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Mother-in law wants to teach a lesson

"And I'm assuming you're the man Lily spoke of?"

In the midst of it all, standing before Carter was Lily herself.

The girl had a look of regret, yet a mix of confusion upon his newfound presence.

"Cart, is that really you?"

With a slight nod, Carter confirmed Lily's words.

Raising his head slightly, Carter glanced at the figures that stood before him.

Currently, there was Lily herself, and as of now, a woman who seemed similar to her, seemed to hold quite a bit of resentment towards him, which was not concealed in the slightest.

Similar to Lily, the woman who was currently holding her as if she was a bag of potatoes also had striking blonde hair.

Unlike Lily, however, this woman had a more refined physique. She wasn't fat, nor was she muscular. It could be said that she was preferably balanced.

Her hair cascaded all the way down to her waist.

A pair of eyes that were oddly enough similar to rubies.

The woman's skin seemed quite fair, but it didn't compare much to Carter's.

From a distance, Carter could smell the sweet scent of flowers that emitted from these two women's bodies.

And each scent smelled quite different.

With the use of his eyes, Carter observed every bit of the women's bodies, especially the one that was carrying Lily like a sack of potatoes.

Her voluptuous figure was squeezed into a red dress that revealed a portion of her chest and slender legs that stuck out like a sore thumb.

'Why is this woman here, and why did she come here barefoot?' Carter thought as he glanced at the woman's fair legs.

Putting that thought aside, Carter then took the time to observe the next beauty that had been staring at him for quite a while now.

Dark blue hair that cascaded all the way down to the middle of her back. A pair of matching blue eyes.

Rosy cheeks that seemed oddly natural enough.

Fair skin, and to top it off, similar to the other woman, this woman also had a portion of her chest being revealed.

'Just like the one before, this one also doesn't have any footwear.'

Having seen enough, a smile formed on Carter's face as he took a step toward.

"And who might you be?"

Carter was unnecessarily sure that aside from him, who else would Lily mention.

"I'm the mother of Lily and also the woman who you owe a proper explanation."

"A proper explanation for what, to be exact?" Carter asked as he found this proper explanation this woman spoke of to be quite the hurdle.

"Hmmm! You don't know? Or is it that you're playing the game of a dumb?"

'Why does it feel like I've done something I'm unaware of?' Carter thought to himself.

Anyways, he didn't dwell on such thoughts for too long since he didn't want to keep these two women waiting for too long.

"Why don't we have a seat and dis-"

"Do you think having a seat will fix what you've done? Because of you, Lily has lost the sole thing I've forsaken her of doing."

'Forsaken? What's this woman on?'

"Bastard! It seems that even after everything you've done, you've yet to admit your mistakes."

'Alright, this one is definitely not worth the talk.'

Turning to face the woman that was on the right, Carter nodded as he approached the woman with caution.

"Hello there, madam, my name is Carter and who might you be?" He said in a friendly tone.

A smile formed on the woman's lips as she parted her lips slightly before she eventually licked her fingers.

"I know who you are, after all, I've been the one that has been retrieving Lily after your meetups."

"Oh my, I almost forgot, my name is Grace," Grace chuckled.

'So does that mean that we have been under supervision that whole time?' Carter thought.

Suddenly Grace's voice sounded once more.

"And this right here is Sera. As she mentioned, she's the mother of Lily and she's also my best friend."

'So they are best friends, huh, this just makes things a lot more fun.'

'Truth be told Carter had his eyes set on these two women.

These two were just too good for him to even think of letting them slip away.

So what if Sera and Lily were mother and daughter.

Carter already had a whole bundle so another bundle wouldn't strain his pockets.

'I've decided, these two are mine.'

Upon such a thought, Carter couldn't help but chuckle.

When did he become so greedy? But in truth, he knew it wasn't greed.

In the first place, these two were originally his from the moment they entered this place.

"Mrs. Grace, was it? Could you please elaborate on the reason for your visit?"

Hearing Carter's words, Grace's face formed into a seductive smile.

"I could, but it is said that everything has a cost."

'This woman....She's tempting me.'

Approaching Grace, Carter then wrapped his hands around her waist as he lifted her chin up to match his gaze.

Not only did his action shock both Grace and Sera, it also dealt a heavy blow to Lily.

"Cart, what are you doing!"

Anyways, Carter didn't put much thought into the other women's complaints.

As of now, he found himself surrounded by a sweet aroma.

Still, he didn't let that get to his head.

"And what might that be, Grace?"

Yes, Carter instantly dropped the formalities, now he just referred to Grace as is.

This both caught Grace off guard, but it also caught the mother and daughter.

"This... Degenerate man!" Sera scowled as she dropped Lily onto the floor.

"Grace...And what might that reward be you do speak of?"

"Huh? Reward? What reward?" Grace replied as she glanced around in confusion to hide her embarrassment.

Bringing his face to Grace's ears, Carter then blew a whiff of hot air into her ears, which sent small waves of electricity into her body.

Grace's body trembled visibly as her legs went weak before she eventually collapsed into Carter's arms .


The sound of Grace's ragged breathing sounded as she lifted her head to match his gaze .

Upon the moment of locking eyes with his pair of golden Grace couldn't help but feel a sense of inferiority.

The urge to bow and worship the man infront if her was something she felt as if was the right thing to do.

"Hah~Young Man You..." Just speaking became impossible for Grace upon knowinf of the sticky substances that were flowing down her legs .

Having watched the entire scene unfold before her, Sera couldn't help but frown.

The brat she looked down upon not only did he lay his hands on her daughter but also her one and only friend.

"This arrogant fool needs to be punished," Sera said in an audible tone as she raised her hands slightly.

[Ding! You've earned A Title]

[Ding! Due to the changes in your physical appearance, your charms have greatly improved.]

"A Title? It's the first I've heard of such. Could it have something to do with my advancement?" Carter thought.

However, he didn't dwell on such thoughts for too long when a sudden buzz rang in his ears.


Shifting his gaze elsewhere, Carter's sight then met with what seemed to be a piece of iron... no, it was a piece of hard diamond.

"Are they also like me?" Carter pondered upon seeing the person behind the diamond.

It was Sera, and she seemed quite upset, to say the least.

"You degenerate fool, since you've led Lily away the best outcome possible is your death!" Sera shouted.

"Death? Miss Sera, could I ask for the reasons behind your abrupt actions?" Carter said with a straight face.

Yet, throughout the entire time, he didn't move nor did he need to.

Ever since he had advanced to Tier 4, he picked up this strange yet complacent feeling.

However, Carter knew that such a feeling should not be in control.

"Cart, run!" Lily called out.

Raising his hands slightly, Carter allowed his body to meet with the piece of diamond.


The sound of steel grinding across steel sounded as Carter applied pressure onto the diamond.


A crack sounded, which later caught the attention of Sera and Grace herself; Lily was also not an exception.

"You!": Grace

"How?": Sera

"Cart!" Lily called out in a soft yet appreciative tone.

If it weren't for her mother, Lily's wedding would have undoubtedly sailed the ship already.

Unfortunately, when one possessed strict parents, life itself became short-lived.


Another crack sounded as the diamond slowly seized its movements.


A bang sounded as the diamond crumbled in Carter's palm before it eventually left smoke in its wake.

Sera didn't waste time and directly charged at the youth.

It has been clear that he was not your normal man, like Lily had said.

Balling her hands into a fist, Sera then charged at Carter in hopes of landing a punch or two.



The dust particles rose as a small dent endowed the ground.


Another boom sounded which greatly prompted Aria and the other wives who weren't far off to find themselves attracted to such noise.

"Who are you?" Sera shouted upon seeing that Carter took her blow singlehandedly.

"Who am I, you ask? Very well, let me introduce myself to you, Sera."


A tear sounded as a portion of Sera's clothes went missing.

"Y.. You... what's do you think you're doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing? Didn't you ask who am I?"

Hearing Carter's words, Sera took a step back.

She then clasped her hands before she eventually intertwined her fingers until she eventually formed an O.

"Grace! What are you doing?"

Sera called out to Grace who was peacefully asleep in Carter's arms.

"Women are indeed strange; just a few words and she fell right into my palm. Sigh* I just wish things were as easy as this."

Now that Carter thought about it, Sera and Grace have yet to explain the reason for their visit.

Not that it mattered since Carter would find out either way.

But first, he needed to deal with his angry mother-in-law.

Shaking his head visibly, Carter then glanced at Grace.

This woman Had not the slightest bit of difference.

Luckily he met her at the right time so with some quality training he would undoubtedly promote her into the perfect wife for his own satisfaction.

With a snap of his fingers Carter made a small bed appear out of thin air .

Seeing this Sera eye shot open even Lily looked at him the same .

"You..your a grandmaster!"

Ignoring the woman's words Carter then placed Grace onto the bed that he had just made .

"I remember that you once asked Who am I ; it's not that I'm afraid to speak rathwr I'm afraid that your unable to face reality itself"

"So Sera Tell me are you ready to face reality?"

"What are you saying?" Sera asked, just talking to her daughters self proclaimed husband made her somwhat confused .

"Very well then Sera ~ since you've yet to realize the truth then let me broaden your view"


A ruffle sounded as Carter took a step foward .

This was the effect of his sandals that was grazing against the dirt.


A sigh escaped Carter's lips as he exhaled deeply.


A spider cracked dent was left in Carter's original position and another Boom sounded as he appeared before Sera.

"What do you think your doing! " Sera growled as she took a few steps aback.

On the sidelines a group of individuals stood.

And these bystanders themselves were .

"Amelia, Ella , Selene, Sophie, Elena and lastly Lily "

"Is that Husband?" X4

Sshido Sshido

Hope you all had a wonderful Sunday here the chapter for today

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