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21.95% My Olympus Exile (Bara BL) / Chapter 9: On the high seas

Chapter 9: On the high seas

The boards groaned and protested as a metal crowbar pried open the door of the wooden shipping crate, revealing its contents to the dim light of the overhead lamps.

With a mixture of anticipation and trepidation, Alex peered inside, his eyes widening at the sight of the remarkably lifelike marble statue of Drayvos, the long-lost son of Ares. The statue lay cocooned in shipping straw, its features frozen in timeless beauty. With gentle hands, Alex brushed aside the straw, marveling at the intricate craftsmanship of the marble carving.

Ensuring that the area was clear of onlookers, Alex glanced around the deserted shipping storage room of the transport ship, a sense of secrecy lingering in the air.

"The coast is clear," he announced softly, directing his attention back to the statue. "You can come out now, big guy."

In a breathtaking transformation, the marble statue softened and shifted, revealing the figure of Drayvos, the Demi-god, half-human and half-Ethaaran. Taking a deep breath, he emerged from the crate, shaking off remnants of shipping hay and straw. Clad in a toga fashioned from a length of white bed fabric procured earlier that day, he regarded Alex with a mixture of gratitude and curiosity.

"It was incredibly dark in there, but…" Drayvos paused, casting a bemused glance at his surroundings. "Surprisingly comfortable," he added with a wry smile. Surveying the sea of shipping containers surrounding them, he furrowed his brow in confusion. "You said the coast was clear, but all I see are boxes. I thought we were out at sea. And were we expecting a storm?" His grasp of English had improved significantly, yet remnants of his native Greek accent lingered heavily, adding a touch of charm to his words.

Alex chuckled softly as he secured the massive metal shipping container. "Sorry, it's just an expression. It means there's no one around." He found himself amused by Drayvos's childlike wonderment and eagerness to learn about the intricacies of language and culture. "It's called an idiom—a play on words with a meaning that isn't obvious from the individual words. Like when people say 'It's raining cats and dogs.'"

Drayvos's eyes widened in alarm. "It actually rains puppies and kittens here?"

Alex burst into laughter, shaking his head as he continued his task of sealing the crate. "No, no, it's just an exaggeration. It means it's raining really heavily."

"Ah, I see…" Drayvos mused, processing the new information. "And 'The coast was clear' means the coast is clear from bad weather, so you're free to do… whatever you want?"

"Exactly!" Alex grinned, feeling a sense of satisfaction in helping Drayvos navigate the complexities of modern language. As they ascended a flight of metal stairs out of the shipping area, Alex's passion for history began to surface. "Actually, the phrase dates back to the 16th century when pirates in the Caribbean would shout 'Coast is clear!' to signal that there were no coastal guards or law enforcement around. It gave them the 'Green Light' for all sorts of piratical pillaging and mischief…" He trailed off, noticing Drayvos's bewildered expression. "Sorry, I tend to go off on historical tangents. It's a bit of a hobby of mine." Alex scratched the back of his head sheepishly, feeling a twinge of embarrassment at his enthusiasm.

As they ascended the stairs to the main deck of the ship, Drayvos continued his barrage of questions, his curiosity undiminished by the vastness of the shipping containers surrounding them. "How did they make this 'green light' to give them? And who are these Pirates of the land of the Caribbean? They do not sound like very good people." 

"They're not.They were very bad people," Alex replied. 

"Harken to my words Alexander, if we ever make it to the land of the Caribbean, I will be sure to put a stop to the pillaging and mischievous pirates," Drayvos declared with determination, shaking his head in disapproval.

Alex couldn't suppress a smile at Drayvos's genuine innocence and unwavering honesty. "Drayvos, I hope you never change," he murmured to himself, his thoughts drifting to the complexities of the world they inhabited. "This world is going to eat him alive with no remorse… I have to protect him… this Artifact," he mused quietly, a sense of responsibility weighing heavily on his shoulders.

As they reached the top of the stairs, the creak of the metal door swung open, and the sea breeze tousled their hair, and the distant sound of seagulls echoed across the deck. The juxtaposition of Drayvos's wide-eyed wonder and Alex's guarded concern painted a poignant picture against the backdrop of the boundless ocean stretching out before them. With a silent vow to safeguard his newfound companion, Alex braced himself for the adventures that lay ahead.

Stepping out onto the main deck, Alex found himself surrounded by a sea of multicolored metal shipping containers, each one representing a story yet to unfold.

Leading the giant through the maze of containers, Alex ascended to the main crew and passenger decks, the vast expanse of the vessel opening up before them. Beyond, the endless blue sea stretched to the horizon in every direction, a captivating sight that seemed to hold the promise of adventure and mystery.

"By Poseidon's trident…" Drayvos gasped, his voice filled with wonder as he beheld the midday sun casting its golden rays upon the endless tranquil waters. "It is so…" he trailed off, searching for the right words to capture the magnificence before him.

Alex watched him intently as he leaned against the rail, his gaze drawn to the imposing masculine figure standing beside him. The wind tousled the fabric of Drayvos' toga, accentuating his statuesque physique, while his jet-black hair danced in the breeze, framing his striking emerald eyes against the backdrop of sunlit waters.

"Beautiful," Alex murmured softly, though he couldn't quite discern whether he was referring to the boundless sea of possibilities or the enigmatic giant with the heart of an innocent child.

"Big!" Drayvos exclaimed, spreading his arms wide to encompass the expansive panorama before him. "But…" he added with a nonchalant shrug, returning his attention to the railing, "beautiful works too."

As Alex watched Drayvos lose himself in the vastness of the ocean, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was standing on the precipice of something extraordinary, a journey that would redefine the very meaning of beauty and adventure.

As they ascended to the main deck of the ship, Alex couldn't shake the sense of intrigue that enveloped him in Drayvos' presence. Together, they gazed out over the expanse of the ocean, where whale tails danced gracefully in the distance.

"Hey Drayvos," Alex began, breaking the serene silence, "there aren't any sea monsters of legend chasing after us because you're aboard, right? No Krakens? No Leviathan?"

Drayvos let out a hearty laugh, his deep voice resonating across the deck. "Hah!" he exclaimed, shaking his head. "No ecosystem-breaking monsters here, except for the ones that already inhabit this planet. All those legendary creatures—the seven-headed hydras, the centaurs in the labyrinth—they were us. Merely tools used to command worship and adoration from the masses." He chuckled, using his thumb to gesture towards himself. "And as for the plagues? Often caused by simple bacteria and viruses from distant lands."

"Whoa, hold up!" Alex interjected, his hands shooting up in surprise. "Ecosystem-breaking monsters? 'Except the ones already on the planet'? How is it that you're unfamiliar with idioms and the sea, yet you're well-versed in the destabilizing effects of invasive fauna and local microorganisms?"

Drayvos turned to face Alex, his imposing figure leaning casually against the railing. "I am unfamiliar with the current state of Gaia," he admitted.

"We call it Earth now," Alex corrected gently. "But please, continue."

Nodding in acknowledgment, Drayvos spoke, his gaze drifting upwards to the vast expanse of the clear blue sky. "I may not be well-versed in the current state of… Earth, but my people traversed the galaxies," he began, his voice carrying a hint of nostalgia, "and I possess a deep understanding of the delicate balance within ecosystems and the intricacies of biological phenomena."

Alex was completely transfixed, a whirlwind of amazement, shock, and surprise swirling within him. "Who ARE your people?" he blurted out, unable to contain his curiosity any longer.

Realizing he had yet to fully explain his origins to his newfound companion, Drayvos looked down with a soft smile. "We hail from a galaxy far, far away…" he began, then paused, his brow furrowing as he reconsidered his words. "But as for me, I come from Earth. Though the exact location of my birth remains a mystery, my father tells me he rescued me from my mother before a malevolent king wiped out my people."

"Yes, right, terribly sad that. Go back to the whole 'Galaxy far, far away' bit." Alex made a playful gesture with his hands, mimicking the motion of rewinding a tape.

Just as Drayvos was about to delve into further explanation, his stomach emitted a thunderous growl, drawing the attention of both men to his abdomen. "It seems I am quite famished," he remarked sheepishly.

Feeling the pang of hunger in his own belly, Alex nodded in agreement. "Agreed. Let's make our way to the mess hall, where you can regale me with tales of your people from that 'Galaxy far, far away,'" he suggested with a grin. With that, the two set off towards the interior of the ship, eager to satisfy their hunger and continue their conversation.

JDStone JDStone

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