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24.39% My Olympus Exile (Bara BL) / Chapter 10: Long ago, in a Galaxy Far Far Away

Chapter 10: Long ago, in a Galaxy Far Far Away

The little red vinyl and metal chair protested under the weight of the 330-pound giant as Drayvos settled into it. Alex and Drayvos found themselves seated at a small circular table in the mess hall of the shipping vessel, surrounded by a dozen similar tables and matching chairs that illuminated the dimly lit room. The mess hall, along with their personal bunks, was one of the few areas accessible to civilians aboard the vessel.

While Alex had hastily purchased a ticket that included bunk and meal provisions for one person, the unexpected presence of Drayvos complicated matters. For now, the logistics of two and a half men sharing a single small bunk would have to wait. At present, their growling stomachs and Alex's unyielding curiosity demanded attention.

"So, you're half human, I gather?" Alex began, placing his plate on the table. "Your mother was human, and your father, Ares, is…" 

Drayvos nodded solemnly, his gaze drifting momentarily as he pondered his response. "My father Ares, Zeus, my grandfather, along with my aunts, uncles, and nephews… cousins…" His voice trailed off, his heart heavy with the weight of loss and longing for his family.

"The Pantheon?" Alex interjected, drawing Drayvos's attention back to their conversation.

"Yes, the Pantheon," Drayvos affirmed with a nod, returning his focus to the discussion. "They are known as Ethaarans." He proceeded to dig into his meager portion of food on his plate as he continued, "Ethaarans are non-corporeal entities originating from a different dimension. In order to manifest in the physical realm," he emphasized by tapping his knuckles against the solid table, "they require to be willed into the corporeal, and this is done through the fervent prayers of devotion, worship, and adoration from sentient physical beings."

Alex sat in stunned silence, his mind reeling with disbelief. "Aliens from another dimension, brought into existence through the intense desires of physical beings," he murmured incredulously. "And all this time, we thought we were alone in the universe."

Drayvos let out a hearty scoff. "Hah! Billions of star systems scattered across trillions of galaxies, and you humans believe you are the sole sentient species?" He shook his head in amusement. "And here I thought Aunt Athena told us we left Earth because humans had entered the scientific age."

Dismissing the slight to his heritage, Alex waved his hand dismissively. "So, these interdimensional beings, the Ethaarans, came to Earth masquerading as gods, just to rule over us mere mortals?" he inquired, his tone laced with skepticism.

Chewing thoughtfully, Drayvos nodded in agreement. "Yes," he confirmed casually, "for countless eons, they roamed from one planet to another, stumbling upon sentient species during what you humans call the 'Stone Ages.' They would then assume the roles of gods, guiding these civilizations out of the darkness of primitive existence and into the light of civilization. Each of us had a specific duty to fulfill in this grand scheme of enlightenment."

"Athena, goddess of Wisdom. Hephaestus, god of Blacksmithing and craftsmanship. Ares, god of War," Alex mumbled to himself, piecing together the puzzle in his mind. "And what was your role in all of this?" he pressed, his arms folded across his chest as he grappled with the notion of his ancestors being manipulated by beings from another dimension.

"I was their champion," Drayvos replied between mouthfuls, "initially tasked with showcasing the marvels of the new pantheon and persuading the indigenous people to embrace their rule. Later, I became a warrior and defender of the populace in the name of the pantheon. Whether it was lifting heavy loads to construct monumental edifices, diverting rivers, or combating monstrous adversaries and diverting disasters at the behest of prayer…" He paused, taking a swig of water to quench his thirst.

"Monstrous adversaries and disasters… caused by the Ethaarans no doubt…" Alex scowled, his frustration evident in the furrow of his brows.

"Yes, usually summoned by Dionysus or Hades," Drayvos remarked casually, as if discussing the weather.

"And Mount Olympus? You mentioned it earlier. What was that all about?" Alex pressed on, his curiosity piqued.

"Olympus isn't just a mountain. It's—or rather, it was—a transdimensional ship. It had the ability to fold space, allowing us to traverse vast distances in the blink of an eye. We merely landed it on a mountain for dramatic effect," Drayvos explained, a shadow of sadness crossing his features. "and it was my home since birth… the only home I ever knew, for over a thousand years…"

Alex shook his head incredulously, a disbelieving scoff escaping his lips. "So, everything we know about ancient Greek mythology… it was both real and fake at the same time… but why? What did the Ethaarans gain from it?"

"Besides the adoration and worship they received as gods?" Drayvos mused, a silly and confused expression clouding his features. 

Alez sat unamused. 

"They gained the opportunity to exist in the physical realm. I can't speak for their experiences in the non-corporeal realm, but according to my nephew Dionysus, it wasn't exactly pleasant."

After a heavy silence lingered between them, Alex struggled to digest the weight of Drayvos's revelation. Finally, mustering the courage, he locked eyes with Drayvos and posed the question that had been weighing on his mind. "So why are you here, Drayvos, instead of among the pantheon?"

Drayvos straightened in his chair, his expression clouded with a mixture of sadness and resignation. "Zeus announced that they could no longer manifest in the physical realm," he explained with a heavy sigh, his fingers idly tracing patterns on the table's surface. "For me to join them would mean certain death if I attempted to cross into their realm." His voice grew somber as he recounted the events. "Upon the plea of my father, Ares, the intervention of my nephew Dionysus, and the counsel of my aunt Athena, I was granted a reprieve, though it feels more like exile, banishment to Earth."

With a shake of his head, Drayvos continued, his tone tinged with bitterness. "Once the pantheon returned me to Earth, they set Olympus on a trajectory towards Sol and retreated to the non-corporeal realm, leaving me… here… alone." He folded his hands on the table, his gaze drifting away with a sense of unease. Waves of shock, horror, and profound loneliness washed over him, each emotion carving a deeper notch in his soul. His breaths came heavy as the full weight of his solitude and circumstances settled upon him. "I…I am… utterly alone…" he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

As the weight of solitude pressed down on Drayvos, "Hey," a gentle hand from his newfound companion reached out and lightly clasped his own. "But you're not alone, are you? Not entirely," Alex whispered, his voice laced with both sympathy and understanding.

Drayvos lifted his gaze to meet Alex's, finding a new shade of azure shimmering within those eyes—eyes that now held a depth of compassion and connection he had never known before. For the first time, a strange and unfamiliar sensation washed over him, stirring something deep within his heart.

Unfamiliar with the tumult of emotions swirling inside him, Drayvos shifted uncomfortably in his seat, grappling with sensations foreign to his millennia-long existence. He, the alien amidst an alien world, had spent eons confined to the lofty heights of Olympus or cast as the enigmatic hero of legend, forever distanced from the realm of physical intimacy.

Never before in his thousand-year lifetime had he engaged in such a personal exchange with another lifeform. Much less another human. Never before had he been regarded with such warmth and acceptance. And never before had his hand been tenderly held by another man.

Drawing a deep breath, Drayvos attempted to articulate the whirlwind of emotions engulfing him, but found his words faltering into silence. Instead, he offered a wordless gesture, his massive thumb tracing gentle circles across the soft flesh of Alex's hand.

"Yes," he finally managed, his grip tightening around Alex's hand. "You are correct, Alexander. I am no longer alone." And in that moment, amidst the quiet intimacy of their shared connection, Drayvos found solace in the realization that, for the first time in his immortal existence, he had discovered the true essence of companionship and belonging.

JDStone JDStone

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