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Another Master of Chinese Cuisine

Delicious monkfish, especially a specialty of Ibaraki Prefecture in Japan, is large, fatty, and slippery, making it difficult to dissect. Locals invented the suspended cutting method to break it down, and every year, Ibaraki Prefecture holds the Monkfish Festival with demonstrations of this method.

In the culinary world, there's a saying: "Western pufferfish, Eastern monkfish." This means that the only ingredient that can rival the top delicacy pufferfish is monkfish.

First, fry the monkfish liver in a pot until it releases its oil.

Then use the liver oil and miso to cook a golden broth, finally adding the fish meat.

Add the skin, fins, liver, stomach, and gills—the so-called "seven treasures of monkfish"—along with tofu, vermicelli, and various vegetables into the pot.

During the cooking process, do not add extra water.

Finally, throw some mushrooms into the bubbling broth to quickly lock in the freshness of the ingredients.

Use various curry spices to trigger the flavors, making the rising steam rich with aroma, subtly evoking everyone's longing for a good life.

Perhaps this is the healing power of monkfish curry hot pot?


In fact, there is no such thing as hot pot in Japanese cuisine.

Dishes where ingredients are cooked in a pot and served together are collectively called "nabemono."

Of course, if you say Japan doesn't have hot pot, some people might disagree!

But anyway, in terms of ingredient diversity, Japanese nabemono is in no way inferior to Chinese hot pot.

Besides the common miso soup, there are also unique broths like soy milk and curry.

The ingredients can be from land, sea, and air, capturing all edible possibilities. For example, the monkfish hot pot made by Zane includes even the fish liver.

At this moment, staring at the bubbling golden broth, with the tofu skin trembling in the steam, the floating mushrooms, and the tender monkfish meat... Megumi was stunned!

She regained her composure, picked up a small ladle, and took a sip of the broth, savoring it carefully.

Sipping the soup, Megumi couldn't help but make a slight noise.

After just a taste, she shuddered, her eyes filled with disbelief.

She then used her chopsticks to pick up a piece of monkfish liver. As soon as it entered her mouth, it felt extremely smooth, with a delicate texture that instantly reminded her of high-quality foie gras.

But unlike foie gras, the flavor was fresher and less greasy.

Perhaps it's because monkfish liver isn't artificially fattened like foie gras, making it richer in unsaturated fatty acids?


"This liver... doesn't have any fishy taste!"

Swallowing, Megumi's face showed satisfaction.

With her current skill level, it's hard to fully understand why this monkfish curry hot pot is so delicious. She can analyze a bit but can't fully explain it.


It's not flashy!

But it has a solid texture and a very pronounced umami.

It's not an exaggeration to say that just maintaining its natural deliciousness with the simplest cooking can leave a deep impression.

Both pufferfish and monkfish are top culinary delicacies.

But things often have two sides—one is highly toxic, and the other is extremely ugly.

Thanks to Zane's careful preparation, the terrifying appearance of the monkfish was gone, leaving only the enticing flavor!

Even using chopsticks to pick up a piece of cooked monkfish, rolling it in the curry-flavored broth, and taking a bite felt like achieving life fulfillment.

At this moment, under the faint yellow incandescent light, Megumi's fair face was flushed red from the heat, with a thin layer of sweat on her forehead.

The rising steam made her feel like there was nothing a good meal of monkfish curry hot pot couldn't solve.

Or rather, facing such a dish, she was willing to forget all her troubles!

"Mm, it's really fragrant~"

"After eating, the taste lingers in my mouth, hard to describe."

"This flavor doesn't fade easily, hinting at the unique freshness of monkfish!"

"Even the mix of curry spices, mushrooms, and vegetables keeps the aroma lingering, making it unforgettable."

After finishing the entire pot of broth, Megumi sighed contentedly.


Hot pot is a blessing for those with indecisiveness.

No need to choose—just put all ingredients together and cook them. They all go into your stomach anyway.

This monkfish curry hot pot before her.

Undoubtedly, in Megumi's heart, it's the best and most delicious hot pot dish!


She felt her energy becoming particularly abundant.

Clearly, this monkfish curry hot pot had far exceeded her expectations.

"Zane, your monkfish curry hot pot is truly special."

"No, it's not just special—the choice of ingredients, the handling of the monkfish, and the control of heat are all perfect!"

Opening her eyes, Megumi exclaimed to Zane.

She had witnessed Zane's culinary skills many times and tasted many of his dishes, but she had to admit that every visit to the Tavern left her amazed and astonished because of him!

If she were to make such a monkfish dish.

Even if she could perform suspended cutting and handle monkfish, she couldn't reach Zane's level.


"Monkfish is naturally delicious."

"It can bring out the flavor of curry spices and blend the tastes of other vegetables and mushrooms."

"But the most important part is the liver, which is even more delicate than foie gras."

"The liver's texture is very creamy and fragrant, so the curry spices should be mild."

"This way, the overall flavor of the monkfish curry hot pot is light, slightly sweet, and leaves a long aftertaste."

"As for vegetables."

"The rule is, the more, the better. Don't worry about having too few."

Zane glanced at Megumi, seeing her thoughtful expression, and said calmly.

"I see."

"Monkfish curry hot pot has so much to consider?"

Listening to his words, Megumi bowed her head in thought.

Watching her reaction, Zane said nothing more, simply cleaned the table and walked away.


In terms of character design.

Megumi is actually best at home-style cooking filled with a sense of family.


In other words, nothing too strong or striking.

This was evident in the original story, during the Autumn Elections, when she competed against Ryo Kurokiba in the ramen round. The ramen she presented lacked that wow factor!

Perhaps it's her cooking style that makes it hard for her to stand out in the competitive environment of Totsuki Academy.

Of course, on the other hand.

Megumi herself doesn't have many ambitions.

Her biggest dream in coming to Totsuki wasn't to achieve greatness in the culinary world, to stand at the top like Erina and look down on everyone.

She just wanted to have the skills to inherit her family's inn.

So, she was never as competitive as Erina or Soma. She didn't have a strong desire to win or surpass anyone, just not to lose or get expelled.

She certainly felt grateful to Zane.

After all, without his help, she might not have passed the first assessment.

But it was because she met Zane that she gained the courage to take action and grew through repeated trials.

She was grateful and knew that Zane would always be the most important person in her growth.


The most important, no doubt!


Late at night, the Tavern became even busier.

Since Megumi was going back home in a few days and had many things to pack and handle, she quickly paid the bill and left after finishing the monkfish curry hot pot.

More and more customers arrived at the Tavern.

Tonight's business was busier than usual, but with Erina helping, Zane wasn't too overwhelmed!


"This Tavern..."

At this moment, a particularly voluptuous girl walked into the Tavern.

She wore a deep red silk cheongsam, accentuating her curves and making her look like a stunning peony flower.

Her simple hairstyle and a slightly longer strand of hair added to her elegant beauty.

"Hmm? It's her."

Seeing the newcomer, a Totsuki student skilled in Chinese cuisine, Miyoko, Zane felt puzzled.

She marveled at the exquisite layout and decoration of the Tavern, finding the overall environment very pleasing.

Finally, she chose a secluded spot to sit down.

"Hello, welcome to the Tavern."

"In this establishment, you can order anything, as long as I can make it and have the ingredients!"

Zane warmly greeted her.

His voice was magnetic and captivating, instantly breaking Miyoko's thoughts.

She raised her head slightly, observing Zane, realizing he was younger than she had imagined, probably no older than 20, and he looked more like the owner than a waiter.

And most importantly, he was very handsome!

"Are you the owner?"

Blinking, Miyoko asked in an uncertain tone.

"Yes, I am the owner and the head chef!"

Zane smiled.


"You're really the owner?"

"It's amazing to see someone running a Tavern at such a young age."

Miyoko felt surprised and a bit envious.


You see.

Her family also ran a successful Chinese restaurant.

Her biggest dream was to inherit it from her father, but because she was a girl, no matter how hard she worked, she didn't have that right.

Becoming more interested in the Tavern, she looked around again and spotted Erina.

She was stunned, seemingly understanding something.


"Megumi, is she close to you? She seems to come here often to eat."

Realizing something, Miyoko curiously asked Zane.

"A regular!"

"And a good friend."

"She's a gentle and kind girl, so I don't really dislike her."

Zane frowned, not understanding why Miyoko was so focused on Megumi, and answered honestly.


"So, what do you think of her cooking?"

"Do you think she can stand at the top of Totsuki in the future, surpassing all the men?"

Learning that he and Megumi weren't as close as she thought, Miyoko felt relieved and continued asking.


"Are you asking if she can become an Elite Ten, maybe even the First Seat?"

"I don't know why you have this odd idea. Although Megumi has potential, realistically, becoming the strongest is impossible!"

"Not to mention, her peers include the God Tongue Erina, molecular gastronomy expert Alice, and meat master Ikumi Mito."

"These people have talent and skills no less than hers."

"Above them are the current Elite Ten, like Satoshi and Rindo."

Zane spoke calmly.

He initially wondered why Miyoko was so concerned about Megumi.

Thinking it over, he figured it was similar to the original story.

During the training camp, Megumi's outstanding performance caught Miyoko's attention.

In the later Central Arc, despite being a key player who defeated the Elite Ten, Soma, Satoshi, and others ranked high.

Especially Soma, who became the First Seat. But there was one seemingly out-of-place character:


Surprisingly, her rank was only tenth.

But considering the context, this ranking made sense. Despite her talent, many in her year were simply stronger!


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