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66.25% "The German Navy" / Chapter 108: Chapter 48 The Demonic Overlord

Chapter 108: Chapter 48 The Demonic Overlord

The future leader of the Third Reich stood at the entrance of the beer hall, greeting visitors. If Zhang Hainuo hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would have been hard to imagine such a scene.

Is it really him? That was Zhang Hainuo's first reaction. He had imagined this person entering the bustling beer hall wearing a cool black overcoat, pushing the door open, and everyone falling silent in an instant, leaving only one protagonist in the beer hall: passionate speeches, vigorous fist-waving, and fervent roars, causing the entire beer hall to boil...

The weather at the end of September still retained the lingering heat of summer, so Zhang Hainuo had his coat draped over his arm as he walked. He hadn't deliberately changed his attire, but removing the shoulder tabs, collar tabs, and insignia from his Navy summer uniform made him look like a retired naval officer - during the heyday of the Second Empire, the navy numbered over 300,000, but with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, this force was reduced to a mere 15,000. Although the total number of retired navy personnel was not comparable to the army, it was certain that these retired naval officers were not uncommon on the streets of Germany.

At this moment, standing at the entrance of the Schröder-Kraus beer hall - known as the "Mother Nest of the German Workers' Party," Hitler wore a white shirt, black trousers, with a black suit jacket draped over the shirt. He was smiling and shaking hands, greeting everyone who entered the beer hall.

Beside him were several other people, one distributing flyers, another holding a simple signboard that should have written something like "Welcome to the German Workers' Party Meeting," and the rest looked like security or muscle.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Hainuo walked towards the beer hall, holding the newspaper he had bought that morning. The closer he got to the man, the faster his heartbeat, for this was a controversial figure in European history, one who could rival Napoleon Bonaparte, creating a rising myth and almost ruling the entire Europe.

The distinctive little mustache, meticulously groomed but not particularly aesthetic parted hair, which no one should intentionally imitate nowadays, and those sharp eyes, that thin, elongated face, all made Zhang Hainuo increasingly certain that he was the one.

Gathering his thoughts, Zhang Hainuo quickened his pace.

"Welcome to the German Workers' Party Meeting!"

Hitler was slightly taller than he had imagined, with shiny black hair and no wrinkles on his skin. After shaking hands with the person in front of him, he quickly turned his gaze towards Zhang Hainuo and extended his right hand with a smile.

"Welcome to the German Workers' Party Meeting!"

His hand was not large, warm, with a bit of sweat on it. As they shook hands, Zhang Hainuo reflexively smiled at him. He was about to tell Hitler that he came after seeing the newspaper, but it seemed that Hitler wasn't interested in that. He quickly withdrew his hand and turned his gaze to the person behind Zhang Hainuo.

"Welcome to the German Workers' Party Meeting!"

Feeling somewhat helpless and disappointed, Zhang Hainuo realized that the entrance was not the place for conversation. He had no choice but to temporarily enter the beer hall.

Half an hour before the "public meeting" started, the hall of the beer hall was already filled with seventy or eighty people. Seats were scarce, so some people had to stand against the wall. Most of these people were dressed very modestly, with short sleeves and worker's overalls being the most typical attire. Some wore old-fashioned military uniforms without any badges. Those who had seats mostly had a glass of beer, and even those standing were drinking beer.

Almost everyone was chatting, and the entire beer hall now resembled a noisy market.

Zhang Hainuo found a place near the window to stand. The people next to him were dressed like workers, so his attire as a "retired naval officer" didn't seem out of place.

Standing idly was boring, so Zhang Hainuo kept glancing through the window at Hitler standing at the entrance. The night had gradually fallen, but he was still there, repeating the same actions and words tirelessly.

After watching for a while without any special discoveries, Zhang Hainuo decided to talk to the people around him to see if he could learn anything about Hitler from them. Eventually, he locked onto a burly man to his right, who didn't look fierce despite his thick arms.

"Friend, do you know who will be speaking at the meeting today? I came after seeing the advertisement in the Munich Morning Post!"

"Brother Worker" shook his sturdy head. "I don't know! I just came to see it after hearing about it from others!"

"I heard it's a professor from the University of Munich!"

The person who chimed in, standing to the right of "Brother Worker," was probably less than 1.7 meters tall, thin, wearing a gray short-sleeved shirt and khaki worker's overalls. The overalls were a bit loose, making his upper body look even smaller.

"A professor?"

Zhang Hainuo was somewhat surprised at first. With someone like Hitler, the speech fanatic, present, what's the need for a professor? But he quickly realized that it was still 1919, and Hitler's "speech method" probably hadn't reached its full potential yet, so in people's eyes, he was still an unknown figure!

Half an hour later, there were over a hundred people in the beer hall, but fortunately, the traditional German beer hall could handle such a "grand occasion." People either sat or stood, and it wasn't too crowded.

At 7 o'clock sharp, Zhang Hainuo saw the little mustache and the few people who had been standing at the door entering the beer hall. Shortly after, a burly man sitting in the middle of the beer hall stood up, raised his hands halfway, and shouted in a loud voice:

"Now, the second public meeting of the German Workers' Party in September begins!"

Although Zhang Hainuo was a bit far away, he still felt that this person looked somewhat familiar: he wasn't very tall, but he had a sturdy build, with a neck as thick as a bull's, small eyes like a fat pig's, and scars all over his face.


Zhang Hainuo quickly recalled the black and white photos related to this person from his mind, and after careful identification, yes, this person should be Ernst Rohm, the leader of the 250,000-strong Stormtroopers, an old Nazi party thug, Hitler's trusted assistant, and also the top figure who was brutally purged during the Night of the Long Knives.

This bull-like roar was indeed powerful, and the entire beer hall immediately fell silent. Rohm announced proudly:

"Now, please welcome Professor Strupp from the University of Munich to give us a wonderful speech!"

Amidst scattered applause, a middle-aged man with thin, round-framed glasses and a tall, thin figure walked slowly to Rohm's side, gracefully bowed to the audience, and began a speech titled "The Workers' Path to Saving Munich."

Perhaps because of his profession as a lecturer, the professor's speech was fluent and well-organized, with frequent references to authoritative sources, which was a level above the two speeches Zhang Hainuo heard in the beer hall the day before. However, the professor's speech felt too calm to him, and his voice wasn't loud enough. If someone was chatting in front, those further away might not be able to hear him clearly.

Nevertheless, the hall applauded twice before he finished his speech. Finally, amidst the applause, the professor concluded his speech and returned to his seat with a relaxed expression.

"Let us once again thank Professor Strupp for his wonderful speech. Next, we have Mr. Adolf Hitler, the propaganda commissioner of the German Workers' Party, to deliver his speech!"

This time, the applause was much sparser than when the professor took the stage, confirming Zhang Hainuo's speculation - Hitler was not yet famous in terms of public speaking. However, the lack of reputation could not hide the natural talent of this Austrian corporal in speechmaking. His brief opening statement already exuded more power, and as he continued, this power surged from his seemingly frail body. He became more and more passionate, and his body language became richer. To Zhang Hainuo's ears, however, the content of his speech was just a collection of "stale clichés": Germany's defeat was because someone was "stabbing them in the back," traitors, usurers, and speculators were oppressing the people along with foreign enemies, and the superiority of the Greater Germanic race would eventually be realized, and so on.

Decades later, anyone with a bit of common sense could see through the dark nature of these fanatic views. But for the German people who had just suffered the bitterness of defeat and were struggling for their livelihoods, these views were fatally seductive.

It could be said that this was not just demagoguery but almost like black magic!

Hitler's speech lasted only half an hour, with somewhat fluent language but a slightly confused train of thought. However, none of that mattered anymore. The applause that erupted from the crowd lasted for several minutes, and this Austrian corporal stood there with a delighted face, accepting the applause as if he had expected it all along.

The pride that the professor who spoke earlier had shown had disappeared without a trace. After packing up his briefcase and coat, he left the beer hall in a despondent manner - by now, hardly anyone paid any attention to him!

After Hitler stepped down, Rohm successively invited the two chairmen of the German Workers' Party, Anton Drexler and Karl Harrer, to the stage. However, they did not give long speeches but simply introduced some information about the German Workers' Party and informed those present that interested individuals could apply to join their party at any time.

At this point, a young man with glasses carrying a brown donation box began to move from table to table, accepting donations from the people, perhaps inspired by Hitler's speech. These economically modest civilians generously donated, although most of them were only giving one or two marks, but those on the stage were evidently very pleased with this scene. Rohm's small, rolling eyes were almost fixed on the donation box from start to finish, as if afraid that someone would steal the fruits of the party's victory.

When the donation box reached him, Zhang Hainuo didn't hesitate to put a 5-mark note inside.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the meeting was announced to be over, and most of the participants went straight home. Hitler, however, remained at the entrance of the beer hall, receiving congratulations from people and bidding farewell warmly to those unfamiliar faces. From this, it could be inferred that his position in the German Workers' Party was not high at the moment, but the brilliant speech he had just delivered left Zhang Hainuo with no doubt about his "potential." It wouldn't be long before he replaced others as the leader of this party and seized opportunities to expand the influence of this small party vigorously, especially during the French occupation of the Ruhr area, eventually transforming it from a local Munich party into the largest party in Germany!

Before long, the crowded beer hall had emptied out, with only twenty or so people either drinking and chatting or gathering around Anton Drexler and Karl Harrer to listen to their "teachings."

Only Zhang Hainuo found a table nearby and sat down.

The owner of the beer hall was the first to notice this temporarily staying customer. He gave the waiter a nod, and the young man quickly walked over and asked Zhang Hainuo softly if he needed some beer and snacks.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Hainuo ordered a pint of beer.

After the crowd at the door of the beer hall dispersed, Hitler walked in with a delighted face, boasting loudly to Rohm and the others, "Ah, see, I told you I could succeed! Müller, how much donation did we receive today!"

The young man with glasses smiled and raised three fingers, and Hitler clenched his fists in excitement.

It was hard to imagine that a figure who would later make the whole world shudder with fear could be so jubilant over a few hundred marks. This scene left Zhang Hainuo feeling deeply emotional. If it were merely a matter of money to win over the future leader, he could have slapped a stack of banknotes on the table at any time. However, Little Moustache was not an ordinary person. Simply providing him with financial assistance at this time might only be seen as someone indebted to him. After he rose to power, he might give you ten or even a hundred times the return, but he would never treat you as a confidant, let alone share even a bit of power with you!

As the waiter brought the beer, Zhang Hainuo continued to contemplate. At the same time, he kept his gaze firmly fixed on Hitler, who was ten meters away. Even in his dreams, he had never imagined that he would have the opportunity to be so close to this "demonic" figure.

Yet, here he was, right in front of him, real and tangible, without any discount!

Tonight, Little Moustache seemed particularly excited, gesturing energetically as he spoke with Drexler, Rohm, and others. Until he felt someone "spying" on him from the shadows, he turned his head and glanced in Zhang Hainuo's direction.

When their eyes met, Zhang Hainuo felt a shock, not because there was anything particularly fierce in the other's gaze, but because the owner of these eyes had an indescribable weight in the heart of a World War II military enthusiast like him.

Zhang Hainuo chose not to avoid it but nodded slightly to Little Moustache, then stood up, carrying his beer glass, and walked slowly toward him.

Hitler stopped talking to his companions, turned around, and the excitement on his face was quickly replaced by a calmness tinged with joy.



Such a simple greeting exceeded Zhang Hainuo's imagination.

"Thank you for attending the German Workers' Party rally!" Hitler repeated the sentence he had said at the door earlier, polite and tactful. His gaze remained on Zhang Hainuo's face, unlike others who glanced over his attire - perhaps he had already completed this process silently as Zhang Hainuo approached.

"Yes, I am very fortunate to have come because I just heard an incredibly exciting speech! Heinrich von Finkenshtein, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Zhang Hainuo held his beer glass in his left hand and extended his right hand this time.

"Thank you! I am Adolf Hitler, pleased to meet you too!"

This was their second handshake, and Little Moustache's hand was no longer sweaty like before, but the warmth remained.

"Could I offer you a beer and sit down for a chat?" Zhang Hainuo asked, feeling less nervous than when inviting a girl out for the first time, despite his calm demeanor and faint smile.

"Of course! Let's sit over here!" Little Moustache didn't refuse but lightly placed his hand on Zhang Hainuo's left arm, guiding him to a nearby table and then signaled to the bartender, "A pitcher of beer!"

Facing this "giant" who left a profound mark on world history, Zhang Hainuo had to steady himself once again and said as naturally as possible:

"I am from Prussia, served in the Imperial German Navy during the war, and currently work on a transatlantic freighter shuttling between Europe and the United States! I came to Bavaria this time to find friends lost during the war, and by chance saw the announcement of your party rally in the morning paper, so I came out of curiosity! I never expected Mr. Hitler's speech to be so eye-opening!"

Hitler glanced at Zhang Hainuo's old navy uniform. There was neither flattery nor disdain in his eyes, and his tone remained courteous: "It is an honor to receive recognition from Mr. von Finkenshtein! Actually, I also served as a Bavarian volunteer in the war. It was a very fierce war, and many of my comrades died in battle. Their courage is admirable. If it weren't for those despicable traitors stabbing us in the back, we wouldn't have lost, wouldn't have lost!"

Little Moustache slightly clenched his fists. Just then, the waiter brought his beer, and he grabbed the glass and downed nearly half of it in one go.

"Now, there's not much talk, but the emotions are already so easily stirred up."

Zhang Hainuo silently evaluated in his mind, waiting until Hitler put down his glass before he agreed in a very approving tone:

"If it came down to one-on-one combat, whether it's Britain, France, or Russia, none of them would be a match for Germany! Their generals and soldiers are not worthy of this victory!"

"Well said!" The robust Rohm appeared beside Hitler. He pulled out the chair to Zhang Hainuo's right and sat down without invitation.

"I am Ernst Rohm, serving in the staff of the 7th Army District in Munich!"

"Pleased to meet you! I am Heinrich von Finkenshtein, served in the Imperial German Navy during the war!"

After the introductions, Zhang Hainuo waved to the waiter nearby, "Another pitcher of beer for our friend Rohm!"

Rohm didn't refuse but asked, "Oh? Did Mr. von Finkenshtein participate in the Battle of Jutland?"

Zhang Hainuo answered truthfully, "Yes, I participated in the Battle of Jutland as the torpedo officer on the SMS Seydlitz!"

"A naval hero!" Rohm gave a thumbs up with a face full of muscles forming a smile that lacked aesthetics.

In contrast, Little Moustache's true thoughts were not so easily written on his face.

After the waiter brought the beer, initiated by Rohm, the three of them clinked glasses.

While Zhang Hainuo and Hitler only took a sip each, Rohm downed half a glass in one go.

"It seems that Mr. von Finkenshtein is very interested in our party. Why not join us?" Little Moustache stared at Zhang Hainuo, "Although the German Workers' Party is currently not large in scale, I believe that with the right direction, we will eventually grow and succeed!"

"That's right!" Rohm chimed in, "Although the German Workers' Party has few members, each one is a spirited fighter! As long as we work together, we will definitely awaken the people of our country!"

Joining the German Workers' Party, the precursor to the Nazi Party?

Zhang Hainuo certainly knew what that meant: he would become an elder figure like Rohm, Goering, and Hess. As long as he didn't repeat Rohm's tragic fate, as long as he didn't die as miserably as Rohm, perhaps the title of Deputy Führer would not belong to Rudolf Hess, and Germany would soar even further...

At this moment, the invitation presented to Zhang Hainuo was so tempting. However, he declined.

"I have been wandering at sea for years and may not be able to fulfill the duties of a party member! Besides, I have always been a non-partisan!"

Rohm widened his eyes, a look of disbelief apparent. It was clear that he wanted to leave now, but he restrained himself. With just a sip, the beer in his glass was nearly gone.

Little Moustache's gaze lingered on Zhang Hainuo's face for a moment, then shifted to his own glass, lowering his head, silent for a moment, before speaking in a somewhat slower but not overly aggressive tone:

"Mr. von Finkenshtein, do you think that avoiding the cruel reality by not joining any party is possible in the current situation? As a German warrior, there is no neutral path when our country is betrayed and humiliated. Either fight for the country or be a coward who hides."

This speech was unexpected for Zhang Hainuo. Thankfully, Hitler didn't have the sole power of life and death at the moment, or going against him would be dangerous.

Taking some time to organize his thoughts in his mind, Zhang Hainuo said calmly to him:

"I, Heinrich von Finkenshtein, am the heir of the Finkenshtein family, born and bred for battle and death! Loyalty is my motto, honor is my soul. We always remember one thing: even if we all die in battle, Germany will still exist!"

Upon hearing this last sentence, Hitler suddenly raised his head, a hint of surprise in his sharp eyes. Seeing Zhang Hainuo's confident expression, the hostility that had just surfaced in him was clearly diminishing.

"Every person who served on the Seydlitz has the same determination and will as this unsinkable ship! British shells and torpedoes cannot defeat us, and although the dark treaty took away our warships, we will never surrender! Mr. Adolf Hitler, I am willing to rally my comrades to contribute to your party, but please understand our belief: we will adhere to the traditions of our family and never get involved in politics!"

"Those who have served on the Seydlitz all possess the same determination and resolve as this unsinkable ship! British shells and torpedoes cannot defeat us, and though the dark treaty took away our warships, we will never surrender! Mr. Adolf Hitler, I am willing to rally my comrades to contribute to your party, but please understand our belief: we will adhere to the traditions of our family and never get involved in politics!"

Zhang Hainuo spoke slowly and forcefully, and since no one else in the beer hall was speaking at the moment, both Hitler and Rohm, as well as everyone else present, heard clearly the declaration from the man who had fought aboard the Seydlitz.

Hitler's lips moved silently, but no sound came out. He seemed to be digesting Zhang Hainuo's words, perhaps finding the military man both old-fashioned and unreachable. Yet, as a political figure with keen instincts, Hitler was well aware of the value of such a soldier.

What Zhang Hainuo wanted was to let this gifted, ambitious, and ruthless man, Hitler, feel assured in using him openly. For no one could manipulate Hitler. To gain his trust, mere initial support and simple emotional attachment were insufficient; Rohm and Goering were perfect examples, one representing contrast, the other complement.

After half a minute, Hitler remained silent. However, from Zhang Hainuo's perspective, he could see the embarrassment and dissatisfaction on Hitler's face, his fists clenched tightly. Before any conflict could arise, Zhang Hainuo preemptively spoke:

"Apologies, Mr. Chairman, I meant no offense. But Adolf Hitler's speech has deeply moved me. Without him, I doubt I would have made such a decision. If you permit, I would like to continue discussing this matter with Adolf. Once again, my apologies!"

Carl Haule, one of the party's chairmen introduced by Rohm at the rally, stood behind Hitler, his face now displaying a shade of embarrassment. He glared at Zhang Hainuo but refrained from making a scene. Apart from Zhang Hainuo being a potential donor to their party, the real power within the German Workers' Party lay with their other chairman, the true founder of National Socialism, Drexler. As for security matters, they were under the control of Rohm, the active Bavarian officer beside Zhang Hainuo. Haule, on the other hand, was originally a journalist, leading a small group called the "Political Workers Group," which merged with Drexler's "Independent Workers' Committee" to form the German Workers' Party. Haule was appointed the party's first chairman because his group had more members than Drexler's committee at the time of the merger.

Zhang Hainuo didn't fully grasp these dynamics, but as a newcomer, based on what he had seen and heard in Munich, he had every reason to believe that Hitler would rise rapidly in history, and Haule lacked the ability to command and grow the party.

What happened next was predictable. Carl Haule left the beer hall, his face flushed with embarrassment, while Rohm chuckled to himself. As for Hitler, his expression gradually softened, and he extended his right hand solemnly to Zhang Hainuo.

"Mr. von Finkenshtein, you are the most characterful person I have ever met! Stubborn, yet absolutely reliable! "

Zhang Hainuo stared at Hitler's hand for a few seconds before firmly grasping it. "Thank you for your trust! However, I have a humble request..."

"Please, go ahead!"

"Well... I've donated all the money I had with me tonight. So, I'm afraid I have no means to get back to Bremen by train. Would it be possible for you to lend me some money?"

This time, the entire beer hall was filled with hearty laughter. Most laughed at someone's foolishness, but some laughed at a deeper implication.

PS: Hess joined the German Workers' Party in 1920, which later became the National Socialist German Workers' Party, or the Nazi Party, by the time Goering joined in 1921.

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