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74.34% One Piece: I'm Yamamoto Genryusai / Chapter 113: Chapter 113

Chapter 113: Chapter 113

Although those Sharingan naturally cannot be Mangekyō Sharingan, even basically just One Tomoe Sharingan vs. Two Tomoe Sharingan, belonging to the 'defective' left over from Danzo's transplant on the arm. But even so, for Bai Ye, it is enough to try to incorporate different forces into the current template. 

And Danzo's secret base is hidden somewhere in an underground space southeast of Konoha Village. At Bai Ye's speed, it's just moments away. Taking this into consideration, Bai Ye used Shunpo to disappear on the spot.

Later, Shizune, under the premise of avoiding Anbu as much as possible, was preparing to investigate the "handsome black-haired guy" that Master Tsunade mentioned. Shizune didn't know that the 'target' who knew their thoughts the whole time had quietly left Konoha.

Not long after, it takes about a day or so to get to Konoha Village for ordinary ninjas. This is a forest area located on the edge of the Fire Country, close to the Thunder Country. Bai Ye himself appears here. According to Reiatsu, there is no one in the vicinity for nearly a hundred miles.

I have to say, the secret bases that Danzo chooses to build in various places in the Land of Fire are very secretive, and it is at least 30 meters deep underground. Chakra, to an ordinary ninja scout, can't discover the secrets hidden in the ground.

But for Bai Ye, now the things in this base under his feet, starting today, will cease to exist.

"Because it claims to be the root of Konoha, the roots of the tree naturally have to grow underground, and various rotting fertilizers are added to better nourish Konoha... It's really ridiculous." Bai Ye thought of the memories of the two Anbu ninjas just now. In order to experiment with Senju Hashirama cells, Danzo secretly captured an unknown number of living people from all over the place as "experiments." Bai Ye scoffed at Danzo's style.

Whether it was before crossing or after crossing, the more you know about Danzo, you will find that the degree of hypocrisy of Danzo is no different from that of the World Government in the One Piece world. Going to Danzo's hidden base entrance, looking at the passage leading underground in front of him, Bai Ye didn't say much. Through perception, there are no more than five or six Anbu ninjas who are in charge of human body research and transplantation of Sharingan technology.

Bai Ye first exerted force on the spare channel and stepped on it directly. This action, naturally without exception, alarmed the Anbu ninjas inside.

"What happened...?!"

"What happened outside?!"

"Could it be an earthquake?!"

Inside the base of various utensils, all the Anbu ninjas who were on shifts day and night felt the movement from outside, and their expressions changed involuntarily.

Soon, one person ran over with an ugly face and said, "It's the backup channel that just collapsed."

"Alternate channel? What's going on?"

"There's no such thing as an earthquake in this part of the world."

"Otherwise, how could Master Danzo choose to build a research base here?"

The Anbu ninja who was studying it suddenly changed his expression when he heard the words.

"Wait... Could it be an enemy attack?!"

"Enemy attack...? How is it possible?"

"The level of secrecy here is no less than those of the S-level and above files that are blocked; except for Lord Danzo's confidants, even those newcomers to Anbu don't know about it."

"Damn it... send someone to look."


A middle-aged Anbu ninja raised his head, scanning the nearby containers filled with liquid, as well as the deepest part of the base piled up with dead experimental body corpses. He said with an ugly face, "If this place is really attacked by enemies from the outside world, for the sake of Danzo-sama and Konoha, all traces of this place must be destroyed! To prevent evidence from being left outside, and other ninja villages from knowing what happened here."

Thinking of this, the Anbu middle-aged ninja drew a shuriken, quietly listening to the movement outside. Once any changes are found, he would not hesitate to use the shuriken to trigger the detonating charms that had been spread throughout the base beforehand, then completely destroy all traces of everything here together with his life.

After all, although some of the human experiments carried out here are wandering ninjas from outside, under the perennial experiments, the research on First Hokage Hashirama cells and how to graft the 'Sharingan' experiment cannot be satisfied by just relying on wandering people. Therefore, they secretly arrested many villagers in the nearby major ninja villages.

If the things here are exposed once, a trace of cold sweat oozes from the forehead of the middle-aged Anbu ninja.

Such serious consequences would definitely be extremely bad. Even Danzo-sama, who finally won the support of Konoha's high-level executives, will lose the position of agent Hokage directly.

Eyes, ears.

The middle-aged Anbu ninja put all his attention on the corridor leading to the outside of the base at his feet.


A few seconds passed. He didn't even hear the voices of the rest of the Anbu ninjas. Just as he breathed a sigh of relief, he immediately realized, "No...wrong? It's too quiet outside!"

The pupils of the middle-aged Anbu ninja widened. He was about to throw the shuriken ready to trigger the detonator when an invisible pressure suddenly fell on him. The middle-aged Anbu ninja only felt at this moment as if the entire base hidden 30 meters below the ground was about to be crushed. The pressure on his body was like an insurmountable mountain. Not to mention getting up, it was very difficult to even lift his fingers.

"What is this..."

Blood oozed from the corner of the middle-aged Anbu ninja's mouth, with an unbelievable expression on his face. As someone who could be evaluated as a Jōnin by Master Danzo, he forcibly raised his head in the face of this pressure. The middle-aged Anbu ninja saw a terrifying scene that was enough for him to remember his whole life.

It was a young man with black hair and black eyes. He had just come into the base. The young man with black hair and black eyes didn't move at all. He was just looking at the structure inside the base. The opponent was only relying on his own 'momentum.' He was able to make him, who was almost as strong as Konoha Jōnin, unable to move at all. And not only that, in the face of the terrible pressure of fear that could not be contained, he could clearly feel that the inside of his body was being torn apart.

The middle-aged Anbu ninja's pupils widened and his mouth trembled slightly. What exactly is going on? Who is the other party? And that pressure alone is enough to bring... Is it Kage-level? No, not even Lord Danzo... Absolutely, no black-haired black-eyed young man felt one-fifth, no, not even one-tenth!

Such a monster... Looking at the entire ninja world? Does it really exist?! The middle-aged Anbu ninja was terrified. Feeling the terrible pressure on his body, he tried to make a sound. But he found that he couldn't even make a sound.

At this moment, he finally understood why there was no movement outside just now. "Damn, damn... What kind of joke is this!" The middle-aged Anbu ninja gritted his teeth, attempting to forcibly trigger the detonator with a shuriken.

However, Bai Ye, who witnessed the whole process, intensified the leaked Reiatsu. I saw this middle-aged Anbu ninja, who was comparable to Jōnin, die easily!

Since the Anbu ninja's memories have been obtained through Weimian, it is naturally impossible for Bai Ye to let the opponent achieve his goal. And when the last one here is resolved, it is also the Anbu ninja that Danzo left behind to guard the base. Bai Ye put his gaze back into those cultivation devices filled with nutrient solution. Because in these utensils, it is the First Hokage that is enough to make the entire ninja world crazy, the Senju (Li Zhao's) intercellular cell known as the "God of Ninja."

And, after the Uchiha family was almost completely wiped out, the treasure that countless ninjas from the outside world yearn for, Sharingan! Although most of them are Single Tomoe and Two Tomoe Sharingan left after Danzo's transplant. But put it outside, they are enough to set off a bloodbath in the ninja world. It can be seen that Sharingan is famous in the Hokage world.

"System, how do I integrate abilities from different worlds?" Standing in front of these cultivating tools that can shock the entire ninja world, Bai Ye thought of the "Magic Eye of Immediate Death" he currently possesses and asked the system.

[The host only needs to put his hand in front of the appliance, and the template currently at the core of the host will automatically trigger the extraction and fusion functions]

"Just put your hand on it?" Bai Ye heard the system's answer. Then Bai Ye looked at a utensil filled with liquid, and in this utensil, a Single Tomoe Sharingan was soaked in the middle. Bai Ye reached out and tried to put it on the utensil. 

Next moment.

[Ding, I found a One Tomoe Sharingan]

[Will it be integrated into Host's current template?]

Hearing the familiar voice of the system, Bai Ye looked at the One Tomoe Sharingan lying in the utensil in front of him.

Without any hesitation.

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