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46.52% Naruto: Alternative Sasuke Is Way Too Overpowered! / Chapter 67: Chapter 67

Chapter 67: Chapter 67

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Chapter 67: The Miserable Uzumaki Clan, Annoyed Hashirama and Tobirama, Karin's Revenge

Senju Tobirama exclaimed, "Only saved one? What the hell? What about the rest of the Uzumaki clan?"

Ohnoki replied, "Is there any need to ask? The country of Uzumaki has perished. How can the people of the Uzumaki clan fare any better?"

The destruction of the country of Uzumaki likely led to the demise of most of the Uzumaki clan.

A few might have escaped, taking refuge in different places throughout the ninja world.

For instance, Karin in the live broadcast room had a mother who was exiled to Sound Village.

Orochimaru mentioned, "Speaking of which, Jiraiya, among the three disciples you took in from the Land of Rain, there was a red-haired Uzumaki kid, wasn't there?"

Jiraiya confirmed, "That's right, Nagato is an orphan of the Uzumaki clan."

Orochimaru recalled, "I remember those three kids were all begging for food!"

In the country of rain, Nagato read the words in the chat room and stayed silent.

In his youth, his mother also advised him not to trust wood, which is why during the war-torn times in the rain country, he never once considered going to Konoha Village, even on the brink of starvation.

The distrust in Konoha was obvious; both his mother and Karin's mother were disappointed in Konoha.

Senju Hashirama was confounded, "Why have the descendants of the Uzumaki clan ended up in such a state?!"

Even someone as compassionate as him felt a surge of anger.

Karin's side of the story was heartbreaking; her mother and she were used as tools for healing, with Karin's mother ultimately consumed to death by the ninjas of Sound Village.

And the legendary vitality of the Uzumaki family did little to help Nagato, Jiraiya's disciple, who was homeless and on the verge of starvation.

Senju Tobirama called, "Monkey, come out and talk to me! What happened in the country of Vortex 27?!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen explained, "Teacher! The sealing techniques of the Vortex Kingdom were coveted, and it was besieged by several villages. By the time we got the news, it was too late..."

Senju Tobirama fumed, "Too late? What have you been doing? You couldn't even protect your own allies; a bunch of idiots!"

He felt as though he would explode.

After all, the Uzumaki clan was distantly related to the Senju clan, with frequent intermarriages between them.

For millennia, the Senju and Uzumaki clans had been allies!

The annihilation of the Uchiha family was one thing, but the destruction of the Uzumaki was intolerable!

Now, only three or two of the Uzumaki descendants remained, and each lived a miserable life.

Senju Tobirama mourned the fallen patriarchs of the Senju and Uzumaki clans.

Uchiha Madara noted the irony, "It seems truly unlucky to be aligned with Konoha. The Uchiha joined and got exterminated. The Uzumaki, though allies, were treated no better."

Senju Hashirama wondered in dismay, "Why has it turned out like this?"

Despite establishing Konoha Village and ending the Sengoku era, the great ninja clans with thousand-year histories had not perished then, but in peace.

Ohnoki observed, "It's not all that bad. Isn't the Sarutobi clan thriving in Konoha?"

Fourth Raikage pointed out the curious situation where after the fire-style proficient Uchiha were gone, the Sarutobi, also known for fire-style, seemed to prosper.

Sarutobi Hiruzen denied any wrongdoing.

In the pure land of the underworld, Senju Tobirama's expression was grim.

After decades of Sarutobi Hiruzen's leadership, what state had Konoha fallen into?

Meanwhile, Karin began to cry while talking about the humble life she led in Sound Village.

She dared not vent the resentment and anger in her heart.

But in front of Sasuke, a stranger she had just met, she let it all out.

Once her crying subsided, Sasuke asked, "Do you want to be happy?"

Karin replied softly, "Yes."

Sasuke nodded and instructed, "That's good. Sense where your teammates are, and then kill them."

Karin was startled, admitting, "I...I can't beat them... My strength is very weak even though I have a lot of Chakra."

Sasuke reassured her, "Don't worry about that. Just answer my question, do you want to take revenge on them?"

Karin hesitated before answering determinedly, "Yes."

Sasuke smiled and declared, "Very well, then we will kill them now."

Uzumaki Naruto was puzzled, "I don't understand why Sasuke suddenly decided to help that strange girl named Karin?"

Inuzuka Tooth speculated, "Could it be that Sasuke has taken a liking to her? With Sasuke's standards, it's entirely possible!"

Nara Shikamaru theorized, "Maybe Sasuke saw himself in Karin."

Naruto asked, "Seeing himself? Does Sasuke think that girl looks like him?"

Shikamaru simply responded, "Naruto, I'm speechless."

Namikaze Minato added, "Naruto, Sasuke must have seen a fate similar to Karin's in her.

An orphan of a millennial ninja clan, with a tragic childhood just like his own."

Jiraiya reflected, "One of the major reasons Sasuke and Naruto became friends might very well be their similar experiences."

Orochimaru threw in another idea, "Perhaps Sasuke's uncontrollable desire for revenge is driving him."

Uchiha Madara agreed, "Indeed, the activity of Sasuke's Sharingan lately indicates his emotional state!"

Ohnoki concluded, "In other words, is he trying to fulfill his thirst for revenge through the revenge of the little girl named Karin?"

The Fourth Raikage said, "This relief is only temporary. Now that I'm suppressed, it may explode even more violently in the future!"

"Naruto, little Sakura, before going to the central tower, kill two people."

Sasuke returned to the previous place with Karin.

"Who is she?"

Naruto looked at Karin, then at Sasuke.

Why did Sasuke return with a girl after being away for a short time?

"... A person who is very similar to me and you."

Sasuke said something that Naruto didn't understand.

After speaking, without giving Naruto any further explanation, Sasuke turned to Karin and said, "Use your Kagura mind to perceive the positions of your two teammates, and then... start your revenge!"

"Don't worry about your strength. I'll help you understand what's happening."

"Yes!" Karin gritted her teeth and said.

Go for revenge!

Go kill those people!

Isn't that what she always wanted to do?

Now I finally have the chance!

After casting Kagura's mind-eye, Karin quickly locked onto the positions of her two teammates.

Led by Karin, a group of four hastened towards that direction.

By a riverside, two Kusanagi ninjas were waiting.

"What are you doing? Why are you bringing a few Konoha Shinobi... Pfft!"

Before the other person could finish speaking, Sasuke punched them twice, easily rendering them unable to fight.

"They shouldn't be able to resist now," Sasuke said blankly.


Karin took out a kunai and approached them.

She raised her weapon high and aimed it at her two teammates but couldn't bring it down.

"What's wrong? Do you have a psychological barrier?" Sasuke asked calmly.

"I, I've never killed anyone before..." Karin said, her voice trembling.

"Think about your mother who died tragically. Think about your childhood experiences!"

"Don't you hate them? Don't you want to kill them?"

"Where is your anger? Find your anger, and it will give you the courage to do it. Kill them!" Sasuke shouted loudly, his Sharingan automatically activating.

With a slight tremble of his pupils, the intimidating power of the Sharingan was very active.

Karin closed her eyes.

Memories flooded her mind.

Her mother had passed away in her thirties. Her bright red hair had completely faded by then!

It's all their fault!

It's all because of Sound Village!

These people killed my mother!

"Ahhhhh! Die, you bastards! Die!" Karin cried as she stabbed down frantically with her kunai, lifted it, and stabbed down again.


The golden chain protruded from Karin's belly.

Numerous sharp chains pierced the Kusanagi ninjas, and blood sprayed out.

Uzumaki Kushina exclaimed, "Adamantine Sealing Chains?! This little girl has awakened the Adamantine Sealing Chains!"

Uzumaki Mito added, "With such huge emotional stimulation, awakening a special talent is normal. This little girl's talent is very strong."

Senju Tobirama lamented, "It's a pity she has been misled by Uchiha Sasuke. Cut!"

Orochimaru mused, "The Adamantine Sealing Chains of the Uzumaki clan, tsk tsk, truly an enviable ability."

The Adamantine Sealing Chains were a special attack technique for sealing Tailed Beasts. If used in attack, the golden chains were nearly indestructible. Moreover, they also formed a powerful defense when used to create an enchantment.

The Kusanagi ninjas' life force had completely disappeared.

Their bodies were now unrecognizable, having been completely destroyed.

Karin was covered in blood, her body still trembling slightly, her intense emotions not yet fully calmed.

Naruto and little Sakura were stunned by the side.

"How much hatred does this girl hold towards her teammates?"

The corpses were nearly invisible...

Sasuke took a deep breath, turned off his Sharingan, and rubbed his eyes.

The violent energy inside him subsided again.

Every time his emotions were stirred, he felt his pupil power grow.

And after he calmed down, he felt his pupil power had improved.

He didn't know what would happen if this continued.

Sasuke looked at Karin and said, "Okay, let's stop here."

"Revenge allows you to vent your anger and hatred, but don't let it destroy you."

"It isn't worth sacrificing yourself to kill an enemy."

"After revenge, life must go on. Hurry up and embrace a new life."

Karin stood up and wiped the blood from her face. "Yes... ah, what should I call you?"

"My name is Uchiha Sasuke. Hurry up and wash the blood off your face; it's too dirty."

Sasuke glanced at Karin's appearance, the corner of his mouth twitching.

Originally, only her hair was red, but now her entire body was red.

"Yes, Master Sasuke!"

Karin's face turned red, though it was hidden under the blood.

From now on, she would follow Master Sasuke's orders; they were her life's purpose.

Hatake Kakashi said to Sasuke, "I hope you can understand this too, don't let hatred destroy you."

"I see." Sasuke responded.

He had said that himself in another world, which made it more convincing. He performed better in every aspect than he did in this world.

Sasuke was also trying hard to learn from his counterpart.

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