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A Giant in Crossover Nexus A Giant in Crossover Nexus original

A Giant in Crossover Nexus

Author: MasterBoner

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Here.

Amidst the desolate landscape of crumbling buildings and shattered streets, the ruins of a once-thriving city lay silent and still. The air was thick with the scent of decay and despair, a haunting reminder of the bustling metropolis that had once stood proudly amidst the chaos of the post-apocalyptic wasteland.

Clouds hung low in the sky, casting a pall over the broken skyline, while the faint smell of burning lingered in the air. Once-working establishments now lay in ruins, their shattered windows and crumbling facades a testament to the passage of time and the ravages of neglect.

Suddenly, gruff voice shouted, "Stay where you are, you lousy hero!" The harshness of the voice cuts through the quietude of the ruins, shattering the somber atmosphere with its abruptness and hostility. The words hang in the air like a challenge, daring anyone to defy their authority.

Tall and muscular purple humanoid wearing a black suit with various red X markings and a cybernetic arm, emerges from the shadows. Only his right eye is visible under the X mask. His presence looms large amidst the desolation of the city ruins, his imposing figure a stark contrast to the crumbling surroundings. With a menacing glare, he fixates his gaze on the intruder who dares to trespass upon his territory, his cybernetic arm flexing with latent power as he prepares to defend his domain.

In his hand, he brandished a massive gun, its sleek metallic surface adorned with an array of blinking lights and a strange computer interface. With precision and determination, he aimed the weapon at a live target, who darted and weaved through the debris, narrowly avoiding each shot fired.

With each missed shot, Strike's frustration grew, his brow furrowing in concentration as he adjusted the settings on his weapon. The computer interface beeped and whirred, calculating trajectories and potential points of interception with robotic efficiency.

"Argh, I'll deal with you later, you insignificant worm," the villain roared, his voice reverberating through the desolate ruins. With a dismissive wave of his hand, he redirected his weapon, turning the monitor towards himself. His eyes narrowed with determination as he pressed a series of buttons, adjusting the settings to a different frequency. The live target he had been pursuing was momentarily forgotten, his attention consumed by the prospect of summoning another hero to aid him in his nefarious scheme.

As the weapon hummed to life, its screen flickering to reveal a plethora of files and data, the villain's lips curled into a malicious grin. "Time to have a little fun," he muttered under his breath, his fingers dancing across the touch screen with practiced ease. With each tap and swipe, he delved deeper into the digital archive, searching for the perfect hero to aid him in his quest for power.

Amidst the sea of information, one file in particular caught his eye—a yellow dog with the ability to stretch. But there was a conspicuous X marked across the picture, indicating that this hero had already been summoned before. With a frustrated grunt, the villain tapped the screen again, dismissing the file in search of a more suitable candidate.

The monitor blinked open, revealing a new folder. In it was a picture of a man with light blue hair. His abilities were something called Magiswords, what these artifacts were capable of the computer provided no information.

However, when Strike glanced at the screen, his anticipation faded at the sight of a familiar cross marking the image. "This one too..." - he muttered with a note of resignation, and his hopes for a strong hero faded away

He prepared to move on to the next hero.

With a snap of his fingers, Strike turned to the next page. He instantly focused on the portrait, and there was no cross. And then a spark of intrigue lit up in him, "Here we go." and without thinking, he plunged into the information.


𝙉𝙖𝙢𝙚: 𝘎𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘩

𝘼𝙜𝙚: 31

𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙: 𝘕𝘦𝘸-𝘠𝘰𝘳𝘬, 𝘌𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘩-270324

𝙋𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙧: 𝘚𝘶𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘏𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘈𝘣𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴 (𝘕𝘰𝘵 𝘍𝘶𝘭𝘭

𝘐𝘯𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯. 𝘕𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘈𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘺𝘴𝘪𝘴)

𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣𝙖: 𝘐𝘮𝘱𝘶𝘭𝘴𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘸𝘮𝘢𝘯


"Looks strong, and his powers will soon be mine, BWHAHAHA!" Strike's voice echoed with malevolent glee, his eyes gleaming with anticipation as he surveyed the dossier before him. With a final, ominous glance at the screen, he swiftly began typing commands into the keyboard, his fingers dancing across the keys with practiced precision.

A flicker of excitement coursed through him as he pressed the last key, commanding his weapon into action. With a mechanical whir, the instrument shifted its position, its sleek form aligning so that its muzzle pointed skyward. With a deafening blast, a beam of energy erupted from the weapon, slicing through the air with deadly accuracy.

The laser traced a fiery path, its intensity growing with each passing moment until it began to form a glowing red square suspended in the empty space before him. Strike's brow furrowed in concentration as he observed the expanding dimensions of the square, deducing the towering stature of his intended target.

With a precise hum, the device completed its task, etching a perfect rectangle into the air. In the center of the figure, a cross appeared, a beacon of impending doom for the hero about to emerge. And then, in a flash of light, a figure jumped out of it

Like a torpedo, the figure plummeted to the ground

┇ *BOOM*

The ground shook due to the landing.

As the dust settled, a new figure emerged from the shadows. Standing at fourteen feet tall, the man was clad in a vibrant Hawaiian shirt and crisp white pants, paired with sleek dark shoes. His mane of hair cascaded around him, reminiscent of a lion's lush mane, exuding an air of wild charisma. Dark gold glasses adorned his face, adding a touch of sophistication to his rugged appearance.

With a physique that exuded strength and power, his muscular frame hinted at a life dedicated to physical prowess. The top buttons of his shirt were left slightly undone, revealing intricate dark lines resembling tattoos, adding an element of mystery to his presence.

"Where am I?" the giant man bellowed, his voice echoing through the desolate ruins as he surveyed his surroundings with a mixture of confusion and dismay.

Shaking his head from side to side, he couldn't help but grimace at the sight of the past chaos and devastation that surrounded him. Abruptly, he turned his head to the right, his gaze fixating on a particular point amidst the rubble. Whatever realization dawned upon him only served to deepen the furrow of his brow, his jaw clenched tight in silent frustration.

With a sudden twitch of his massive frame, the Titan's attention snapped to the figure hovering in the air—a crimson humanoid who seemed to exude an air of malevolence. Anger simmered in the giant's voice as he addressed his airborne adversary, his words dripping with contempt. "Is this all your doing, you red prick?"

The insult struck a nerve, sending a surge of indignation coursing through the red man's veins. Slowly, he began to descend from his lofty perch, his pride wounded by the giant's taunt. As he descended closer to the ground, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease creeping over him, the imposing figure of his opponent growing larger and more formidable with each passing moment. Up in the air, the giant hadn't seemed so... well, giant.

The villain, stood his ground defiantly, a smug grin playing across his lips as he dared to introduce himself amidst the tension of the standoff. "My name is Strikes, you filthy hero, tremble before me and surrender!" he proclaimed, his voice dripping with arrogance as he redirected his weapon closer to him.

Across the battlefield, Goliath remained unmoved, his towering figure a testament to his unyielding resolve. With a sense of growing impatience, Strikes watched as the giant calmly removed his dark glasses from his forehead, folding them with deliberate precision and tucking them away in the breast pocket of his shirt. The nonchalant gesture grated on Strike's nerves, his frustration mounting as his opponent seemingly ignored his words in favor of such trivialities.

"I'm addressing you..." Stikes began, his voice tinged with irritation, but before he could finish his sentence, chaos erupted.

In a blur of movement too swift for the eye to follow, Goliath sprang into action with lightning speed, his massive form hurtling towards Strikes with unstoppable force.

┇ *BOOM*

The air crackled with energy as Goliath's fist connected with Strikes's body, sending shockwaves rippling through the air with bone-crushing impact. With a deafening boom, Strikes was sent hurtling through the air, his body tumbling end over end as he was propelled several dozen meters away from the epicenter of the collision.


A faint hint of satisfaction tugged at the corners of Goliath's stoic face as he watched Strikes hurtle through the air like a ragdoll, crashing into the wall with a resounding thud. Despite the scowl easing slightly, a simmering rage still smoldered beneath the surface of his impassive demeanor.

His fist throbbed with restrained power, the force of his blow having been deliberately tempered to avoid causing fatal harm. It was a delicate balance, one that required every ounce of his willpower to maintain here. But Goliath knew that succumbing to his primal instincts and unleashing his full strength could have dire consequences, consequences he was not willing to accept.

Before he struck, he had tapped into his "Inner Sonar" ability. It allowed him to detect life signals within a radius of several kilometers, providing invaluable insight into the battlefield.


[ Inner Sonar ability.

Gives Goliath the ability to learn about the status and location of life points¹

Maximum range is 5 kilometers.

However, it should be noted that this ability does not apply to artificial intelligence or metallic "living" objects. Inner Sonar is specialized exclusively for detecting and interacting with biological organisms.


1. Life points - are an indicator of a person's life. Life points may blink when a person is in terminal condition. ]


When he focused his senses before, he detected four life sources nearby, three to his right nestled between the buildings, and a fourth close by.

"That'll hold him off. First people, then villain." Goliath muttered to himself, his gaze briefly flickering towards rocks under which the red freak lay before shifting his focus elsewhere. With a swift and practiced motion, he retrieved his sunglasses from his shirt pocket and placed them back on his forehead, the familiar weight a reassuring presence amidst.

As Goliath navigated through the aftermath of destruction, a sense of frustration gnawed at him. "And all this destruction for what? It's a good thing my world didn't have superpowers," he muttered to himself, his voice tinged with a hint of bitterness.

[Work of Inner Solar]



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With a sharp turn around the corner, Goliath picked up speed, his massive form moving with surprising agility despite its imposing size. In the open area devoid of civilians, he felt a sense of freedom to push himself a little faster, taking advantage of the opportunity to cover ground more swiftly.

Back in his world, Goliath had learned to navigate with caution and precision, always mindful of the potential danger his immense strength posed to those around him. He used jumping from building to building to cover the distance in the city as there is less chance of harming the environment.


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"They're here. " he said enthusiastically, glad he made it in time. Sonnar let him know when life was in a near lethal state, but he wanted to protect those who remained here, where exactly he still didn't know. The city was completely unfamiliar to him, and even what was left of the tall buildings gave him no hints. Goliath hoped to get more information from the civilians behind this wall and get them away from here while he dealt with this red fucker

And speaking of him , he began his movement. It was getting farther and farther away from him, out of sonar range. Even better, he had more time to secure the survivors.

The Titan skidded to a sudden stop, a cloud of dust billowing in his wake as he surveyed the chaos around him. With a moment's pause to assess the situation, Goliath raised his goggles, positioning them firmly atop his forehead to clear his line of sight.

Once again, the grim reality of wreckage and destruction greeted him, a testament to the turmoil that had befallen the city. Amidst the rubble, a young voice pierced through the chaos, emanating from a nearby building where a gaping hole had been blown into one of the walls.

"Strikes is here, guys get ready!" the voice exclaimed, sparking a surge of panic among those who were there.

Reacting swiftly, Goliath raised his voice in a firm yet reassuring tone, calling out to the frightened civilians from behind the safety of the wall. "Wait! It's not Strikes," he boomed, his words cutting through the panic. "Don't run away—I'm here to help you!"

For a moment, Goliath heightened his hearing, focusing on the child's uncertain voice as he uttered, "Another hero?!"

A woman's voice erupted from the building and shouted back at Goliath, "Come out with your hands up! This could be a Strikes trap, we can't take any chances, so we're acting on the principle of safety!"

Goliath nodded to himself, acknowledging the potential dangers implied by the situation. He resolved to carefully deliberate his next course of action before proceeding.

"Most likely, this woman is a cop or lifeguard," Goliath thought to himself, analyzing the situation. "She's operating under the correct statute, asking me to come out with my hands up and slowly. Good. Now, let's not escalate things."

Mindful of the potential for alarm, Goliath consciously dampened the force of his movements, striving for stealth. Despite his energy from running, he treaded lightly, minimizing the sound of his footsteps. Aware of the survivors' delicate psychological states, he refrained from rushing into the building. Perhaps they were already grappling with PTSD or on the brink of a personality disorder; his sudden appearance could exacerbate their distress. Moreover, his towering stature could instill fear, even in a world where abilities were commonplace.

With over a decade of experience as a rescuer, or as it's termed here, a "professional hero," Goliath understood the importance of protocol in dealing with accident victims.

Adhering to strict guidelines, he refrained from any sudden movements, prioritizing the preservation of calmness. Gradually, he initiated his approach towards the entrance, mindful of the need for caution.

"Remain calm," he spoke in a steady, reassuring tone. "I am Goliath, head of the Honor Guild and currently America's number one hero. You may have heard of me.

Taking a measured step into the building, Goliath instinctively lowered his head to ease through the opening. His massive arms extended forward, palms open in a gesture of peace, assuring the civilians of his unarmed status.

With his second step, he fully entered the building, towering at his full height of four meters, his gaze sweeping the room with commanding presence.

Before him stood a small boy, a red, four-handed creature, and a dark purple woman. Behind them, a young girl with gray skin remained pressed against the wall, casting a somber shadow in the silence that enveloped the space.

Goliath's keen eyes darted around the room, assessing the situation with practiced vigilance

The vast room was filled with an array of statues, each depicting a different figure—a dog, a man wielding a peculiar sword, a robotic form—each bearing the unmistakable mark of a large red cross. Even the gray-skinned girl pressed against the wall shared the same emblem, unsettlingly etched upon her skin, and whos was alive, unlike statues.

"I hope they're merely statues and not living beings turned to stone," Goliath mused bitterly, his heart sinking at the thought. In that moment of surreal strangeness, he momentarily forgot about the survivors he had come to aid, his attention consumed by the unsettling tableau before him.

As Goliath lowered his head to inspect the statues, his gaze fell upon a small boy, no more than nine years old, who stared back at him with an intense, almost reverent expression. The boy wore a blue sleeveless shirt, a bandage wrapped around his head, and despite his barefoot state, appeared only slightly disheveled. The sight struck Goliath as peculiar.

Behind the boy stood a towering figure, fully red and humanoid, with four powerful arms that accentuated its muscular form. Clad in a black and white bodysuit, the figure stood at least two meters tall, if not taller. Its most striking feature, however, was its four eyes—yellow orbs devoid of pupils, reminiscent of those found in certain animals, with a completely yellow cornea.

And standing next to this man was a dark purple woman. With a very strange square shaped hairstyle that was VERY big (how did she even manage to style her hair like that? ). She had THREE eyes, and her hands were in some big mittens the same color as her uniform. She was in a protective stance. Most likely that voice earlier asking Goliath to come out slowly belonged to her.

And that girl by the wall he saw when he looked around the room was in a full cloak, her skin was gray and she was wearing a dark red bodysuit and red beads on her hands.

"Thirty-one years since I wake up here, but I'll never get used to these marvels the people of this world have developed... Well, those thoughts can wait," Goliath mused, centering himself before speaking. However, his words were swiftly interrupted by a boy wearing a bandana, who bounced with excitement.

"You're a hero?! Wow, you're so huge!" the boy exclaimed, his enthusiasm palpable. "But wait-wait-wait, why aren't you on my cards?!" With rapid movements, he produced plastic cards from somewhere and began sifting through them.

"I'm sure your level would be like Mr. Gar's, maybe even higher! You look strong!" His excitement bubbled over as he speculated. "Wait a minute, you must be from another dimension, like Garnet and Ben, that's why I can't find you on my cards! That's so cool!!!" The boy's words tumbled out in a single breath, his infectious joy evident. Despite the circumstances, it was clear that this child had not been through a traumatic experience.

"Another Dimension?"


I categorically apologize for the mistakes, and it would be nice if you could point them out to me when you find some. I hope I've piqued your interest at least a little

And those dots In this chapter it's how Inner Solar works.

MasterBoner MasterBoner

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