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Home Of Rain II

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Chapter 51: Home Of Rain II


"Do not fret," Pain continued as he slowly increased the pressure on Hanzo's neck, "I will kill anyone even remotely connected to you, from close family to distant acquaintances... I will annihilate your legacy!!"

Hanzo struggled and struggled, but could do nothing but slowly die out, unable to breathe. His hands were swung about as a last act of defiance before dying of suffocation.

It was truly a slow and torturous death, especially when knowing that his entire family and clan were soon going to follow after him.

Pain let go of Hanzo's body, allowing it to fall lifelessly to the ground while eyeing with cold eyes, hatred clear within them as he sought to engrave the image of Hanzo's dead body in his mind.

"Yin Release: Restoration!" The voice awakened Pain from his daze as he turned around to see Isaac with his hand on the floor, manifesting a magnificent runic seal that enveloped the entire building.

The runic seal was already something Pain had never seen before, maybe something unique to Isaac, but what came next was even weirder.

The rubbles and the devastation left behind by Pain's battle started rewinding itself as if time was going back. It all started to reconstruct itself.

However, the damage didn't seem to have been fixed as there were still cracks throughout, as if Isaac merely patched the rubbles together without much effort.

"Steel Release: Merge!" That's why Isaac followed with another technique. 

The Tower was mostly made of steel, thus all Isaac needed to do was manipulate the already existing steel to merge together.

"Wood Release!" "Glass Release!" What followed were several other techniques that allowed him to perfectly restore the entire place as if the battle had never happened.

"How?" Pain questioned, truly intrigued.

"Harmony Of Elements, a technique I created a while ago," Isaac responded as he stood up, "I will publish it soon, so you can take a look at it if you wish."

"You'll publish it?" Pain was astonished. Just by the miracles the technique showed, he knew its value was immeasurable.

"Is that a surprise to you?" Isaac wondered.

"I guess not," Pain shook his head, realizing that before him was the man that shared numerous Techniques with the world throughout the years, all through Eternal News.

"The Illusion has worked flawlessly. No one should've noticed what had taken place here," Said Isaac, "The only thing left is getting rid of the opposition."

Pain nodded as he turned around and made his way to Hanzo's Clan compound, planning to keep his promise to Hanzo, and eliminate them all.

The entire tower and its surroundings were enveloped by a grand illusion barrier, masking everything that happened within, including the previously falling rubbles and their impact.

Isaac, on the other hand, vanished from his place, though it wasn't the usual way he vanished.

Isaac's master of the Body Flicker Technique is so great that it would appear as if he teleports when using it.

In fact, he usually uses it with his projection clones to switch places between them without the enemy noticing, making it so they attack nothing but a projection when the true body has already flickered away.

Now, however, what he performed wasn't Body Flicker Technique, but true teleportation, all through a famous technique known as Flying Thunder God Technique.

How did Isaac acquire such a technique? The Third Hokage did give Isaac a couple of Forbidden Techniques as a reward for the Harmony of Elements Technique, but the Flying Thunder God Technique wasn't one of them.

It's simply because of a mini script of his that was executed after his alleged death, a script that caused the Third Hokage to leave Konoha to meet the Daimyo and discuss cooperation about Isaac's company.

And well, the Daimyo of the Land of Fire is long dead, taking his place was one of Isaac's clones, thus Isaac was basically the Daimyo. 

That comes with a lot of power, just like how he was easily able to bait the Third Hokage out of Konoha, allowing several other clones to take the opportunity to steal the Scroll of Seals.

The Scroll of Seals contains all of Konoha's forbidden techniques, including the Flying Thunder God Technique, thus why Isaac was able to teleport to the mark he left on the roof.

"The sound of rain," Isaac murmured as he closed his eyes, allowing the cold drops of rain to fall upon him, "It's lovely."

'When did I start caring so little for human life,' Isaac had to wonder to himself. He basically just made it easier for Pain to eliminate everyone related to Hanzo, even the children, 'When?'

Isaac contemplated the first few years, remembering that he used to find it unfortunate to kill potential chess pieces, and people with potential.

However, ever since the end of the script, since he started using the Active Eternal Refinement to perfect his mind, his care for human life only dwindled.

'It will only continue to get worse, or in my case, better... For I am not gonna stop pursuing perfection, even if it means becoming a monster,' Isaac couldn't help but chuckle at that thought, 'The Perfect Monster.'

Isaac's obsession with perfection never dwindled, but only continued to grow, reaching a dangerous level, to the point of insanity.

Maybe Isaac is crazy, but if he becomes the perfect being, then could he still be called crazy? 

The past, our experiences shape who we are, and it shaped Isaac to pursue perfection, and still to this day, his personality is a result of what he had experienced... Would that still be the case if he perfects himself?

"I'm back!!! Yahoo!" Isaac's contemplation was broken by White Zetsu's intrusion.

"We've left some clones there to watch Danzo after I found out his base," White Zetsu wasn't alone as with him was Black Zetsu.

"Good," Isaac nodded, "I will relaunch Eternal News tomorrow."

"Why? Is that necessary?" Black Zetsu wondered.

"It is necessary," Isaac naturally nodded, "Not only can we get some funds through it, but we can also get the people behind us... Just a single word in the Newspaper can induce chaos in the entire world. That's how much the common people hate their shitty circumstances."

Isaac turned around and started walking away, leaving behind a few words, "Survey the Village again, and make sure everything that happened here remains a secret. I will go to take back control of my Cosmic Eye Innovations."

VQuintessence VQuintessence

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