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10% Cupid Royale / Chapter 3: THREE: Aiyana.

Chapter 3: THREE: Aiyana.

As I approached the throne room, I felt a palpable sense of unease, and a sudden wave of dizziness washed over me. The corridor appeared rather diminutive at the moment, and the resonant echo of my heels striking the polished marble surface gradually intensified.

My thoughts wandered, drifting away from my awaiting groom, as I found myself reminiscing about my favorite spot in the orchard, the most recent sheet music I received for my harp practice, and even my beloved pet cat. Suddenly, I turned to Sephora, who followed closely behind me, and inquired, "Has Yoru been given her meal today?"

"Is that truly what occupies your mind in a moment like this?" she chuckled, shaking her head. Her dark hair was braided in the French style, swaying with her movements as she did so.

"Is there something amiss in showing concern for my pet?" I inquired.

"Worry about how your audience with the King will go," Sephora advised.

"I assure you, I have been consumed by worry ever since you imparted the news of his arrival to me," I responded. "Oh, and please have Kara groom Yoru; her claws have grown remarkably sharp," I added.

As we neared the entrance to the throne room, the guards extended their hands to open the doors. They gazed at me, seeking my approval. I inhaled deeply, attempting to regain composure and soothe my nerves. Then, I granted them a nod to proceed.

The door swung open, and a brilliant, near-blinding light from the room poured over me. Immediately I heard my father exclaim, "Ah, there she is!"

"Walk with grace," I murmured to myself, and with a graceful stride, I advanced down the red carpet toward my throne, Sephora following closely behind.

I approached the thrones, standing before my father, my sister and my betrothed. I curtsied and addressed my father, "Father." Then, turning to my betrothed who sat on my mothers supposed throne, I bowed and addressed him, "Your Majesty."

Lifting my face, my eyes met his, and I froze; he was breathtakingly handsome. I found myself staring at him for what felt like an eternity, only to be brought back to reality when Sephora poked me from behind.

"Thank you," I whispered, as we made our way to my throne.

"I did tell you he was handsome," she teased.

"You did not add 'breathtakingly'," I retorted with a playful smile. "And quite young, although I still do not understand why the wedding is taking place here," I said, grasping a handful of my dress to avoid tripping while ascending the stairs.

"Where else should it take place?" Sephora asked, assisting me with my dress.

"His kingdom?" I whispered as I took my seat, with Sephora standing by my side. My father delved into a discussion with King Elrond, and my mind began to wander, drifting into the realm of my imagination.

I was an avid daydreamer, a cherished childhood pastime that had stuck with me as a lifelong habit. My daydreams often revolved around traveling and engaging in activities my father would never allow. However, on this particular occasion, my thoughts transported me to a picturesque orchard. Birds filled the air with joyful chirping, butterflies danced in the breeze, and fallen leaves were gently carried away. Descending from my swing, I reached for an apple within my grasp. Stretching on tiptoe, I sensed a presence from behind, swiftly plucking the fruit from the branch. Turning to identify the unknown guest, I found myself met by the gaze of King Elrond. He graced me with a warm smile, tenderly kissed my hand, and said my name with a mesmerizing cadence, it felt too good to be true and of course it was because he continued saying my name as if he were summoning my attention, uttering, "Princess Aiyana, Princess, Princess Aiyana." His voice echoed as I slowly returned to reality, only to realize it was Sephora gently tapping me.

"King Elrond was simply inviting you for a walk in the garden," she whispered, and I noticed everyone's gaze on me.

"Yes... umm... I would be more than delighted to graciously accept your invitation, your majesty," I replied, offering him the warmest smile I could muster.

"A rather memorable first impression," Sephora whispered with a sly grin.

"Oh, hush, Sephora!" I retorted, suppressing a chuckle.


My stroll with King Elrond was rather pleasant, though he remained quiet for most of it. Despite my attempts to initiate conversations, he would often respond with a curt nod, followed by an awkward silence. I wished for the walk to conclude, as it wasn't turning out as I had hoped.

However, the tranquil beauty of the garden prevented me from lifting my dress and hastily retreating to the palace. In my imagination, I envisioned locking myself in my room, refusing entry to anyone until the wedding was called off. Perhaps, with Sephora's assistance and some coins from the treasury, I could embark on a new life as a middle-class citizen. Yet, my lack of experience beyond the palace walls suggested I would likely be swiftly apprehended. It's a pity, I thought, that he possesses such good looks without the communication skills to match.

My musings were abruptly interrupted when he spoke, "You have grown rather quiet. What is on your mind?" He said, gazing at the flowers "You do not intend on escaping, do you?" His gaze turned towards me, and panic set in.

"Wh…wh…no…of course not. Why would I entertain such thoughts, your majesty?" I stammered, avoiding his eyes.

"So, you do want to escape," he said, his tone laced with amusement. When I offered no response, he inquired, "Do you think I am a bore?"

"I never implied that, your majesty," I replied.

"Please, call me Elrond. 'Your majesty' seems quite too formal for my wife to address me as, don't you think?" he smiled, and it was undeniably charming.

"But I am not your wife, your majesty," I asserted.

"You will be by tomorrow," he stated, and my impending fate loomed over me. "You have not answered my question." He said, going back to the initial conversation.

"Your question?" I asked, feigning cluelessness in an attempt to steer the conversation away from its awkward turn.

"I asked if you thought I was a bore," he stated, expecting a response as we strolled through the cobblestones of the garden.

How do I gracefully exit this situation? I pondered, considering possible answers that wouldn't leave a wrong impression. He hadn't shown much interest in conversation earlier, and now he bombarded me with questions – the very behavior of a bore. "I don't find you boring," I lied, "but I do sense a lack of communication skills."

"Ah, so you do find me a bore," he exclaimed, a broad grin appearing on his face.

"In a way," I admitted, feeling a flush of heat on my cheeks. "Are you offended?" I asked tentatively.

Instead of responding, he surprised me with another question, "May I hold your hands?" Although taken aback, I consented. Standing before me, towering above, he declared, "You are beautiful, even better than the portraits."

His unexpected outburst left me stunned. Even after he kissed the back of my hands and bowed, concluding our stroll, I remained in a state of shock.


"Alors, comment ça s'est passé, ta balade?" Lisette inquired as soon as I entered my room. Sephora, seated on the dresser chair, immediately stood upon noticing me. "How was the king? Was he kind? Did he kiss you? Tell me everything!" Lisette half-screamed.

"It was okay. We didn't get to talk much, but I'm sure we have the rest of our lives to do so," I replied, rubbing my temples. "Please prepare a bath for me; I want to go straight to bed. I'm skipping dinner."

"Your highness, ça va?" Lisette asked, concern evident on both her and Sephora's faces after exchanging glances.

"Yes, it's my wedding tomorrow—a significant event. I'll also be leaving for my new kingdom, so it's quite a lot to process, isn't it?"

"I shall see to your bath," Lisette said, hesitantly leaving the room.

As soon as the door shut, I cried, "Sephora, I may have just been engaged to the most boring man I've ever met."

"Why would you say so? What happened on your stroll?"

"Nothing, absolutely nothing!" I exclaimed, heading to my bed and flopping down. "I'll explain, but please help me out of this uncomfortable dress."

"I am genuinely confused," she admitted, beginning to loosen the corset of the dress. "Tell me everything."

"The king is unbelievably boring. He barely said anything during our stroll. I tried to start conversations, but he'd only nod, making me feel like I was speaking nonsense. The only thing he brought up was asking if I wanted to escape and if he was being a bore."

"Did you tell him you thought he was?" Sephora asked, her voice gentle and soothing.

"Well, not exactly, but I did. And when I asked if he was offended, you won't believe his reaction. He just called me beautiful, kissed the back of my hands, and left!"

"That's quite the tale. Do you intend to share it with your children?" She joked.

"Oh, Sephora, but it is not a laughing situation," I cried.

"But you will be laughing quite soon in the future over tea with some lady royals, perhaps," she chuckled as the ropes came loose, and I heaved a breath of relief for the second time that day, whoever said the life of a royal was all fancy dresses and waving to crowds should be beheaded.

"Whose side are you on?" I cried, stifling a laugh.

"I'm indebted to you, of course," she replied with a chuckle, as I stepped behind the dressing screen once more.

Was I prepared for my wedding tomorrow? Indeed, not. Was I filled with excitement for it? Alas, not in the slightest. Would it proceed smoothly? I suppose to answer that, I must wait and see.

The_Vntage_Pen The_Vntage_Pen

I've live in books more than I've lived anywhere else.

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