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96.42% HP: Heir of Morgana Le Fay / Chapter 27: Meeting with Voldemort

Chapter 27: Meeting with Voldemort

Today was his meeting with Voldemort. It was clear that he had to be very careful to not get killed. He had no fear of looeing in a head on battle as Voldemort was in a pathethic state right now but he could still kill him if he ambushed him.

He put on the clowns mask and took over Cassius Nocturns Identity.

Then he apparated in front of the Hog's Head Inn and entered.

Quirellmort was already waiting for him in a dark corner of the pub. That made things easier as he could at least keep an eye on him.

He walked through the pub and sat down in front of Quirell. The man really needed to stop to stink like garlic it was horrible.

"It is an honour to meet you my lord" Orion still said and controlled his disgusted expression.

"Not yet, I will first have to see if you have the abilities to work as a death eater" Quirelmort said and ordered a cup of tea while Orion just took a good old butterbeer.

Orion took a sip and then felt his head get slightly dizzy.

'This bastard fed me Veritaserum' Orion cursed and tried to at least partially controll his answers.

"Are you alone?" Quirellmort asked him.


"Does anyone know of this meeting?" Quirellmort continued to interrogate him.


"Do you wish to harm Lord Voldemort?"

"No" which suprisingly was the truth. That fucker would die at some point in time anyways. Good old Harry would take care of him this dude has plot armour.

"Why do you want to join the death eaters?"

"Mostly because of political influence and buisness connections. I also want to learn more dark magic, especially the unforgivables" Orion said again the complete truth.

Quirellmort nodded statisfied and gave him the antidote. The effects of the truth serum faded.

"Come with me" Quirell said and walked outside.

Outside Quirell put his hand on his shoulder and dissaparated.

They reappeared in front of a mansion.

Lucius Malfoy was already waiting for them in front of the mansion.

"Lucius, it is good to see you again my friend" Quirellmort said.

Malfoy bowed "I am happy to see that you survived the tragedy 11 years ago master. I will be your loyal servant as I was before".

"I have a new recruit, Cassius Nocturn. Don't worry, I already tested him with Veritaserum" Quirellmort said and took out his wand "I reward my loyal servants. If you help me return I can teach you the most powerful black magic when I have a body back".

"It would be an honour to recieve guidance of the most powerful wizard there is" Orion said.

Quirell grinned statisfied "give me your left arm, I will grant you the honour t wear the dark mark".

"Thank you Master" Orion said and pulled up the sleeve on his left arm while he thought 'just wait baldie, wait until I am stronger than you'.

Quirell placed the tip of his wand on his left arm and chanted a spell.

Slowly the infamous dark mark appeared on his forearm.

"You are now a death eater, a honourable warrior who will fight at my side when I return" Quirell said and turned to Lucius "do you have the robes?

Lucius stepped forward and gave him the black leather uniforms of the death eaters along with the skull mask.

Orion took them like a treasure and put it inside his ring.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Lucius Malfoy" the blond man said while looking him up and down with obvious skeptism.

"Cassius Nocturn, a pleasure" Orion said and shook his hand.

"Take care of him I need to return before Dumbledore gets to suspicions" Quirell said and apparated away.

"Well as a fellow death eater we have a lot to talk about but you first need to learn the dark arts" Lucius said and gave him a black book without a title. You could only see a slightly faded skull on the book cover.

"I don't need to remind you that all the things and even the posession of it will get you a one-way ticket to Askaban right?" Lucius said.

"I'm not that stupid, I'll keep the dogs of the Ministry away don't worry" Orion said.

"Good...because the master is currently weakened from this damn Potter we need to stay low until our master returns. Be there when he calls you through the dark mark" Lucius said "It was nice meeting you".

"Yes goodbye, we'll see each other when the master returns" Orion said and apparated away. Lucius just rubbed his temple very annoyed.

"A death eater that the master personally picked...what a headache" he murmured and walked back inside his mansion.

Voldemort pov:

"Hahahahaha....that guy is insane. That Miasma he had was simply astronomical, even for me" Voldemort said in crazy laughter.

"Yes Master, you have gotten yourself one more powerful and loyal ally" Quirell said "I will also do my best to help you return to your former glory"

"Then hurry up and find a way to get past this damn dog" Voldemort hissed "this body can't endure two souls in it for too long".

"Yes master" Quirell said.

"When I finally have my hands on the philosopher's stone then I will clean the wizarding world of all the filth there is" Voldemort declared.

Orion pov:

"God damn finally I have the three unforgivables!!!" Orion shouted and looked at the book with burning eyes. The best part of it all, the ministry can't detect him at all because he was casting wandlessly. And even if he would get caught, it would be easy to escape Askaban with magic.

Orion opened the book and as expected, there was a very detailed description of the three unforgivables on the first three pages.

Then there was the fiendfyre curse and somehow the death eaters got their hand on the protego diabolica spell diagram. Then there was the dark mark spell and the dark mist flying spell.

There were also a few useful potions including veritaserum and polyjuice potion.

Then there was also a whole chapter dedicated to the mind arts including leglimency and the memory charm Lockhard is so fond of.

Another chapter is about duelling and spell chains with the unforgivables.

That is certainly a good collection for modern times but Orion only profitted from the first spell chapter with the protego diabolica as the coronation.

With his dark arts talent he only needed to take one look to learn it.

He took off his mask and put the mask and the book back in his ring.

With this book he finally catched up to modern war magic.

Later that day he could be seen hurling the unforgivables at all objects in his house that were unfortunate enough to get inside his field of vision.

After about three hours of casting the unforgivables like a maniac he slumped down on the floor and contemplated what he should do during the rest of his suspension.

The first thing he needed to do was of course to conceal the dark mark that was etched into his left arm.

He flipped through the spellbook of his mother until he found an ancient glamour spell. The spell would last until the counter-curse was cast but could only conceal small objects or bodyparts.

But for his use it was perfect. He watched as the dark mark on his arm faded.

Statisfied he rolled back his sleeve and browsed through interesting projects he wanted to do.

There was making a revolutionairy broom buissness, a magic gun and sniper, figure out why electronic devices don't work in the magical world, corrupting the ministry, if it doesn't work that way he would just make all troublesome people dissapear...

He decided to set his mind on the easiest task first and that is creating a new broom.

It would probably take him some time but he could use his broom to boost his popularity and mabye join the Quidditch team if he had the necessairy talent for it. He hasn't found out because he was suspended before the flying class on Friday.

With a goal in mind he crammed out all the books on broom-making and made a small mountain of books inside his study.

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