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Chapter 34: Chapter 34

[3rd POV] [Mount Justice]

Walking into the mission room, Gwen immediately noticed the tense atmosphere.

"What happened?" M'gann happened, also noticing the faces of the team.

"You have a mission. You are to find, and defeat them" Batman said, pointing to the screen. It had Joker, Poison Ivy, Wotan, Black Adam, Atomic Skull, Count Vertigo, and Ultra-Humanite on it.

"That's quite the team" Gwen commented, looking them over with a raised eyebrow. Inwardly, she was confident in her capabilities.

She planned on killing most of them, she doubted she could kill Black Adam, and she wanted to give Ivy one more chance, just in the hopes she could turn out like she did in the comics, alongside Harley. But the rest? The rest of them were dying today.

A neat little spell called "Imperio" would do the trick. All she has to do is cast it on each of them, and the curse will do the rest. And thanks to her increased power from Doctor Fate, she can more than easily do this against them.

"Hmm, you think they're that super secret society, don't you?" Gwen said, looking at the serious glint in her fathers eyes.

"I do" Batman said with a nod.

"I doubt it" Gwen replied with a shake of her head. Deciding that putting the thought of a group like the Light into their head now, would do wonders for the future.

"Why? Who else could it have been?" Wally asked, looking to Gwen in confusion.

"It's too obvious. So far, this group has had multiple operations across the globe, and has tried to kill me once. Do any of them look like the types with the power to do that?" Gwen said with an eyebrow raised, pointing to the group.

"No, more than likely, this is a coverup group that the main organization is using to hide themselves. Said organization probably has some more...powerful people in it. Ra's Al Ghul is almost guaranteed, due to his...friend being at the Venom trade. Lex Luthor is another obvious candidate. Queen Bee from Bialiya is another. Klarion is probably in it too. The brain is another due to it's experiments. And then their's potential one or two others, one of them being based around the Ocean, and Atlantis" Gwen said, explaining her thoughts to the group. Most of their eyes went wide at the explanation, while Batman went quiet.

"That...makes sense" Batman said, realizing that there was a very good chance that Gwen was right.

"Who could the leader possible be?" Dick asked, looking to Gwen.

"Most likely? Someone old, very old, and very powerful, be it politically, economically, or something else" Gwen answered, glancing at the Injustice League again.

"I doubt those idiots know anything about the real group, except maybe Count Vertigo, as he seems like the type that could potentially be in cahoots" Gwen commented.

"For now, focus on stopping them. The League will look into the matters involving this secret group" Batman said, causing them all to nod.

"Well, onwards to the Louisiana Bayou" Gwen said with an almost excited smirk on her face. She knew that most of her system evolutions tasks would be done after this, leaving only two solo missions, both of which would be very very easy.

'Let's hope this goes well'


Sitting in the bioship, Gwen leaned back. They were nearly at the Bayou, and were going to be attacked by the Injustice League soon enough.

'First person to take care of is Count Vertigo, which'll be easy. I just gotta get him away from his little friends, or use an illusion, then a simple killing curse and fire will do the trick. The hardest one to take care of, will be Wotan. That guy while not strong, will be annoying to deal with. As for Black Adam...he'll probably flee the second he sees the rest of his team gone' Gwen thought with a sigh.

She was going to have to do this in a way that makes it seem like the group betrayed one another, before each of them fled. It'd be rather easy with a bit of ingenuity and some magic, but it'd be actually executing it without being noticed, that would be the hard part.

Getting pulled out of her thoughts, Gwen blinked as she felt the ship begin to shake "Ah shit" Gwen cursed as the ship landed into the water of the swamp with a crashing sound.

"You alright love?" Gwen asked, looking to M'gann nodded. "You two alright?" Gwen then asked to Raven and Artemis who were sitting near her, both of which nodded.

Raven could be a problem in regards to killing them, but she had a feeling that even if Raven caught her, she wouldn't stop her. Raven seemed to have a similar thought process to her, in regards to villains.

The ship shook slightly as vines began to surround it, pulling it deeper underwater.

Gwen looked to the ceiling as her spider sense showed her Black Adam about to rip a hole in it. Thwipping to it, she hung to the side, waiting. Before *Shing!* Gwen brought out her claws the second she saw Black Adam ripping a hole, slashing, Black Adam cried out in pain, before flying back as Superboy punched him back.

"That should put him outta the fight for a few moments!" Gwen said, having slashed the man across the face, including his right eye.

'Adamantium for the win!' Gwen thought, knowing that Adamantium was one of the only things she had that could actually damage the fucker.

"M'gann, open a hatch" Gwen said to her girlfriend, who promptly facepalmed in realization, before doing just that.

Putting on some sort of portable breather, Gwen quickly swam through the hatch alongside the rest of the team.

Swimming for a few moments, the group soon came out of the water, having not been that far from the nearby shore.

"I'm sorry about the ship, love" Gwen said softly to M'gann who shook her head.

"It'll be fine! It's just in shock right now" M'gann explained, smiling slightly at her girlfriends worry.

Blinking, Gwen quickly flicked her wrist, causing a golden ankh to fly. "AGH!" Count Vertigo, who was preparing to attack them with his vertigo wave headset.

Getting launched back, Gwen quickly thwipped to where he landed, and silently cast an imperio on the man. "When we leave, you will flee this place. Once you are far from here, drown yourself deep in a lake or ocean. Now act like you're unconscious" Gwen softly said, having already made her voice silent.

After saying those words, Gwen punched the man softly, as he promptly did as he was told, all under the powerful imperius curse.

Grinning inwardly, she walked to the rest of the group "He won't be a problem for a while. It's best we focus on finding their base, then come back for him" Gwne said, causing the team to nod in agreement.

"Gwen, Raven, disappear, the rest of us will move as a group" Kaldur said, causing the two to nod, before going deeper into the forest, both invisible.

Hopping from tree to tree, Gwen glanced at Raven "You can ask, you know"

Raven hearing this, looked to Gwen, before speaking "If given the chance, you're going to kill them, aren't you?"

"And if I am?" Gwen asked, glancing at Raven with a sharp expression.

Raven went silent as they continued to move through the tree's. Gwen silently watched her, she wouldn't kill her or anything, as she isn't evil, but if Raven revealed what she was planning, it would cause some serious issues for Gwen.

"I'll vouch for you" Raven said simply.

"What?" Gwen blinked in surprise, looking to Raven.

"I'll vouch for you. So, kill them if you must" Raven replied simply, before looking ahead.

"Why cover for me?" Gwen asked, moving through the forest. She knew they were getting very very close to the base, so she needed this answer sooner rather than later.

"Because unlike the rest of the team, I am not naive. I know that once those villains are put in jail, they'd just escape again. Instead, it is better to take care of them, for good. Joker especially" Raven answered, looking to Gwen.

Gwen watched her expression, before smiling. 'She's telling the truth' Gwen thought. She had the knowledge of many many people, much of which includes the ability to read a person, and tell if they are lying. And Raven, Raven was not lying.

"But can I ask...who do you plan on killing?" Raven asked, genuinely intrigued. She didn't like killing, but she knew that it had to be done, and Gwen had the will to actually do it, unlike her.

"All of them except Ivy, if I can. But Black Adam has more than likely already flee'd after I cut up his face, so it's just the rest of them I'll kill" Gwen replied, still smiling calmly.

"...We're here" Raven said, looking ahead at some weird dome like base, with a large tree at the top.

"That must be the antenna that controls the rest of the the vines around the world. You take care of that, I'll take care of the Injustice League" Gwen said, looking to Raven who nodded with a serious look on her face, before flying off.

Seeing that Raven was gone, Gwen grinned before swinging off, and...walking in through the front door?

'Well they have no security, don't they?' Gwen thought with a sigh, still invisible as she walked inside of the large dome like area. With a large glowing tree in the middle, with strange technological looking markings on it.

"Where the hell is Vertigo and Adam?!" Poison Ivy all but yelled, causing Gwen to go silent, quietly sneaking up.

She needed her gone before taking care of the rest of the team. As she wanted Ivy to give up on her own, after seeing that the rest of the team had "ditched" her.

Seeing that no one knew where the two were, Ivy growled in anger "Fine! I'll go patrol by myself! If my baby get's hurt even the slightest bit, I'll kill you!" Ivy yelled, before walking off with a huff.

Waiting for a few moments, Gwen grinned as she felt that Ivy was far enough. Looking to the roof, she knew that Raven was already setting up her plan. Courtesy of a few small bombs that Dick had handed over before she left.

'This'll be easier than I thought' Gwen thought with a smirk, as she silently walked up behind Atomic Skull. Before it could even react, three claws ripped straight through it's skull, before it's body was pulled back, and then burnt to ashes. All within literal seconds, thanks to a boosted incendio.

"Where is Atomic Skull?" Wotan commented with a frown, moving over to where Atomic Skull should have been powerig the tree at, only to find him gone.

"Where has that fool we-AUGCK" Wotan was cut off, as Gwen swiped his head off with a single symbiote blade.

Seeing that it was only Ultra-humanite and the Joker left - the latter more focused on flaunting and joking about his new "power - Gwen grinned. Swinging, she crept up behind the large gorilla, and without hesitation, whispered "Avada Kedavra".

The gorilla couldn't even react as it dropped to the ground dead, a thud sounding out.

"Wha-Ah shit" Joker commented, looking around as he finally noticed that he was the only on left. Gwen grinned and undid her invisibility, while also burning the corpse of the gorilla, just as she did Wotan and Atomic Skull.

"You're the bats sidekick, are-" "I'm not even gonna bother talking to you, you piece of scum" Gwen said with a creepy smile, as she lifted her hand.

"Normally I'd make this more painful for someone like you, but this is the best I've got for now." Gwen said, ignoring Joker's attempts at stopping her, neither of his gloves working as the bombs above went off.

"No you can't do this! You're supposed to be a-" Joker as Gwen just scowled, a green light flying into the man, ending the mad man for good.

'How...boring' Gwen thought with a sigh, realizing that this was far easier than she initially thought, bordering on boring.

Burning the Joker's corpse to ash, Gwen looked around with a smile, before walking out of the dome.

"Is it done?" Raven asked, looking to Gwen who nodded simply.

[Evolution Quest Received!]

Task - Kill 10 villains [Complete]

Task - Absorb 25 databases [Complete]

Task - Complete 5 Justice League missions successfully [Complete]

Task - Complete 10 solo missions successfully [8/10]

Task - Destroy 10 criminal groups [Complete]

Reward - System evolves into ??????? System

[Quest Complete]

Kill 5 villains [5/5] | Repeatable 1 more time.

Reward - 1 SL ticket.

[Hidden Quest Complete]

Kill the Joker, ending the mad man once, and for all.

Reward - 3 SL tickets.

Permanently weaken the light in different ways [10/10]

Reward - 5 SL Tickets.

Destroy the Injustice League, giving it no chances of revival.

Reward - 5 SL Tickets.

[Total SL Tickets - 15]

'...So the system does give more tickets as I get stronger, and as they become less and less useful...this is good, very good. But, I doubt this applies to any of the higher evolutions of the system, as it's more than likely a street level specific thing' Gwen thought with a sigh, before stopping as she noticed the rest of the team approaching.

"What happened?" Kaldur asked in surprise.

"It looks like they fled. I don't know how, but I think they knew that the League would be on their way. We managed to stop it after using those bombs Robin gave Raven, but we couldn't stop the rest" Gwen said with a fake sigh, while Raven nodded along.

"Well, we captured her at least!" Wally said with a smile, pointing to a currently knocked out Ivy.

"And what about Vertigo?" Gwen asked, looking to Kaldur.

"He escaped. We must have taken too long, so he woke back up. Or, Black Adam circled back and took him with. Either is possible" Kaldur said with a sigh, not liking that most of the villains managed to escape.

"Look on the brightside, we stopped them!" M'gann said with a beaming smile.

" true" Kaldur said with a sigh, before a small smile formed on his face.

The team stopped as they noticed sounds coming from above.

"Looks like the League is here" Dick said with a sigh, knowing that Batman and the League would not be happy that the Villains escaped. Gwen on the otherhand, was inwardly groaning as a thought came to her head.

'This is going to be a bitch to explain...isn't it?'

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That's the end of the chapter!

This chapter was a genuine pain in the ass to write, but I got it! Eventually lol.

Next chapter is going to be her gaining her last big bunch of Street Level characters, before she goes on some OC solo missions! Yay!

I've also got some plans involving a "Demon" and his little pets. As well as Klarion, as I've got a pretty interesting idea involving him, which will come to fruition in a certain "Adult" episode.

This volume is getting close to it's ending! As while future plot points of Young Justice (like a lot of season 2) can happen, I plan on her going to other universes in between. The next world has already been decided, as said before, and is a pretty well known one.

It's not live action, nor is it really an "anime". I'll give you one hint, that might be enough and that is "4".

Her harem will obviously be coming with her, as none of them have much to lose, except Artemis, but I've got ideas involving her.

Anyways, have a good day, see you tomorrow!

ArtoriaPendragon_ ArtoriaPendragon_

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(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)

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