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75% To You, Whom I Will Love / Chapter 8: True Dragon God, Milim Nava

Chapter 8: True Dragon God, Milim Nava

-Adam's POV-


"Astraea?" I called while groggily opened my eyes.

"Yes, Adam." 

I opened my eyes as I was stunned to see a stunning woman in front of me. Her long pure black hair with purple luster like stars in the galaxy flows to below her waist. Her purple irises captivated me as I gazed upon them.

"..dam, Adam." 

"Astraea?" I called again and I got the same reply from the woman in front of me.

"Yes, Adam? Were you captivated by my beauty? Fufufufu" Astraea said while teasing me.

"Hahaha, no, I was just surprised that you created your own body. " I said, smiling gently at her.

"Hmph. You're no fun." Astraea pouted her mouth. 

"Haha, sorry, Astraea, so how's my evolution?" I said while patting her head gently. She showed such a blissful expression, as expected of my skill [Super Comfortable Head Pat].

 I guess this is my first time to touch Astraea as she is always in my body.

"Fufufu, it's hard work to successfully evolve you to beyond the boundary Cardinal have, thankfully you have me to assist you." Astraea said proudly like a pet wanting his master to praise him.

"Hai, Hai, Of course The Great Astraea-sama would successfully help me." Patting her head again until she blushes out of shyness. 

"Hmph. Of course. Now let me tell you about your evolution…" Astraea hit my hand off her head and began to wear glasses like a strict teacher.

"First of all, there is a trace divinity that your God left inside your body, that trace of divinity making your evolution become much easier and evolve towards a higher race, that is True Dragon God. You can just think of True Dragon God as True God or Creator God or something like that. 

True Dragon Gods have their own attributes. Yours is Order and Chaos. I don't know why your attribute is that but my guess is because of your soul characteristic that manifests itself and creates your own concept.

For the Omni skills…how do I say this. Is it an over-success?.. Yeah I guess it is. Based on Veldanava memory who had Omnipotent and Omniscient, and backed by the divinity in your body. Now you have three Omni-skills: Omnipotent, Omniscient, and last but not least Omnipresent. 

As soon as I created these skills, I turned off Omniscient and Omnipresent as I know you don't like to know everything and play God yourself." After Finishing her explanation, Astraea drinks a water bottle from who knows where as if she got a dry throat after talking too much.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

"Ohh, sasuga, Astraea-sama!" I began to clap and praise her. 

"Muahahaha, praise me, praise me more!" Astraea began to lose herself in her own world as she laughed like a certain young lady with blond hair, with a twirl hairstyle who laughed villainously with one of her hands covering her mouth.

"So, basically, I'm a dragon, and an omnipotent god? Yoshi, I can do anything. With this power I shall embark on my way to become a normal overpowered person who dwells among the humans. Kukukuku." I laughed out loud with Astraea who began to influence me with her villainous laugh. 



Cough.. Cough..

"Astraea, enough laughing." I scolded Astraea pretending as if I never did laugh villainously like her.

"Hmph. I'm going back to your body." She said pouting slightly as her body began to turn into a starlight into my body. 

"Let me check if my appearance changes aside from my body height."

I began to inspect myself after creating a full-body mirror effortlessly.

'Ohh, Handsome!' I exclaimed mentally.

In front of me is a tall boy around 215 cm with the well-built body of a teenager, his muscles are divine like a work of art. His hair is so long that it reaches his waist.

Like Astraea that I saw earlier, my hair is pure black with purple luster like a galaxy. My irises are bright purple with dragon-like slit pupils. I got a couple long black horns that shape like a tree branch that emerge from my head like Agrona Vritra's Horns from the TBATE series. Some of my body is covered with pure white scales while my chest's scales are purple-blackish with golden lining.

"Now, how about my dragon form?"

I began to transform into my dragon form. Rather than morphing into a dragon, my human body glitch out of existence, replaced by a dragon body little by little.


I roar subconsciously as I was too excited to transform into a dragon.

"Oops! Repair!" I breathe in relief as I repair the almost broken barrier around Veldanava space that I've been living in.

"Ohh, my dragon form is handsome as well, and I got two forms? One represents Order and the other represents Chaos."

The Order one is white in color while the Chaos is black. Both forms have 2 pairs of wings with the outer wings is the color it represents and the inner wings are purple-blackish in color with golden lining.

Once again… 'Handsome!'

<<Handsome indeed..>>

"What was that, Astraea? Did you say something?"

<<Huh? What?>>

"U-Uhh, nothing, I thought I heard something." I swear I heard Astraea say something, is it my imagination?

Now let's test the three Omni-skills.

I used Omnipotent to create something out of nothing, create new energy, living creatures, electronics, a world, and then destroy it. Omnipotent Indeed. The thing that limits me to use it is imagination. 

'Omniscient. Let's see, I want to know where the DXD Universe is.' As soon as I thought of that, the Omniscient was working to let me know the DXD Universe, more precisely the coordinate. And I can spy and go to the universe whenever I want.

Lastly 'Omnipresent…-'

<<It is not recommended to use Omnipresent. While Omnipresent can make you exist anywhere and nowhere at the same time, but without Omniscient activated all the time, your mind will be confused where, when, who you are as you simultaneously experience a lot, lot of things at the same time.>> Astraea reminds me in a rush manner, afraid I recklessly used Omnipresent.

Thankfully she reminded me as I don't really know what the consequences of using Omnipresent are.

'I should not use Omnipresent unless in an emergency.'


After some adaptation to my newfound power. I began my plan to subdue Milim Nava.

Once again gazing at the devastated land. I quickly locate Milim and Gaia. Apparently Milim stood motionless looking towards me with madness on her face, while Gaia was still rampaging at the place where El Dorado will be built if Leon becomes demon lord.

Flying to Milim's place using dragon wings in humanoid form, while enjoying the breez-..

Cough.. Cough..

<<Haha, Adam. There is no breeze, only smoke>> Astraea laughed at me for my blunder.

"I know, I know, I was just being dramatic." I said, twitching the corner of my mouth to hold back cursing at myself. 

As soon as I arrived around 2 miles from Milim, she started to attack me in her dragonoid form.

She slashed at me with the Asura Sword as I blocked her with my newly created sword. Its appearance is the same as Caera Denoir's sword.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Magicules infused slash upon slash flying towards as I effortlessly blocked it with my sword. I swung my sword without any technique as my slash was blocked by her sword but the force was so great that she was sent flying by my blow towards the ground. 

'She's weak… no. I'm too strong.' I mused at myself at the discovery.

Cough! Cough!! Cough!!

I heard Milim's voice as she coughed a lot of blood and began to recover. 

<<Milim Nava is like The Hulk. The angrier she is, the more powerful he become.>> Astraea reminded me as I saw Milim lunged towards my side faster than ever before and more barbaric. Putting my sword away, I confront what's coming upon me.

Bang! Bang! 

She kicks, I kick.

Bang! Bang! Bang! 

She punched, I punched.

We exchanged 100 rounds before I retreated and began to think how to solve this.

<<You should swallow her and let me handle it, Adam. Don't forget about Gaia>>

"Sure..." Is it my imagination or does Astraea sound like a scientist who wants to experiment on her subject?

<<Hmph. Of course it is your imagination, why would I experiment at a little girl.>> Astraea pouted at me because of my suspicion.

"Haha... sorry, Astraea." I said awkwardly since my thoughts were literally heard by her. 


Milim once again charges towards me, but I don't block it like I used to do, but expand the size of my wings as my inner wings become a portal with purple liquid like substance appearance. 


Just like that, Milim flies right through my portal into my stomach.

'Good job, me!' I congratulated myself as I gave myself a high five.

What I need to do now is swallow Gaia, then my job is done.

<<After I stabilize both of them, I need you to talk to them.>>



After swallowing both Milim and Gaia, I strolled around El Dorado since I heard from my previous life that this island has a gate that connects the Underworld, or in Tensura-verse it is called the Spiritual World. 

'Hoo, is this The Underworld Gate.'

I found a scary looking gate at the center of the island. The gate appearance literally tells the outsiders "I'm the Underworld Gate!".

I opened the gate slowly.



'Sorry, but is this hell? It's packed with daemons. Did all the killed creatures become daemons?'

<<Most likely. You can see some of them have intelligence from their previous life.>>

'Hmm. I want to search for the Primordials to see if any of them are alive.'

I go in through the gate and lower my presence. 

I fly around the realm as I found out that the underworld is divided into 7 territories. Rouge, Noir, Bleu, Vert, Blanc, Violet, and Jaune's territory.

The daemons that are in the territory are intelligent, while outside the territory are low-daemon with no intelligence. 

Rouge's territory is the most noisy as their personality is proud and challenger. Noir's territory is the most peaceful one as their personality is weird oddball. Bleu's territory is the quotes as they have a lazy personality. Vert's is the most orderly one as they have a serious personality. Blanc's territory is the most luxurious. Violet's dyed the lands in rivers of blood. Jaune's… utter chaos. Nuclear magic and attack magic set off every now and then.

Unfortunately there is no primordial as they had not yet revived after they got killed by Milim.

'Enough of the tour, I need to talk with Milim.'

<<Yes, Milim has woken up from her madness and I temporarily seal her ultimate skill. For Gaia, I just remove her corruption and her personality back to that of a puppy.>>



In my stomach, I sat on tatami next to Astraea looking at Milim who sat in front of me with teary eyes hugging Gaia with a nervous face looking at me.

Sigh.. "Am I that scary to you?"

Milim replied to me by nodding her head frantically. 

"I'm not that scary okay, I'm just like your father, Veldanava, but more powerful. See these horns and wings. I'm a young true dragon god." I explained patiently to Milim who tried to scan me with her skills, not that I mind.

"Did you really emphasize the word 'young', Adam?" Astraea rolled her eyes at me as I began to bicker with her.

My bicker with Astraea began to calm Milim down as she looked at us with curiosity.

"So… did I destroy the world?" Milim asked hesitantly, interrupting my conversation with Astraea.

"Umu, you did do that, because Gaia was killed and you were on a rampage. After you destroyed the kingdom, you got Ultimate Skill that furthered your madness thus destroying the world." I spoke to her slowly since I was afraid she would be overwhelmed by the information.

"Umu…" She just nodded at me and continued to stroke Gaia scales who purred like a cat.

"Did you regret it? Destroying the world?" I asked hesitantly.

"Hmm? No, Why?" She responded with a confused expression that confused me as well.

"... I thought you would regret destroying the world that your father created." 

"No, I wouldn't. Dad and Mom are already gone, all I got is Gaia. After Gaia died, I didn't want anything else besides reviving Gaia. Now that Gaia is alive and well, I don't want anything besides playing with Gaia again." She explained to me as she hugged Gaia who began to struggle to breath.

"Oh. I'm glad. I thought you would cry and stuff."

"Of course I wouldn't cry, I'm not a kid!" She retorted, moving her hand on her hips, pouting her mouth, and petite stature.

'Not convincing at all!.' I rolled my eyes at her appearance. 

"Grrr. Did you just mock me?" Milim stared at me with glowing blue eyes.

"Of course not. How could it be? Hahaha." I said confidently to her.

"Lies, My [Millim's Eyes] can detect your lies. Muahahaha." Milim said while showing off her skill.

"Really, I didn't lie, Check again." I said while smirking at her.

"Hmm?! H-how could it be?! What did you do?! I'm sure you were lying, but now my eyes say that you're not lying!" She dash towards me and start shaking my collar.

"Secret." I escaped from her shaky hands and started to act mysteriously.

"Hmph!!" Milim pouted her lips angrily. Rather than being fierce, she just looks more cute.

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