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Chapter 17: Seventeen.

Zandia's POV

"...I am addicted to you Zandia" What?! Did he just say what I heard him say?!

Oh fuck!!! I thought as I coughed continuously. How does one choke on their saliva after a confession?!

'This is a confession right?!' I wondered as Jake went to the small refrigerator in his office and picked a bottle of water which he uncapped and passed to me, he then came behind me to rub my back. I blushed at his cute and considerate action.

'Does he really like me?' I couldn't help asking myself. 'Why does he?'

His voice interrupted my thought, "Hey, take small sips, that should help you." His concerned tone made me even more confused.

'Why would he like me? He is Jake Zaid, the man who can literally get any model or actress of his choice, why me?!'

"Don't talk. Just try to relax and until you feel totally fine, you shouldn't speak." The way he spoke... The gentleness in his voice nad gaze, I hated how confused and dumb I was right now. I am unable to think straight. Where the f*ck is Sam, didn't she come along to help me avoid situations like this?

"I am fine." I told him as I cleared my throat, and subtly moved my chair away from him. Luckily the chair is wheelable, so moving away wasn't difficult.

This is so embarrassing.

"I told you not to speak." He gently scolded me as he bent over which made me lean away from him.

'What is he doing?' I wondered. He stopped when he was at eye level with me, I could smell him, his manly scent invaded my nostrils causing me more trouble. 'How do you want me to think right if you are this close mister?!' I bit my inner lips to stop myself from crying out of frustration. This is already as frustrating as it can get.

I know he wants me to look him in the eyes but I couldn't, those piercing grey eyes of his will unravel me. It will make me lose the little home training I had left.

"I like you Zandia, but I am not in a rush for you to like me back. I intend to go after you and court you right. So do this job quickly so I can have you all to myself then." He smiled, his eyes almost twinkling, yet I saw the mischievous glint in them.

"Says who that I will date you?" What the hell am I even asking? And why do I sound like that?! I sound so unconvinced even to my own ears. 'Zandia Chester, get your sh*t together.'

"When you choked, I had a feeling I got you already." He winked and thankfully moved away returning to his seat. "But because I am a gentleman who was raised right, I will go after you and make you like me too." He smiled. 'Did he always have a dimple on that cheek?' I wondered as I stared at his left cheek.

"My choking had nothing to do with you." This is truly too embarrassing.

"Really now? But I do have a feeling that the next time you choke, I will still be the reason for such." How can he... This perverted man is really... Infuriating!!!

"I will be working with Amanda right?" He nodded his lips curled in a smile. He looked like he wanted to hold back a laugh but he was failing miserably. "I will be in her office then." I hastened my pace and left his office. As I got to the door, he finally let go of the laugh.

Amanda and Sam who seemed engrossed in their discussion of the Hemsworth brothers looked over to me. I am sure I looked thoroughly embarrassed. Sam raised a curious brow, while Amanda's gaze remained calm.

"Zanny, Chris or Liam?" Samantha asked. They both stared at me anticipating my response.

Clearing my throat, "Luke." I grinned as they turned back to each other and argued. If I was being honest, I would have definitely picked Chris. I mean that man had to be a part of Hollywood top finest men alive.

Finally recovered my composure back, "Amanda." I called to get her attention. It is shocking how insistent she is about Liam. I mean have she seen Chris?!

"Sorry about the delay, Miss Chester. Shall we start?" She smiled as she suddenly turned serious.

The meeting with her had been a great one. She liked the initial proposal so there wasn't any need to change a thing. Now I guess I can start with purchasing my materials and getting to work.

"So what were you and Hottie doing inside if Amanda is in charge? And why did you walk out looking like an overripe tomato ready to be plucked?" Sam asked as we got into the cab taking us back home.

I smirked turning to her, "Aren't we keeping secrets from one another now?" I accused and she frowned.

"I am not keeping secrets Zanny, I just don't know... I am scared." What? Scared of what? Why would she be?

"Could you drop us at any bar close by?" I told the taxi driver who nodded. Although curious, I stayed quoted. I waited until we were inside the bar and seated in a secluded area before I spoke.

"Why would you be scared? You didn't ruin a life did you?" She shook her head. "End it?"

"No! Are you insane?" Then why would she be scared?

"Did you join a robbing gang or something?" She eye rolled.

"Then what?" I asked.

"I..." She bit her lips looking nervous, which caused me to become even more worried. She looked hesitant and I might have been tempted to tell her to take her time and talk to me when she was ready but my curiosity was way bigger than that.

"You..." I urged.

"My partner... Gosh Zanny."

"Is married? In jail? A single dad?" I helped her with options.

"A she." It had come as a whisper but I heard it. 'She!'

"When? You have always liked sex." Sam was the first person whom I learned what sex is from. She had her first boyfriend as soon as she turned eighteen, and although I was only fifteen, we both had watched porn together for the first time. And from her favorite videos, I was very certain that my sister was straight.

"And I still love it. Just that I now have it with you know..." She swallowed looking anxious.

"How did this happen?" Was she always into females?

"I don't know. She moved in next door, and we started with a hi, then one day we started visiting eachother's apartment, and one day, we kissed. And since then, I knew I didn't want to stop kissing her." Wow!!!

"Who initiated the first kiss?" Why I am curious about this I don't know, but I was damn curious.

"She did. But I wanted it too. Weird right?" I laughed. Everything about this is weird.

"And guys, don't you like d!cking them anymore?" I questioned. She had always spoken about her marital life and how adventurous it would be.

"I still do. I am what is called bisexual Zanny. That is what I am. I want both genders." I nodded. I knew what being bi is. I just thought that maybe she gave up one for the other.

"And your girlfriend or boyfriend, how do I address her?"

"She is a girl." She told me in a durr tone and I shrugged.

"You both might be roleplaying so..." She scoffed.

"Even if we were, she is a girl. This is why I have been skeptical about telling you and the folks. I don't know what your thoughts about same sex relationship is. I realized we never discussed it. And she wants to meet my family, and also for me to meet hers." They must be serious then.

"You know what matters to me the most?" She stared at me without any response. "That you are happy. You are happy right?" She nodded and I smiled.

"Then, it doesn't matter who you date or who gets you screaming in pleasure every night. Just be happy and you got my support." I smiled at her as she laughed sharing tears.

"I love you Zanny." I know she does.

"I know that." I cheekily responded causing her to chuckle.

"So does she know you like d!ck?" I laughed and she followed.

"She does, although she doesn't want me you know getting it from a guy. Some toys can act as a substitute." Would that be okay? It wouldn't feel the same would it?

"And you are okay with this?" I asked.

"I like her a lot. So I will be okay."

"I call bullish!t Sam. That isn't fair. If she wants to be with you then she needs to realize you have your own needs. For how long do you think you can actually keep ignoring your need for some if you keep this going?" Shit, what if I have overreacted. 'Danny, do not give Sam a reason to regret telling you this.' But it scream selfishness to me. She probably knows Sam is struggling to tell our family about their relationship but still wants to meet with us!

"We will definitely work something out. I am tired of getting my heart broken Zanny, I really am, so I am going to do my best in making this work out."

'And I will be doing my best in making sure you don't lose yourself Sam.' I vowed to myself as I stared at her.

feeesah feeesah

So the Hemsworth brothers, who are you picking?!

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