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48.48% Honkai Star Rail:The Assistant director / Chapter 15: The calm before the storm part 2

Chapter 15: The calm before the storm part 2

Continuing where we left off....


We arrive at Captain Dunn's location and I am already preparing myself for a possible battle that could happen.

Serval:Hey, Dunn! It's been a while. I didn't know you made security captain.

Serval said with a friendly smile to Dunn who gets nervous when he sees her.

Dunn:S-Serval, It's been a long time.... you're still so... Ahem. You look good.

I notice in his tone that he was almost going to pass up a compliment for Serval and that makes an eyebrow raise.

💭 It looks like Dunn has a crush on Serval. This can help us.

Serval:Allow me to introduce my assistants to you. They help me take care of business at the workshop. Everyone, this is Captain Dunn, an old friend of mine. He used to be an ace on the keys in the band.

Serval said, introducing us to the Captain.

March 7:Ohh? Do you play rock 'n' roll too? Cool!

Dan Hang:Please meet you.

Stella: Great seeing you.

The three introduce themselves and I smell a strange smell near me.

💭What is that smell?

Dunn: Oh, hello....

March 7: What's that weird smell....

Said March 7 feeling the same strange smell that I'm feeling.

Ritsuka: So I'm not the only one who noticed that.

When I said this, Captain Dunn was surprised and nervous at the same time, it seemed like he was responsible for the smell.

Dann: Ahem! Zackery, how many days has It been since you showered?

Zackery:Uh.... I showered right before my shift-

Unfortunately for Zackery, Captain Dunn didn't let his subordinate finish speaking.

Dunn: Hmm? What did you say?

Zackery: I-I haven't showered in two days, sir!

Said Zackery, taking the blame for the strange smell and the real culprit is Dunn.

Dunn: Unacceptable, especially in front of visitors! Sorry for the shame, everyone.

Serval: It's not a big deal,Dunn. Y'know,If you get a chance,would you wanna get on stage with us again? My keyboard guy is pretty good,but I still miss our military days playing in the band...

Serval said, making Dunn feel comfortable for him to let his guard down in order to achieve our objective.

💭 Speaking of music, it's been a few days since I talked to Robin. I wonder how she is doing? If I'm not mistaken, she had a show recently, right? Tch! I had promised her she would watch the show. Better to leave this problem to my future self to sort out.

Because this conversation about music reminded me of a certain famous singer who is a close friend of mine and I should probably receive a notification from her when this is all over.

Dunn:That was a long time ago,Serval. I haven't touched a keyboard in ages. Besides, I'm stationed here all year round, I'm afraid I don't get many chances to return to the city. Though I don't stand on ceremony.... How may I assist you? If everything's in order, you'd better head back to the city. It's not safe here.

Dunn said in a serious tone, no longer showing the casual tone he was showing moments ago.

Serval: I've checked the lines, there don't seem to be any major problems. All that's left is the energy hub. The guard over there said that I needed an "encryption key" to open the gate. Can you help me out?

Said Serval, getting to the most important point of the conversation and we didn't hear a response from Dunn and that made Serval worried.

Serval: Something wrong, Dunn?

Dunn: I'm sorry, Serval....but can you tell me what Captain Gepard said to you?

Dunn said, taking Serval by surprise and I start to have a bad feeling.


Serval: Huh? Oh,uh.... Let me think... "Hey sis,the energy supply lines in the restricted zone have malfunctioned. Those useless engineers can't find the problem." Something like that...

Dunn:And may I ask...when did he contact you?

Dunn said, putting more pressure on Serval and she starts to get nervous.

Serval:Uh...this morning? Yeah, that's right. He's on urban patrol duty today, right? That's why he popped round and asked the favor.

Dunn: Captain Gepard has already returned to the front lines. Can I reconfirm with him?

Dunn said, taking Serval by surprise and I can already see where this conversation is going to end.

Serval:Huh? Hold up, he's back? That can't be, he was still in the city a little while ago....

While Serval is worried about the conversation going from bad to worse, I'm already planning on how to attack Captain Dunn and his soldiers.

💭Hmmm.... A squad of three. Two are simple soldiers and only one is a captain, I don't feel anything alarming coming from the three. Then the fight will be easy and simple. Anything I do will make noise, so the silent method goes to waste, although Seele could steal the key since she has experience in that. Why didn't I think of that? Oh Well. There's no point crying over spilled milk.

Captain Dunn lets out a sigh shaking his head in disappointment.

Dunn:You haven't changed Serval... You're still a lousy liar. Those peaple you've brought, they're.... they're not workshop assistants, right?

Dunn said and Serval remains silent giving the answer without her needing to say anything.

Dunn:Serval, It's not that I don't want to help you...but you should remember that I'm a Belobog Silvermane Guard! How about this. You can leave and I won't tell anyone about this incident.... But the outsiders must remain.

Said Captain Dunn looking at us and I let out a sigh seeing that the result was the way I imagined.

Dan Hang:There goes the negotiation.

Ritsuka: We're really bad at this...hehehe.

I say this in a casual tone, not considering what is happening as a danger

Stelle:Looks like this is gonna end in a fight after all...

Stelle said this looking at Serval, seeing that conflict is inevitable.

Serval:I brought you guys here, and I'm standing with you until the end! Dunn, this concerns the fate of Belobog. No. The fate of our whole world. Please don't stand in our way...

Said Serval looking at Captain Dunn seriously and I prepare to make a surprise attack on the three men.

Dunn:Serval! We used to rehearse together every day. You must understand? My rock 'n' roll soul is to uphold the dignity of a soldier!

The moment the captain said this I made the black barrel shaped like a shield appear in my right hand and used my servent speed to attack the squad using the shield.

(Photo of the shield)

I hit the three squarely, making a loud impact that threw them into the nearby wall. I see that all three are unconscious and I go to Dunn and get the key we are looking for.

💭I didn't even need to use much force to knock them out, the shield's strength was enough.

I look at my friends who are shocked at what they just saw.


March 7: What do you mean "what?". What was that?!

March 7 said this shouting making me let out a sigh.

Ritsuka:No need to shout. It will attract more attention than it should.

Seele: Since when do you use a shield?

Seele said, keeping her arms crossed and questioning me.

Serval:And what speed was that that I couldn't even keep up with?!

Said Serval being shocked by what she saw.

Ritsuka: Well, I don't use that shield for a good reason, since it's my strongest weapon. Now about my speed.... That's a long story that we don't have time to explain.

Stelle: Wow you and your stories. Have you ever thought about writing a book about all this?

Stelle said in a sarcastic tone.

Ritsuka: Actually I have someone who is doing a story about me. The problem is that he must have changed certain things to add drama and tragedy to the books.

I say this remembering the fact that Shakespeare said he was going to write a book about my journeys.

💭I would much rather have Murasaki Shikibu write the stories than leave it to Shakespeare to do them, even Andersen would be a great choice.

March 7: Another thing. How can a shield be your strongest weapon? Aren't shields made to protect?

March 7 said, making me laugh lightly when I heard what she said.

Ritsuka: It's strong enough that old Herta told me to only use it in times of emergency.

💭I think the black barrel was the first thing that made Herta be afraid, but she soon became very excited to find out more about the weapon.

Ritsuka: Anyway. We already have the key, let's go back before-

Before I could say more we heard alarm sounds sounding throughout the area.

💭Well, I can't say I didn't expect that.

March 7:I think we attracted attention...

Ritsuka:You don't say.... Anyway. This is certainly the alarm sound, which means that our way back will not be smooth.

Stelle: Since when have our paths been smooth?

Ritsuka: You're right about that, Stelle. Well now we have nothing left to lose, let's go back to the energy supply hub!

With that we turn around back to the energy supply hub. Obviously we had to defeat some guards who got in our way.

Arriving at our objective, Serval managed to restart the gear bridge system. Now with the bridge control terminal we can open the way to our main objective.

Serval: Perfect! Okay, we need to get to the front lines.

Dan Hang: We might have a problem. Your brother could be there.

Serval: He'll probably be there..... I hope we don't run into him, but if we do, we'll have to talk to him.

Said Serval, but from what I've heard about Gepard, I don't think this will work.

💭I'm not really sure this will work. He's seeming like the kind of person who only changes his mind about something if you beat him up enough.

Dan Hang:Are you sure you can convince him?

Serval: I probably have a 30% chance, or less.

💭 Better than one percent.

Dan Hang:Meaning It could end in a fight.

Dan Hang said this with a sigh, probably already mentally preparing himself for a possible battle.

March 7: Haven't you noticed yet? Most of our "convincing" ends in a fight.

💭If everything were resolved based on conversation, I would think I would be in one of Merlin's illusions.

Stelle:If our adventures are like this, it will be really fun.

March 7:Since when is fighting fun?!

💭Many Heroic Spirits would agree with Stelle, especially the Beserkers and Avengers.

Ritsuka:Anyway. If a conflict ends up happening with your brother, will you be on our side Serval?

I say this looking at her with a neutral expression.

Serval: Of course. My word is my bond. I said that I will stay by your side until the end, and I will not go back on this promise.

Serval said with a determined expression showing that she is ready for anything.

After that we started to cross the bridge until we heard March commenting something.

March 7: Before our next expedition, I need Himeko to teach me some negotiation skills. Hitting people up all the time is ruining my elegance.

Ritsuka:That's a good idea. How about you use your cuteness as a weapon? I'm sure it will help a lot.

I say this with a smile making fun of March 7.

March 7:What?

Stelle:That would be a real weapon capable of enchanting anyone who falls victim to it.

Stelle said, joining in the game and March 7 turns red with embarrassment.

March 7:Hey! That's not funny! I'm not cute!

Ritsuka: Exactly, March. You are adorable. Hahaha....

I say this laughing and I end up receiving light punches from March 7 who is pouting at me. However, a certain thought passes through my head.

💭Wait a minute. March is as cute as Mash, but if she wears that Halloween costume, will she....

The moment I start to imagine March 7 wearing the "dangerous beast" costume I'm in shock at how it would affect me.

(Photo of the costume Ritsuka was thinking of)

💭 No! Nope! Bad idea. It would be very powerful and dangerous for me!

March 7: Ritsuka, your nose is bleeding....

Seele: Are you okay there?

When I hear what they said I immediately leave the world of fantasies and return to reality.

Ritsuka: I'm sorry guys. I was in the moon world for a moment.

I say this while taking the blood out of my nose.

💭That was close! I better not think about something so glorious or I'll go crazy!


(A/N:Giving more context. That costume Mash wore was at Fou's suggestion to be a surprise for Ritsuka.)


Stelle: And what were you thinking because you were in the "moon world"?

Stelle said, standing with her arms crossed, coldly scolding me and it gives me goosebumps.

Ritsuka:Nothing much! Let's go guys! We have a Stellaron to find!

I say this by walking faster, going ahead of everyone.


We arrive on the way to the front line and standing in front of us is Gepard with his squad waiting for us.

Gepard:Serval..... It's really you.

Gepard said in a low tone, showing his disappointment.

Serval:Wait,Gepard! Listen to me-

Unfortunately, Gepard interrupts his older sister.

Gepard: When the sentry reported to me, I thought there must have been a misunderstanding. The enemy alarm had to be unrelated to your entry into the restricted zone. Perhaps the intruders had taken you hosting. And yet.... Step away from the intruders, Serval. Walk over slowly and stand behind me. You're different from them.

Gepard said, trying to convince his sister to leave us, but it doesn't work.

Serval: I'm sorry....we have an understanding. I stand with them.

Said Serval receive no response from Gepard.

Serval:Give me a few minutes, just a few. I'll explain every-

Again, Gepard interrupts his sister and starts talking over her.

Gepard: Enough Serval!

Gepard screams in front of his sister, taking her by surprise.

💭Okay. This situation is clearly going to come into combat. Hm... The last time we fought Gepard he had a very strong barrier....

I'm thinking about how to approach this battle while Gepard and Serval are arguing.

Gepard:Have you forgotten where we are? We Landaus ought to know this place better than anywhere.... The outer reaches of the front line against the Fragmentum, Belobog's most strategic protective fortress. Every Silvermane Guard here, every person here, is ready to sacrifice themselves, ready to spill their blood for Belobog at a moment's notice.... Yet here you are leading fugitives into the restricted zone, attacking my Silvermane with arms-in-arms, hijacking the energy hub... Are you really worthy of the Landau name?

Gepard said, looking at Serval seriously.

Serval: And why do you think I'm here? We found a way to deal with the Eternal Freeze, to seal the Fragmentum. It may be the only chance of life left for this world!

Gepard: If that were true why didn't you report it to Madam Cocolia? Why would you sneak into the restricted zone and create chaos?!

💭If only it were so simple...

Serval: You don't understand. The person who is preventing us from getting closer to the truth is Cocolia herself.

Serval said this, but as expected Gepard continues to be stubborn.

Gepard:You have all seen the supreme guardian in person. Do you think you can act as you please because she didn't recognize your version of events?!

Serval:Listen to me, Gepard! The origin and spread of the Fragmentum is linked to the Stellaron. The meteorite in the Architects records It's-

And for the third time Gepard interrupts his sister.

Gepard: I know about Stellaron. It's exactly what the fugitives are looking for. But Madam Guardian has already revealed the truth to me! These people have ulterior motives, Serval. They want to steal this treasure from the Architects.

When I heard what Gepard said I had to stay focused on keeping my expression neutral because what he just said almost made me laugh like Gilgamesh.

💭I can't believe what I'm hearing. The Stellaron being a treasure that we want to steal from the architects?! HAHAHAHA!!! What's the point in doing this if we have Stelle which is literally a mobile stellaron!

Basically, Gepard said more absurd things than Cocolia invented to incriminate us. She said that Serval was exposed to forbidden knowledge and that she wants to bring destruction and several other lies that Gepard believed without questioning anything.

After this "pleasant" conversation, Gepard ordered his soldiers to arrest us and prepare for combat.

With that we are now about to fight Gepard again, but I decide to do a little "experiment".

Ritsuka:Hmm... Maybe that would work.

I say this causing a flash of light to appear in me and that makes me change mystic code.

(Photo of the mystic code he is using now)

March 7:What? Since when can you change your clothes so quickly, Ritsuka?

Ritsuka: This is actually the first time I've done this, but that doesn't matter at the moment! Time for me to help in this fight!

I say this by extending my right hand towards my friends and I use a reinforcement spell on them.

💭It looks like it worked!

The moment I did this my friends noticed that something was different in them.

Stella: What was that? I feel stronger?

Seele: I've never felt so full of energy in a while.

Dan Hang:What did you do, Ritsuka?

Ritsuka: Let's say I made you stronger than normal. Now use this help to teach Gepard a lesson.

Serval: You don't need to tell me twice!

Said Serval, holding her guitar firmly, being confident.


(A/N: I'm sorry guys. I'm going to have to skip certain things. Look, my only criticism about the Hoyoverse stories is that there's too much dialogue and I'm too tired to put it all in. Detail, I only have the opportunity to write this story after my work. In other words, I come home tired and close to my bedtime. I promise that the next chapters will have a lot of action is that most of this arc Ritsuka is too strong to make a fight that lasts.)


With that my friends fought against Gepard and they managed to deal with his barrier with the help of Stelle's strength, Dan Hang Seele. I gave attack commands to March and Serval and with this teamwork we won the fight.

Unfortunately, Gepard still didn't believe us, still considering us as enemies. Without much choice, I decide to show him Bronya's letter and explain everything that happened.

Fortunately this works and Gepard said that because Bronya's words are against Cocolia's word, Gepard must remain parked until further notice.

Gepard is now out of our way, but we still have to deal with a wave of monster attacks from Fragmentum.

Gepard said that the restricted zone is full of monsters and that he and the guards will clear the way in the first wave of attack, but after that we will have to solve everything ourselves.

After the first wave, Gepard and his soldiers are tired, but he still wants to continue and is ready for the next wave, but I didn't expect to hear what Serval decided.

Serval: Outsiders, Seele, the second wave hasn't started yet. Take advantage of this opportunity to move forward!

Said Serval, leaving us surprised since she said she would accompany us to Stellaron.

March 7:Huh? Serval, won't you look for Stellaron with us?

Serval:My brother can't hold them alone. He spent a lot of energy on us. He's my responsibility now. Besides... If I'm not here to help... I don't know what might happen in the next wave. I wan't to go with you guys. I do! I've always wanted to see Stellaron with my own eyes, and now it's so close... But I can't abandon my brother and the other guards. It's with you now. I believe in you. You gave me new hope! Get the Stellaron before Cocolia realizes what's happening!

Said Serval, leaving the rest of the mission to us and Stelle makes an unexpected response.


Stelle said this being proud of herself that ends up making me laugh while the rest of the crowd is silent.

💭Never change, Stelle. Never change....

Serval:Hey, March! Don't forget to take a photo of the Stellaron for me.

March 7:Say no more! We're good at this. Don't worry!

Said March 7th and we left Serval with her brother and continued our way north of Belobog.


Meanwhile on the Express Train.


Welt:Fragmentum activity is intensifying... Something is happening on Jarilo-VI. Shouldn't we go there to get it, Himeko?

Himeko: Hehe. Have faith in them. Furthermore, this is Ritsuka and Stelle's first expedition. How will those two be able to look back fondly without having some problems? Are you bored Welt? I understand.... But we have many opportunities ahead of us. We will leave the memories of this expedition to them.

Himeko said with a gentle smile and she sees Welt letting out a sigh and he adjusts his glasses.

Welt: You're right. I forgot that Ritsuka is with them, so they'll probably be fine.

This comment from Welt catches Himeko's attention.

Himeko: Oh? And why do you think that, Welt?

Welt:Let's say.... Ritsuka looks a lot like someone I know and I have the impression that he has something that will help a lot on this expedition.

Welt said with a slight smile when mentioning Ritsuka.

Himeko: I have to admit that Ritsuka is hiding something from us, after all no one knows about his past, besides the fact that he is an important figure for the spacial station and besides some rumors about the involvement he had with the IPC, but I'm sure he has a good reason for that.

Welt: Like you said. Let's leave this expedition to them. I'm sure if my impression of Ritsuka is right.... We'll have a lot of surprises.

Welt finishes saying, unable to hide his smile any longer and this ends up making Himeko more curious about the mysterious assistant director.

Continues in part 3....

GrandMasterBRX GrandMasterBRX

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