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Zandia's POV

"Hey Pete, what's up?" I was surprised when my phone rang and I discovered the caller was Pete. He has never called me since we exchanged contact.

'Did he argue with his wife again?' This was the first thought that came into my head, as I tapped receive.

Having worked with him for a while, he had broken down last week when we went to get some drinks together, and he had then talked about the turbulence of his marriage. I had promised him then that I would render a listening ear if he ever needed one.

"I..." He heaved a loud sigh. "I guess you haven't heard. The boss ordered me to stop working with you. I was curious whether you made the request but from the sound of your voice, it doesn't seem likely." Ordered? Jake? Why would he do that?

Why would he keep messing with me?!

"But why? We worked well together right? Didn't we?" I asked wondering if I had made a mistake which I didn't notice and maybe Pete too hadn't noticed it, but Jake did. Was that how I displeased him? Or is his cranky self invading in my work affairs now? Not that he cares enough to bother himself with me.

"Absolutely well. I enjoyed working with you, and I most especially liked the fact that there was a listening ear that I could vent to. Actually, when I first received the order, I wondered if you had been uncomfortable with me. I know talking to you about my marriage wasn't professional, and that bothered me." He paused. "But I guess he must have had his reasons right? Luckily, I am not just going to be seated idly either, I was appointed to a task I would never have dreamt of getting. Not only would it help build my portfolio, it would also bring in some extra cash. That way, probably my wife might finally let me breathe." He tried making a joke. As much as he may have benefited from this, what about me? I have this nagging feeling that Jake's reason for doing this was me.

Initially, Jake had been the one I thought I would be working with but he had me changed without any explanations, and then he became cold towards me, and just when I am finally warming up and working well with my new partner, he gets changed?!

Is he on a mission to ruin me?! 'He must be.' Biting my lower lips, I tried to swallow the emotions building up in my chest.

"Congratulations Pete." I meant it although I may not sound like it. "Do you have any idea who I might be working with next? Anything about the person would help." I wasn't sure where I was going to start from and if the person I would be working with next would even like me. With the record of the company changing my partner, I doubt anyone will be thrilled to work with me.

"I am sorry but I have no idea. But I trust you Zandia, whoever you end up working with will enjoy listening to you talk, and seeing you create a masterpiece." His words were consoling enough that I smiled. "And when you meet with him, just let me know the name, If it is possible, I can put in a word for you." I smiled and nodded when I heard his words.

"Thank you Pete." I told him and we soon ended the call. It was okay as long as someone recognized and loved my work.

I lay on the couch like someone who has given up on life. I wish I had his phone number, I would have called to give him a piece of my mind. I was that angry.

The same number he had... 'Don't think about him.' I scolded myself as I stood up and brought my laptop close to myself, as I readied myself to work.

I looked through the presentation which I had initially arranged to present to Pete in two days, I looked through it trying to see if there was a flaw, an error. I couldn't afford the first meeting with whoever was supervising me now to end up with dissatisfaction.

I didn't know how long I was there until I heard the door, "Hey, I am back!" Debby's cheerful voice announced as I could only mutter a welcome. I was currently working on creating a new idea in case the one I initially planned to work with got rejected.

A tickle on my back had me flinching as I giggled. I hate how sensitive my body is and I especially hate that the people close to me feed on that weakness.

"Deborah!" I scolded as I turned around to face her. But then, I met two grinning faces, "Sam." I rushed to hug my sister. Samantha should be eight hours away from me right now so why was she here? And why didn't I know she would be here? We spoke just yesterday!!!

"What are you doing here?" I asked after we both pulled away from the hug. Of course I was happy to see her but she has a life of her own.

"There is a job here, so I asked to be put in charge of it. You don't mind my being here right, I will be crashing here for the next two weeks. Not that I care if you mind my staying, Debbs is cool with me being here." Sam grinned as she and Debbs did a high shake. I scoffed at the two.

"In case you have forgotten, I pay half the rent fee here. But you are always welcome to stay for as long as you want to." I told her grinning. Finally a genuine reason to celebrate even in the midst of all of this.

"What were you doing?" Debbs asked nodding at my laptop. She knew I was done with the drafting, and that I was only waiting to leave Pete in awe. But then, here I am cracking my head thinking of what to do, what would leave my new partner in awe.

"Jake." One word and I got her full attention.

"Who is Jake?" Samantha asked as she took a seat, and looked between Debbs and me.

"So you know her birthday was last week," Sam nodded, "Well, prior to her birthday..." Debbie looked so happy as she narrated it all to Sam who listened attentively, only making some funny faces and glancing at me in-between but she made sure to not interrupt Debbie's narration.

"So you are saying my sister had her first time taken by the CEO of The Z? The very one no journalist has been able to interview?" I sighed. Sam must be thinking of how to make use of the opportunity. One thing with Sam, she is greedy for success, a trait about her that I had admired while growing up.

"Yup. And maybe you didn't get the other part, he is ignoring her as though she doesn't exist!" Debbie added and Sam's mouth formed an 'O'

"You know what? As your sister, I cannot let someone treat you in such a manner. We will go to his office tomorrow and I will talk with him." Sam turned to me and I eye rolled.

"Sorry to disappoint you Sam, the first time I went there, I had to go through so much scrutiny probably because of hungry reporters like you. So no, we aren't going nowhere." I told her as I raised my lips in a mocking smile."Besides, it was meant to be a one-nightstand. So no one is going to talk with anybody." I reminded her.

"You are right. But this isn't about me getting a scoop, or being able to finally have such a man within the same space as I am in. I just got excited so I am sorry." She pouted and I smiled. I know her too well to be upset.

"So what did he do? If he is ignoring you, then why does it sound like he is the architect of your present misery?" Sam asked and I told them about Pete's call. They both were quiet for a while until Sam spoke.

"Some guys hate it when the lady they are interested in gets too close to another male. Some Alpha male shit kind of thing. Who knows, you might end up working with him again." No! I can't. I can't go through what I have gone through these past few days. The fact that I had to wonder how and when I had offended him to cause such a drastic change in him. That is not something I want to experience again.

"If this project wasn't as important as it is for us, I swear, I would have made you quit it." Debbie sounded pissed as she left for her room, banging her door.

"It has been a while since I saw her so serious." Sam commented as she stared at the now-closed door. I just shrugged, I honestly had no response to give.

"So Sam, tell me what's been happening with you?" After she broke up with her ex, Sam made her life all about her work but for some time now, she kept posting pictures of herself having fun and going on dates. No matter how many times I asked, Sam avoided the conversation. She isn't denying it, and neither is she confirming my suspicion of her being in a relationship.

"Nothing much. I think I am jet-lagged. I will go pour some water on my body, and maybe sleep it off." She literally ran from to my room.

"I will definitely get that mouth of yours opened, and spilling your secret." I told her. Two weeks? I only need two hours of pestering her to fish out the information I want.

Letting her go get her rest, I went back to doing what I had been doing before they came in.

feeesah feeesah


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