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Chapter 89

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**Chapter 89: Break Through the Roots and Snatch Shisui's Mangekyō!**

Ohnoki: "Root organization? Hehe, it seems it's Danzo's turn."

Fourth Raikage: "The Darkness of Shinobi can't hide now."

Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly noticed something and spoke in the chat room. "Danzo, did you know about Konoha's collapse plan beforehand? Why didn't your roots do anything?!"

Danzo, the bastard! Could it be that he has colluded with Orochimaru for a long time and wants to use Orochimaru's power to get rid of his Hokage, so that he can become Hokage himself?

Shimura Danzō: ""

Forget it, no explanation. I can't explain it anyway.

Senju Tobirama: "Monkey and Danzo, what do you all have?! One is greedy for Hokage's power and position, and the other is colluding with Konoha's betrayal and watching this kind of thing that endangers Konoha happen!"

Senju Tobirama feels like he's getting mad! Did these two disciples put the village first in their hearts?

Uchiha Madara: "Senju Tobirama, I have to admit that you have a good eye for choosing your disciples."

Fourth Raikage: "Second Hokage died at the hands of Kinkaku and Ginkaku, in order to end his disciple's mistake."

Ohnoki: "As a result, his disciples made Konoha like this, tsk tsk."

He was so angry that he cursed directly! When he thought of the few disciples he had saved with his life, and how they had turned out like this, he felt extremely regretful at that moment!

The gold frame on the screen continued playing.

"Has there been no movement? Heh, I'm afraid Shimura Danzō, the root leader, wants to become Hokage after this," Sasuke said sarcastically.

But, that's just fine. Danzo stays in the root base honestly, so he can now concentrate on dealing with Danzo and the root organization. If Danzo goes out and runs around, he may have a lot of trouble.

Sasuke turned on the Immortal Curse Sealing Art state and tried to find the location of Shimura Danzō with the help of the enhanced perception ability of this state. "Sure enough, it's still not as easy to use as Karin's Kagura Mind Eye," Sasuke couldn't help shaking his head.

His perception in the state of spell seal and immortality can only perceive a stronger Chakra reaction. If Kagura Mind Eye is used, Karin can clearly perceive all the lives in the root organization base, and their slightest movement. However, there are other things about Karin. Here in the root organization, it is enough to perceive the position of Danzo.

Confirmed the position of Danzo, Sasuke suddenly stepped down and went through the ground with force! The ground collapsed! The dark void appeared from below. The base of the root organization is located underground here!

"Who?!" A root organization ninja wearing a complex pattern mask rushed up. Sasuke casually took a chidori sharp spear and pierced through his heart. The root ninja just saw the face of the enemy and then lost his vitality. But, then, a large number of root organization ninjas rushed over!

Today, Danzo gave them an order. No matter what happens in Konoha Village, don't move, just wait. The result... until someone hits their lair. "It's Uchiha Sasuke!"

Root ninjas immediately recognized Sasuke! Recently, Danzo has often mentioned this name.

Talked to the Third Hokage several times, hoping to bring Uchiha Sasuke to the root organization. The result... there was no result. The root organization ninjas could probably guess what happened.

"Hiruzen, you will regret it!"

"Danzo, I am Hokage!"

For their leader Danzo-sama, this has happened countless times in the past few decades. "Capture Uchiha Sasuke and hand him over to Mr. Danzo!" A root organization ninja who looked like a captain ordered.

Although they don't know why, since Uchiha Sasuke broke into the base of the root organization, it would be great! The person Mr. Danzo wanted was delivered to his door himself!

"Hehe..." Sasuke couldn't help laughing, "You think you can catch me??" Terrifying pupil power, accompanied by a large amount of Chakra, turned into a purple flame all over Sasuke's body! The Godly Power of the Uchiha Clan! The third power in Mangekyō Sharingan! The symbol of destruction, Susanoo!

Buzz! A skull-shaped purple giant, as high as ten meters, with golden eyes suddenly lit up, looking down at the root ninjas! The hands of the purple giant formed two Chakra knives, and at the same time, they moved toward the root ninjas to attack!

Boom! The long sword formed by the substantial Chakra split the earth with ease!

"What's this?!"

"Damn it, how could Uchiha Sasuke be so strong?!"

"No wonder Lord Danzo wants him!"

The root organization ninjas scattered and dodged, and those who couldn't dodge were directly cut down by the Chakra sword! A lot of blood splashed in the underground base of the root organization! The smell of blood permeated the empty underground space!

"Hahahahaha! Just because of you trash, you think you can covet the power of our Uchiha clan?!" Sasuke laughed wantonly, Susanoo's long sword slashing at the ninjas of the root organization, wreaking havoc in the root base! As expected of Susanoo's strength! Strong defense and terrifying attack! Susanoo with offense and defense!

The attacks of the root organization ninjas almost could not pose a threat to him! And he could use Susanoo's Chakra sword to easily smash the defenses of root ninjas! Suddenly, the wind roared from behind! A powerful force hit Sasuke's Susanoo, causing the tall purple giant to stagger!

"Shimura Danzō, you finally came out!" Sasuke turned around and saw the person coming. Danzo seemed to use a very powerful Wind Style ninjutsu! This ninjutsu was extremely sharp! Susanoo's bones were gradually being torn apart by the wind blade!

"Uchiha Sasuke..." In Danzo's eyes, there was both fear and greed! This purple giant couldn't be mistaken! Mangekyō Sharingan, Susanoo! The power that Uchiha Madara once mastered!

A few years ago, he felt this powerful force in another Uchiha. Thinking of this, Danzo couldn't help touching his right eye! Maybe Uchiha Sasuke's power could work for him!

Boom! The sound of breaking wind came, Danzo came back to his senses, and saw two Chakra knives slashing towards his position! Danzo jumped back immediately, and the Wind Style vacuum wave that had been maintained before was forced to stop. He paused to take a look and found that Uchiha Sasuke's Susanoo had grown two arms behind, wielding two Chakra knives!

Two arms in front, two Chakra knives attacking the root ninjas. The back has two arms, two Chakra knives used to attack him!

"As expected of Susanoo," Danzo couldn't help but sigh with emotion. In addition to its powerful defense and terrifying attack, Susanoo could grow more arms and attack or defend in multiple directions at the same time!

Thinking of this, Danzo's desire for Sasuke deepens.

"Uchiha Sasuke, I'm curious. How did you awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan?" 

"You came to the root base to cause trouble. It seems you know something. Who told you the truth?" 

"Was it Uchiha Itachi? No, it shouldn't be. Could it be... Orochimaru?!"

Shimura Danzō feels like he has guessed the truth. 

Uchiha Itachi is now in the Akatsuki organization, so he shouldn't suddenly return to Konoha and tell his brother the truth. 

That doesn't make sense!

If Uchiha Itachi really did it, he wouldn't leave Uchiha Sasuke in the village after opening the Mangekyō. 

Then... Orochimaru must have told Uchiha Sasuke the truth!

Orochimaru, this bastard. It's not enough to kill Hiruzen, but he also wants to use Uchiha Sasuke to kill me too?

Orochimaru: "…


What does it have to do with me? 

Teacher Sarutobi suspects that I want to destroy the Sarutobi clan! 

Danzo also suspects that I told Uchiha Sasuke the truth about the massacre!

Why does everyone doubt me?

Ohnoki: "In fact, Danzo's suspicion is reasonable. Who would have thought that Sasuke found out the truth about the massacre by himself?"

If I hadn't seen it on the screen, I wouldn't have believed it!

Jiraiya: "Orochimaru, you still covet Uchiha Sasuke's body. Danzo thinking you told him the truth is completely understandable."

Tsunade: "I'm dying of laughter. Orochimaru in the parallel world is probably going to be unlucky!"

Sasuke sneered but didn't respond to Danzo's words. 

However, in Danzo's view, Sasuke's performance means he guessed right!

Orochimaru, that bastard!

I gave him so much research funding, and he actually wants to kill me?!

"Uchiha Sasuke, do you think you will be invincible after awakening the Mangekyō Sharingan?" Danzo said with a sneer.

Isn't it Mangekyō Sharingan?!

It's not like he doesn't have this kind of power!

Sasuke looked at Danzo with a cold expression.

He has activated the pupil technique of his left eye and has seen Danzo's secrets.

The right eye is a Mangekyō Sharingan, and the pupil technique is Distinguished Heavenly Gods, which can modify the will of others without being noticed...

First Hokage cells were transplanted on the right arm, which means Danzo has a Sage Body and a huge amount of Chakra...

Because of transplanting First Hokage cells, Danzo awakened Wood Style...

On the right arm, many Three Tomoe Sharingan were transplanted, ten in total!

Sasuke's emotions started to boil!

Anger! Hate!

He had wondered before where the Sharingans of his dead clan members went after the Uchiha clan perished.

Now, he has the answer...

Shimura Danzō!

Damn you!

Ohnoki: "Danzo actually has a Mangekyō Sharingan?! Distinguished Heavenly Gods... I've heard of this pupil technique's effect..."

Qing: "This is Shisui's pupil technique! It's unmistakable. Only he can achieve this level of illusion!"

Terumi Mei: "The former genius of the Uchiha clan, Shisui of the Body Flicker?"

Fourth Raikage: "Shisui is said to have committed suicide, right? Hehe, I didn't expect his eyes to fall into the hands of Shimura Danzō. That's Konoha for you!"

Senju Tobirama: "A pupil technique with this effect... Tsk, the Mangekyō of the Uchiha clan is indeed problematic!"

He wasn't too surprised that Danzo had transplanted his brother's cells.

After all, experiments on Wood Style had been carried out while he was still alive.

As for the Sharingan on Danzo, Senju Tobirama couldn't care less!

Evil Uchiha!

Uchiha Fugaku: "Master Second Generation, Shisui is a descendant of your disciple Uchiha Kagami!"

Senju Tobirama: "Danzo! What the hell are you doing? You targeted the descendants of your own companion and took his eyes?!"

Damn it!

Can Monkey and Danzo calm down a bit!

Surprises come every now and then!

Senju Tobirama feels that since the appearance of this broadcast room, he has received countless such "surprises"...

Shimura Danzō:

Here we go again!

Forget it. He has done too many things, and it is useless to explain.

At the root base, Sasuke temporarily controlled his emotions and gave Danzo a cold look.

Then, he disappeared in an instant!

A Flying Thunder God Kunai was left in his place.

Before Danzo could react, Sasuke appeared again.

He took the Shadow Clone that was left outside before.

"Help me hold off those guys in the back, I'll deal with Danzo."

"Don't take too long," the Shadow Clone said.

He was assigned by the main body last night, and the amount of Chakra should be enough. 

However, wiping out all the ninjas of the root organization by himself might be overthinking.

"Just buy me some time. Don't worry, just a Shimura Danzō. It will be over soon."

Sasuke's tone showed no secret of his contempt for Danzo.

Danzo's forehead had blue veins starting to show.

A mere Shimura Danzō...

He had never heard such an evaluation!

Uchiha Sasuke, this arrogant devil!

Because he awakened Mangekyō and mastered Susanoo, did he become arrogant?

It seems that he also mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique. Who taught him this?

Mangekyō Sharingan plus Flying Thunder God Technique does give him confidence.

But for Danzo, the stronger Uchiha Sasuke, the better!

After he controls Uchiha Sasuke and makes his power available to him, no one will be able to compete with him for the position of Fifth Hokage!

Sasuke controls Susanoo and jumps up. Susanoo wields a Chakra sword and slashes at Danzo!

Danzo jumps up quickly and dodges. 

He is not flustered.

Here is his root base!

After the root ninjas get rid of Sasuke's Shadow Clone, they can join him to surround Sasuke!

Also, he has the Chakra supply provided by First Hokage cells!

On the contrary, Sasuke's pupil power is limited. How long can Susanoo last?

The ultimate victory will be his!

Suddenly, a Shadow Clone of Sasuke rushes out of the dust slashed by Susanoo's long sword and attacks Danzo!

"Want to sneak attack with a Shadow Clone? Childish strategy."

Kunai in Danzo's hand is attached to Wind Style Chakra.

But before Danzo could attack, the Shadow Clone explodes in white smoke!

Then, Sasuke's body appears through the white smoke, and with Kunai in hand, he cuts the bandage on Danzo's right eye, revealing the Mangekyō below!


Danzo didn't even have time to feel the pain of being gouged!

His Mangekyō!

The Mangekyō with the pupil art of Distinguished Heavenly Gods was lost!

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