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55.88% Honkai Star Rail:The Assistant director / Chapter 18: A new beginning.

Chapter 18: A new beginning.

A/N: Something very important that I forgot to put in the translation that ended up being deleted.

Before the mysterious girl appeared, Ritsuka sealed the Stellaron and the Aeon of Destruction set their sights on Ritsuka and they were passing their blessing on him until the girl "kicked out" Nanoock calling them "rude" for forcing a "Path" on her contractor.

Its because of Nanoock, that Ritsuka has a different eye.

I'm really sorry for not noticing this error before posting the previous chapter.


Continuing where we left off...


With Stellaron sealed, our mission here in Jarilo-VI is completed, but there are still certain things to resolve.

The first thing is the situation of Cocolia who is currently unconscious, obviously Bronya intends to take her mother back to the city so she can recover.

The second problem is the consequences of the battle that took place here,probably the rest of the people, especially in the underworld felt the tremors.

Now the last problem and how we are going to explain to the people of Belobog about the truth of Stellaron.

Bronya has decided that she will take on the role of supreme guardian while her mother is recovering and that she will tell a false story to convince the people that Stellaron is to blame for all this.

Unfortunately, even though we wouldn't be very different from the other Guardians, we cannot reveal the entire truth to all the citizens of Belobog because otherwise, chaos will happen in the city and no one will be able to control it. Therefore, for the greater good, only a few people will know the truth that happened while the rest of the people will receive half the truth.

Bronya asks Seele to tell everyone in the underworld that Stellaron has been sealed and that they will be able to go to the surface. Unfortunately Bronya won't be able to return to the city alone as she is mentally exhausted and someone has to take Cocolia back too.

So we decided to split up, I take advantage of the opportunity that I look different and I'm going to use it as a disguise to go through the city while I take Cocolia and Seele goes with us to take Bronya.

While this is happening, Stelle, Dan Hang and March 7 will break the news to Natasha and company.

Before we left I had to talk to Ivan and Anastasia who are waiting for me.

Ritsuka: You have no idea how happy I am to see you here.

I say this with a smile of great relief, living in this world for 4 months without any news from Chaldea was immense torture. Now I can finally be relieved to see one of my Servants again.

Ana immediately hugs me without saying anything, taking into account how affectionate Ana is towards me, I already expected that.

Anastasia: I'm also happy to see you okay.

Ivan:Hmm.... I'm also relieved to see you healthy, Master. Although, if I may ask. Why are you an Avenger?

Ivan said, immediately getting straight to the point and I'm undecided on how to explain the situation.

Ritsuka: Unfortunately, I have no idea about that. All I know is that after I went to sleep with Abigail, I woke up in an unfamiliar place and soon after I discovered that I had become a Heroic Spirit. What happened after I slept?

I say this explaining my situation to my servants and Ana moves away from me a little after hugging me for a while.

Anastasia:The next day, Mash saw that you weren't waking up after several attempts and she called for help and we found out that you were in a coma for four hours.

Anastasia said, leaving me surprised by the revelation.

💭What? In a coma for 4 hours?! But I stayed here longer than that!

Ritsuka:How is this possible?! I stayed here much longer!

Ivan: That's what we're trying to find out. Apparently your soul was pulled out of your body and you underwent a Rayshifting to an unknown place we still don't know where. Sion and Da Vinci are investigating the case right now.

Ivan said, informing me of what is happening in Chaldea and revealing the difference in time that is happening in my perspective and in their perspective.

💭So my real body is in Chaldea? But how did my soul go through a Rayshifting if I'm not in my coffin? Was it the same way Morgan did to send her memories to the past? If this is what happened what kind of era of humanity am I in?

Before I can ask any more questions I see that Ivan and Anastasia are disappearing which means their time of being here is over.

Ritsuka:Damn! I still have a lot of questions to ask you guys!

Ivan:What a misfortune. It seems like we don't have any more time. Master, please be aware that we will do our best to find out the cause of the problem and to help you in some way.

Anastasia: If you managed to summon us without Mash's help, I'm sure you'll be able to do it again. You can't give up now as we won't give up helping you.

Anastasia said with a kind smile that gave me a certain comfort.

Ritsuka:I know....

Ivan: Keep your head steady, Master. You have companions on this journey, use this as support and don't hesitate to ask for help. You are a General. And a General like you has a heavy burden, let them help you ease that weight.

Ivan said giving me motivation and I hold back my tears that are almost falling and I look at my servants with an expression of determination.

Ritsuka:I know! Tell others that I will continue to move forward and that I will not stop!

I say this with a firm tone and my servants disappear in golden lights.

After that I will talk to Dan Hang, Stelle and March 7.

March 7:Okay. Lord of stories. Can you explain to us better what happened when you disappeared that time?

Ritsuka:Hmm... Well, I ended up entering a place that I presume was the world that Stellaron had "promised" to Cocolia and I had a fight against the will of the other Supreme Guardians who were inside Stellaron.

Dan Hang: Fascinating. So are you trying to say that Stellaron is capable of having a consciousness?

Ritsuka: It's possible. If something is capable of giving desires and controlling people, it is possible for something similar to happen. Anyway, I had to go all out against the Stellaron and the moment I sealed him, I ended up attracting Nanoock's gaze.

I say this taking my friends by surprise.

March 7:So the same thing that happened to Stelle happened to you?

Ritsuka: More or less. When Destruction looked at me, they tried to pass their blessing to me by force.

March 7: Don't tell me they were trying to make you an Emanator of Destruction?!

I said March 7 being scared to imagine me being an Emanator of Destruction.

Ritsuka: I don't doubt that this is what would happen, however... something happened that made the process incomplete.

I say this remembering my encounter with the mysterious girl from before.

Stelle: Did something happen to interrupt the will of an Aeon? It is possible?

Dan Hang:At the moment nothing is capable of going against the will of an Aeon, but it seems that the impossible has become reality in Ritsuka's case...

Ritsuka: Unfortunately, I can't say the cause of this.

March 7:Huh? Why not?

Ritsuka: Because even I don't know exactly what happened. I still have a lot of doubts about this.

Stelle:So, we both received some kind of blessings from an Aeon, I received the spear thanks to Qlipoth's gaze and you received what from Nanoock?

Ritsuka: It's probably the change in appearance of my left eye.

March 7: Really? Why don't you include the hair change and armor?

I said March 7, analyzing my current appearance once again.

Ritsuka: Because the armor is the work of my powers that have nothing to do with Destruction. Anyway. You better go to the underworld and report what happened to her and the rest of the people. Let's meet again in Belobog.

I say that and we split up as planned, they went to the underworld while Seele and I took Bronya and Cocolia back to the city.


I return to the city of Belobog and we had to speak briefly with Gepard and Serval who were on the way.

The two are happy to hear the good news, especially Serval who is relieved to know that Cocolia's change in personality is Stellaron's fault.

Either way, Bronya immediately takes over as the new supreme guardian and her first order is to clear the way for the citizens of the underworld to get to the surface.

Soon after, Bronya will prepare a ceremony to celebrate the victory against Stellaron and inform the rest of my friends about the news.

While this is happening I'm talking to Seele who is not happy to hear about Bronya's actions.

Seele: I understand what she's doing, but would it be difficult for her to at least rest a little?!

Ritsuka: Calm down, Seele. I would also prefer Bronya to get some rest as well, but we also need to see it from her perspective. Her mother is recovering and the people of Belobog have just heard the news of a new leader and the people of the underworld are returning at this very moment. Of course she has to make a statement.

Seele: Hmpf. You speak as if you have experience in this regard.

Ritsuka: I certainly don't, but I have friends who are great leaders, so I have an understanding of that. It's a heavy burden that Bronya will carry, I just hope that when her mother recovers she can help her daughter with this.

I say this leaving Seele silent until she speaks again.

Seele: And you? Are you okay? After you said goodbye to those people you brought, you were very silent.

Said Seele mentioning my farewell to my servants.

Ritsuka: I... I was out of contact with my friends from my world for 4 months and it's only now that I found out that 4 hours have passed for them...


Ritsuka: To sum it up in a few words. Where they are now 4 hours have passed, but for me it was 4 months. When you are in space, time is totally different, but my situation is much more complicated and you wouldn't understand.

Seele: Isn't the important thing that you got to see them again?

Ritsuka: Yes. But the revelation of what is happening in my world makes me worried and the fact that I can't do anything irritates me. In addition to many other things in the middle of this problem.

I say this letting out a loud sigh showing how mentally tired I am.

Seele: Like what's happening with Bronya, you're also carrying a heavy burden.

Ritsuka: I'm used to it, whether it's good or bad I had to adapt to it.

Seele:But that doesn't mean you should suffer this alone!

Seele said, coming to me, standing face to face with me.

Seele: It's okay that I have no idea what's going on with your problem, but I'm willing to help you in any way I can. I won't allow you to destroy yourself over this, Ritsuka!

Seele said looking at me seriously making me see Jeanne Alter through her for a moment.

(A/N: For those who don't remember. Ritsuka had to say goodbye to Jalter in Ordeal Call 2, so at this point in this story, she cannot be summoned by him.)

At that moment I decide to hug Seele who is surprised and blushing at what I did.

Ritsuka:Thank you for your words, Seele. I'm happy to know how much you appreciate our friendship.

Seele: Hmpf! Although, I would prefer it to be something better.

Seele said, murmuring something I can't hear clearly.

Ritsuka:Did you say something?

Seele:Nothing! Just don't regret it anymore! Got it you idiot!

Seele said trying to hide her embarrassment and it makes me laugh.


Seele:What are you laughing at?!

In the end, Seele continues to throw insults in my direction, but I know that behind the bad words she is happy to see me laughing.


After some time the entire population of the underworld finally arrived on the surface and can see the beauty of the city of Belobog.

After meeting with my friends, Bronya gave her speech to all the people of the Underworld and Overworld. The speech itself was a success, everyone received Bronya's words with hope and it seems that a new era for Jarilo-VI is about to begin.

After the speech we return to where Bronya is, which is the supreme guardian's saddle.

March 7:Bronya. We came back!

Bronya:March,Dan Hang,Stelle and Ritsuka.... It's wonderful you made It to the address. Sorry, I know the invitation was very hasty, but I had to pass on the news as quickly as possible. The longer people waited, the more rumors would emerge. The situation was at risk of getting out of control at any moment.

Ritsuka:I hope you're okay now.

I say this with a worried expression.

Bronya:I'm fine, Ritsuka. Do not worry.

Bronya responds to me with a gentle smile.

Bronya:My mother.... She tried to force Stellaron's voice into my head..... It was a terrible feeling. I don't know what would happen if you didn't show up.

March 7:That was some speech, Bronya! If I had to talk like that in front of a huge crowd, I'd be shaking head to toe!

Bronya:It was all just a bunch of palatable lies. I hope you never have a similar experience, March.

Ritsuka: The important thing is that the people of the city will have something to hope for, that's what matters.

Bronya: I agree with that. Preserving people's hope is my priority.

March 7: Hey, Dan Hang. I think it's time to tell Bronya what Mr. Yang said to us.

Afterwards, Dan Hang tells Bronya about Welt's observations after Stellaron's sealing. As I can imagine, Fragmentum's corruption was very serious, so even though Stellaron is no longer active, the process of rebuilding the city will not be easy, even if the storm is about to disappear.

With that, Bronya says goodbye to us knowing that we have to return to the Astral Express, however while my friends are leaving I had a private conversation with Bronya.

Bronya:Once again, I want to thank you for everything you've done, Ritsuka. And for saving my mother from a terrible fate.

Ritsuka: It was no big deal. You could say crazy adventures like this are a normal day for me.

Bronya: Hehehe. Certainly. If I go by what you told me, what you went through here doesn't compare to your past adventures.

Ritsuka: You're right about that, Bronya. But seriously now. How is your mother?

I say this to Bronya who has an apprehensive expression.

Bronya:My mother is still recovering from the damage she received from the battle and what the Stellaron did to her mind. I'm worried if she'll be able to wake up.

Ritsuka: What I've heard about your mother is that she's quite stubborn. So I'm sure she will. Wait and Hope,Bronya.

I say this taking Bronya by surprise.

Bronya:Wait and Hope?

Ritsuka:Those are the words of an old friend of mine. A man who was the victim of a great betrayal, who lost everything in his life and suffered greatly for a crime he did not commit, he spent a life of total suffering and despair. Until a person in prison gave him hope and he waited for the perfect opportunity to escape the terrible prison.

I say this by telling Bronya the story of Edmond Dantes.

Bronya: And what happened to him afterwards?

Ritsuka: The man went on a journey of revenge, killing all the people responsible for the torment he went through and after that and even though he was a person with anger and hatred in his heart, he saved my life several times....I owe him a lot.

Bronya: He seems like a good friend to you.

Ritsuka: He was... Now, I don't know if he's alive or not.

I say this, taking Bronya by surprise, who has a sad expression.

Bronya:Oh... I'm so sorry.

Ritsuka: Don't worry, Bronya. Just like he said to me. All I have left is to wait and hope for the future ahead of me. And that's what we have left to do, both for me and for you.

Bronya:You're right. But before you go, I-I have something to give you, but you need to keep your eyes closed.

Bronya said, leaving me confused with her request, but I close my eyes. When I do this I feel a sensation on my lips and I immediately know what Bronya did.

💭Okay! I definitely didn't expect that!

I return the favor and kiss her back and we hold each other's bodies for a few seconds until we separate with a trail of saliva in our mouths.

Ritsuka:Wow..... I wil certainly remembered this gift.

I say this, getting a little red and not knowing what to say.

Bronya is silent and red with embarrassment and she hides from me by placing her head on my chest.

💭Okay! I definitely can't underestimate the boldness of any princess apart from today! Oh my god I'm glad Mash isn't here or I would be in huge trouble!

Ritsuka:Well.... What exactly does that make us?

Bronya: I don't know. It's the first time I've felt this kind of feeling for someone I.....don't know what to do.

Ritsuka: How about we do this more calmly? After all, unlike the rest of Astral Express I can come back as much as I want, so I can visit you and we can see where this relationship will take us, as well as being able to communicate.

I say this to Bronya who looks at me with a smile on her face.

Bronya: I like that idea.


With that, I say goodbye to Bronya and I reunite with my friends.

They decided to take photos with my friends before we headed back to the Astral Express.

March 7: That's enough sightseeing and photo-taking to last me a while... Time to head back to the Goethe Hotel for a good night's sleep!

Dan Hang: We can sleep when we get back to the Express.

Dan Hang said with a grumpy expression.

March 7:Not so fast! Last time we were here, that evil Madam Guardian interrupted us before we're getting the most out of our luxury suites... Don't you think we should make up for It? Come onnnn! Himeko and Mr.Yang are grown-ups. I'm sure they'll cope without us for one night.

Ritsuka: Then you will take full responsibility if we receive a punishment, March.

I say this with a smile teasing her.

Dan Hang:A good idea, Ritsuka.

Said Dan Hang, participating in the fun.

March 7:Hey!

Stelle:So I'm going to take advantage of this moment to reconnect with the trash can!

Stelle said and I could have sworn I see her have the ears and tail of a raccoon for a moment.

💭Ok I definitely have to sleep after this.

March 7:Okay... You do that.. Just take a shower after you're done.

March said being uncomfortable hearing what Stelle said about the "attraction" she has with trash cans.


Being back at the luxury hotel in Belobog I start to organize everything that happened on this adventure.

Ritsuka: I should pay more attention to the actions of women, what happened with Arcueid and Kukulkan is proof of that . It's a miracle I managed to survive those two.

I say this letting out a sigh and I open my cell phone and see a rain of notifications, some coming from Aventurine, Topaz, Asta and Dr Ratio. But the person who has the most messages is Robin who, as I expected, was trying to talk to me a lot.

Ritsuka: Wow, she's probably mad at me for not answering her.

💭This makes me feel like a boyfriend who didn't respond to his girlfriend's messages, even though we're not a couple.

Ritsuka: Even if we were one, Sunday will definitely not be happy and many "loving fans" will not like knowing that Robin is no longer single...

💭No way do I want to get into a scandal with Robin again. I don't want to repeat the day I "kidnapped" her.

I throw my body onto the bed preparing myself for the long day I will have tomorrow.

Ritsuka:Tomorrow I'll have to tell them the truth about me. I wish Da Vinci was here to explain everything.... I hope they are well.

With that I see my eyes letting sleep dominate my body.


Ritsuka's dreams.


Normally when I'm dreaming, I remember the days when I couldn't handle being the master of Chaldea anymore.

I kept remembering my bad days and the desire I had to release my anger on the world and make people pay for the injustice I had to go through. The desire to want to drop everything and destroy everything in my path.

That's why I took the pills I got from Bailu, to make me sleep without having to be tormented by my bad feelings.

But this time, I don't feel anything bad. On the contrary.... I feel.... Peace and serenity.

It's something I don't feel much of in my dreams, but now that feeling of comfort is stronger than ever.

Suddenly I hear an alarm sound in my ear and I immediately turn off the alarm by punching it, which was probably enough to destroy the device.

Ritsuka:Hmm..... I didn't mean to do that.

I let out a groan like I'm waking up and when I open my eyes I see that I'm in a different room and a different bed.

💭Okay. This is certainly different from the weird dreams I sometimes have.

I don't get scared since I'm very used to being in different places when I'm dreaming, but this particular dream sounds different to me and I can't figure out why.


I hear another moan but this time it's female and it's from someone who is lying on top of me. It's not the first time and it won't be the last time that I see a woman sleeping with me, so it doesn't surprise me, but it's the moment I see her face that everything changes.

???: How many times will you destroy the alarms? You can't spend money for nothing, Ritsuka...

The girl said, taking the blanket off her and I see her face that leaves me speechless.


Ritsuka: You....

I have to admit this girl is very pretty, and I've seen a lot of girls who are pretty too, but this one in particular has a charm that...I can't really describe.

I feel enormous happiness to see her, but at the same time I feel a great sadness that I can't explain where it's coming from.

???:Good morning, Ritsuka-Senpai... Did you have a good night's sleep? Oh! Sorry, I can't call you "Senpai" anymore... Hehehe..

Said the girl with a smile of pure happiness at seeing me, I certainly don't know her, I know it in my mind.

However, from within my heart I feel that I know her more than anything that I have a deep bond with her, but I can't figure out why.

At the same time that I am in a huge internal conflict, my heart takes control of my body and I speak her name even though my mind has no idea who she is.

Ritsuka:Good morning to you too.



Next chapter:A selfish dream of a star.

A/N:A Honkai Impact chapter. Which means a rain of depression and references is about to happen in this future chapter. But when you are a fan of the Nasuverse and the Hoyoverse, you are forced to get used to the tortures that the creators do to the protagonists.

GrandMasterBRX GrandMasterBRX

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