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STB: Chapter 39

Sorry for the late update, but here's the new chapter!


"If you don't mind me asking princess, why are the magus crafts after the royal family's blood?" Sayaka looked at La Folia who just smiled.

"Just call me La Folia, Sayaka, after all, we are friends, aren't we? You too Kiriha" La Folia looked at Sayaka and Kiriha who hesitated but nodded.

"Kanase Kensei of Magus Craft, have you heard of him?" La Folia looked at Sayaka and Kiriha as Alex also listened in.

"Isn't he the one who smuggled the Nalakuvera into the Itogami Island?" Alex saw La Folia nod.

"How come I didn't know that?" Sayaka looked at Alex who was just relaxing on a sofa with a wine glass in his hand.

"Natsuki-Chan, she gave me information, though I have to force it out from her" Alex gave Sayaka a grin.

"I see, the witch of the void" Kiriha pondered.

"You know her Kiriha?" La Folia looked at Kiriha who nodded.

"She's quite famous around the magic community" Kiriha looked at Sayaka who had a smug smile on her face.

'I wonder what their face would look liked if I revealed to them that Alex managed to tame the famous witch of the void' Sayaka thought who still had a smug smile

"What's with that smug, wipe it off, it's ugly" Sayaka furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at Kiriha.

"Ugly?! Look at yourself in the mirror and you will know what's ugly! Hmph!" Kiriha's eyebrows twitch which causes Sayaka to grin at her.

"Oh? What's this? It seems I hit a nerve~" Sayaka was still looking down at Kiriha literally as she was sitting while Sayaka was standing.

La Folia moved closer towards Alex who wanted to drink wine which he let her.

"You bitch!" Kiriha stood up and walked closer to Sayaka where their breasts pushed each other.

"Isn't that hot?" Alex whispers at La Folia causing her to let out a small yelp.

"Don't whisper out of nowhere" La Folia playfully slapped Alex's thigh who just shrugged.

"You're not going to stop them?" La Folia looked at Alex who sipped in his wine glass.

"Nah, they're rivals so they'll work it out, it always will be" Alex finished his wine as he wrapped his arms around La Folia's waist.

"You're really a straightforward man aren't you" La Folia pokes his cheeks with a blush on her cheeks.

"If I'm not then I still won't have Sayaka by my side until now" Alex smiled.

"Also they forgot about what we were talking about earlier" Alex looked at La Folia.

"Ah yes, Kanase Kensei was a court mage in the palace of Aldegyr" La Folia revealed.

"I'm surprised, I guess the royal family did a good job covering that he was once a court mage working for the royal family" Alex saw La Folia who nodded.

"We have to or else the reputation of the royal family is at stake if people know that a former court mage from the royal palace was turned into a terrorist it would be chaos" La Folia looked at her wine glass.

"Also many of the magical techniques he knows required having a royal blood to act as a spirit medium"

"That's why I suspect he risked such danger to attempt to kidnap me" La Folia closed her eyes.

"I'm surprised he was still free after an attempt to kidnap you, but the royal family seems to haven't done anything- oh" Alex realized something about why the royal family haven't moved yet.

"That's correct Alex, it's because of you, plus the 2nd progenitor might get triggered and declare war on our kingdom so we can't bear the risk of having 2 progenitors declaring war on our kingdom, you know how the Itogami Island is under the 2nd progenitor, plus you, a 4th progenitor living in the Itogami Island" La Folia smiled at Alex who had a wry smile.

"Damn I really did gain a good amount of benefits from this deal" Alex grinned at La Folia who just shook her head.

"Of course you do mister 4th progenitor, you got one of the powerful military kingdoms under your wing, well even if it's in name only, you can always use the kingdom's influence" Alex shrugs since his plan is slowly getting complete causing him to let out a grin.

"I see, then what about this aunt you're talking about?" Alex refilled his wine glass.

"Kanase Kanon, she's my aunt, her real father is my grandfather" La Folia took a sip from her glass.

"Damn! I mean he got my respect" La Folia glared at Alex who has a wry smile and has deep respect for her grandfather who even an old dude managed to get a woman pregnant.

"Fifteen years ago, he had an illicit relationship with a Japanese woman living in Aldegyr, and the result of that relationship is Kanase Kanon" La Folia closed her eyes.

"Hmm, so does that mean she has a claim to the throne?" Alex took a sip of his glass.

"No, she has no claim to the throne, but she has no doubt have royal blood running through her veins" La Folia shook her head.

"I see, that's quite a controversial moment to the royal family" Alex pondered.

"It is, we just recently discovered her existence and the royal palace is currently in chaos"

"Anyways, I couldn't just simply ignore her, after all, she's family"

"I also learned that she was Kanase Kensei's adoptive daughter" La Folia looked at Alex.

"I see, but at least we're going to meet your aunt here, you guys talked right?" Alex took a sip of his wine.

"We didn't exactly talk, we just exchanged letters to be safe" La Folia smiled.

'... That's quite a red flag' Alex thought.

"Anyway, I'm gonna sleep" Alex looked at La Folia with a smile as he closed his eyes, ignoring Sayaka and Kiriha arguing.

"I'm surprised you can sleep in a situation like this" Alex didn't respond while La Folia just looked at his face before leaning her head on his shoulder as she closed her eyes.


Alex looked at the girls who were cooking the boar La Folia found which was hunted by Kiriha, Sayaka on the other hand was the one who gutted the boar while making a funny face which he made sure to take a picture of it.

"Don't burn it" Alex gave them a grin as he peeled up a banana.

"You looked like a monkey" Alex looked at Sayaka who was smirking at him.

"Buzz off, I like my potassium" Alex shrugs.

"But I also need some nutrients soon" Alex wiggles her eyebrows on Sayaka causing her to act normal while her face is flush with red.

"That smells good" Alex inhaled the scent of the boar they were cooking.

"We helped each other to cook. It's the reason why it smells good" La Folia smiled at Alex.

Soon, the group of four began eating together, chatting as if they had been friends for a long time. They talked about mundane things, their laughter and conversation creating a warm atmosphere. Suddenly, Alex raised his hand, causing the three girls to stop and look at him with curiosity on their faces.

"We got company" Alex smiled as La Folia and Kiriha began to grab their weapon while Sayaka spread out her arms.

"Desiring supreme ardor! Bring down the hammer against my progenitor's enemies!" Then a magic circle appeared on both of her hands where twin pistols appeared.

"Sync with me Vladeir!" Sayaka pointed each of her guns above and below.

(AN: Sayaka is the only one who called Vlad, Vladeir because it sounds more feminine)

"Of course mistress" Then, a magic circle appeared at the end of each gun's barrel.

"Tepes Rain!" Sayaka fired a couple rounds causing the automata surrounding them to be impaled by neon blue stakes, as Sayaka lowered her gun.

"There's more" Alex looked behind him as Sayaka shot where Alex pointed while La Folia was also using her gun, Alex gave her new bullets while Kiriha was in the frontline.

After destroying a bunch of automata, the girls regrouped near Alex.

"Good job girls, I'll rate you guys 5 stars in your service" Alex laughed causing the girls to shake their heads.


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