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7.14% Star Jumper / Chapter 2: Season 1: Episode 1.2 - Benefactor's Lounge

Chapter 2: Season 1: Episode 1.2 - Benefactor's Lounge

Stardate: 41155.62

Earth Standard Date: February 26, 2364.

Location: Unknown Doorway, U.S.S Enterprise-D, Orbiting the Fourth Planet of the Deneb System.

Tyson stood in the center of the antechamber revealed by the mysterious key Q had manifested within his pocket. Swallowing down his hesitation, Tyson grasped the handle. Whatever game Q was playing, he had little choice but to play along. With a deep breath, he turned the knob. With a firm tug, the door swung open. Tyson's eyes widened, shock and disbelief jolting through him at the impossible sight.

It was a cantina.

But not just any cantina. It was 'The Cantina', the iconic establishment from the original Star Wars film, the one located in Mos Eisley on Tatooine. Every detail was perfect. The music, the unmistakable strains of the Cantina Band's jazz-wailing tunes, it was all there, an exact recreation of a scene that had been seared into the collective consciousness of generations.

Tyson's mind reeled, trying to make sense of the scene before him. This was wrong. The events of the original Star Wars trilogy were set in an entirely different universe. A universe that should not have been within his bathroom. And yet, as he stepped across the threshold, Tyson knew that this was no illusion, no trick of the mind. This was real, a tangible slice of a galaxy far, far away that had somehow been connected by Q's key.

Tyson scanned the crowd, his eyes darting from one unfamiliar face to the next, searching for some clue, some hint as to why he'd been led here. And then, with a start of recognition, one of the patrons caught Tyson's attention. The figure was seated in a booth, nursing a drink with a cocky, self-assured smirk on his face. It was Q, the enigmatic and omnipotent being who had been a thorn in the side of the Enterprise crew, and who had been responsible for Tyson's unexpected journey into this strange new world.

And he was dressed, in a perfect replica of Han Solo's iconic outfit, complete with the black vest, white shirt, and red-striped trousers.

Tyson made his way through the crowded Cantina. Alien patrons of every shape and size turned to regard him with wary eyes, their conversations falling silent as the newcomer passed. As he approached Q, Tyson took in his amused yet anticipatory expression. The omnipotent entity's voice carried easily over the din of the crowded Cantina.

"Ah, if it isn't, Tyson!" Q exclaimed, a knowing glint in his eye. "I was wondering when you'd find your way here."

Tyson frowned, his gaze flickering between Q and the anachronistic surroundings of the Cantina. "What is this place?" he asked before catching himself. Tyson remembered watching Star Trek and how Picard and the other humans treated Q. The captains were never friendly unless they needed something. Janeway tended to ignore Q at first, while Sisko had straight-up punched him… What a legend. But Tyson wasn't eager to anger the omnipotent space-god, so he took a more measured approach.

"Pardon my disorientation, this is all unexpected. May I join you?" Tyson asked politely.

Q chuckled, clearly amused. "Manners? I was right, there is something you have that Picard is missing." His tone dripped with condescension. "Very well. You may sit."

Tyson took in the odd assortment of aliens and scoundrels gathered at the bar and tables. However, he knew there was more to this place than just being the famous Tatooine cantina. "If you don't mind me asking, what is this place?" he asked, turning back to face Q.

"This is the Benefactor's Lounge," Q replied, lounging back in the booth and propping his feet up on the table. "It's a place where we can meet and speak freely, away from Picard or anyone else's prying ears. I don't always have the time or inclination to watch you blunder through your adventures, but on occasion, you'll be able to find me here."

Tyson furrowed his brow. "Why the cantina setting though? Seems an odd choice."

Q waved a hand airily. "The lounge adapts itself to your current surroundings. I just added a bit of flair. There's something nostalgic about this cantina. Maybe it's because it reminds me of the Continuum."

Unable to argue that point, Tyson changed tack. "Why am I here?"

Rolling his eyes, Q leaned forward, steepling his fingers on the table. "I'll try to dumb this down for your primitive monkey brain. The existence of a Q is beyond your comprehension, but you've seen Star Trek. Do you remember how the Continuum appears?"

Tyson nodded. "An endless dusty road, one path leading off into eternity and back."

"Close enough," Q conceded.

Tyson shook his head, his brows drawing together in consternation as he struggled to comprehend the cosmic scope of Q. "You're right in that I don't understand… I couldn't grasp the nature of the continuum," he admitted, his voice barely rising above a whisper. "How you can walk the road that encompasses everything, across all of time, and do it multiple times, doesn't make sense. Though I think I can envision it in part... But what is my role in all of this?" He met Q's gaze directly as he posed the question that had plagued him since the beginning of this journey. "Why was I brought here? What is my purpose?"

At this, Q leaned forward, his eyes flashing with a dangerous mix of impish delight and malevolent hunger. "Your role, dear boy, is to be the catalyst. An unknown and unexpected variable that changes everything." His voice resonated with sinister anticipation. "I have walked this path before, many many times. And if you prove entertaining enough..." His smile turned razor-sharp, "I will watch as you walk it."

Tyson shuddered at the proclamation, Q's statement produced an uneasy sense of predestined purpose. "But why me?" he whispered.

Q's smile remained fixed upon him, devoid of any real warmth or kindness. "Ah, Tyson," his tone almost pitying. "It is not about your worth. It is about what you were..."

"What was I?" Tyson asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"You were dead," Q answered, his words landing with the finality of a judge's gavel. Tyson rocked back as if struck, frowning at the blunt response. Q let out a sharp bark of laughter. "Oh don't get all emotional about it. Everything dies eventually."

Swallowing hard, Tyson risked interjecting, "Even Q?"

Q's eyes narrowed, his gaze boring into Tyson. After a long moment, Q continued as if Tyson hadn't asked that question. "After you died you were chosen by a benefactor, to embark on a new existence. One where you jumped from world to world, most of them recognizable from the fiction of your time."

Tyson's brow furrowed, confusion mingling with dawning understanding. "That doesn't sound so bad," he ventured cautiously.

"Not usually," Q agreed, "but you weren't so fortunate as others who usually end up in that situation. Your benefactor saw fit to send you through the Gauntlet. When you arrived in those worlds, you had to face significant drawbacks to advance, and if you overcame them and thrived, well..." He trailed off with a nonchalant shrug. "When it was time to leave those worlds, usually you'd be able to bring what you collect with you. Increasing your power and setting you up for success in the next world. But because you were jumping through the Gauntlet, you couldn't bring anything with you. No items of power, no abilities carrying over, and none of the companions you met would come with you."

At the mention of Companions, Tyson gained a contemplative look. The entity's eyes glittered knowingly. "Yes, your friends, those you cared about and made connections with, or fell in love with… They were always left behind, never to join you on your eternal quest. Each time your memories were wiped, for you it was like you had just arrived in that world from Earth. No knowledge of what was happening, just the perks and drawbacks you chose without remembering what they were. For you, it was your first time visiting a new world, when in truth, it could have been your tenth world or ten-thousandth, and you were none the wiser."

Tyson's shoulders slumped, the weight of this supposed past existence settling heavily upon him. "I can see how that's somewhat of a sad existence," he admitted quietly.

"So," Q continued brightly as if discussing the weather, "being the considerate god I am, I opted to give you a reprieve from your lonely existence by temporarily becoming your benefactor."

Tyson considered the revelations the enigmatic being had just dropped upon him. The bustling cantina faded into the background as Q's words echoed in his mind. Q leaned back in his seat, a smirk playing across his features as he watched Tyson process the information. Despite the gravity of the situation, Tyson felt a surprising sense of ease settled over him. Q, for all his mischievous ways, had been remarkably forthcoming, shedding light on the mysteries that had plagued Tyson since his arrival.

"Then I thank you for this opportunity, and for removing me from that cycle," Tyson said, his tone respectful and measured. He had no desire to antagonize the being who held such sway over his fate.

Q rolled his eyes, a gesture that managed to convey both amusement and exasperation. "You don't see the difference between having one benefactor or another. I can't blame you. The difference here is choice and knowledge." With a snap of his fingers, a flash of light illuminated the table between them. As the glow faded, there, resting on the table's surface, was the PADD he had left behind in his room on the Enterprise. Q continued, his voice taking on a more serious tone, "Usually, you would get to pick how you want to advance in this world, but when you arrived you wouldn't have remembered what you chose. Now you'll have a choice, fully aware of what's happening. And be able to make choices as you go." He gestured towards the PADD, inviting Tyson to examine its contents. As he activated the screen, a wealth of information sprang to life before his eyes. It was a character sheet of sorts.


Origins: Human, Humanoid, Drop-In

Character Points: 1700

Reality Points: 500

Credits: 0

Status Effects: (none)


Gauntlet (Locked)

Ensign Marty Stu

A Simple Re'Q'uest


Cosmic Awareness

Out of Nowhere

Going Native

Live and Let Live

This is (Not?) Rocket Science

Kinda Bland


Painted On

Tyson focused on his drawbacks first.

[+0 CP] Ensign Marty Stu (Drawback) 

The entire universe has been transformed into bad fanfiction. You'll have to deal with poor writing, edgy characters, self-inserts, weird fetishes, and even crazy crossovers like Star Trek v Star Wars!

[+400 CP] A Simple Re'Q'uest (Drawback) 

It seems that you've gotten the attention of a certain omnipotent trickster - Q. Q is going to test you and your ship, over and over again. This can range from putting you into a recreation of the tales of King Arthur to catapulting you into the next galaxy over, as punishment for your hubris. Q may also interfere and grant you additional Drawbacks.

[+1300] Gauntlet (Drawback) 


Tyson looked around the Cantina, taking in the bizarre crowd of alien characters milling about. It seemed the Drawback wasn't joking; Star Trek v Star Wars crossover indeed. Q added with a shrug, "Your inherited Drawbacks were insisted upon by your original benefactor, and the cost to have them removed or changed would've been too high, so you'll have to live with them."

Tyson asked, "You mentioned that I would have a choice. How does selecting Drawbacks work, exactly?"

Q's lips curled into a wicked smile at the question. "Oh, it's quite simple, really. You pick a Drawback and I get to have all sorts of fun making it happen to you and whatever merry band of misfits you've put together. Sometimes the Drawback will take effect immediately, other times I'll save it for just the right moment..." Q trailed off, leaving the implied threat hanging in the air between them.

Tyson suppressed a shudder at the ominous implications. "Or whenever you think it'll be the most funny or entertaining for you," he commented drily.

Q shrugged, neither confirming nor denying Tyson's assessment. But the twinkle of anticipation in his eyes told Tyson he wasn't wrong.

Not knowing the details about the Gauntlet drawback was unsettling, but Tyson realized that if the nigh-omnipotent Q couldn't alter the rules, there certainly wasn't anything Tyson could do about it either. The value of his Drawbacks added up to 1700 CP, which was displayed higher on his sheet as Character Points, which made sense.

Tyson turned his attention to his Perks, hoping they might provide some counterbalance to the Drawbacks he had been saddled with. If the Drawbacks represented the daunting challenges and trials he would face in this strange new reality, then surely the Perks must represent the skills, powers, and abilities he had gained that could help him overcome those challenges.

His musings were interrupted when Q, spoke up once more. "Your Origin grants you starting Perks, and discounts on others," he explained. "Going forward, you may be able to choose additional origins, but in this case, some were locked because of how you arrived here." Tyson nodded, following along so far. "Drop-In was selected as your origin because, well, I dropped you onto the bridge of the Enterprise," Q continued with an amused glint in his eye. "And Human and Humanoid are obvious choices given your nature."

Returning his focus to the document in front of him, Tyson considered his Perks.

[Free (Origin)] Cosmic Awareness (Perk) 

You have the incredible supernatural ability to perceive alterations in Space-Time. You'll be able to instantly know when your surroundings have been altered. This ability allows you to perceive changes made by events, objects, people, and creatures.

[Free (Origin)] Out Of Nowhere (Perk) 

 People seem to be far more accepting of what you claim to be. You're an omnipotent god here to test humanity? Eh, we got five of those last week. Last member of a dying race? We have a protocol for that. This is your springboard into getting into a setting. What comes next depends on you. This perk applies to any Companions that join you as well.

[Free (Origin)] Going Native (Perk) 

The universe is full of weird places, people, and cultures. Now when you pass through you won't stick out like a sore thumb or as much as an outsider. You are able to rapidly learn alien customs, cultures, and ideals and apply them faster than even a child growing up in those places. You'll also be able to learn alien sciences just as quickly.

[Free] Live and Let Live (Perk) 

People tend to judge one another by standards of what's common in their society, and that goes double for anything involving relationships. Yet in your particular case this just doesn't seem to apply. At worst, people will dislike it and possibly refuse to interact with you, but turning to violence or other means of stopping you just never enters their minds. Somehow, people just don't judge you any differently, no matter what you look like. You could have a completely different number of arms and legs one day, change your coloration completely the next, maybe gain or lose some gender characteristics, and yet people know it's you and treat you as if you looked like anyone else.

[Free] This is (Not?) Rocket Science (Perk) 

For some reason, you just are capable of piloting spaceships as if you learned it growing up. It is hardly different from driving Poppa's old tractor. Similarly, you will find that fixing a spaceship also is much less complicated than one would have thought and you have a good shot at leaving things less broken than when you started.

[Free (Origin)] Kinda Bland (Perk) 

Sure, your species has its fair share of exceptional personalities, but overall? You kind of blend into the background compared to all the exciting aliens, locations, and technical wonders. At any time, so long you aren't in a place you definitely shouldn't be, you can now choose to unobtrusively blend into the background, allowing only the most perceptive of people to actively take note of you.

[Free (Origin)] Determinator (Perk) 

Through a combination of toughness, endurance, luck, and stubbornness, you tend to succeed more easily in situations few would expect you to.

[Free (Origin)] Painted On (Perk) 

Clothing just seems to fit so much better when you wear it. You can decide how tight the fit of your clothing is, as well as reduce the thickness or thinness of the fabric. This doesn't change the clothing's other features, like what kind of functions or protection it provides.

Tyson's eyes scanned over the list of abilities he had acquired by default. At first glance, there seemed to be quite a lot, but upon closer inspection, he thought that there were only a few that would truly aid him. The ability to fade into the background unnoticed, granted by Kinda Bland, would likely prove invaluable. His newfound talent for piloting all manner of spacecraft thanks to This is (Not?) Rocket Science could also come in handy. Going Native would allow him to quickly learn alien sciences. Tyson nodded to himself, accepting that while the list was not as deep as he had initially hoped, he certainly wasn't going to complain about getting anything for free.

Tyson turned back to Q asking, "I'm following so far. If I want to pick Perks, I just use this interface?" Q smirked devilishly like Tyson was selling his soul, as he nodded. Q's smile gave Tyson pause. He looked over the sheet again and asked, "What about Reality Points? What are those for?"

Q nodded approvingly, "The key you used to get here, that's the key to your own Personal Reality. Put the key in any door, or up against any access panel and the door will lead into that antechamber where you entered. Be aware, that once you open the door, only you can close it, and at baseline, you cannot close the door while within your Personal Reality. Q waved his hand and a new section appeared on Tyson's character sheet.

Personal Reality:

Access Key

Security System

Personal Reality (Personal Reality)

Here's your very own Personal Reality. No matter where you go, you'll always be able to access it (unless blocked by a drawback or gauntlet). Before you do anything with it, it starts as a Warehouse, just a place to stick all your stuff. Anything added to the Warehouse or Personal Reality via CP or Reality Point (RP) purchase is guaranteed to work flawlessly with anything and everything else attached to the Personal Reality. Anything added by the use of Perks is likewise guaranteed to seamlessly integrate. Although you can't just buy a house with Credits and integrate it into your warehouse, there's an optional RP purchase to integrate such things.

ACCESS KEY (Personal Reality)

This is a special key that lets you access your Personal Reality and its contents. When inserted into any lock or access panel, on any door, the door opens to reveal a gateway into your Reality. You are the only person who can use this key, but additional keys can be purchased for Companions. If the key is ever lost or stolen you will find it in your pocket within a few minutes. You cannot close the door as long as you are inside the Personal Reality.

SECURITY SYSTEM (Personal Reality)

Anybody coming in and out of your Personal Reality is now checked for any authorization you've given them to access it; and should anything about said authorization raise any flags in the system, then you will receive a warning about it. This allows you to define just what sorts of authorization different individuals can have to access your Personal Reality, anything from No Access through Temporary Access and Limited Access to Unlimited Access is possible. All this does is notify you. It does not stop them on its own. A Keyholder's Access cannot be limited by the Security System. Only purchase Access Keys for those you trust implicitly.

Tyson mulled over the fact that he had his very own personal reality. The concept was mind-boggling. A space where he could store items or even shape the environment to his desires; he couldn't help but wonder what possibilities it might hold. After getting past the initial shock of the idea, he looked at Q suspiciously and asked, "This says that a Gauntlet can block access, do I need to worry about that? Or are there any other sections of the character sheet that have been conveniently omitted?"

Q waved off his concerns with a dismissive flick of his hand. "I used my own power to grant you your Personal Reality, so you don't need to worry yourself over the gauntlet. Though if you ever move on from my patronage, by leaving this multiverse or by dying, the Personal Reality won't come with you, and I'm keeping your stuff. But, I'll admit that I left off Items from your sheet. You don't have any yet."

Tyson chuckled at the entity's cavalier attitude. Though he noted Q's measured words. "So I just...pick things from this list? Powers, abilities, that sort of thing?" He gestured to the PADD's interface. "Using my Character Points or Reality Points to buy them?"

"Precisely," Q replied, his eyes glittered with wicked amusement. "For some, character creation is most of the fun. Feel free to dive in." Across the table, Q watched him with an infuriatingly smug expression, as if he could read Tyson's very thoughts.

Tyson refused to be baited. He needed to think this through carefully. Selecting Perks willy-nilly could prove disastrous in the long run. He took a steadying breath and returned his focus to the list on the PADD interface, determined to make his choices count.

But then he paused and considered Q and how he operated. Q's wicked smirk hadn't faded. Tyson knew from the Enterprise crew's first interaction with Q that the entity had baited them into believing something untrue in an effort to test them. The details were hazy since it had been so long since Tyson watched Star Trek, and those events had occurred directly before Q summoned him to the bridge, so he hadn't witnessed them firsthand.

Still, one thing Tyson believed was that Q didn't do things without reason. Tyson wanted to believe that Q's games and tests were meant to impart important lessons. He also liked to think he wasn't as stubborn as Picard had been portrayed. Add to that the overwhelmingly positive interaction he'd had with Q thus far, and Tyson decided on a different approach.

He looked at Q once more. "Thank you for the explanations and for the help. I see now that your intervention has smoothed the road here for me to succeed." Tyson paused, considering Q's words during their conversation. "You mentioned you walked this road before. Is there any other guidance you'd be willing to offer?"

Q's smile morphed from wicked to somewhat genuine as he looked at Tyson. "I do have some advice. It's quite valuable. But just giving it away wouldn't be any fun. So I'll make you a deal. I'll give you some advice, but in return, tomorrow I'll also activate a drawback of my choice. Nothing too malicious, you have my word. Plus you'll still get the Point boost from it. What do you say?"

Tyson felt like he was making a deal with the proverbial devil. But as much knowledge as he could have at the start would help him make better decisions going forward. "I accept your terms," he replied.

Tyson listened intently as Q began imparting his advice. "The first thing you must understand," Q said, "is that Drawbacks will always override Perks. If you accept a Drawback that decrees you shall be poor, yet also select a Perk that promises to bring you wealth, the Drawback shall prevail. Perhaps by way of a thief stealing your fortune or a banking error diverting your funds. Regardless of the method, the Drawback's effects will come to pass."

Nodding slowly, Tyson absorbed this critical information. He could see how a careless combination of Perks and Drawbacks might lead to frustration down the line.

"Additionally, any items purchased with Character Points will regenerate within 24 hours if destroyed, unless specified otherwise in the item's description," Q continued. "So be sure to read each description thoroughly before making a selection. Do not rely on assumptions."

Tyson nodded again, etching the warning into his mind. Meticulous attention to detail was clearly required when selecting his Perks and Items.

Q went on, an earnest glint in his eye. "Now this next point is perhaps the most vital of all, so I shall repeat it to ensure it penetrates your primitive simian brain." Leaning forward, he enunciated clearly, "The only way to gain additional Character Points is through accepting Drawbacks. There are no other options. Drawbacks are the sole way to gather more Character Points."

Settling back into his chair, Q said, "Furthermore, your Origins are important, even though you may not always have control over which one you receive. When given a choice, remember that Origins provide free Perks and, more importantly, a 50% discount on related Perks and Items. Do not dismiss the Items lightly. They can range from mere trinkets to entire worlds. And since they are purchased with Character Points, they can seamlessly integrate with your Personal Reality."

His grave tone softening slightly, Q added, "Reality Points are more flexible than Character Points. Completing episodes and providing entertainment may grant you bonus Reality Points. But Character Points should be spent with the utmost care."

"I understand completely," Tyson replied as he processed Q's invaluable advice. He realized this journey would require equal parts diligence and discernment.

Tyson listened attentively as Q lectured him as though he were a student attending a class. "Companions are those whom you are able to convince to join you on your journey," Q explained. "They must consent fully to becoming your Companion. Even if you possess an ability that would allow you to control their minds, they cannot be coerced into this role. Companions do not necessarily have an exact cost, some may be free, others expensive. But there may be opportunities to pay a CP price for a Companion, and in return, they will receive a stipend of Character Points which you can then utilize to purchase them Perks or Items."

Q paused, holding up a finger. "But be aware, you are limited to only eight companions."

"Thank you, those are all very useful tips. I will certainly keep them in mind when I make my selections," Tyson replied gratefully. He smiled brightly. "I look forward to the challenge the incoming Drawback will pose!"

"Oh my, polite and bold," Q mused. "Quite the intriguing combination." He smiled kindly at Tyson. "I'll impart one last piece of advice before I take my leave...Companions may seem unnecessary in a place like the Enterprise, where the crew is always working cooperatively toward common goals or under direct orders. You will not always be on the Enterprise." Tyson frowned slightly at Q's blunt portent. Q's face became grave, his tone cautionary. "So do not dismiss the value of forging bonds with others. Consider the greatest figures throughout history… did they accomplish their monumental goals alone? Thanos had his Black Order, and Obito the Akatsuki!"

Tyson stared at Q, keeping his face carefully neutral as he took in those particular, terrible examples. But Q continued on, either ignoring or oblivious to Tyson's reaction.

"And if you prove clever and man enough, there may be a way around the limit of eight companions..." Q trailed off mysteriously. With a snap of Q's fingers, Tyson abruptly found himself back in his quarters on the Enterprise.

Tyson reached into his pocket, wanting to be sure that what he just experienced, really happened. Feeling the cool metal of the Access Key, he went back to the panel next to the bathroom door and opened the way to his Personal Reality. The door opened to reveal the antechamber and the large, empty warehouse beyond. Though he noted that the door to the Benefactor's Lounge had disappeared.

It was late, but Tyson abandoned his initial idea of sleep. Q's revelations had his mind moving in overdrive, there was no way he'd be able to sleep now. Instead, Tyson grabbed the PADD, lounged on the couch in his room, and began browsing the Perk options. Q had given good advice, but his last comment had drawn Tyson's attention.

"And if you prove clever and man enough, there may be a way around the limit of eight companions..."

Tyson had no companions at the moment, so bypassing the limit was not an immediate priority. But the prospect of discovering a potential loophole for future use intrigued him. He scrolled through page after page of Perks, scrutinizing each one carefully, searching for any hint of what Q had alluded to. Hundreds of options flashed before Tyson's eyes, as he read through every description in detail. But not a single Perk seemed to match Q's vague description.

Finally conceding defeat in the Perks section, Tyson leaned back on the couch with a sigh. He rubbed his eyes, exhaustion creeping in after the long session of intense reading. But sleep still felt out of reach with his mind spinning from the revelations of the night.

Deciding on a change of focus, Tyson navigated to the Personal Reality section of the PADD. He wasn't even sure what he was looking for at this point. But the distracting activity of browsing aimlessly felt preferable to dwelling on unanswered questions. As Tyson's eyes glazed over the various Personal Reality options, one entry in particular caught his attention. He sat up on the couch as he read through the details, his earlier fatigue forgotten.

[300 RP] My Harem (Personal Reality)

This option allows you to combine any or all of your lovers and spouses into one or more companion slots, although once you've added a companion to a block there is no going back and separating them once again. Fortunately for you, this doesn't mean you can't keep adding additional people to a slot, in case your harem continues to grow. Additionally, you may combine your various children into companion blocks as well. This means that companions within the same block get imported as a group while taking only one companion slot. It does not mean they get combined into one individual in any way. Requires: Seraglio-A-Gogo.

Acquiring the Perk and its prerequisite would cost him every last one of his 500 Reality Points. He had no lovers to speak of, no children, and not a single Companion to his name. The cap on his Companions was still far off. It would not be wise to unnecessarily blow through his entire stash of RP so soon.

His thoughts turned to Q's "advice," which amounted to little more than transparent encouragement to assemble a harem. Tyson grimaced, trying to analyze the suggestion logically from a power gamer's perspective, but he could not shake the feeling that Q was simply a pervert at heart. Tyson recalled the list of available perks, one made him scowl in disapproval.

[600 CP] Divine Voyeur (Perk)

The Q watches all and sees all. Whenever you have sex with others, or whenever you take 'adult actions', Q will be watching and will award you "points" for your performance. The points will enhance your combat stats and skills for a limited duration, with the timeframe and level of enhancement depending on how many points are given. With the lowest rank giving you a minor boost for maybe 10 minutes. Part of the score is determined by your sexual prowess, but it's also based on Q's appreciation for putting on a show. The less private the affair is, and the more people that witness your actions, the higher your score, such that making out in a crowd would garner more of Q's approval. A "perfect" score of 10 would make you the equivalent of a mighty hero for 24 hours, but there's no limit to the number of points and equivalent boons you can earn, assuming you have enough stamina and passion for the job. The perk also lets you visually see any sexual acts within a 100-meter radius (and since Q is watching what you watch, you'll also score performance points for sexual activities and sexy battles you view.)

Shaking his head, Tyson rejected the perk out of hand. It was clearly a ridiculous notion and an obvious trap. He would essentially be spending his points just to satisfy Q's voyeuristic whims. And why was it so expensive for such a minor buff? Tyson compared Divine Voyeur to another 600 CP Perk and the difference was clear.

[600 CP] Treknobabble (Perk)

Probably the greatest tool of the Federation… Pulling bullshit out of their ass. Is your ship exploding? Reverse the shield to contain the blast. If you have tech, you're virtually invincible. Just remember, you're not COMPLETELY invincible. Try to keep your hands off Omega Molecules.

Tyson sighed. A temporary boost was worth the same as virtual invincibility through making stuff up with technology. Sex sells, I guess.

Tyson finally set his PADD down on the table beside him, the screen going dark as he let it slip from his fingers. He leaned back into the couch, letting his head fall back to stare up at the ceiling of his quarters. After hours of perusing the seemingly endless catalog of perks and abilities offered to him, he still hadn't settled on which ones to select first. It was a difficult decision, choosing those initial few perks that would set the course for his future growth and capabilities. He had browsed the entire list, considering each one carefully, weighing the potential benefits against the required point expenditure. A few had stood out as obvious early choices.

With a sigh, Tyson hauled himself to his feet. He would sleep on it, give his mind time to churn over the options, and hopefully gain some clarity.

Steatoda Steatoda

I have one of those Patreon things if you'd like to support my writing or read ahead. No pressure cause this is my hobby and I enjoy sharing my stuff. But being able to tell my wife we're going out to dinner on hobby money buys me more leniency with my writing time! Same author name over there, and this story is crossposted on Fanfiction, Scribble Hub, and WebNovel if you prefer one of those other platforms.

Behind the scenes

- This chapter reveals much about Tyson and his journey, and provides the link between Tyson's stories.

- In Star Jumper, Tyson will have access to different jumpchain documents based on his current setting. Generic documents are always available for Tyson to pick from.


Personal Reality Supplement by SJ-Chan and Sonic0704

Generic Space Opera by Insertrandomnickname

Generic Lewd Science Fiction

Trials in Tainted Space by Ovid

Current Setting Specific:

Star Trek: TNG&DS9 by KOTOR ANON

Star Trek Online: by Pyroi

- Tyson does not have access to Perks and Drawbacks which are not available at this point in the timeline. Example: Nothing related to the Borg, Species 8472, Transwarp, Slipstream, etc because the Federation hasn't encountered those yet.

- I'm not planning to move outside of Star Trek/Star Wars in this story. Sorry fans of B5, Stargate, Firefly, etc. I just don't know those settings well enough to do them justice. I will consider brief stints with bonus jumpchain doc one-shots outside of sci-fi crossovers based on planets Tyson might come across, like Berengaria VII (hardcore Trekkies might understand), or holodeck programs (Qpid), but we'll see.

- I would eventually like to add a third story to my rotation. Rogue is my superhero, Star Jumper is Sci fi, and one more; Fantasy or DungeonCore. Maybe Naruto, a Pokémon first jump, or a Generic setting combining elements from MMOs like Everquest, Guild Wars, WOW. Either way, I won't start Fantasy until this story is well established and I'm far ahead. Rogue is drafted several months out based on my current posting schedule, so no worries there. 

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