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Chapter 86

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Chapter 86: Konoha's Collapse Plan Starts!

On the playing field, Gaara and Sasuke stood opposite each other. Sasuke's wild and flamboyant laughter echoed throughout the arena.

It had been more than five years since the night of the genocide. Since then, he suspected that the village might have something to do with the truth about the Uchiha genocide. However, at that time, he couldn't do anything. He didn't dare to show abnormality or ask others.

He could only improve his strength, read many books, find clues by himself, and try to discover the answer. In the end, he got a clue about the truth of the genocide through Mr. Kakashi.

Sasuke could still remember how he felt when he awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan: crazy hate, extreme anger, and the urge to destroy everything.

At that moment, Sasuke still suppressed this emotion. He went on to master the power of the curse seal, develop the power of Mangekyō Sharingan, make a deal with Orochimaru, and inquire about the information on Konoha's collapse plan.

He did everything. Today, he could finally stop being depressed.

Opposite him, Gaara looked at Sasuke, who was laughing wildly, feeling a slight tremor in his heart. He thought that his personality was abnormal, but now, Uchiha Sasuke seemed even more abnormal than him.

In the stands, Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen and Orochimaru, disguised as Fourth Kazekage, also observed from their seats. They couldn't figure out what Sasuke was laughing about.

Senju Tobirama felt emotional now. From the screen, he watched Alternate Sasuke, who had been hiding his true thoughts since the night of the genocide at the age of 7. He only revealed his heart to Hatake Kakashi. Ohnoki was startled. A seven-year-old child acted for five years and deceived everyone in Konoha. Sasuke's scheming was terrifying.

Orochimaru noted that Alternate Sasuke's extraordinary talent extended beyond just raw talent. He thought calmly, learned actively, and made deliberate decisions. These were not things ordinary people could do.

Terumi Mei realized that Sasuke was ready for everything and was now planning to make a big fuss.

Uchiha Madara could understand Sasuke's mood well. When he was resurrected in the future, he would probably do the same. Decades of planning had finally succeeded, and he too would likely laugh uncontrollably with joy.

Sasuke's laughter gradually died down. He slightly covered his eyes with his fingers, opened his Mangekyō Sharingan, and glanced at Gaara through his fingers. A lot of information was discovered. Sasuke interpreted the information gained by the pupil technique of his left eye. He was almost used to it now. When he met someone worth staring at, he used the left eye pupil technique to take a look.

He felt confused about the special Chakra that contained a will to guard Gaara. He understood the information about the crane, seals, and Magnet Style but didn't understand the guarding Chakra. Sasuke decided not to think about it for now. He noticed that Gaara's Magnet Style might be able to be copied but felt it was nothing special and didn't want to waste his right-eye technique on it.

Orochimaru was going crazy with envy. He couldn't believe Sasuke could casually copy a Blood Succession Limit and still feel it was mediocre. Senju Tobirama speculated that while bloodline talents couldn't be copied, Chakra-fused blood succession boundaries like Magnet Style could theoretically be learned.

Uchiha Madara considered that Chakra-fused blood succession boundaries could be directly copied, while bloodlines required something extra, making that pupil technique highly desirable.

In the Pure Land, Rasa didn't care about Magnet Style. He focused on the Chakra containing a guarding will and thought of his wife who died in childbirth, feeling a rare tinge of guilt. His wife had used her will to protect Gaara, but he had tried to assassinate Gaara multiple times.

In the stands, the audience grew restless as Sasuke and Gaara had not moved for a long time. The examiner urged them to start. As soon as the words were spoken, Sasuke's figure disappeared, leaving Shiranui Xuanma astonished by his speed. Sasuke appeared behind Gaara and struck with incredible speed. Gaara's sand tried to block the blow but was too slow. Sasuke remarked on the sand's self-defense, noting it was impressive but inadequate against stronger opponents.

Gaara realized that Sasuke was already behind him. A hand strike made him almost fall to the ground. Sasuke taunted Gaara, saying that his current strength was not enough and reminding him of their earlier intentions to fight and prove their existence.

Sasuke didn't seize the opportunity to attack further. Instead, he mocked in a playful tone. He aimed to provoke Gaara, to push Gaara out of his guarded stance.

Gaara quickly got up from the ground and moved back, creating a distance between himself and Sasuke. His pupils trembled. Uchiha Sasuke was very powerful. This was the first time he had encountered such a strong opponent among his peers. But such people are more valuable to kill. Killing him would prove his existence.

Gaara's eyes deepened as the surrounding sand encased his body, forming a huge sphere several meters in diameter. It was the Desert Wave. Gaara's main body hid inside, providing a stronger absolute defense. In this way, although Uchiha Sasuke was fast, he could no longer attack Gaara. At the same time, Gaara could control the sand inside to attack.

After strengthening his defenses, Gaara began to manipulate the sand and attacked Uchiha Sasuke.

Sasuke chuckled and easily jumped to dodge the sand attack. The speed of the sand, even when actively controlled by Gaara, was too slow. Sasuke dodged left and right, quickly reaching the huge sand ball. He gathered Lightning Style Chakra in his hands, and a Chidori sharp spear shot out. The sand ball's defense seemed non-existent. The thunder spear easily stabbed Gaara inside, drawing blood.

"You can't fight me with your current strength. If you want to kill me, you have to try harder, Gaara!" Sasuke mocked with a relaxed expression.

In the stands, all the Otonin Village ninjas and Sunagakure ninjas silently prepared. Shukaku might soon appear, and the action could start at any time.

Suddenly, a huge claw protruded from the sand ball and attacked Sasuke. After Gaara was stabbed and bled by the Chidori sharp spear, he began to mobilize the power of Shuzuru. Sasuke quickly jumped to avoid the attack. Gaara shattered the huge sand ball, revealing his figure. At this moment, half of Gaara's body had turned into the appearance of a crane. It was the half-tailed beast form.

"Uchiha Sasuke, I'm going to kill you!" Gaara roared, waving his tailed beast-like hand. A large number of sand shurikens flew at Sasuke. However, Sasuke's figure disappeared out of thin air. In the next moment, Sasuke appeared behind Gaara again.

"It looks better now, but it's still not enough," Sasuke said, punching the half-tailed Gaara, sending him flying.

"Hateful!" Gaara got up in embarrassment, his emotions growing more violent. Shouhe's appearance continued to spread on his body. From the original half-body tailed beast, now the entire upper body had turned into a crane. A thick tail swung behind him.

In the stands, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the people around him. "Kazekage, why don't you control your Jinchūriki? It looks like it's about to get out of control." Although he was shocked by Uchiha Sasuke's strength, at least for now, the stronger Uchiha Sasuke was, the better. Sasuke easily beating Sand Shinobi's Gaara showed that Konoha's ninja were superior. And this was naturally due to his role as Hokage. 

"Hehe..." Orochimaru, who was wearing a Kazekage hat, laughed twice. "I do need to act..." Speaking, Orochimaru swung his arm violently. "The action begins!" He dropped a smoke bomb and suddenly attacked Sarutobi Hiruzen, holding his neck with a kunai.

At the same time, in the stands, the Sand Shinobi ninjas and Otonin Village ninjas began to act. After performing an illusion and putting the audience to sleep, the ninjas from both villages started to attack the Konoha Shinobi together. The Konoha Crash Plan began. Orochimaru successfully held Sarutobi Hiruzen hostage and jumped up with him, ready to find a place for a decisive battle.

On the roof of a building in front of the arena, Orochimaru brought Sarutobi Hiruzen. Then, the four Yinnin who were ambushing there in advance formed seals together. The Four Purple Flame Formation rose. "Hehe, long time no see, Mr. Sarutobi." Orochimaru tore off the disguised human skin mask on his face, revealing his bloody smile.

"Orochimaru?!" Sarutobi Hiruzen was shocked and furious.

At that moment, in Konoha Village, the sound of battles could be heard from many places. Several big snakes were raging in the village.

Suddenly, from a certain direction, another huge fiery red barrier rose. "Orochimaru, is this all your conspiracy?!" Sarutobi Hiruzen burst into anger.

Orochimaru looked at the fiery red barrier. What happened to that barrier? There should be no such link in my plan, right?

Back in the arena, Sasuke saw that Orochimaru had kidnapped the Third Kazekage and quickly started his own actions. He stealthily approached Gaara and said with a low smile, "Today, I still need to borrow the cat in your body." As he spoke, he put his arm on Gaara's shoulder and disappeared instantly with him using the Flying Thunder God Technique.

The next moment, Sasuke appeared in another place that had been prepared. This was the periphery of a large residential area. Sasuke grabbed Gaara by the collar, threw him into the sky, and then kicked Gaara into the air. "The action begins!" Sasuke said to his Shadow Clone who was prepared there.

"Clear!" The Shadow Clone took out a flare, ignited it, and launched it. The message of the start of the operation was passed on.

The other three Shadow Clones received the information. "Uchiha Flame Formation, arise!" From four different orientations, the four Shadow Clones that Sasuke had prepared slapped their palms on the ground. The fiery red Chakra invaded the ground, and a huge red barrier rose. The Uchiha Clan's Barrier Ninjutsu, Uchiha Flame Formation, had been initiated.

The huge red barrier covered a large area. Inside this barrier was the land of the Sarutobi clan. At this moment, the Uchiha flame array had completely surrounded the Sarutobi clan's land. Sasuke's body was also inside the barrier. "Gaara, hurry up and let Shukuru out of your body, and then make a big fuss!" Sasuke coldly demanded of Gaara.

In the real world, everyone was surprised by Sasuke's operation. First, he stimulated Gaara and secretly cooperated with Orochimaru's Konoha crash plan. Then, after the plan began, Sasuke initiated his operation. Using the Flying Thunder God Technique, he brought Gaara directly to the land of the Sarutobi clan. Here, the four Shadow Clones were ready. After Gaara arrived, the Shadow Clones raised a barrier, completely surrounding the Sarutobi clan. Then, Sasuke forced Gaara to unleash the power of Shuzuru and cause chaos. This guy... does he want to destroy the Sarutobi clan?!

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