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STB: Chapter 38

I apologize for the late update but I will be doing this often because of my new job, though I will still continue uploading 3 times a week and will be working a new fic, as for the hentai fic I will make that Hitaus ATM since I can't find the motivation writing it, instead I'll be making a chivalry of a failed knight fic so be sure to be on the look out!

Sorry for yapping, enjoy the chapter!


Alex looked at La Folia who was looking at him expecting he'll accept.

"Can we talk about this alone?" La Folia looked at Kiriha, to which Kiriha nodded.

"You stay too Sayaka" Alex patted her head as she started pouting but nodded at the end.

Alex and La Folia ventured deeper into the forest, gradually disappearing from Sayaka and Kiriha's view. The dense foliage soon enveloped them. They finally stopped when Alex felt they were far enough away.

"So why me? Aren't you a princess of a military kingdom?" Alex looked at her with a smile.

"So what's your real goal La Folia?" Alex grinned at her as La Folia stared at Alex for a bit before sighing.

"I underestimated you, Alex, it seems the info about you is all wrong, tell me, are you also behind your wrong info?" La Folia looked at Alex with her usual smile while Alex just smiled at her mysteriously.

"Fine, keep your secrets to yourself Alex, like I've said, I need your help" La Folia looked at Alex with seriousness.

"Tell me, wait, let me guess, is this about the 1st progenitor threatening your kingdom with war? Your Kingdom is not under any of the 3 progenitors.

So you probably seek the 4th one who doesn't have a dominion who you guys can control, isn't that right?" Alex grinned at La Folia who looked at Alex in shock.

"How did you know about that? That's confidential information-" La Folia stopped to look at Alex who was smiling at her.

"Looks like you've realized" Alex smiled at her while La Folia realized how Alex managed to get this information as she looked at where Sayaka was.

"Back to the topic, now the info you got was false you'll be forced to do everything in your power to get me to your side right?" Alex looked at the princess who was clenching her skirt.

"After all even if your kingdom is powerful, it won't hold a candle to a progenitor's might" Alex smiled at her.

"What will you do, Princess La Folia" Alex looked at La Folia who was furrowing her eyebrows.

"Let's say you can spread the information that we become friends, that won't work because in the end, we're just friends, you know what I'm talking about right?" Alex grinned at her.

"You can't possibly be thinking of..." La Folia can't finish her sentence.

"Well I'm a simple being, just give me something and I'll announce that your kingdom will be my dominion, of course in name only"

"But if the 1st progenitor still insists on war, I won't fight for you since we have a deal that I'll announce that your kingdom will be my dominion in name only"

"But if you're feeling generous, I'm sure you'll add more to the deal right?" Alex smiled at her.

"What's it gonna be princess?" Alex looked at her, thinking of an offer that Alex couldn't refuse.

"How about this, you protect me from the organization Magus Craft, I'll also add myself to the deal, you know about my affinity of holy energy right?" La Folia tried not to blush but the red tint on her ears betrayed her

Alex pondered La Folia's offer, recognizing its immense value. Accepting it would grant him not only her but also extensive knowledge of her country's secrets. Knowing that taking her virginity would seal this significant exchange of power and information.

"But, you know that you're going to lose your candidacy for the throne automatically right" Alex looked at her while she nodded.

"I understand, I also found great honor to be a wife of the 4th progenitor..." La Folia diverted her eyes somewhere as a tint of blush appeared on her cheeks.

'... No way right? There's no way this girl is a masochist, right?' Alex thought as La Folia started to squirm in her place.


'Why is my intuition always on point, well I guess now I know that princesses are all freaky' Alex thought but he couldn't help but grin at the thought of doing something kinky with this beautiful girl.

"Alright, I accept your offer Princess La Folia" Alex offered his hand which she shook with her usual smile.


As Alex and La Folia were heading back towards Sayaka and Kiriha, Alex felt something docked on the island.

"Hmm" La Folia looked at Alex.

"What's wrong? You're already regretting including me in the deal?" La Folia tried to tease Alex, who she didn't know very well, a pervert.

"Kya!" La Folia blushed as she looked at Alex's hand on her ass.

"A-Alex?! W-What are you doing?!" La Folia tried to remove his hand but it wouldn't budge so she just looked at Alex who was grinning at her.

"I'm just feeling what's mine" Hearing this La Folia's heartbeat started to beat faster.

'He's already treating me like an object' La Folia blushed as her breathing started to ragged, she was about to complain more to save her reputation but Alex removed his hand as she also noticed they had already arrived at the camp where Sayaka and Kiriha are.

Sayaka and Kiriha had already started dinner, Alex sat down around the bonfire while the girls followed.

"Something is coming" Alex warned them as they grabbed their weapon while Kiriha splashed the bonfire with water.

"Hmm? There's a ton of them" Alex used his 1st familiar's power to cover him and the girls from all sides as bullets started to rain on them.

After the bullets stopped raining on them, probably reloading, Alex put down his barrier as the girls went towards the attacks.




"Good job" Alex offered them a thumbs up as they regrouped.

"I only have 1 bullet left, but I can fight close up" Alex looked at La Folia who was holding a pistol that had a knife on it like a bayonet.

"Stick closer to me" Alex wrapped his arms around her as she nodded.

"There's more coming, you two can handle it right?" Sayaka and Kirisaki nodded while Alex just looked at them destroying automatas next and the other.

"So do you have any idea who they are?" Alex looked at La Folia who was looking at Sakaya and Kiriha destroying the automata.

"They are after me, it's also one of the reasons why I've fled my kingdom to meet you and to meet my missing aunt, but Magus Craft might have managed to know that" La Folia looked at Alex who just nodded.

"Too bad we can't get any information from them" Alex shrugs as he looks at the broken pieces of the automata.

"Well done, now time to move out, they already know where we are, should I open a portal now?" Alex looked at La Folia who shook her head.

"Not yet, I'm waiting for my aunt, she was being used by magus craft as a lab experiment, it's the reason why they are after me, they are after my body... The Aldeigia royal family blood" Hearing this Alex nodded as he looked at Sayaka and Kiriha

"Okay then, come out, Regulus-Aurum" A lion familiar who has bright red eyes and a lightning-like mane manifests beside him.

"Take out the boats that these automata used to get here" Regulus-Aurum nodded at Alex before sending a bolt of lightning into the sky. The atmosphere darkened and cracks of lightning illuminated the clouds. Suddenly, a multiple massive bolt of lightning shot down to the ground, striking the area where the boats were located.

"That would do it" Alex pat his 5th familiar before it slowly faded.

"So that's one of the familiars of calamity, the 5th familiar, Regulus-Aurum" Alex looked at La Folia who was looking at the fading Regulus-Aurum.

"Alright, we're staying here because I have a feeling something interesting will happen" Alex then used his 12th familiar to create an ice house and used his 8th familiar to set up a fire in the chimney.


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