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Chapter 29 Grand Maester Pycelle

"You're awake!" Lind, who was teasing Glory, heard the movement on the other side of the bed and turned his head to look over. He saw that the girl who had been unconscious for two days had opened her eyes, dazed. He looked around and said, "Don't move. Your injury has not completely healed. Moving will cause the wound to open."

  After hearing this, the girl didn't react at all. She just turned her head and looked straight at On the top of the tent, the eyes were full of death, as if what Lind had saved was only a body and the soul of the other party was already dead.

  It was no wonder that the girl had such a reaction. Linde brought her back to the camp, placed her in his tent, and then hired Bachelor Holly, the camp's part-time accompanying doctor, to treat her.

  As a result, after an examination by Bachelor Holly, it was discovered that the girl's injuries were too serious. Not only were there many fractures on her body, but there were also internal injuries that could not be detected. In particular, the girl's private parts were severely damaged. Looks like, it's a miracle that this girl is still breathing.

  Although Bachelor Holly has tried his best to use his medical skills to save the girl, there is still no guarantee that the girl will survive. In his words, all he can do is pray to the Virgin Mary and pray that her mercy will fall on this girl. .

  In this regard, Linde did not say anything. In his opinion, he was able to bring the girl to the camp and treat her enough. If the girl was still not rescued, then it could only be said that the girl deserved this.

  While Bachelor Holly was treating the girl, Linde also checked Glory's body.

  Although Glory absorbed the chill from the cracked dragon egg, he didn't find anything abnormal in Glory. The only thing that might be considered abnormal was that Glory's appetite had increased. He ate almost an equal amount of food with each meal. of meat the size of his body and eats four meals a day.

  This is just the food intake of Glory as a cub. If Glory grows up, its food intake may be even greater. With Linde's current salary level, he may not be able to cope with it.

  Therefore, training Glory to hunt for himself was put on the agenda. Fortunately, his cavalry team was all composed of hunters, so it was not difficult to catch one or two live prey in the surrounding forests.

  In the past two days, Linde will try his best to let Glory prey on the captured living creatures when Glory is hungry to train its hunting ability.

  Glory is a shadow lynx after all. Even if it is adopted by Linde, its hunting ability is still as well preserved as its wild nature.

  The martial arts competition was held as scheduled on the second day of the Red Castle banquet. Because there were so many people participating, the time had to be lengthened accordingly. The archer competition that originally only took one day to complete was extended to two days. After a morning In the competition, there are only fifty-six people participating in the shooter competition. I believe that the champion shooter of the afternoon shooter competition will be born.

  Casinos throughout King's Landing are now accepting bets, and some nobles have also opened gambling bureaus. The largest of all gambling bureaus is the gambling bureau opened by Lord Jon Arryn, Hand of the King, in the name of the Iron Throne.

  Although King Robert didn't care about money, Duke Arryn, as the steward of the kingdom, had to find ways to fill the financial hole caused by the tourney. The easiest way to get money in the short term was naturally to open a gambling game and act as a bookmaker.

  Maybe the income from gambling won't be able to completely fill that hole, but at least it won't make this year's finances look so ugly.

  Because he was responsible for the security of the camp, Linde did not leave the camp for the past two days to watch the martial arts competition.

  In addition, he was not exempt from vulgarity and placed a bet with other colleagues, and the object of his bet was a Dornish man named Gaian.

  In his memory, in the tournament in King's Landing more than ten years later to welcome Ed Stark as Prime Minister, an archer named Gaian became the archer champion.

  Although he didn't think there was any relationship between the Ga'an now and the Ga'an more than ten years later, he still chose Ga'an as his betting target, just to get some luck.

  However, it was obvious that he did not get this chance, as the Gaian he chose was eliminated in the first round of the afternoon game.

  After several rounds of competition, the archer champion of this tourney finally fell on a middle-aged man named Bryn Rivers. It is said that he has a close relationship with the Riverlands marksman Lord Brynden Tully. Okay, both of them are equally good at shooting.

  Although the shooter competition has ended, the enthusiasm of the people has not dropped much because there will be a more exciting group competition tomorrow. Group competitions have always been the most casualty competitions. Bloody barbarity is the theme here, and naturally it is the most enjoyable to watch. Okay, so there was already a bet on how many people would die in the group competition early on.

  The Tyrell family also sent their best archers to participate in this archer competition this time. However, I don't know if it was because they were not in good condition. In the first round, all the Tyrell family's archers were wiped out. .

  This is naturally not something to be happy about. The gloomy expression on Mace Tyrell's face has not changed since he led Garland back to the camp.

  This was also the first time that Linde saw the Guardian of the South and the Duke of Highgarden. Although he had already guessed it beforehand, when he saw the middle-aged man with a body like a wine barrel and a carefully trimmed beard, Linde did not feel anything. Too much disappointment. If he had to use one word to describe the Duke, the only word he could think of was mediocrity.

  Although mediocre, this does not mean that Duke Mace Tyrell is incompetent. In fact, he is better than most noble lords, but he seems so mediocre compared with the great lords of the same status. Coupled with the fact that he often gets hot-headed and makes some counterintuitive decisions, it makes him look average.

  But if someone really regards Mace Tyrell as a soft persimmon and manipulates him casually, they will definitely suffer big losses in the end.

  After returning to the camp, Duke Mace Tyrell summoned those who will participate in the group competition tomorrow, either to inquire about the status or to boost morale. For him, this competition is a chance to make the Tyrell family famous. opportunity, but he didn't know that the Queen of Thorns in Highgarden was not interested in this tourney at all, nor did she think that the Tyrell family needed to use a victory in the tourney to become famous.

  Because of the Duke's return, the soldiers guarding the Tyrell family's temporary residence in King's Landing and the Duke's Guard also came to the camp. The original guard work of the camp was also handed over to these people, and Lind became less busy. .

  Just when Lind was planning to take several of his men and Glory to the nearby mountains and forests to hunt and train Glory on the way, Maester Holly found him and expressed the hope that he could escort him to see Grand Maester Pycelle in the city.

  Lind naturally would not refuse this. He asked Raoul to take care of the girl he had rescued. Then he changed into casual clothes, told Fertimo's entourage that he had something to go to the city, and then followed Bachelor Holly Together they walked down the slope of Lion Hill.

  If you include the current King Robert, then Grand Maester Pycelle has served four kings in the Red Keep, which makes his status very high in the hearts of some people in the Red Keep, even higher than the king.    

  Because of this, after King Robert ascended the Iron Throne, Prime Minister Duke Arryn specially arranged a residence for Maester Pycelle near the castle library, and built a road directly outside the Red Keep near this residence. A house was bought for Grand Maester Pycelle near this road, and Maester Pycelle was given direct access to the Red Keep, which was extremely important.

  Over the past year, Grand Maester Pycelle has also done an outstanding job in helping King Robert stabilize the situation. For example, he facilitated the marriage between King Robert and Cersei Lannister, and won over the powerful Lannis. The special family makes the Iron Throne completely stable.

  Therefore, he was also very happy to see Cersei pregnant and giving birth to a baby. When King Robert proposed to hold a tourney in this name, he also agreed. However, he not only did not attend the banquet these days, nor did he go to the tourney. , but stayed in the library, sorting out the documents of the Targaryen dynasty, and compiling the history of the Targaryen dynasty.

  In fact, he had already thought about writing a history of the Targaryen Dynasty as early as when he was the grand maester of Aegon V. However, this involved a lot of secret history of the Targaryen royal family that could not be made public. As soon as he started, he was immediately Aegon V banned it, and subsequent kings also stopped him from editing the history of the Targaryen dynasty.

  Despite this, Grand Maester Pycelle has never given up. Over the years, he has been collecting various relevant information, sorting them out and storing them together, so that they can be used one day.

  Now that Robert Baratheon has ascended the Iron Throne, the Targaryen dynasty has ended, the Baratheon dynasty is beginning, and the secret history of the Targaryen royal family is no longer taboo.

  And because King's Landing was captured so quickly, a large number of relevant secret documents in the Red Keep were not destroyed in time. In addition, some of the documents Stannis Baratheon found on Dragonstone and the documents provided by the Velaryon family on Tidehead Island Part of the Valyrian history related to the Targaryen family. The information and documents he had on hand were enough for him to complete the compilation of the Targaryen dynasty chronicle.

  However, these documents are too huge, and the contents are complex and obscure. Many of the important documents are written in languages ​​such as secret languages. Therefore, he, his assistants, and students alone want to sort out these documents. It was very difficult. He needed to invite other bachelors with the ability to write history to participate in it and complete this classic together.

  Of all the names that appeared in Grand Maester Pycelle's mind, there was one person he thought was most suitable to participate in this matter, and that person was Maester Holly.

  When he was in the academy, Bachelor Holly was famous for his history. As long as it was a question related to history, whether it was the family history of the great nobles or the history of the changes in the Westeno continent, he could easily give the answer as if it were a treasure trove of treasures. While he was still studying, he corrected many errors and loopholes in various historical manuscripts compiled in the past.

  If it weren't for Bachelor Holly's personality being so unsociable and not knowing how to make friends, which offended the big shots in the school, and was forced to leave the city, otherwise, Bachelor Holly might have picked up the copper one by now Scepter, put on a copper mask, and become a doctor of history in the city.

  Therefore, when he felt that it was difficult to organize historical documents, Grand Maester Pycelle found an assistant maester under him who had a good relationship with Maester Holly, and asked him to invite Maester Holly to participate in compiling the Chronicle of the Targaryen Dynasty. .

  Maester Horley quickly agreed to the invitation and wrote to the assistant maester that he would come to King's Landing with the Tyrell team.

  After receiving the reply, Pycelle University has been waiting for the Tyrell family's team to arrive in King's Landing. However, after the Tyrell family's team arrived in King's Landing a few days ago, the Bachelor Holly he was waiting for did not show up. , which made him wonder if something had happened to Bachelor Holly.

  So, he asked someone to go to the Tyrell family camp to inquire, and learned that Maester Holly was indeed in the military camp, but he could not come to see Grand Maester Pycelle because he still had some things to deal with.

  Although he was somewhat dissatisfied with Maester Holly's attitude, Grand Maester Pycelle was not angry. The most important thing for him now was to complete the history of the Targaryen Dynasty.

  So after he learned about Bachelor Holly's situation, he asked the assistant bachelor to stay at his residence outside the Red Keep. Once Bachelor Holly arrived, he would bring him directly to him.

  When Grand Maester Pycelle was sorting out information, he liked to sort it out alone, so he drove all his servants out of the room, then sat at the table and slowly read through the Secret History of the Targaryen Royal Family next to him. relevant information, and quickly record the key points.

  I don't know how much time passed, but it was already dark outside and the candlelight in the room was much weaker, making it no longer suitable to continue reading.

  Just when Grand Maester Pycelle closed the books and notes on the table and was about to take a break and eat something, he saw someone standing next to him.

  After being startled, Grand Maester Pycelle looked up warily, his hand in his sleeve also placed on the dagger hidden inside.

  By the light of the candle, which was not very bright, he saw a familiar face, but he was very confused as to why the other person appeared here, so he said: "Maester Herne, when did you come back from Harrenhal? I asked him You brought it from Harrenhal..."

  Halfway through his words, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be something wrong with Academician Herné in front of him, and he couldn't help but frowned. Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and his face suddenly became gloomy. , said in a deep voice: "Why do you still have the guts to run back? The pursuit order issued by His Majesty the King has not been revoked. Anyone will hunt you down for two thousand golden dragons. If you don't return to the other side of the narrow sea now, will you still stay?" What are you doing in King's Landing? Do you still want to assassinate the king?"

  The man raised his hand to signal Maester Pycelle to be quiet, and then said coldly: "Don't be nervous, I am not interested in your king, he is not in my On the list, I just came back to collect a debt you owed."

  "When did I owe you a debt?" Grand Maester Pycelle knew very well how powerful the person in front of him was, and it was useless to resist on his own, so he He also took out his hands from his sleeves.

  "You took my money, but you didn't tell me that the guy was protected by four heavy-armored knights and a team of archers. I almost died there," the other party gritted his teeth slightly and said, "You gave me The intelligence error caused me a lot of harm, so you must return half of the money to me, and you also need to compensate me for a fee. Otherwise, I don't mind letting you, Grand Bachelor, sleep forever. Get up."

  Although Grand Maester Pycelle was a little greedy for money, he also knew that life was more important than money. Faced with the threat of the man in front of him, he could only choose to compromise.

  Just when he was about to promise to compensate the other party, a servant at the door knocked on the copper ring hanging on it and said, "Lord Pycelle, Maester Holly is here. Do you want to see him now?" Grand Maester

  Pycelle Hearing this, he hesitated for a moment, then gestured to the man to stop talking, then turned to the door and said, "Let him in!"

  (End of Chapter)

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