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11.76% reincarnated in DxD with a SF2 system / Chapter 2: In the world of DxD

Chapter 2: In the world of DxD

It has been five years since he reincarnated into the world of Dxd. He was born in Tokyo city in Japan which means in kouh the devils will take residents there. That's why he did everything in his power to avoid that place as long as possible until he becomes stronger.

He is born to a Japanese couple name arashi kagami and kuroi kagami and they interestingly named him kage kagami. Kage in Japanese means shadow which was the name he chose for his character. The system did told him about his name could change according to the region.

So now his official name was kage kagami or as he likes to call himself shadow.

"Kage be ready for school! " his mother shouted from downstairs.

"Yes mother! " he replied

While it sucks that he has to go to school again he didn't let it bother him that much Japan does have a pretty good education system but it is very stressful aswell.

In this new life he has black hair and blue eyes. His blue eyes are in general consider beautiful because it almost looks like it is glowing. Once he reaches age 6 he will be able to do basic system stuff that will allow him to grow in strength.

He really needs that if he wants to survive in this world really. While DxD is a pretty weak verse even in its LN at my current strength even low class being can take me down with ease. Forget about great red or someone else like that.

Once he reaches at least titan's level who is the main villain of shadow fight 2 series. Titan is a intergalactic conquer who goes universe to universe and conquers them. He has destroyed thousands of worlds and even threatened shadows main universe. Easily making him universal in terms of power.

When he reached that level no one in the Dxd verse could ever hope to match him considering everyone here at best could only reach planetary level strength.

So, he is 5 now and still has one years before he can start the grind and the canon will start when he reaches 16 which means 11 years from now. Which in total gives him 10 years to prepare. This is troubling because he doesn't know at which pace he will grow in strength and he certainly didn't want to die early.

He just hoped that 10 years would be enough for that.

But after becoming strong he needs to think what he will do after that? He knows from most fanfics that Mc who comes to Dxd universe just build harems while the thought is tempting he would rather not though. Like in anime they make harems look easy but unless you have really obedient woman harem will be nothing but a headache.

Plus, while woman of Dxd design wise are hella hot, they aren't that interesting as characters if you be honest. When he watched the anime and read the Ln he didn't like most of the females as he found them pretty bland and boring. There whole purpose was to please issei, be an eye candy and get into issei's pants honestly.

But there are some character he really like rossweise for example. Maybe he could ask her to be his girlfriend in the future if he gets the chance. But still the thought of harem is quite tempting honestly he will not lie.

He went down stairs and was greeted by his parents. His father is a above average looking man with black hair and dark eyes, he looked like he barely gets any sleep that's mostly because he is your stereotypical salary man.

While his mother is also beautiful with black hair and blue eyes. While her eyes were not as bright as his but still beautiful no doubt about it.

"Good morning mother, father" he greeted his parents, while his father nodded and went back to reading news paper his mother on the other hand smiled at him.

"Good morning kage-kun" his mother greeted back as she prepared meal for them. After eating there food they all went there own way with his father dropping him off to school and his mother went to the hospital as she was a nurse there.

He is going to enjoy this life as much as possible.

(One year later)

"kyaa look it's kage-kun! "

"He looks soooo cute!! "

"Once we grow up he will marry me!! "

My dear fat God! This verse woman are crazy! He thought those fanfics were over exaggerating the crazyness but he was totally wrong! These girls are THIRSTY for some white milk shake!!


He didn't expect anything from a anime that is borderline hentai. Putting these girls aside today is his 6 that birthday meaning tonight at 9 pm he will activate his system. For the past month he did try to do exercise and learn basic martial arts from internet but those have very minimum effects.

Well not that it matter anymore once he activates his system that is. He couldn't help but feel excited about this as once he becomes powerfully he can basically bully the super naturals as much as he wants. He didn't realise that for a split second he sounded like a young master right there.

He spend the rest of his school hours pondering about the possibility of what he could do with all the power he will get. After school he went home to his parents who have arranged a birthday party for him and even invited his friends home. After the party when everyone went home at 8:30pm he also went to his room saying he is too tired.

When it hit 9 o'clock

[Welcome to shadow fight system]

"Yes! "

He quickly covered his mouth as he didn't want to alert his parent. But at the same time he couldn't control his excitement seeing the blue screen in front of him.

"Honey is everything alright?" his mothers voice could be heard outside his room as he quickly replied.

"It's alright mother I just got a wonderful gift right now! " he said to his mother

"O-oh OK... "

"Phew.. "

He looked at the blue screen upfront of him in excitement.

"OK let's see how you work " he said as looked at the options given in this system. According to the instructions of the system there are 3 levels to this system.

First will be Sf2 saga and all weapons and ability from that game. Player needs to complete this first to unlock the second stage of the system.

After which comes Sf3 saga which revolves around weapons and powers from sf3

And finally Sf Underworld saga which is the final stage of the system. This also includes special addition and arena aswell along with items and weapons from events are also here. Player can even obtain items that can't be obtained from the original game such as the Titans deselector.

"Interesting "

He read more about the instructions, sf franchise has over 200+ weapons and Armors and helmet. And each armours,helmet,weapons and item have there own ability and can be used anytime they are summoned in battle field.

Also unlike other systems were some random quest is given to the player and if the player doesn't complete them penalty is given basically making them slaves to the system. This system doesn't do that and gives the host full freedom.

All the player has to do is to play random matchs and fight opponents from sf franchise and get rewards. That actually very basic but that's good because he rather not be a slave to the system.

"OK I get the gist of things... Now let's try a match and see how this works" he said as he clicked on the fight button.

And immediately he was reported from his room to another location

To be continue....

Devstation_Gaming Devstation_Gaming

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