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Chapter 8: Until death Cap 8

Looking inside the cabin with its supernatural darkness, probably caused by the beast that lurked inside the cabin, Henry hesitated as to whether it was really a good idea to enter that place.

"I didn't know Jason had that power, I have to stop comparing this reality with the one in the movie, after all they don't show everything for various reasons, maybe financial or screen time."

I thought, raising my perception and heightened senses to the maximum, slowly entering the darkness.

"I can only see things about two meters ahead, I can't hear any sound... even my own footsteps are silent here, which means he could be anywhere setting up an ambush..."

With military machete in hand, I continue walking around, searching every corner of the hut for any trace of the voorhees, a few minutes of searching to no avail.

I began to ponder whether I should hunt the voorhees another day, but before I could finalize my choice I felt an evil sensation behind me, a breath that sent a chill down my spine.

Knowing that it would be impossible to dodge the blow already close to my head, even with my speed.

It only takes me a moment to summon a ten-centimeter-thick metal cap from my inventory, which I had saved for special situations.

I make a low scream and my arms explode with great force, lifting the cap above my head.

Feeling the blow threaten to cut through my body from top to bottom, I kneel on one knee on the ground unable to stand under such pressure, the seemingly indestructible metal cap cut in two as the blow traveled towards my shoulder.

"I'm going to die, is this really the end of me?"

Even with the force largely dispensed by the cap, Jason managed to drive the blade five centimeters deep into my shoulder.

It stuck only in the bone, causing Henry to gush blood and scream in pain.

I began to feel despair at the sensation of death that hung in the air if I didn't move, "FUCK YOU VOORHEES!!!"

I scream with all my might, summoning a half-meter black knife, gritting my teeth in pain. I use all my strength and aim at the hand that held the machete now attached to my shoulder.

Jason, unable to react to my quick counter-attack, feels his hand empty as he lowers his head, looking slowly at the severed stump down to the bone on the ground.

Without hesitating, Henry rolls away, keeping a safe distance from his enemy, who seems focused, calmly staring at his severed hand moving on its own on the ground.

"SHIT! I've never come so close to death like this, I've got to stop the bleeding fast before I lose too much blood!"

Looking at the wound bleeding deeply, I summon a gas and quickly perform first aid that would make any nurse's eyes bleed.

"At least we're even, I can't use my left arm but he can't use his right hand either."

I thought, groaning in pain, but I knew I was on the losing side as my vision began to blur from lack of blood.

And looking at Jason, I saw him still with his head down, calmly looking at his hand on the floor, which was moving strangely.


I was shocked to see the living dead man calmly bending down and picking up his severed hand.

If I looked closely, I could see the poor ligaments coming back together and a few breaths later he had his arm perfectly intact.

" -_- "Jason

Jason calmly picked up his machete from the ground and raised his head, looking at Henrique with his expressionless face walking slowly towards him.

"What do I do? Do I try to escape?"

As fear began to consume his mind, he could swear that darkness accompanied the shadow of the living dead.

Together with its frightening appearance, which could make anyone tremble with fear, he forced himself not to fall into the abyss of fear.

He immediately thought of running away but quickly dismissed the thought, how would he be worthy of accompanying the Winchesters and saving the world where he now resided if he ran away from a simple living dead man?

An unusual gleam ran through Henry's eyes, dispelling his fear. Without hesitating, he summoned two grenades in each hand, looking determinedly at the being walking towards him.

"Do you really think I'm afraid of you?my biggest fear was losing the one I loved the most, unlucky for you I've already faced that nightmare!"

I replied in Jason's direction, memories of my parents' death coming back to haunt me at that moment.

Seeing no other way, I invested my remaining Twenty points of statistics, I was currently at level five and had already used up ten points of statistics after fighting the rugaru.

Now I was confident, investing my remaining e Twenty points in agility, a force ran through my body and my speed rose to five times that of a normal person.

"If the Reinforce skill increases strength by 200% when I attack, why not try using it for a burst of speed?".

A momentum surged around me, I made a running lunge, my shoes exploded, leaving my feet bathed in blood from the energy circulating in them.

I raised my head and saw Jason running towards me, like a tank with his machete raised.


I shout, making an almost suicidal move. I quickly remove the pin from the grenades and shoot forward like a cheetah, reaching six times the speed of a normal human being.

Leaving only an afterimage behind me, everything suddenly went into slow motion around me, I could see the wind being cut and the drops of blood dripping from the machete that was approaching in an attempt to slice my body.

"I can't stop or I'll die!"

I looked at Jason, who was less than a meter away. I could smell his foul odor and even see worms hiding in his body.

I focus my attention on his machete while at the same time twisting my body like a cat, dodging and twisting my waist around its blade, which manages to touch my back, taking a piece of my skin with it.

Unable to stop due to the high speed, I ended up hitting the door and being thrown out of the hut as I rolled wildly across the floor with the force of the impact.

Jason couldn't understand my action since he hadn't felt any impact in our last confrontation, but when he looked closely he realized that there was something in his vision, looking more closely he saw two small round objects stuck in the middle of his hockey mask.

Looking further down, he saw two round objects just like the previous one stuck to his chest.


"Surprise, motherfucker!"

I say, raising my bloodied body, continuing my run to avoid the area where the grenades exploded.


I hear a deafening explosion as a piece of wood from the hut flies past my head, and I see only darkness before I lose consciousness.

[Congratulations on completing the mission to kill Jason Voorhees ]

[ 2,000 soul coins ]

[ XP +60% ]

[ Skills acquired ]

[ Charge : Charge towards the target, doubling your speed in the process ]

[ Bullet Time = Decreases the flow of time, slowing down everything around you ( overuse causes ) ]


This is the last chapter translated today, tomorrow I'll be translating ten new chapters, have a good read.

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