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A Battle Of Weapons (Missing Chap)

Azaroth peered at the man, no Exorcist in front of him- he could vividly remember Issei's first meeting with an Exorcist and the guy had been beaten up, Rias had come to save him.

"But I hadn't expected them to actually be so weak," Azaroth muttered under his breath much to the Exorcist's surprise.

'Or Perhaps I'm too strong?' Azaroth wondered in surprise as he pushed the Exorcist backward while exerting little force.

He had spent these past years grinding as much as possible, trying to master many different types of energies and magic and even using Weapons, he had tried to familiarize himself with everything and his evolution happened rather briskly- he had gone past being a regular Gremory and it was thanks to his hard work and the System.

"You know what," Azaroth said with a smile while the Exorcist grabbed his weapon harder, a sense of fear welling up in his heart as Azaroth reached for a dagger at his waist-

Monster Slayer, the good ol' dagger that had been with him since the beginning was actually pretty durable. Azaroth let the dagger's metallic figure run across his fingers and a small smile tugged at his lips.

"If you can beat me in a battle of weapons- I'll let you live," Azaroth said and he felt the tension between them slowly ease up…

Only to increase once again as Azaroth shot forward and sliced him on the cheek quickly, appearing behind his adversary in a flashy motion.

"You better not be letting your guard down because I'm a kid, you know," Azaroth said.

Despite the fact he was playing around, he knew he had to end this quickly. Rias was also in the human world and she was probably waiting for Akeno to come to the forest where they met-

Sadly Azaroth had been steps ahead of her.

'I… I didn't see him,' The Exorcist thought in alarm as his eyes widened in quick realization.

Nevertheless he drew his sword back out again and moved toward Azaroth, Azaroth had to admit he was fast but there was a difference in their levels.

'Perhaps if it was me from back then…' Azaroth thought as he effortlessly dodged a slash from the Exorcist. He had been in dungeons far too many times- their oppressive auras… everything that seemed to unfold within the monsters in the dungeon… what this HUMAN was giving him was nothing.

Azaroth bent over and another Slash crossed by his head. He had to admit that the guy was persistent but it wouldn't be a battle of weapons if Azaroth held back, would it?

As the Exorcist brought down his blade, Azaroth met it with his Dagger and sparks flew in the air. Azaroth pushed back the man and created some space between them- only to burst forward with much more speed than before and slash the Man right across his left knee.

Silence ensued the battlefield as the man held his knee, he gritted his teeth as blood flowed from them but he didn't expect… that it was not the end of Azaroth's barrage.

Azaroth was like a monster, his motions fluid and precise as he cut through the air, slashing through the man's other knee and forcing him down to the ground.


The Exorcist hurried to grab his weapon and attempt to defend himself but he quickly stopped his motion, the cold steel of the blade was on his neck.

"You church fellows sure are interesting, I'll give you that," Azaroth said as the tip of his blade let off a livid glow, he had to admit that the guy was good but he was better.

"Well you lost our bet," Azaroth said, "And your life hangs in the balance, Would you like to join the devils or live the rest of your life in hell?"

The man was silent but he spat on Azaroth's face, it was only then he noticed Azaroth's blood red hair that seemed to be glistening in the wind.

"I stay holy till the end," He said and Azaroth actually pulled the blade away, his hair dancing in the wind as he gave a heartfelt chuckle, "What's so funny?"

The blade descended shortly after, stabbing into the Exorcist's right eye and ridding him of his sight.

"The man you've devoted your everything to serving died long ago," Azaroth said and smiled as blood sprayed onto his face, "Wonder how it feels to hear that right before your death?"

Azaroth's lips were crisp and his eyes bore a look of amusement in them as he drew back the blade, tracing his hands across the pristine sharpness of the edges.

"You know, there are a lot of things I've seen in this life but seriously- Blind believers are a first for me," Azaroth said as he stabbed the man in his neck, piercing screams filling the air as the blade dove deeper into the man's flesh, stealing his essence.


They were in the Gremory mansion now and Akeno was sitting silently in the corner, clutching her knees. That of course was a regular response to such a traumatic situation.

Azaroth was happy that he finally got the first member of his peerage, He would have loved Grayfia to be a member but that was essentially cheating considering she was an Ultimate class already.

Azaroth ran his hands through his hair as he not only had mastered all types of magic in the Basic and Intermediate spellbooks but he had also managed to emulate two of Sukuna's techniques, Cleave and Dismantle.

Similar to the original, Cleave strikes opponents with a slash filled to the brink with magic while Dismantle strikes with a slash without Magic.

Azaroth sat quietly staring at Akeno's face, there was always a chance that she would reject any attempts to join his peerage and there was always a chance she could join him- this could go two ways and Azaroth wanted to see what way Akeno was going to choose.

"You can either brave the current situation with your shoulders high or cry over it like a wimp," Azaroth said and Akeno gave him a lifeless glare.

"What do you mean?"


Author's Note:

Ayy Bruh, I'm back with more chaps… Author's definitely not losing sleep.

If you want to get chapters ahead or support me, head over to, Thanks I'd appreciate it.

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