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82.35% reincarnated in DxD with a SF2 system / Chapter 14: Promise

Chapter 14: Promise

(General P. O. V)

"Hello Mr and Mrs kagami I hope you two enjoyed the party thus far? " Lucas said to them with a kind smile on his face. Kage almost believed that this guy is kind person just because of how 'pure'that smile was... But then again these are devils for God's sake...

"Haha It's good to be here Mr Lucas. Also let me introduce you to my wife and son" arashi said as he motioned them to come forward.

"Hello Mr Lucas my name is kuroi kagami and this is my son kage kagami" kuroi said as she nudged her son to speak and introduce himself.

"Uh? Huuh nice to meet you Mr Lucas my name is what my mother said" that was kages brilliant response honestly it's not like his social skills were bad or anything it's just that the person in front of him is a devil who is strong enough to kill him anytime he wants.

Of course his father snorted at his lame way to greet someone while his mother pulled his ears. And even Lucas seems amused by his antics and behavior.

"How many times do I have to tell you to greet someone properly!?" kuroi said in an angry tone at her son.

"Please, please Mrs kuroi no need to be hard on your son for this mistake" Lucas said trying to calm the angry woman down. He honestly didn't mind kages mistake because he is a child in the end.

"I am still extremely sorry for his behavior" kuroi bowed her head in from of Lucas apologising. Lucas just seems to wave off her apology.

"Say young kage how about you go and play with my daughter instead" Lucas suggested to kage, he thought about it for a moment and thought it would be a great idea to keep distance from the adult devils because they would have a much easier time figuring it out that he has powers.

"OK! " kage said as he made his way towards Latia.

(At the end of the party)

Most people who attended the party have already left with there families. Right now there are only some staffs and workers that were cleaning all the mess people have made.

Almost everyone have left the party except the kagami family and the astaroths. Apparently arashi have some important discussion with his boss Lucas astaroth himself. Which is why there family have decided to stay.

Right now latia and kage where the only childrens left because they were mature they didn't feel like playing anymore. When the other children's were there they decided to play the silly games of their choice.

Now that it is just the two of them they decided to do something else and now they are just talking about things and their life trying to know more about each other.

Meanwhile both of their mothers were talking and watching over them. Kuroi and Cassandra were talking about there day to day life's and family stuff or what ever gossip girls generally do.

" your son is definitely very mature for his age" cassandra noticed That much about kage more the first glance because of high intelligence and Sharpe eyes. She can tell that his behavior is much more mature for someone his age.

Kuroi smiled proudly at the compliment towards her son. Like any mother she liked it when someone complimented there child like that.

" of course is ever since young my sweet boy have been a very mature and kind person and I am sure that he will grow up into an amazing man like his father" anyone could hear the pride when she describe her son. Cassandra just smiled at her, she also felt the same with her little angel Latia.

"Latia is also quite same in that regard as she has a strong sense of right and wrong not to mention she is very intelligent just like both of her parents"

Both mothers just watched as their childrens interected with each other the same to have become good friends. If you count the fact both are the smiling as the Converse with each other.

(With Latia & Kage)

" I was meaning to ask you your name kage means Shadow in Japanese right?why did your parents give you this name?" Latia asked her new friend

"Uhh.. "

Kage have been asked this same question many times in the past by his friends in school. He still remembers when he Ren carnated he use the name shadow to according to the system and because he was born in Japan his name became kage which means Shadow in Japanese. He now sometimes wish he should have gone for a better name.

" I don't remember honestly... maybe it was because a some religious thing.."

Kage lied to Latia but she seems to buy that lie and didn't ask further. After interacting with her he came to know more about her personality a bit. Turns out she is not that bad of a person and has a childish side to her as well.

Her personality could be described somewhat same to the Canon Ln. He doesn't discriminate now does she be tend to be greater than everyone else like other devils would. But she kind the acts like a princess with a strict personality and mature behaviour which kind of annoying to be honest.

But overall he is quite happy that he won't be enslaved because of his powers the he does have doubts about her knowing or somewhat recognising that he is not normal. But like they said ignorance is blis if she knows she knows he just need to get strong enough Just in case in the future something happened.

" so this was your first birthday here right what do you think about Japan now?" kage asked

"Hmm... Japan is indeed wonderful place one of my friends seems to be obsessed with Japan and all things Japanese and now I can understand why" she said with a kind smile

"Well I am glad you liked it... I was meaning to ask you why did you came here to Japan to celebrate your birthday anyways?"

" it was my father's decision problem at Europe it is more often family issue which is why we decided to move to Japan." she answered him honestly but she hid the fact that her home was not in Europe instead it was in underworld and they indeed have a family issue which is why they decided to move to the human world.

"Hmm problem you say... " he was wondering what kind of problem did they have in Underworld that they decided to move to the human world instead.

"But why Japan though of all places? I mean this country is nice and all but there other countries like South Korea or America" he inquiry again

" that's a pretty good question, my father's have pretty good strong hold in South Korea and Japan and we could have honestly move to South Korea indeed but because a one of our friends have brought a place here in Japan so we decided to move here which would allow us to be closer to her" Latia explained

While they could have gone to South Korea or maybe even Russia for that but because both gremory and sitri family have owned a territory here in Japan. Which is why they decided to go to Japan in the first place because with both those families here if any problems arise they can contact them for help.

And South Korea has turns Of Fallen angels their as the Fallen angel factions have created good strong hold their with them oning it lot of businesses that regularly complete with devils businesses there.

While going to Russia is good because orthodox Christianity is basically in majority there but that also includes angels have a strong hold in Russia as well. And they constantly restrict devil movement there.

"I see... " kage took in all the information. He knows that she is not telling him everything but decided to not ask any further questions. Latia then decided to tease him a bit.

"You know... If I don't know any better, I would think you are interrogating me" she said playfully, but she did notice that his questions where rather particular as if he was truly interrogating her in the first place.

Latia is a smart girl and she can clearly she signs of great maturity in kages eyes unlike normal human children.

Kage was about to response Vani Sahab both are there fathers walk out of the office. Lucas looked a bit dissapointed while his father seems to apologize to him about something.

Kage looked at Latia with an apologetic look and said

" looks like our time is up I had lot of fun today" he said with a smile

"I too had a lot of fun aswell... You and the other children were very entertaining" she said happily while kage sweat dropped but it was then her smile turned sad

"I wish we could see each other again"

Kage thought about it for a moment and decided to reply

"Don't worry you will be living in Tokyo right? I am pretty sure we can see each other in the future" he said trying to bring her mood up.

Latia hearing this smiled as she too wished they could meet more often like this and said

"Promise? "


And just like that there friendship began.

To be continue....

________ x ________

Sorry for not uploading for many days I just didn't have the motivation to write anything and I was also thinking about some other story aswell.

Anyways this story is a single pairing with Latia as the main heroine. If any harem lover feels sad don't worry I will probably write a harem story for you so you can read it with one hand.

Until then bye.

Devstation_Gaming Devstation_Gaming

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