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Chapter 21 Humanity Is Not Born Alone

Primordial Domain. 

A Secluded Domain Of Heaven And Earth which encompassed both the Heaven Path and the Human Path. Originally used by Limitless Demon Venerable in combination with Derivation Gu in order to derive new Dao Marks into existence, Primordial Domain possessed a singular ability which Xuanyuan coveted.

"Primordial Domain enables a Gu Immortal to reach the Supreme Grandmaster level attainment in their main path. Given enough time, a regular Gu Immortal could theoretically push the attainment of their main path towards a realm that usually only Venerables possess. I don't know if it reveals hidden Truths about a certain Path, or if it creates a resonance with surrounding Dao Marks but...".

Fang Yuan used it to become a Supreme Grandmaster in the Refinement Path. It was later destroyed, so the unique interaction of Dao Marks within the Primordial Domain were either lost, or would eventually reconstitute itself again with enough time.

If Xuanyuan could reach the Primordial Domain, he wouldn't have to worry about one of the greatest requirements to become a Venerable. His understanding of the Shadow Path would be propelled forward beyond the limits of the Gu World. His comprehension and understanding would allow him to obtain mysteries and secrets of the World that were beyond the grasp of ordinary Gu Immortals.

Xuanyuan would be able to obtain all the answers to all of the questions that he could ever ask about the Shadow Path. And even if he did not obtain the answers he sought, so long as he used other Paths to influence the Shadow Path, he did not believe that deriving any Gu would be impossible.

Xuanyuan wrote down in his notebook.

"Reach Rank 5 and obtain a second aperture. Lang Ya Blessed Land is the easiest choice in this regards, however, this does put me in opposition with Fang Yuan in the future. Depriving him of this opportunity will make him wary that the future does not necessarily follow his knowledge".

"Obtain Primordial Domain and Derivation Gu. Derivation Gu can be used to derive things other than new Dao Marks or new Worlds, acting in a similar vein to Wisdom Gu, albeit without costing lifespan. Might potentially take more time than Wisdom Gu".

These were two things that Xuanyuan wanted more than anything else in the future. If he could obtain both of these, Xuanyuan knew that eventually, even if he had to hide for a few thousand years, he would become a Venerable.

Xuanyuan wasn't stupid enough to come between the Shadow Sect, Heavenly Court and Fang Yuan with a foundation like his own, but even if he had to hide until he became a Rank 9 Gu Immortal, he would then gain the qualifications stand against almost anyone in the Gu World.

Xuanyuan couldn't ascend as a Heaven Path or a Human Path Gu Immortal, but with two Blessed Lands under his control, he could walk two different Paths at once, reducing the effects of conflicting Dao Marks.

It didn't necessarily mean that Xuanyuan didn't have other goals, only just that those were what he could guarantee, so long as he played his cards right.

In terms of other things that Xuanyuan wanted, they were even greater in number.

"Obtain a Shadow Path Secluded Domain Of Heaven and Earth".

"Obtain Derivation Gu and derive the Gu recipe for Third Aperture Gu. Xuanyuan wouldn't be able to cultivate a third aperture if he had already undergone Immortal Ascension, but if the circumstances called for him to become a zombie for whatever reason and he had to change bodies, having the recipe for the Third Aperture Gu would transform everything".

"Obtain Fortune Rivaling Heaven Gu. Eliminate Ma Hong Yun before he obtains Fortune Rivaling Heaven Gu is the simplest option in this regard".

"Find Thieving Heaven Demonic Venerables Aperture which has yet to be unearthed. If I could find that, it would prove that I am the inheritor of Thieving Heaven and not Fang Yuan, allowing Xuanyuan to refine any three Gu of his choosing, and put Fang Yuan at a disadvantage".

"Obtain the Bai Clan "Humans Alike Dragon Gu Refinement Method". It was an Immortal Killer Move, combining the Human Path and the Enslavement Path. Deriving a new Variant Human subspecies of other Paths would no doubt vastly improve an individuals attainment in Human Path".

"Obtain Space Door and find an entranceway to Space Cave. Space Cave allows a Gu Master to travel anywhere in the Gu World in an instant. From my understanding, it bypassed all methods of concealment or protection, existing everywhere and nowhere simultaneously". 

"Obtain the research into the Sovereign Fetus Gu. Even if the recreation of the Gu is unfeasible, deriving a new Extreme Physique might not be. If Xuanyuan could create an additional Extreme Physique, or even multiple Extreme Physiques, his legacy would undoubtably transcend multiple Eras".

Xuanyuan wanted other things like Wisdom Gu or Love Gu or Strength Gu, but knew that possessing even a single one exceeded his luck for his current lifetime. Just eyeing Derivation Gu was enough for multiple Gu Immortals to curse him to death. A legacy of Limitless Demon was more than enough to sustain a super force for several hundred years, and Xuanyuan wanted more on top of that!

The most ideal thing for Xuanyuan would be to obtain a Blessed Land before he became a Gu Immortal. Not only would it teach him how to successfully manage a Blessed Land, but it would also allow him to access Yellow Treasure Heaven. 

Obtaining Relic Gu, especially Rank 5 Relic Gu would cause any Gu Master to go green with envy. Even if it was a Path that Xuanyuan didn't have any attainment in, he would still be able to comprehend something using his Shadow Path attainment.

Xuanyuan let out a sigh, removing the excess thoughts from his head.

"There are too many things I want! I know greed isn't a good thing, but how am I supposed to find Truth, if I just watch as everything valuable in this World is claimed before I even get a chance to fight for it!?".

The otherworldly demon just lay there for a moment before Elder Luo's voice echoed through the walls.

"Xuanyuan, Elder Kong and Elder Hu are here. Please meet us in the main hall. We have something to discuss with you".

Unconsciously, Xuanyuan sat up straight, glancing at the hourglass shaped Timepiece Gu on his desk frowning for a moment before getting up to get ready. 

'Elder Kong and Elder Hu don't usually come here. I wonder why they are here today of all days?'.

Xuanyuan had used Elder Kong's name in order to divert attention away from himself in front of Elder Guo from the Refinement Soul Hall. He had done so, because Xuanyuan had only ever met Elder Kong once, and knew that his responsibilities afforded him more than a little secrecy. 

Elder Luo had mentioned that even in front of the Elder Soul Hall, Sky Soul Hall took priority. Elder Kong communed with the Gu Immortals of the Ancient Soul Sect, and no doubt, was in charge of balancing resources that the Gu Immortals required with the resources that the rest of the Sect needed.

Xuanyuan didn't think that Elder Guo would confront Elder Kong, so it surprised to see him, and Elder Hu both here today.

Giving his Master, and the two other Rank 5 Gu Masters a deep bow, Xuanyuan could feel the intensity of their gazes on his body. Even if he wanted to, he wouldn't be able to hide his cultivation in front of a Wisdom Path Gu Master like Elder Hu.

"This one greets the three Elders".

Elder Hu raised her eyebrows slightly, glancing at Elder Luo who just smiled, shrugging his shoulders.

"It wasn't me. I've made sure to have as little an influence on how quickly he cultivates. Xuanyuan is... quite talented in making friends, or so I've heard", Elder Luo winked at his disciple, causing Xuanyuan's cheeks to turn a light shade of pink.

'This old man... he'll never let me live that down...'.

Elder Kong just nodded, his thick white eyebrows his most defining feature.

"It is good that Xuanyuan is getting along with his fellow disciples. I had heard a rumor from one of the Elders in Golden Soul Hall, but I am pleased that it was just that, a rumor", Elder Hu interjected, earning a slight glare from Elder Luo.

"Old Huo is too rampart these days. His grandson acts more like a Demonic Path Gu Master with every passing day! Spreading horrid rumors about Little Yuan and Little Xi and Little Zhong. Not to mention how a Rank 2 Gu Master managed to purchase a Red Steel Relic Gu of all things! The boy is barely a B Grade Talent and yet-".

"It is not our place to say how Elder Huo raises his grandchild, Luo Yu. His actions have always placed the welfare and future of the Ancient Soul Sect in mind; Huo Yang is innocent in this regard. If his grandson, Huo Jin truly is straying from the Righteous Path, I will inform Elder Song from the Burning Soul Hall to deal with it", Elder Kong interrupted Elder Luo, causing Xuanyuan's Master to take a step back, giving Elder Kong a small nod.

"I understand Elder Kong. I will keep myself in check next time. Apologies". 

Xuanyuan had never seen his Master reprimanded before, but kept his own expression in check as all three Elders turned back to face him. Elder Luo, still slightly upset couldn't suppress a smile rising up on his face, while Elder Hu and Elder Kong seemed more pleased than anything else.

It put Xuanyuan slightly on edge, especially considering he couldn't hide his cultivation in front of any of them.

"Xuanyuan. What are the chances of you reaching the Middle Rank 2 Gu Master stage before the new disciple tournament? I would ask you to be perfectly honest in front of us", Elder Kong asked.

Xuanyuan paused for a moment, thinking of how to word himself.

"I... Currently, with no setbacks or sudden situations which prevent me from cultivating, I would reach it within the next thirty days. That is taking into account my primeval essence stone expenditure", he replied.

Xuanyuan, being a Rank 2 Gu Master could collect fifteen primeval essence stones a week from the Sect. He was a Rank 2 Gu Master, but still an Outer Sect disciple. He knew from Tang San that his weekly allotment would double once he became an Inner Sect disciple.

Elder Kong nodded.

"I see. Did you know Xuanyuan, that there are new disciples from your generation whom are already at the peak of Rank 2? My estimate places the number at four". 

Xuanyuan raised an eyebrow. This was information he hadn't known.

"They used Relic Gu I'm assuming?".

Elder Kong nodded.

"This isn't an uncommon occurrence, however in previous years, the highest level of cultivation that this tournament has produced as usually been the Middle Stage Rank 2, sometimes the Upper Stage Rank 2. Do you know why things have changed this year?", he asked.

"... Because of me, I'm guessing?".

Elder Hu nodded this time, speaking up for Elder Kong.

"These second generation Gu Masters feel threatened by you Xuanyuan. They are not like mortal born Gu Masters whom fail to understand the importance of innate Talent. They know, without extraordinarily rare Gu, such as Aptitude Gu, Rising Limit Gu, Breaking Sea Gu, or even Transcendence Gu, they can never attain the same talent as you. I know this because I had quite an interesting discussion with Fang Long, the the grandfather of Fang Kai, the current Elder in charge of the Wood Soul Hall".

"He himself left the Ancient Soul Sect and travelled to Restless Wind City, a City jointly managed by the Ancient Soul Sect and the Spirit Affinity House. He contacted some Gu Masters there and purchased three Rank 2 Relic Gu in order to push his grandson's cultivation to the Peak of Rank 2. He did this three days ago".

"Some of the other Elders with descendants your age did this as well, including Elder Song and Elder Tai. They each used their own accumulated wealth in order to purchase such Gu, so the Sect cannot condone a father looking after his children. However, it sets a precedent, one that no-one in the Ancient Soul Sect wants to admit".

"How are we any different from the Clans and Tribes in the other four regions, if we practice nepotism to push our bloodline descendants forward, at the cost of our other talented disciples? Elder Fang, Elder Tai and Elder Song have all be spoken to by the Sect Leader, but I wanted to ask you Xuanyuan, knowing full well that you will have to fight them during the tournament".

Elder Kong paused for a moment, his expression turning serious as he eyed the young man in front of him. 

"I want to ask you, do you hate it, Xuanyuan?".

A formless pressure was released from Elder Kong's body. Xuanyuan, somewhat used to Wisdom Path aftereffects seemed somewhat unfazed by the pressure. Elder Kong noticed this, and instantly let the pressure double, even triple around Xuanyuan.

"Do you hate the unfairness? Elder Luo does not break the rules due to the righteousness of his heart, but Elder Fang, Elder Huo and many others blatantly break the rules so that their descendants may flourish. Are you jealous of them?".

"They increase their cultivation because they are scared of you Xuanyuan. They are scared that you will surpass your entire generation. That you will catch up to them, and leave the rest of them behind, potentially leaving heart demons in the minds of your fellow disciples. The Elders know better than most the difference between Rank 5 and Rank 6. A single moment of hesitation can turn the accumulation of an entire century into nothing but ash and dust".

"Do you resent them, Xuanyuan?".

Xuanyuan could feel a formless pressure exerted on his body, but just shook his head, dismissing Elder Kong's claims.

"I understand their concern, but no, I do not resent them".

"Why?", Elder Luo asked.

Xuanyuan paused for a moment before showing a small smile.

"If they fear that they might be left behind, then they will desperately try to follow me. If they see me try to ascend, they too will push themselves further, similarly desiring to ascend. If I desire the Truth, then no doubt others will join me in my search. The Ancient Soul Sect is my home, and if I lift myself up, I will lift it up along with me. And because well..."

Elder Luo couldn't hide the smile on his face.

"Because someone once told me, that humanity is not born alone".

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