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[Location - Chiba Station]


[Hachiman's POV]

"Big Brother, you are still so clueless! You can't even take a hint."

Komichi grumbled, her eyes narrowing as she stood beside me. Her fingers fidgeted with the edge of her yukata sleeve, betraying her frustration.

Komichi was referring to how adamant I was with her accompanying me to the fireworks with Yuigahama, whom she tried to subtly set me up with. But there was no way I would let smoothing like that happen.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Komichi, I am not dumb. I get what you are trying to do, but you are barking up the wrong tree."

"...but Yui is soo sweet." She muttered, her lower lip sticking out in a small pout.

I crossed my arms, leaning back against the pillar.

"No doubt, she is, and I do consider her as a…..decent friend, but that's all there is to it. So stop making things complicated for me."

Silently, I added. 'Stop your quest for a sister-in-law this early, girl, or maybe look for another one around me.'

Komichi scoffed, her ponytail swinging as she shook her head vigorously. "Blah~ Whatever, but I will not forgive, if you make Yui cry."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

What are you, her mom? Moreover, how many people is Yuigahama going to plan to build her care centres for?

"...sure." I replied, unsure of my own certainty about it.

I shifted my weight, feeling the cool surface of the pillar against my back.

Straightening up, I fixed Komichi with a harsh look. "Also, don't think of pulling any of your meddlesome tactics when we reach there."

"...sure~" She replied cheekily, mimicking my words with a mischievous sparkle in her eye.

We were waiting near the ticket gate for the train, the buzz of conversation and the occasional announcement filling the air. I leaned against a pillar of the corridor, my eyes scanning the crowd.

From time to time, I spotted familiar faces from our school among the throng.

Of course, I didn't call out to them, nor did they, since we weren't acquaintances.

Many of the boys and girls were dressed in traditional yukatas and jinbeis.

In fact, while making my way to the station, I noticed groups of men and women on friendly terms, as well as families carrying coolers.

"But what if I failed the entrance exam because I didn't get to study today?" Komichi asked with a devilish smile on her face.

Which was, by the way, rather cute for something that was supposed to be looking evil and ominous.

Seriously, though, could she stop trying to spell doom with that adorable face of hers?

I couldn't help but interject with a playful jab.

"Stop acting like the exam is tomorrow. And besides, you won't fail an exam just because you miss one day of studying." My tone was light, but deep down, I prayed that my words wouldn't come back to haunt me.

Because if she does fail, my parents are going to skin me alive.

God, Yuigahama, can you even imagine? I am risking my life today because of you.

...…well, maybe not just because of her.

I was lost in my thoughts again when my sister's excited voice broke the silence. "Haa, Yui is here!"

"Hey, Komichi!" I spotted Yuigahama walking toward us from the north entrance, her sandals clapping noisily against the floor. Her usually cheerful face was tinged with a mix of embarrassment and apology.

"Oh, Komichi. There was some stuff going on… so I ended up kinda late…" She flashed an awkward smile, her eyes avoiding direct contact as she rubbed the back of her neck.

"Nah, don't worry about it." Komichi said warmly.

"You look great, Yui!" She gave Yuigahama a reassuring pat on the shoulder, and her eyes flashed with sincerity.

Seizing the moment, I jumped in without wasting any time.

"Hey, we should get going." I gestured toward the bustling crowd at the station, aware that it would only grow thicker as time passed.


On our way, Yuigahama and Komachi were talking back and forth the entire time, occasionally involving me in the conversation to make me feel like I was not left out.

The station we got off at was overflowing with people and noise.

The looming Chiba Port Tower illuminated the lower world with its mirror-like walls, intensifying the brilliance of the setting sun several times over, which served to liven up the expectations of those who waited for the start of the festival.

Everyone laughed and exchanged looks of animated joy. On the streets, there were food stalls with the standard takoyaki and okonomiyaki, neighbourhood convenience stores and liquor shops placing their products out on display, and restaurants fervently advertising to potential customers that they could view the fireworks from their place.

This was summer in Japan.

Perhaps it was carved in my genes as well, because I was starting to feel excited.

The curtains to the fireworks festival for the citizens of Chiba were about to be raised at this very moment.


It was a short distance to the fireworks festival venue from the front of the station.

The public park was practically adjacent to the station. But with this many people, we couldn't move ahead as we had hoped.

The plaza of the park was normally sparse with people and only gave me the impression that it was wide, but I could tell from afar that it was blotted with people.

The wind that blew from the sea through the gaps between all these people felt pleasant.

I looked at the time, and it was still only six in the evening.

The fireworks were supposed to start at seven thirty.

I let out a sigh and adjusted my mood. "Alright, I guess we should just buy them as we go…"

"Whatever you say, Big brother." Komichi replied, acting like an obedient little sister she wasn't.

But I choose to ignore her for now.

Yuigahama and Komichi started trotting along cheerfully, baking in the passion of the festival affecting them, while I was right behind them, trying to keep them in check.

"Hey, they got jelly fished cake over there! That looks so good!"(Yuigahama)

"Hey, that cat doll looks like Kai!"(Komichi)

"Look at grilled corn!"(Yighamaha)

Yuigahama and Komichi suddenly stopped, their both eyes sparkling.

"Hey, hey, Yui, what should we eat first?" (Komichi)

"Cotton candy! Or, candy apples first!" (Yuigahama)

"Sure, it looks so reddish, I would like to taste it!" (Komichi)

What are you? Blood-sucking monsters? Maybe vampires?

"Stop it. You can't enjoy it at this temperature. We will check them las–!"

"Oh wow! You can win a PS3 here!" I tried to steer them away, but Yuigahama pulled my sleeve, interrupting me.

Wait! PS3…?

Hearing that, I let myself drag as Yuigahama had her attention stolen by the treasure angling stall.

Beside the PS3, there were other gorgeous goods piled with it.


Is this the [Ultimate Hidden Treasure], I have stumbled upon in this [Firework] event?

"Big Brother, you already have one at home." Komichi remarked, narrowing her eyes with a knowing look.

"Moms, gonna not like it." She added, crossing her arms.

"R-right, but technically, I am not buying it, right? What if I won it as a prize?" I said, trying to rationalize my sudden surge of excitement.

"Haha, Big Brother, you became naive, you think you have such luck?" Komichi teased, with a tone full of humorous doubt.


Looks like I let myself be blinded by greed again.

But... I don't remember seeing any [Item] of this [Grade] the last time(:year) I came with Komichi.

Then again, it makes sense since the festival's location is different this time.

"Huh? But there are strings connected to it." Yuigahama pointed out, attempting to defend the idea.

"Yeah! But, realllly, who knows which ones are connected to which behind the cloth? What if they are not connected at all?! It tooo risky, Yui!" Komichi argued convincingly. 

"...I-i didn't think of it that way. You are smart, Komichi."(Yuigahama)

Stop admiring people left and right, girl. I was the one who taught her that when she did the same seeing a doll.

...and you, Komichi, stop being so dramatic. I think the old man at the treasure angling stall is gonna have a heart attack seeing how you're destroying his business. In fact, he's been sending death glares in my direction for a few seconds. Time to move on.

Goodbye, PS3! Maybe next time.

"Come on, let's go somewhere." I made a discrete getaway from the stall and hurried to a different one.

As we moved, I could still feel the old man's eyes burning into my back.


Anyway, that should've been everything on the list.

I thought to myself while I was carrying the bags in my hand.

First, we purchased the Ramune and Takoyaki. Next was Yakisoba, which had a lot of people lining up for some reason, and lastly, Candy Apple.

With that, we have completed whatever Komichi and Yuigahama listed to buy, and as I promised, I bought both of them a couple of extra Candy Apples at last.

It's just about time for the fireworks to go off. I didn't need to bother checking the time because I could tell from the growing commotion from everyone around us.

And if I was so blinded and somehow missed amidst the bright lights and colourful decorations...

Komichi and Yuigahama's faces were a dead giveaway with their exaggerated reactions.

"Wow…." - "...It's so colourful…"

They commented or expressed their opinions in awe.


[To be continued….]


[Author Reminder : 8+chapters advance in Patreon.]


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