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Chapter 70 – Mafia Operation (2)

"This is the hideout of the mafia," declared Edward Wilson, an Executive Captain of the police force, as he surveyed the area with a serious expression. "Alright, let's move in, Team," he commanded, turning to his squad of twenty officers.

Edward had taken charge of the investigation into the series of disappearances of girls and women, suspected to be linked to human trafficking. With determination etched on his face, he led his team forward, ready to confront the criminals responsible for these heinous crimes.


As the police team burst into the hideout, they were met with a flurry of activity. The mafia members, surprised by the sudden arrival, hurriedly reached for their weapons, their faces showing a mix of anger and panic.

"Team, take cover! Mafia spotted!" Edward's commanding voice cut through the chaos as he rallied his officers to action.

Gunshots filled the air, echoing through the dark corridors of the hideout. Some bullets hit their targets, while others missed and hit walls or objects nearby.

In the midst of the situation, the police fired back, aiming carefully to incapacitate rather than kill. They aimed at the mafia's arms and legs, trying to stop them without hurting them too badly.

However, in the heat of the moment, some shots went astray, resulting in unintended casualties. Screams of pain and panic filled the air as both police officers and mafia members got killed.

As the chaos settled and the shooting stopped, the police quickly secured the area, making sure all the mafia members were taken care of. With the danger gone, they began to search the hideout, looking for any clues.

Their search turned up something awful. In one part of the hideout, they found a group of women, some of them naked and clearly shaken up. There were signs of what they'd been through, like semen stains on their bodies.

The officers felt sick as they realized what had happened here. Each woman had a terrible story to tell, showing just how awful human trafficking and abuse can be.

As the search continued, another mafia member appeared, shouting for their comrades. Despite their defeat, this mafia was determined to kill them. unfazed by the remaining threat, Edward Wilson guided his team forward, resolute in their mission to bring justice to those responsible for these terrible crimes.

Suddenly a shadowy figure took form before them, illuminated by the flickering light, sending a shiver down the spines of the mafia members. They knew him well , it was "Boss Shadow."

Boss Shadow's scanned the scene, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation. The police had breached their hideout, and their carefully laid plans were now in jeopardy. Yet, his demeanor remained stoic and composed, showing no signs of panic or doubt.

With authority dripping from his words, Boss Shadow's low voice sliced through the tension."Take these women into a cage, and don't you dare lay a finger on her," he commanded, leaving no room for argument.

Without hesitation, he ordered his men to take the women into a cage, emphasizing the command not to harm Mary Rose Fletcher. His authority was absolute as another mafia member obediently affirmed his instructions with a terse "Yes, boss."


 As the police officers and Boss Shadow confronted each other, the tension in the hideout thickened. Edward Wilson, unwavering in his resolve, stepped forward, his gaze fixed on the menacing figure before him.

"We've found your operation, Criminal," Edward declared, his voice steady despite the gravity of the situation. "And we're shutting it down."

Boss Shadow smirked as he looked at the police officers. "I didn't think you found this place, officers," he sneered, his voice dripping with arrogance."But you won't be leaving here alive," he growled, his tone menacing.


"Fire! Take him down!" Edward Wilson yelled, prompting his men to shoot at Boss Shadow. But just as they were about to pull the trigger, Boss Shadow vanished into thin air, leaving behind only a fleeting shadow that quickly dissipated. It seemed he had the power to control shadows, slipping away effortlessly whenever he pleased.


"Mutant!" Edward exclaimed, his voice filled with shock and disbelief as he processed what he had just witnessed.


"Ah, you're correct, officer," Boss Shadow acknowledged with a sinister grin. "Call me Shadow, as my powers revolve around shadows," he declared, his voice dripping with confidence and menace.

In the intense face-off between Shadow and Captain Edward, Shadow's sinister presence filled the room. With a cold, calculating gaze, he surveyed the scene before him, his lips curling into a menacing smirk.

"Stand by, all of you," Shadow ordered his men, his tone filled with malice as he issued his commands. "Secure the goons, the girls, and the women. Don't let them escape. We've got plans for them, entertaining the rich and having some fun for ourselves," he declared, his words sending a chill down the spine of everyone present.


The mafia members, following their leader's orders, swiftly took action. They gathered the captives, handling them roughly, which caused cries of fear and despair from the women and girls they had imprisoned.


"Bastard!!!" Edward exclaimed, his voice firm and resolute "You won't escape justice. We'll bring you down, no matter what," he declared with determination.


But Boss Shadow only laughed, the sound echoing ominously in the dimly lit room. "We'll see about that, Mr. Policeman, or should I call you Captain, as it says on your badge," he taunted, his tone dripping with arrogance as he vanished into the shadows once more

Captain Edward Wilson gritted his teeth, his fists clenched tightly at his sides as he watched Shadow disappear into the darkness. The villain's mocking words fueled his determination, igniting a fire within him to bring justice to those who had fallen victim to such cruelty.

"Everyone, get ready," Edward ordered firmly. "We're not letting him escape. We'll track him down and stop him for good."

As Shadow moved in closer, fear surged through Edward. His instincts shouted at him to dodge, In a split second, Raymond, one of Edward's fellow officers, darted forward, pushing him out of harm's way with urgency. His expression was fierce with resolve as he intercepted the lethal strike aimed at Edward.


As Edward looked on in horror, everything seemed to move in slow motion. He could hardly believe what he was seeing. With a sickening sound, Raymond's body met the full force of Shadow's power, cutting through him like a hot knife through butter. The air filled with the metallic scent of blood as Raymond's form was cleaved in two, his life extinguished in an instant.


"Raymond!!!" Edward's cry was filled with anguish, his voice echoing through the chaos of the room. Shock and grief washed over him in a crushing wave as he witnessed the sacrifice of his comrade, a stark reminder of the brutal reality of their fight against the mutant.


The police officers hesitated, their hands shaking with fear. They were afraid of accidentally hurting their fellow officers, and Shadow's ability to disappear into the shadows made them feel even more anxious. They were paralyzed, unsure of what to do next.


"Feeling shocked, are we?" Boss Shadow's voice dripped with disdain as he taunted Edward. "Your comrade paid the price for your hesitation, Captain."


"Captain!!!" A red-haired police officer shouted, his voice filled with urgency as he fired at Shadow. The bullet found its mark, hitting Shadow and causing him to recoil in pain.


"Grr... you motherfcker!" Shadow snarled in frustration before disappearing once more, leaving behind a trail of death as he struck down the officer who had shot him.

Just as Shadow was about to strike Captain Edward Wilson, something unexpected happened. A web shot out, grabbing Shadow's hand and pulling him back. It was a lifesaving move that stopped Shadow in his tracks, giving Edward a much-needed break in the fight against this dangerous adversary.


As Captain Edward Wilson caught sight of the figure in the black suit with blue eyes and a dark blue spider emblem on his chest, recognition dawned on him. "Spider-Man," he exclaimed, his voice filled with a mixture of surprise and relief.



Meanwhile Mc pov

After we finished defeating the mafias and rescuing the women and girls, expressions of gratitude flooded the scene. One of the women, her brown hair slightly disheveled from the ordeal, cried tears of relief as she expressed her thanks.


"Thank you, thank you," she sobbed, her voice choked with emotion.


Turning my attention to the defeated mafias, I knew we needed information to prevent any further harm. "Where's your hideout?" I demanded, my tone firm as I addressed the remaining criminals.


"Do you think we'll just spill the beans because you want us to?" one of them retorted defiantly.


I couldn't resist rolling my eyes at the typical villain response. "Ah, the classic 'not gonna talk because it's convenient for the plot' routine," I joked, adding a bit of humor to the tense moment. "But hey, if you're not gonna spill the beans willingly, then I'll have to get a bit more creative."

The mafia scoffed, feeling confident in his defiance. "What are you gonna do, web me up?" he taunted, his bravado unwavering. "I know you won't kill your enemies."

True, I'm not into killing," I admitted. "But that doesn't mean I can't make things... uncomfortable for you. Like maybe making sure you can't have kids." I flashed a sly grin, fully aware of the impact my words would have.

The mafia's confidence wavered as my words hit home. "No, please, not that," he begged, desperation seeping into his voice. "You're joking, right?"

With a nonchalant shrug, I kept my playful tone intact. "Why joke when reality's so much more fun?" I retorted with a smirk, relishing the change in our roles. "Now, about that hideout..."

After figuring out where the hideout was, I looked at Loe and Mark, taking a moment to think about what to do next. I thought about both of their skills. Mark was getting better at fighting, well even though he had gotten stronger with our training and the serum I gave him but he still had a long way to go. On the other hand, Loe's experience and street smarts made him a formidable ally in combat, but his communication skills were somewhat lacking.

In the end, I chose Mark to stay behind and look after the rescued women and girls. Even though he was improving in his training, I didn't want to expose him to danger before he was completely ready. Plus, his friendly nature and ability to connect with people made him perfect for comforting the victims and making sure they felt safe.


"Night Wing, I need you to stay here and look after these women and girls," I instructed, my tone firm but gentle. "They need someone to take care of them, and I trust you to do that."


"But why?" Mark protested, his frustration evident in his tone. "No I need to go with you. Why should I stay here and not that guy?"

"Nightwing, listen," I started, looking directly into Mark's eyes with sincerity. "I get why you want to come, but you're not there yet. You're improving, sure, but this situation might be too much. I need someone reliable here to watch over these women and girls. That someone's you." I sighed, empathizing with his desire to join the action. "I know it's frustrating, but you have to trust me."

Mark's expression softened, his shoulders relaxing slightly as he absorbed my words. "Okay, I get it," he conceded, though the disappointment still lingered in his eyes.


I leaned in closer, my voice dropping to a whisper. "Besides, Loe is not that good at communicating," I confided, ensuring only Mark could hear. After all, I didn't want our real names revealed to anyone else.


Mark's expression softened with a flicker of understanding, and he nodded in agreement. "Alright, I'll stay," he relented, his tone resigned but determined. "But you better come back in one piece, Spider-Man."


With a reassuring smile, I gripped Mark's shoulder. "You've got this, Nightwing," I reassured him before joining Loe to face the mafia head-on.


then as we headed towards our destination suddenly loe said

"Michael, I still remember what I did to Mark," Loe confessed, his voice tinged with remorse. "Do you not hate me for it?"


I paused for a moment, considering his question carefully. "Loe, I don't hate you anymore," I replied earnestly, meeting his gaze with sincerity. "Yes, what happened in the past was difficult, and you nearly caused harm to Mark. But that's behind us now."


Taking a step closer, I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "You've changed, Loe. You're not the same person you were back then. You've become a friend, and more importantly, a vigilante who saves lives. In my eyes, that's how you've atoned for your past actions."

Loe nodded, a weight seemingly lifted from his shoulders. "Thanks, Michael.


As we finally reached our destination, a surge of urgency washed over me as I tapped into my chi sense. My heart sank as I detected the familiar energy signature of my father's chi and Mary's chi, tinged with the grim realization that someone's life force was fading away. "No, no, no!" I muttered under my breath, "It can't be..."

Composing myself, I focused on the task at hand. With a clear sense of purpose, I turned to Loe, urgency etched into my expression


"Loe, see those mafias? They're probably the ones with the victims," I hurriedly explained, my tone serious. "They must've taken them elsewhere. You take care of them while I check out the other location."

Loe nodded in understanding, his determination matching my own. "Got it, Michael," he affirmed, his gaze focused and resolute. With a shared understanding, we parted ways, each of us determined to fulfill our respective roles in bringing an end to the ordeal and rescuing the captives.


I nodded to myself, a sense of assurance settling over me as I watched Loe take charge of rescuing Mary Rose. I knew I could trust him to handle the situation with competence and care. With that thought in mind, I redirected my focus to the formidable villain before me, recognizing the strength emanating from his dark chi. It was clear that confronting him would require my full attention and strategic approach.

Turning my focus inward, I tapped into my Spider-Man System, silently issuing a command. "System, show me his status," I directed, my thoughts clear and determined.

"Affirmative, host... ding, complete," echoed the system's response in my mind, signaling the completion of the requested task."Affirmative, host... ding, complete," echoed the system's response in my mind, signaling the completion of the requested task.

Name: Ted Burne

Alias: Shadow

Nationality: American

Age: 37




Strength: 160

Agility: 130

Endurance: 250

Stamina: 230

Intelligence: 100

Reflexes: 130

Charisma: 30

Luck: 40

Mutant Powers:


Umbrakinesis: Shadow has the ability to manipulate shadows, allowing him to control and shape them to his will. He can create constructs out of shadows, manipulate existing shadows to conceal himself or others, and even solidify shadows into tangible objects for offensive or defensive purposes.

Shadow Travel: Shadow can meld into shadows and traverse through them, effectively teleporting short distances by moving through the shadow realm. This allows him to travel swiftly and stealthily, bypassing obstacles and escaping danger.

Shadow Empowerment: Shadow draws strength and resilience from shadows, becoming more powerful and agile in dimly lit or shadowy environments. The deeper and darker the shadows, the greater his enhancement becomes.

Shadow Sight: Shadow possesses enhanced vision in low-light conditions, allowing him to see clearly even in the darkest shadows. He can perceive details and movement within shadows that are imperceptible to normal sight, giving him a tactical advantage in combat.

Light Immunity (Temporary): Shadow can make himself immune to bright light for up to one hour. This means he can handle sunlight and strong artificial light without being hurt. After using this power, he needs to wait for 5 hours before he can use it again.



Stealth Expertise: Shadow is highly skilled in stealth and infiltration, utilizing his control over shadows to move undetected and blend into his surroundings. He excels in reconnaissance and espionage missions, gathering information without being detected.

Combat Training: While not relying solely on brute strength, Shadow has received combat training in various martial arts and self-defense techniques, enabling him to hold his own in hand-to-hand combat situations.

Tactical Analysis: Shadow possesses keen analytical skills and strategic thinking, allowing him to assess situations quickly and formulate effective plans of action. He is adept at improvising tactics based on the environment and his opponent's weaknesses.



Light Vulnerability: Despite his affinity for shadows, Shadow is vulnerable to intense sources of light, which can weaken his powers and render him more vulnerable to attacks. Bright sunlight or powerful artificial light sources can disrupt his umbrakinetic abilities and diminish his strength.

Overexertion: Manipulating shadows requires a considerable amount of mental focus and energy. Shadow can become fatigued and drained if he pushes his powers too far or attempts to control shadows beyond his limits, leaving him vulnerable to attacks.

Emotional Instability: Shadow's powers are influenced by his emotions, particularly fear and anger. Intense emotions can amplify his abilities, but they can also cloud his judgment and lead to reckless behavior if not kept in check.


"He might not be physically strong and fast, but his powers are a real pain," I mused silently, processing the information provided by my system.

With a quick web shot, I pulled the villain away from my dad and the officers, making sure they stayed safe.

"Step back!" I ordered firmly, as I stood between him and the fallen officers. Despite the gravity of the situation, I remained calm and focused, ready to defend those in need and confront the villain threatening their safety

To be continued


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