, the mastermind behind the Nine Tails Rebellion has made them unjustly bear the blame for manipulating the Nine Tails. Why should the Uchiha clan endure Anbu's surveillance? Don't they want to clear their grievances?

However, Uchiha Itachi found the mastermind but didn't tell his people anything. How can there be such an idiot?

Senju Tobirama: "Two high-ranking officials who only know about infighting, a useless Uchiha patriarch, and an idiotic patriarch's son. What did Konoha do to deserve this? So many odd individuals in power at the same time."

He's even a bit thankful now. There are so many strange characters, yet Konoha still survives.

Senju Hashirama: "Although Sasuke's methods are a bit extreme, it may be good for Konoha's future."

Ohnoki: "It's good for Konoha to get rid of Sarutobi and Danzo, and the Sarutobi clan, a cancer that drains Konoha. But it's not good for us."

Fourth Raikage: "Indeed. Letting Third Hokage stay in power lets Konoha decline slowly."

Orochimaru: "So Konoha should thank me. I launched the Konoha collapse plan. Judging by the results, it was a good thing for Konoha."

A gold frame appears on the screen, continuing to play.


The way Konoha Shinobi look at Sarutobi Hiruzen has completely changed. Not long ago, Sarutobi Hiruzen was a respected Hokage in most people's eyes. But now they know what he has done. He indulged Danzo and let Uchiha Itachi kill his parents and exterminate his whole family, then made him bear the crime. He was involved with the man behind Nine Tails.

Could it be that Nine Tails breaking the seal and the Fourth Hokage dying in battle are also related to the master's substitution? Very likely! The reason is probably the same: the Fourth Hokage's actions affected his power. After the Fourth Hokage's death, the Third Hokage returned to power and showed no intent to choose a new Hokage. This guy from the Third Generation values power so much. He doesn't deserve to be Hokage!

The Konoha Jōnins are discussing this. Hearing it, Sarutobi Hiruzen almost vomits blood. The Nine Tails incident had nothing to do with him. Yet, no one would believe his explanations now. After the Uchiha genocide truth was exposed, his decades-long image and reputation collapsed.

"Where did Uchiha Itachi go after the genocide?" Sasuke continues to torture Danzo.

"The masked man invited him to join the Akatsuki organization. Uchiha Itachi went to the Akatsuki organization as a spy," Shimura Danzō replies.

"Tell me all you know about the Akatsuki organization and that masked man," Sasuke demands.

Shimura Danzō reveals, "Uchiha Itachi did not send back information about the Akatsuki organization. The man in the mask, who claims to be Uchiha Madara, has a Sharingan in his right eye and seems to have mastered some kind of time and space ninjutsu."

Sasuke tortured Sarutobi Hiruzen as well, but got no more information. He feels puzzled. He also learned about the Akatsuki organization from Orochimaru before. Uchiha he a spy for the Akatsuki organization? Then why didn't any news come back? Is this guy dead or a traitor?

Senju Hashirama: "Madara?"

Uchiha Madara: "Idiot! Obviously, it can't be me."

The right eye is Sharingan, mastering time and space ninjutsu. It's probably that kid Obito. What the hell is Obito doing? Released Nine Tails in Konoha and didn't take Nine Tails away. Killed Uchiha... The Uchiha clan doesn't seem to have any enmity with Obito. And Obito brought the spy Uchiha Itachi into the Akatsuki organization! Fortunately, that idiot Uchiha Itachi didn't leak information about the Akatsuki organization.

Uchiha Madara now feels that he chose the wrong person. Obito is carrying out Project Tsuki no Me, but why does he feel so unreliable?

Namikaze Minato: "According to Danzo's description, that masked man should be the one who attacked me on the night of Nine Tails."

Onoki: "He should also be part of the Akatsuki organization, right? I don't remember such a person being there."

Terumi Mei: "Uchiha Itachi should have joined the Akatsuki organization after the genocide. It's been more than five years. How come no news has been sent back to Konoha?"

Fourth Raikage: "Perhaps he really rebelled. Maybe he's been rebellious for a long time and doesn't want to be loyal to Konoha anymore."

Orochimaru: "Could it be because Uchiha Itachi is too incompetent? He might really be unable to spread the news."

Orochimaru acknowledges Uchiha Itachi's talent and strength but completely despises him in other respects. He sees him as a clown teased by Konoha executives.

Akatsuki organization base: Uchiha Itachi's face darkens. He could feel being watched all the time. Even if he wanted to pass information to Konoha, it would be difficult.

Onoki: "So, Uchiha Itachi was either unable to deliver information because of incompetence, or because he rebelled and didn't intend to deliver information."

Terumi Mei: "It should be a true betrayal, right? Otherwise, how could there be no news at all?"

Uchiha Madara: "Maybe. That kid Uchiha Itachi is really stupid to a certain extent. He is stupid and bad!"

Senju Tobirama: "Of all the Uchiha I've met, Uchiha Itachi is the weirdest. Fooled by the monkeys, he killed his parents, exterminated his clan, took the blame, and joined the Akatsuki as an undercover agent...but no news came out! This is too weird!"

A gold frame appears on the screen, continuing to play.

"About the Uchiha clan, let's stop here for now," says Sasuke. "Two patriarchs, I didn't control what they said during the torture just now, did I?"

The two shake their heads at the same time.

All the Konoha Shinobi participants confirm that everything just now was true. In that case, after all of this, what will Uchiha Sasuke do with the main substitute Hokage?

"Don't worry," Sasuke says, looking at the Konoha Shinobi participants' expressions. He slightly raises his mouth. "That was the first item. Now, it's the second item. Teacher Kakashi, it's your turn."

Sasuke steps aside temporarily.

Kakashi comes over, raises the forehead protector, and the Sharingan in his left eye appears. A group of Konoha Shinobi participants are dumbfounded.

"Is this just the beginning? No... Could it be that the Third Hokage has more black material?"

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