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Chapter 1: Vessel

"Still..." Aria mused quietly. Despite her resolve, she understood that it would be a difficult task. She couldn't simply embark on a crusade against all fallen beings in the name of God.

For one, she lacked the strength for such a daunting quest, and two she knew her siblings would never condone such actions.

"And that wasn't even considering the fact that she wasn't allowed to leave heaven." Aria sighed inwardly.

It had been a rule implemented by the Seraphs following the great war and the subsequent fall of many of their brethren.

No one was allowed to venture beyond the heavenly realm unless it was for official business, such as visiting a church, or under direct orders from one of the Seraphs. Originally intended to prevent further angelic falls, the rule now posed a significant obstacle for her.

Nevertheless, as with many things, there were loopholes within the restriction, albeit inconvenient ones.

A memory stirred within Aria's mind, recalling a technique she had heard was employed by many of her brethren in days past when Azazel and her other fallen siblings still walked the halls of Heaven.

Vessel Possession was a technique that allowed an angel to interact with the mortal world through a human host.

However, it came with a caveat: the angel required the human's explicit permission. Furthermore, depending on the strength of the angel, they would find their power diminished while inhabiting the mortal vessel.

This limitation made sense, considering that the angel had to channel their divine essence through a mortal body, which inherently lacked the capacity to contain such immense power, although this limitation lessened if the mortal in question was strong.

Consider former exorcist Vasco Strada, for instance; with his unparalleled strength, he could potentially serve as a vessel for one of the mighty Seraphs, granting them access to the majority, if not the entirety, of their celestial power. 

On the other hand, a regular exorcist, depending on their strength, might find it challenging to host even a two-winged angel like herself.

Unfortunately such a unique bond came with complications, it wasn't unheard of for the personality of the host to affect the angel or vice versa.

This was one of the reasons why the technique had been abandoned, among many others that contributed to the downfall of her brethren.

Some angels succumbed to the allure of human life, forsaking their celestial duties for earthly pleasures, which inevitably led them down the path of temptation and corruption.

Nevertheless, despite its limitations, Aria found that the technique suited her needs for the current situation. Moreover, she already had a potential host in mind, a human whose resilience and inner strength could potentially accommodate her divine essence.

The former Holy Maiden of the Church, Asia Argento.

Aria was well aware of the ex-nun's reputation; she had been a topic of much discussion among the angels for some time.

Asia's sudden ex-communication had sent ripples throughout heaven, her situation was surrounded by all sorts of controversy. Her act of healing a devil had sparked accusations of witchcraft, leading to her expulsion from the Church.

Typically, Aria would have dismissed the idea of choosing someone like Asia as her vessel outright. Associating with the devil was a surefire method to earn her disapproval, a notion she staunchly upheld.

However, her perspective had shifted upon her recent acquisition of Michael's notes during her excursion to the 7th heaven. It had shed some light regarding the circumstances of Asia's actions.

Misguided, deceived, and betrayed, Asia stood as yet another casualty of Heaven's rigid adherence to the status quo.

She couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie as another who had been affected by the machinations of heaven.

Aria was certain if no one stepped up to help the girl then she would end up being nabbed by another faction, most likely the devils, with their penchant to reincarnate those with sacred gears.

Initially, Aria couldn't fathom how Asia's sacred gear could possess the ability to heal a devil. Such a feature would surely have been contrary to her father's intentions for the sacred gears.

But she had read Michael's text, and the message was clear, God was dead, and his rules were broken.

Considering the circumstances she couldn't fault Asia for her transgressions; after all, she was merely a pawn caught in the machinations of higher powers.

In the same vein, Aria couldn't hold Michael entirely responsible for the situation. He lacked the omnipotence of their Father, and thus, the ability to completely control the divine system.

Yet, Aria harboured resentment towards him for failing to intervene and save the young nun from her unjust fate.

"Now, all I have to do is reach out to her," Aria mused to herself. She felt confident that Asia would accept her proposition; after all, from what she knew the girl had always been a devout and righteous individual.

Surely, Asia was merely waiting for an opportunity to become an instrument of divine will. If the light of Heaven would not save her, then Aria would extend her own light to encompass Asia, guiding her to act as a vessel for her will in the mortal world.


Asia sat in her room, the events of the past week weighing heavily on her mind. Just a week ago, her life had been vastly different.

She had committed the unthinkable act of healing a devil, an act that led to her swift excommunication from the Church. 

She couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that gnawed at her conscience, knowing that her actions had led to her excommunication from the Church.

Of course, she hadn't known he was a devil at the time but even now, as she reflected on the events that had transpired, she couldn't be certain that she wouldn't repeat the same mistake if faced with a similar situation again.

Now, here she was in Japan, far from the familiar confines of her former life, working alongside fallen angels of all beings. It was a strange twist of fate, to say the least.

Despite their status, Asia couldn't help but relate to them. They were outcasts like her, grappling with their own demons and trying to find their place in a world that had turned its back on them. 

Apart from Lady Raynare, they scarcely engaged with her, and even then, their interactions were typically limited to issuing orders. Yet, despite their distant demeanour, she held onto a glimmer of hope that they would one day rediscover their place in the light.

Then there were the other ex-exorcists, fellow individuals who, like her, had veered from the righteous path. Asia couldn't help but sense the weight of their burdens and the burden of their own regrets, she was sure they too had their own troubles.

However, despite her attempts to find solace in her current circumstances, Asia couldn't shake the persistent feeling that she didn't quite belong.

She felt as though she stood on the precipice of something greater, a purpose yet to be unveiled. She had always believed that everything happened for a reason, and perhaps, just perhaps, she was meant to be here in this unfamiliar place.

Seated on her bed, Asia found herself lost in thought, her mind drifting back to the encounter with the kind-hearted boy she had met at the park earlier. "Issei," she murmured softly, testing the name on her lips.

A gentle smile graced her lips at the memory of their interaction. She couldn't suppress the hope that she would have the chance to meet him again.

There was a lingering curiosity about him, a feeling that perhaps he held some connection to the reason she found herself in this new and unfamiliar environment.

She closed her eyes as she prepared to sleep, her thoughts consumed by the image of brown hair and brown eyes.

As Asia's consciousness gradually fell into the depths of sleep, she awoke to find herself enveloped in a realm of celestial grandeur.

The clouds around her seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly radiance, casting a gentle glow upon the landscape. She felt a sense of peace wash over her as if she had been transported to a place beyond mortal comprehension.

"Where am I? Is this a dream?" Asia pondered as she surveyed the celestial scene unfolding before her.

Amidst the breathtaking scenery, a figure materialized before her, bathed in divine light. As Asia gazed upon the figure before her, she was struck by the beauty emanating from the young woman who stood bathed in celestial light. 

Her long blonde hair cascaded down her hips like strands of spun gold, framing a face of ethereal grace. The woman's eyes gleamed with a radiant golden hue, reflecting purity and kindness. Two pristine wings, as white as freshly fallen snow, unfurled majestically behind her, a testament to her divine nature. A golden halo adorned her head, casting a soft glow around her, while her flowing white robes hugged her figure with an elegance befitting her celestial presence.

"An Angel?" Asia murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, filled with awe and wonder.

The angel's gaze met Asia's, her eyes reflecting a profound sense of understanding and compassion.

"Asia," the angel's voice echoed softly, like the distant melody of celestial hymns. "I am Aria, the Angel of Freedom. I have come to you in your dreams, guided by the will of the divine."

Aria, the Angel of Freedom, stood before Asia with an aura of serenity and purpose. Her presence seemed to imbue the surroundings with an even greater sense of sanctity.

Asia's heart fluttered with a mixture of trepidation, curiosity, awe and reverence. She had never experienced anything like this before, an actual Angel had come to her in her dreams just like in the bible. Had this been what she had been waiting for? Was she soon to find her purpose?

"Why have you come to me?" Asia questioned, her voice tinged with uncertainty in the face of the divine.

Aria smiled gently, her expression radiating warmth and reassurance. "I have watched over you, Asia, and I have seen the struggles you have faced," she replied. "You are at a crossroads, torn between the path you once knew and the unknown future that lies ahead."

Asia nodded, her mind racing with questions and doubts. She had grappled with her faith and her sense of purpose ever since the events that led to her excommunication.

Now, confronted by an angel in her dreams, she couldn't help but wonder what role she was meant to play in the grand scheme of things.

"God works in mysterious ways, Asia," Aria continued, her voice soft yet resolute.

However, as Asia studied the angel's eyes, she detected a glimmer of something else within them—was it sadness? Loss? Asia couldn't be certain, but there was an undeniable depth to Aria's expression that stirred a sense of curiosity within her.

"You may have strayed from the path, but that does not mean you are lost. Your journey is far from over, and there is still much you have yet to discover." 

"Though you may have strayed from the path, Asia, it does not mean you are lost," Aria assured her, her tone gentle yet firm. "Your journey is far from over, and there is still much for you to discover."

With each word, Asia felt a sense of hope begin to blossom within her heart. Perhaps there was still a purpose to her existence, a reason why she had been led down this unexpected path.

"Trust in yourself, Asia," Aria spoke, her voice carrying the weight of divine wisdom. "And know that you are never alone. Even if you have been rejected, the light of God Shines upon you, guiding you even in the darkest of times."

Asia's expression twisted in confusion as she grappled with the paradox before her. How could the Church cast her out while the divine light still found its way to her?

The contradiction baffled her, leaving her with more questions than answers. Was she even worthy to be in this angel's presence after everything that had happened?

Aria's gaze softened, revealing a depth of empathy born from centuries of witnessing humanity's struggles.

"Asia," she began, her voice tinged with a hint of melancholy, "I understand your doubts and fears better than you may realize. Many a time have I too faced uncertainty and questioned my purpose, even today I find myself wondering whether I'm doing the right thing."

"How could you do anything wrong? You're an angel," Asia questioned, her voice tinged with a mixture of incredulity and curiosity.

"Yes, well, I'll let you in on a little secret," Aria responded with a soft chuckle, her voice carrying a hint of self-awareness. "We angels are just as fallible as humans. It's why so many succumb to temptation and fall from grace. Even I have my moments of weakness."

"Having said that, I come to you with an offer, or rather, a request," Aria continued.

Asia blinked, her confusion evident. "A request?" she echoed, surprised that an angel would have any business with her. After all, she was just an excommunicated nun, not even a qualified exorcist. "Please state your request, Lady Aria. I'll do my best to fulfil it."

Aria smiled warmly, though there was a hint of gravity in her expression. "I'm glad to hear that," she began, her tone gentle yet serious, "but what I'm about to ask of you is quite significant. I would like you to serve as my vessel."

"Your vessel?" Asia echoed, her confusion evident in her voice.

"Yes, sometimes angels are unable to descend from heaven due to certain complications," Aria explained patiently. "That's when we must resort to taking on vessels—humans who allow us to act out our will without directly descending from heaven. Rest assured, the process poses no harm to you."

Asia's surprise was palpable as she processed the unexpected request. Could she, an excommunicated nun, truly be worthy to serve as a vessel for such a divine being?

"I am deeply honoured by your request, Lady Aria," she began tentatively, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "However, I can't help but feel unworthy of such a privilege."

"Nonsense," Aria countered gently, her expression one of unwavering certainty. "Few, if any, are as worthy as you, Asia Argento. I ask once more, will you become my vessel, my instrument to enact the divine will upon this world?"

Asia stared at the angel Aria in awe. "Yes," she replied with determination, her voice steady. "I'd be glad to if you'll have me."

"Wonderful," Aria exclaimed, her voice filled with delight, as she extended her hand towards Asia. "Then, to complete the process, all I'd ask is that you take my hand."

Asia hesitated for a moment, her mind racing with uncertainty and anticipation. Taking a deep breath, she reached out and gently grasped Aria's hand. Instantly, a surge of warmth enveloped her, spreading from their clasped hands throughout her entire being.

Aria closed her eyes, focusing her divine energy as she initiated the process of becoming one with her chosen vessel. Asia could feel a subtle shift within herself, a presence that was both comforting and empowering.

As the transformation neared completion, Aria opened her eyes, her gaze meeting Asia's with a reassuring smile. "Welcome, Asia Argento, my vessel," she said, her voice resonating with a newfound sense of unity.

Asia returned the smile, feeling a sense of purpose wash over her. Ever since her excommunication from the church, she had been plagued by doubt, uncertain of where her path was leading and whether she was making the right decisions.

But as she gazed into those deep, golden eyes, Asia felt a newfound sense of resolve wash over her. With Lady Aria's guidance and support, she believed she could make a genuine impact on the world.

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