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Chapter 94

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Chapter 94: Prepare For The Real Cruelty, Sarutobi Hiruzen

In the chat room, a group of people nervously watched the developments on the gold-framed screen. But suddenly, they saw a surprising scene!

Fourth Raikage: "Disappeared?! Transferred using the Flying Thunder God Technique?"

Ohnoki: "Can you avoid that Forbidden Technique? That's Shinigami! How can it be so easy to avoid?"

Namikaze Minato: "It's still possible to do this... I don't know if it will be successful."

Orochimaru: "Wait! What will the Shinigami do when the caster disappears?!"

Damn it! Kim Sasuke walks away with Sarutobi Hiruzen, but he in another world is still there! Shinigami shouldn't attack indiscriminately, right?

The gold frame on the screen continues playing.

[Valley of the End.]

[Uchiha Madara's statue head.]

[Sasuke took Sarutobi Hiruzen, activated the Flying Thunder God Technique, and arrived here!]

["The feeling of being stared at by Shinigami disappeared. It seems to be feasible," Sasuke calms down for now.]

[He learned the information about Shinigami just now and was guessing.]

[Shinigami should be a very powerful existence! When he used the left eye pupil technique to see through, his eyes felt an unprecedented sting! This should explain the strength and realm of Shinigami!]

[However... such a Shinigami can be used by people to sacrifice their own souls to seal the souls of others... Sasuke feels a bit weird! Won't Shinigami himself take the initiative to hunt souls?]

Then Sasuke made a conjecture: That Shinigami may not have a high level of intelligence. Shinigami may not be able to actively capture souls!

Based on this, Sasuke guessed that it might be possible to take advantage of Shinigami's lack of intelligence. Although Sarutobi Hiruzen has activated the ghoul seal and Shinigami has descended from the underworld to the present world, there is still no time to do anything! What if, at this time, you stay away from the battlefield?

Could it be possible that Shinigami can cross space and chase after it?

After making a conjecture, Sasuke immediately tried it and brought Sarutobi Hiruzen together to launch the Flying Thunder God Technique, away from the battlefield!

The result is also obvious. The feeling of being stared at by Shinigami disappeared. Shinigami didn't catch up to the Valley of the End either!

" this the Valley of the End?!" Sarutobi Hiruzen's face is full of bewilderment. He just remembered that Uchiha Sasuke punched his sternum, almost collapsed, and then the picture in front of him changed! There is the sound of rumbling water around! Ahead is a huge waterfall! Looking forward, you can see the huge statue of the First Hokage! Uchiha Sasuke brought him to the Valley of the End?!

"Hehe, Sarutobi Hiruzen, it seems that the Forbidden Technique that you risked your life in the end can be cracked easily." Sasuke has an unabashed mockery on his face. Sarutobi Hiruzen's face is extremely distorted. Damn it! Is the Forbidden Technique so unreliable?! You can actually use time and space ninjutsu to escape!

Orochimaru: "It's really possible to escape just like that... Even the caster can escape... Interesting! According to Alternate Sasuke's thinking, that Shinigami seems to be very useful! Such a powerful existence, but not very intelligent!" Orochimaru thought about it, his eyes lit up. It seems that the Forbidden Technique and Shinigami that ghouls seal up are of great research value.

Jiraiya: "It actually moved directly to the Valley of the End. Uchiha Sasuke ran far enough."

From Konoha Village to the Valley of the End, there is still a long distance in between.

Uchiha Madara: "Why is he running on top of my statue again... Is this kid used to it?"

Senju Tobirama: "Uchiha Sasuke's thinking seems to be okay... The Forbidden Technique of the Uzumaki family actually has such a loophole, which is interesting."

Namikaze Minato: "Did Shinigami lack spiritual intelligence...? I never thought about it! Although I have mastered the seal, I only use it as a Forbidden Technique at the last moment! It's a terrifying thing like Shinigami. Who would be bold enough to make such a guess?!"

Ohnoki: "Obviously I have seen Shinigami. Uchiha Sasuke still has the mind to calm down and think about these things... Isn't he afraid?"

They're all being targeted by Shinigami! Alternate Sasuke calmed down, and after analysis, he made a conjecture, thinking that Shinigami lacked wisdom, and then used the Flying Thunder God Technique transfer to verify the conjecture!

Hatake Kakashi: "Perhaps it is because of this characteristic of Alternate Sasuke that he can find out the truth of the Uchiha genocide bit by bit..."

On the gold-framed screen, the picture changed.

[In the clan land of the Sarutobi clan.]

[Now, the original huge clan land has been completely turned into ruins! Looking around, I can't see any buildings that haven't collapsed!]

["That little bug of the Uchiha clan, everyone here is dead. It's time to fulfill your promise, remove the barrier!"]

[Shouhe yelled at the Sasuke Shadow Clone outside the fiery red barrier. The next moment, the four Shadow Clones put away Chakra together. The tall fiery red enchantment disappeared.]

Whoosh! Several Shadow Clones gathered together.

"I'll bring Karin here. You guys go and control Shukaku," Sasuke No. 1 Shadow Clone said.

"Understood. If you calculate the time, the action on the main body should be almost done, and it's time to enter the next stage," No. 2 Shadow Clone said with a sneer.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, don't think that death is the end of everything. Letting him die simply would be too cheap for him!" No. 3 Shadow Clone said.

"Hurry up and control Shukaku. Fortunately, our Chakra didn't consume too much. It should be enough," No. 4 Shadow Clone said.

Several Shadow Clones disappeared at the same time. The next moment, Shadow Clone No. 2, No. 3, No. 4 stood on Shukaku's face at the same time! The main body left the Flying Thunder God spell on Shukaku before!

"Damn it!" Shukaku was furious immediately! A few small insects, and they are still Shadow Clones, dare to step on the face of Uncle Shukaku! Immediately, Shukaku wants to blow up these Shadow Clones!

However! Buzz! Three Shadow Clones activated their Sharingan simultaneously. Mangekyō Sharingan's pupil power poured into Shukaku's eyes!

"Damn... Damn... Uchiha..." Shukaku feels that his body is gradually losing control! That special pupil power is very restraining towards him!

Gradually, Shukaku's big brass-colored eyes turned into Lord Goyu's Sharingan appearance. Shadow Clone No. 1 appeared on top of Shukaku with Karin.

"It's just under control, and with the Adamantine Sealing Chains of Karin, it should be enough insurance," said No. 1 Shadow Clone.

Three Shadow Clones just consumed Chakra. They feel relieved when they see Karin. Golden chains flew out from Karin's hand and spread all over Shukaku's body! Shukaku's head, limbs, and tail are all firmly bound by Adamantine Sealing Chains!

"No problem, right? It doesn't matter if you can't control it. You just need extra insurance," Sasuke's shadow clone asked.

"No problem, Master Sasuke! Besides, I feel very relaxed!" Karin replied, a little surprised. She couldn't believe she controlled such a huge guy so easily.

"Then, let's go to the Chūnin exam venue. If anyone dares to attack us, no matter who it is, kill them directly!" Sasuke's shadow clone said coldly.

One Tail: "Damn, hate, hate! Didn't Uchiha Sasuke say to fight me after the end? What's the matter with directly controlling me with the Sharingan?!"

Nine Tails: "The Mangekyō Sharingan, combined with the Adamantine Sealing Chains, are just used to control Shukaku... a little too flattering on you."

With such a specification, Nishio himself has to be controlled to death!

Onoki: "Uchiha Sasuke doesn't seem to be planning to just kill Sarutobi. It looks like he has other plans."

Fourth Raikage: "When I watched him make Hatake Kakashi stare at the Third Generation, I thought he just didn't want Third Hokage to die in someone else's hands."

Orochimaru: "Hehe, you guys are underestimating him. How can you vent your hatred of Alternate Sasuke by simply killing him?"

He probably already guessed what Kim Sasuke was thinking. If it's just physical death, it's too simple.

Terumi Mei: "He actually controlled Shukaku… Could it be that he wanted to destroy Konoha?"

Senju Tobirama: "No… what he wants to destroy should be the Monkey, the Third Hokage…"

To this, Senju Tobirama breathed a sigh of relief. As long as it doesn't destroy Konoha.

As for how Uchiha Sasuke plans to liquidate Sarutobi Hiruzen, it's a trivial matter.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "....."

He has a very bad premonition! His self in another world may end more tragically than death!

Valley of the End.

"Haha, Sarutobi Hiruzen, I just received good news. I think you should be interested too," Sasuke said after receiving the message from his shadow clone. He couldn't stop smiling!

"..." Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes were dark.

If he hadn't been severely injured and lost the ability to resist, he would have fought Uchiha Sasuke desperately no matter what!

Just now, Shukaku's uproar in the Sarutobi clan ended.

"Guess how many people are left in the Sarutobi clan?" Sasuke asked. "The answer is... you are the only one left! Hahahahaha!!!" Sasuke laughed openly as he saw Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression.

Shock! Pain! Anger! Hatred! Madness! All these emotions were intertwined on Sarutobi Hiruzen's face!

So happy! This kind of pain that I have suffered, let my own people feel it too! Is this the feeling of revenge?

"Uchiha Sasuke!" Sarutobi Hiruzen gritted his teeth, bursting into anger. Struggling to endure the severe pain in his body, Sarutobi Hiruzen tried his best to get up and fight Sasuke! Even if he just punched him, it wouldn't make Uchiha Sasuke feel better!

"Ah!" Sasuke smiled disdainfully, kicked Sarutobi Hiruzen to the ground, and click! Click! He crushed both arms of Sarutobi Hiruzen!

Sarutobi Hiruzen gritted his teeth tightly, not letting himself cry out in pain. His heart was full of remorse!

Why didn't I discover Uchiha Sasuke's threat sooner? Just the day before, Sarutobi Asuma told him about Sasuke! At that time, he felt that Sasuke might be a hidden danger. He planned to contact him after the Chūnin exam to see if he could make use of Sasuke's power.

However! Only one day passed! This happened! The Sarutobi family is gone...

"Speaking of which, your son Sarutobi Asuma's experience is similar to yours," Sasuke said. "I also broke his two arms before and finally threw him to Shukaku. As for what happened afterwards, I don't know."

"Of course, I think this is also good. It can leave you some room for imagination. You can imagine what your son looked like when he died," Sasuke said with an unstoppable happy smile on his face.

"You?!" Sarutobi Hiruzen's lungs are about to explode! His son and his clansmen ran wildly in the clan land surrounded by barriers, avoiding Shukaku's attack! But in the end, there was no way to escape, and they could only die tragically!

Such a picture kept appearing in Sarutobi Hiruzen's mind! Even if he tried hard to control it, it was useless! The more he tried not to think about it, the more the pictures in his mind emerged uncontrollably!

"Puff!" Sarutobi Hiruzen spat out a mouthful of blood, and his whole breath became sluggish. "Uchiha Sasuke... You devil..." he said weakly.

I shouldn't have let him go in the first place. I should have let Uchiha Sasuke disappear along with the Uchiha clan!

"Oh, can't take it anymore? When I was seven years old, I went through the same thing as you, Sarutobi Hiruzen," Sasuke said without sympathy, just feeling happy! Sarutobi Hiruzen's son is dead, and so are his tribe...

But what about my parents? What about my clan? Did anyone let them go?!

"...Just kill me," Sarutobi Hiruzen was full of despair at this moment. Everything about him was destroyed. And there is no possibility of revenge at all. Uchiha Sasuke will never let him go!

"Heh! I specially rescued you from Shinigami's hands. Do you think I saved you just to kill you with my own hands?" Sasuke asked. "Sarutobi Hiruzen, you don't think everything will be over if I kill you?"

"I haven't made you lose everything yet! How can I let you die now?!" Sasuke said as he lifted Sarutobi Hiruzen, activating the Flying Thunder God Technique.

However, Sasuke did not return to the Four Purple Flames barrier. He went to Kakashi instead.

"Mr. Kakashi, the second goal is done," Sasuke said as he threw Sarutobi Hiruzen over.

"Danzo?!" Sarutobi Hiruzen saw Danzo in a coma beside him. He looked at Kakashi again. "Kakashi, are you also with Uchiha Sasuke?!" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked angrily. Damn it!

Orochimaru! Uchiha Sasuke! Hatake Kakashi! These bastards are plotting against him secretly!

Aside, Naruto and the others are completely dumbfounded. Before, Sasuke captured Danzo. They were less shocked. After all, not many people knew who Danzo was!

But Third Hokage has been captured now! Also, when Third Hokage was captured, he looked very miserable, similar to Danzo. Both arms were broken, his chest slightly collapsed, and there was blood at the corner of his mouth!

What happened?!

"...." Kakashi remained silent and sealed Sarutobi Hiruzen's Chakra with his hands.

"It's time to go to the next stage. First, solve the problem of Otonin and Sand Shinobi as soon as possible. Then call all Konoha Jōnin over," Kakashi said.

"In the past few decades, those buried truths should all be exposed," he continued.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, get ready for the real cruelty. The next thing is when you truly lose everything," Sasuke said with a smile on his face.

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