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Chapter 96

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Chapter 96 The Record That Shocked The Ninja World, Konoha Trial Conference!

[Sasuke controls Senju Tobirama through Karin. ]

[The next one is naturally First Hokage, Senju Hashirama!]

[There are other things to do today, don't let these two dead people drag you down!]


[Sasuke at full speed punches Senju Hashirama!]

[The body of the revived explodes directly!]

[Jiraiya on the side is secretly startled. ]

[Uchiha Sasuke, this guy has such strong power…]

[I'm afraid he's not weaker than Tsunade!]

[Although First Hokage with a revived body is not as powerful as before, his body skills are still very strong. ]

[Before, when he was fighting against Senju Hashirama, he was punched by Senju Hashirama, and his face was deformed by the punch!]

[However, in front of Uchiha Sasuke, First Hokage was blown away in an instant!]

["Junior of the Uchiha clan, can you explain what is the relationship between you and Orochimaru? What are you going to do…?"]

[Senju Hashirama's body is slowly reforming. ]

[Using this time when he can't move, he asks Sasuke a question. ]

[He still hasn't figured out the situation at all…]

["Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen killed the Uchiha clan, so I want to avenge him and give the Uchiha clan justice."]

[Sasuke said simply. ]

["The little monkey… killed the Uchiha clan?!"]

[Senju Hashirama feels unbelievable. ]

[He killed Uchiha Madara alone and regretted it deeply!]

[As for exterminating the entire Uchiha clan, is this something Hokage can do?]

["Uchiha Sasuke, Orochimaru probably told you these things, right? Don't be fooled by him. He is probably fabricating a lie to stimulate you!"]

[Jiraiya frowned. ]

[Orochimaru, that bastard, really does nothing!]

["What is the truth? Just ask Sarutobi Hiruzen later."]

["I asked Teacher Kakashi to inform all the Jōnins in the village to come here. The truth of the past will be revealed today!"]

[Sasuke said coldly. ]

[However, before that. ]

[Let's see if there is anything worth discovering about First Hokage!]

[Sasuke's left eye is aimed at Senju Hashirama whose body is reforming, and the pupil technique is activated!]


[A burst of sourness is stronger than when I observed Senju Tobirama before. ]

[A lot of information floods into my mind. ]

["In a special state where the soul possesses a living sacrifice..."]

["Sage Body, but what's missing can't be copied… cut, it's like this again!"]

["Wood Style, a blood-succession limit formed by the fusion of earth attributes and water attributes… It seems this can be copied?!"]

[Sasuke's eyes light up!]

[Wood Style!]

[First Hokage used this power to end the troubled times!]

[This is not comparable to the Bloodline limit of Magnet Style!]

[Sasuke doesn't care about the consumption of the pupil power at this time, and directly activates the pupil technique of the right eye, copy!]

[The body undergoes a slight change!]

[Sasuke feels settled and realizes that his mastery of Water Style and Earth Style has greatly improved!]

[Before, Sasuke had seriously cultivated, only the fire attribute and thunder attribute that he was born with!]

[As for other attributes, Sasuke didn't pay much attention to them. ]

[I didn't expect to master the Chakra Nature Transformation of Earth Style and Water Style directly this time!]

["Wood Style..."]

[Sasuke snaps his hands together and begins to try:]

["Wood Style · Birth of the Tree Realm!"]


[A large number of trees emerge from the roof and begin to grow crazily!]

[Complicated branches and vines directly bind the newly condensed Senju Hashirama!]

["This is..."]

[Senju Hashirama looks at the branches that bind him. ]

[There is still a day when I will be attacked by Wood Style...]

[Senju Tobirama: "Wood Style?! Even Wood Style can be copied?!"]


[He's about to lose his mind!]

[The entire Senju family, after he got powerful, there is no second person to awaken the Wood Style!]

[Even his own brother couldn't do it!]

[Now it's an evil Uchiha who has Wood Style!]

[He really can't hold back!]

[Orochimaru: "Wood Style can also be regarded as the limit of Chakra attribute fusion, so Sasuke's pupil technique can's reasonable.`]

[Shimura Danzō: "It's so easy to master Wood Style…and directly perform ninjutsu of the level of Birth from the Tree Realm!"]

[When he experimented on the human body with Orochimaru, countless people died, but in the end, only one succeeded!]

[Moreover, that successful experimental subject's grasp of Wood Style is very average, and it cannot be compared with First Hokage at all!]

[A ninjutsu of this level is even more impossible to perform!]

[And even such a crude experimental subject was finally taken away by Sarutobi Hiruzen…]

["You still know Wood Style?!"]

[Jiraiya's jaw almost drops in shock!]

[Sage Mode, Flying Thunder God Technique, Mangekyō Sharingan, and Wood Style...…]

[If others can master one, it is enough to be famous in the ninja world!]

[And Uchiha Sasuke has mastered it all. ]

["Wait, how did you awaken Wood Style?" Jiraiya feels he has discovered a blind spot, and his face darkens, "Could it be that bastard Orochimaru did human experiments on you?!"]

[That's why Orochimaru defected to Konoha!]


[Sasuke looks at Jiraiya, the corner of his mouth twitches. ]

[He realizes he chose Orochimaru as the person to take the blame, and he chose correctly...]

[Orochimaru can take all kinds of blame!]

["It really is Orochimaru!"]

[Jiraiya looks at Sasuke's expression and thinks he guessed right!]

[This totally makes sense!]

[Orochimaru first tried his best to improve the strength of Uchiha Sasuke!]

[Uchiha Sasuke is stimulated to open Mangekyō with the help of Uchiha's genocide again!]

[Another human experiment with First Hokage cells on Uchiha Sasuke!]

[And this is all because Orochimaru is eyeing Uchiha Sasuke's body!]

[Uchiha Sasuke's improved strength means that Orochimaru will have a stronger body in the future!]

[Real world.]

[Orochimaru is shaking with anger!]

[What is wrong with this world!]

[Why is there more and more blame on him!]

[He didn't do anything other than plant a curse mark on Uchiha Sasuke!]

[Sasuke controls his expression and ignores Jiraiya. ]

[Let him misunderstand by himself. ]

["First Hokage, according to the legend, you have mastered sage art. I wonder if you can enter Sage Mode?"]

[Sasuke speaks to Senju Hashirama. ]

[Before Jiraiya was entering Sage Mode, so he glanced and got information about Mount Myōboku Sage Mode. ]

[The insight of the left eye just now failed to obtain the information about First Hokage's sage art, perhaps because he is now the norm. ]

["Sage Mode?"]

[Senju Hashirama, hung by a tree in Wood Style, snaps his hands together and yells loudly. ]

[Then. ]

[…nothing happens. ]

["No, I have too little Chakra in this body, so I can't enter Sage Mode."]

[Senju Hashirama shakes his head and says. ]

[Jiraiya on the side can't help but breathe a sigh of relief. ]

[Thank goodness!]

[If First Hokage uses sage art, then we are doomed!]

[…Probably because the ninjutsu of Impure World Reincarnation cannot display its full strength in life. ]

[Jiraiya says speculatively. ]

"Impure World Reincarnation?"

Sasuke's eyes moved. "Is this Forbidden Technique called Impure World Reincarnation?"

"I don't know if I can summon a stronger First Hokage. Maybe he can copy the fairy art on the First Hokage. Different fairy arts have their characteristics. For Sasuke, there is value in learning. Anyway, it's just about staring with the left eye and then the right eye."

Suddenly, Senju Hashirama, who was hung on the tree, trembled slightly. He felt the shackles of his soul were released. It seemed that his soul could leave this filthy body.

"This feeling should be that guy Orochimaru unlocking Impure World Reincarnation," Senju Tobirama thought aloud. 

"That's great. Otherwise, he might be dragged down by that little girl from the Uzumaki clan holding the Adamantine Sealing Chains all the time."

"Master Sasuke, he seems to be running away!" Karin dragged Senju Tobirama over with a golden chain.

"It doesn't matter, let them leave first," Sasuke looked at the two Senju brothers and said. He believed that they would meet again later.

Senju Tobirama: "Is this brat also interested in Impure World Reincarnation?"

Uchiha Madara: "Don't doubt it, he must be! Senju Tobirama, you wait to be tossed around, you deserve it! Calling you Evil Uchiha every day! Now it's time to pay off!"

Senju Hashirama: "But... I don't seem to have said anything..."

He felt that he was in another world and his attitude towards Uchiha Sasuke was quite good.

Tsunade: "But Uchiha Sasuke is eyeing grandpa's senjutsu. He may try to make a stronger you out of the dirt."

Senju Hashirama: "..."

Impure World Reincarnation was canceled. Two ninjas wearing Yinnin Village Forehead Protectors were revealed. These two were sacrifices for Orochimaru's Reanimation Jutsu.

"Otonin Village was established by that guy Orochimaru," Jiraiya shook her head. Orochimaru not only used Impure World Reincarnation, a soul-blasphemy ninjutsu, on the ancestor Hokage but also used his own subordinates as sacrifices. Besides…

Jiraiya looked at Sasuke and said, "Uchiha Sasuke, I don't know what Orochimaru told you, but you better not take him lightly! Orochimaru is dangerous!"

Sasuke turned his head and looked in another direction, "Next, everyone will learn the truth. You can also come and be a witness if you wish."

There! Sasuke's No. 1 Shadow Clone, controlling Shukaku, was walking towards this side.

"Shukaku?! What do you want to do?"

"Don't worry, I control Shukaku just to let everyone calm down and accompany me to hold a trial meeting. After all, Konoha's Hokage is going to be judged next. I don't want to fight anymore today. I hope Shukaku can make them more honest."

The corners of Sasuke's mouth curled up slightly in a happy mood. Trial! Hokage! These two words come together! People in the chat room also sensed what Alternate Sasuke was up to.

Ohnoki: "No wonder he asked Hatake Kakashi to summon Konoha Jōnin before. This is to announce what Sarutobi has done in front of all Jōnin!"

Fourth Raikage: "I'm afraid it's not just the ninjas of Konoha. These things that Alternate Sasuke did should spread throughout the ninja world."

Orochimaru: "Even ignoring the subsequent trial meeting, Alternate Sasuke's record is enough to shock the ninja world!"

Hearing this, everyone began to recall what Alternate Sasuke had done on this day. He participated in the Chūnin exam and stimulated Gaara to explode the power of guarding the crane. Taking advantage of Orochimaru's Konoha collapse plan, Alternate Sasuke took Gaara to the Sarutobi clan land, then used the four Shadow Clones prepared before to raise the enchantment. Then he stimulated Gaara to completely turn into a tailed beast, letting the cranes wreak havoc in the Sarutobi clan, and wiped out the Sarutobi clan!

Rasa: "Although he wiped out the Sarutobi clan, he didn't put much effort into it. He mainly used Shukaku's power and at most used a Shadow Clone prepared in advance to open the enchantment."

Orochimaru: "After all, Alternate Sasuke still has a lot of things to do and can't waste his energy on the ninjas of the Sarutobi clan. Otherwise, with so many members of the Sarutobi clan, killing them one by one would take a whole day."

Hatake Kakashi: "Afterwards, Alternate Sasuke also went to the root base, captured Danzo without much effort, and directly blew up the root base!"

The entire root organization was directly destroyed! Shimura Danzō, the darkness of Shinobi, and his root organization were well-known in the ninja world! Notoriety counts! But in the hands of Alternate Sasuke, it was overturned within a day!

Senju Tobirama: "Then to capture the monkey… Orochimaru had been fighting the monkey for a while at that time. It seems that Orochimaru was completely taken advantage of."

Orochimaru: "... He realized it too! Alternate Sasuke did something else first, letting him fight Sarutobi Hiruzen! After both of them fought for a period of time and exhausted their strength, Alternate Sasuke came again and captured Sarutobi Hiruzen without much effort!"

Ohnoki: "All of this is actually calculated! Shukaku is being used! Orochimaru was also exploited! In Alternate Sasuke's plan, the forces that could be used in all aspects secretly aligned with his arrangement, each doing its own thing, but in the end, they all conformed to Alternate Sasuke's intention! Simply terrible!"

Fourth Raikage: "After he used Shukaku to wipe out the Sarutobi clan, he also forcibly controlled Shukaku so that someone could accompany him to hold a Konoha Trial Conference..."

Tsunade: "And he also arranged Orochimaru as the blame candidate… Afterwards, Alternate Sasuke can throw the blame on Orochimaru! As for Alternate Sasuke himself, at most, he was bewitched by Orochimaru…"

Orochimaru: "...that sinister brat!"

Hatake Kakashi: "Alternate Sasuke started planning a month ago. It's scary to be able to do it so carefully... Destroy Sarutobi, destroy Roots, and capture Konoha Alive! And then forcibly control One Tail Shukaku! So far, according to Alternate Sasuke, it seems that it is only the end of the first phase of the plan…"

At that time, everyone in the entire ninja world was caught by Alternate Sasuke's complicated and meticulous plan!

Chūnin exam venue.

Sasuke's No. 1 Shadow Clone had arrived with Shukaku. The handover was completed with the main body. Next, Sasuke took Xianglin and waited quietly on top of Shukaku. In the village, the Konoha Shinobi followers had basically controlled Sand Shinobi and Otoshi. After Kakashi notified through Anbu, Konoha's Jōnin, although confused, also rushed towards this side. As a result, they saw the figure of Shukaku! Moreover, there were actually two people sitting on top of Shukaku's head! What exactly happened?!

"Mr. Kakashi, you can bring those two people here," Sasuke shouted to Kakashi below. "The Konoha Judgment Conference is about to begin."

Below, Kakashi came out with Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzō, who had been treated briefly.

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