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000 - What Makes The Sky Blue

Author: IamReallySalad

© WebNovel

World Background

This is gonna be explanation about Granblue fantasy world.

Thanks to Leejp on Granblue Gaijins discord server for the Explanation


World history

In the beginning, there was a bountiful world where many different races lived in prosperity. However, some 20,000 years ago a great cataclysm erupted that ravaged the planet, bringing with it twisted monsters that corrupted the land and threatened all things that lived on it. While some privileged few managed to escape the disaster in a Silver City that fled to the Moon, most fell victim to the calamity, becoming twisted into monstrous abominations. The land- steeped in chaos -became the Crimson Horizon, and the suffering peoples who survived the apocalypse became Otherworldly Beings.

[Otherworldly Image]

The world endured this tortured existence for millennia, until 7,000 years ago, a God was dispatched from the Moon- the Omnipotent, divine dragon Bahamut. The pitiful Otherworldly Beings had hope rekindled in their hearts, believing that their brethren who had escaped the calamity had not forgotten them. They flocked toward the light that had descended from the heavens, begging at its feet for salvation and deliverance from their curse. But rather than granting them the salvation they wished for, God unleashed its wrath upon them, and then abandoned them. The divine light of creation bathed the world, and the Sky Realm was created above the Crimson Horizon by raising up what little of the surface world remained uncorrupted. The spurned Otherworlders and the hellscape they were cursed to wander were sealed off from the blue skies with a dimensional boundary. In time God also populated this new Realm with life- flora and fauna, and new intelligent peoples called Skydwellers.

[Bahamut Image]

[Skydwellers is basically Djeeta and other]

Enthroned in a divine realm known as Estalucia, the Holy Seat of Genesis, Bahamut created many other entities in order to assist him in governing Creation. Among them were the Speakers: the Dawn Speaker Helel Ben Sahar (known in modern times as Lucio), and the Dusk Speaker Helel Ben Shalem. Sahar served as an intermediary between man and God, his purpose to guide Skydwellers toward Bahamut's plan. Shalem meanwhile served as God's Inquisitor, seeking out and purging any elements in Creation that posed a threat to God's will. He also created the Wedges, beings meant to help uphold the conceptual shape of the world, of which some developed into the ancestors of Dragons. And lastly, the Omnipotent created a Clone of itself blessed with its own immense power, to hold stewardship over Estalucia in times of its absence.

[Sahar Image]

[Shalem Image]

However, the arrival of the divine dragon had not gone unnoticed. Birthed 3 billion years ago in the heart of the Sun, there had been another God that preceded Bahamut. The brilliant and immortal Phoenix, who had freely roamed the cosmos for eons, suddenly faced the arrival of a deity with the power to slay even the immortal. Unable to accept this threat to her being, Phoenix approached the ancient Skydwellers 6,000 years ago, who had already been driven by fear and uncertainty to the point of rebellion against God.

[Phoenix image]

She offered immortality and power to their leader, a man known as Abramelin, and with his leadership, the Skydwellers' armies, and Phoenix's divine might, Bahamut was cleaved in two. However, the division of God was not without consequence. As if responding to its creator's pain, the Sky Realm itself was rent apart, dividing what was once one land into many scattered islands. Many civilizations collapsed in this upheaval, and without the means to travel easily between the newly formed islands, the people of the skies suffered greatly.

[Abramelin image]

But a God is not so easily slain: Bahamut did not die, but was instead split into two newly born deities. One half, the Sky God, inherited Bahamut's powers over destruction and rebirth and chose to remain in the Sky Realm- protecting and shepherding the same Skydwellers who had risen up against it. The other half, the Star God, inherited Bahamut's powers over creation and immortality and chose to abandon the skies- instead ascending to the stars and creating the Astral Realm and the Astrals.

In doing so the Star God used the Sky Realm and its inhabitants as a template, cloning what existed before to create its new realm and people. The Astrals were born as mirrors of the Sky Realm's ancient inhabitants, among them even the Speakers who served the Omnipotent: the Dawn Speaker having been cloned as the Astral Lucilius, while the Dusk Speaker was cloned as the Astral Beelzebub. To its creations the Star God gifted immense magical power, and even portions of its divinity: everlasting immortality and the infinite light of Creation, the divine power to create matter and energy where none existed before.

[Astral Lucilius image]

[Astral Beelzebub image]

Though each half of God desired reunification with its sibling, however, they desired it in the form of dominance and conquest. As such the Sky God and the Star God were at war since their births, with Skydwellers and Astrals acting as the proxies in their divine conflict. To this end, the Star God pushed the Astrals 2,000 years ago into invading and conquering the Sky Realm.

For ages the Astrals controlled the skies, suppressing the competing machinations of foes in the Otherworld and the Moon in order to secure their rule over creation. With their superior technology, immense knowledge, and mastery over the fundamentals of creation, the Astrals enforced their rule of the world through the creation of Primal Beasts. The symbols of their might and wisdom, living beings of idea and metaphor bound to physical form and made to serve their will. Through the use of Primal Beasts they personified and shackled the building blocks of reality, and made them into servants that assisted their scientific study of the world's workings. As a testament to their power, they even managed to subjugate fragments of the Sky God itself, converting these divine beings into Primal Beasts under their influence. They also reached the Seat of God itself, Estalucia, though they were unable to conquer it wholly. Instead they controlled access to it via their Sky Maps, and repainted it as the Island of the Astrals in historical records.

[Sky Maps image]

However, their rule would not last. The Astrals Lucilius and Beelzebub plotted in secret beneath the notice of their High Council, instigating a grand rebellion among the original series of Primal Beasts- the Archangels. These Fallen Angels rose up in massive numbers against their Astral masters and their loyal Archangel servants, sparking conflict across the skies. Though the rebellion was ultimately quelled with its ringleaders defeated and the Fallen Angels reverted to Cores or imprisoned in the living prison Pandemonium, it had ultimately succeeded in spreading the fires of unrest across the Sky Realm and significantly weakening Astral power. Soon the entirety of the Sky Realm took up arms against the Astrals, and after several centuries of fighting, the Astrals were finally driven to retreat back to the Astral Realm 500 years ago.

The Gods, however, have not ceased their conflict. Though it has been fragmented with many of its selves converted into Primal Beasts, the Sky God remains in control of the Sky Realm, with a special shard split from its being in order to serve as a restoration vessel. The Star God, meanwhile, retains a piece in play in the Sky Realm as well. These beings are the Red Dragon and Girl in Blue: Vyrn and Lyria. Vessels designed by their respective deities in order to siphon power from the other, so that their creators can ultimately consume them and gain advantage over their divine sibling.

[Vyrn image]

[Lyria image]

But one new element has emerged in the equation, one whose influence cannot be quantified and whose potential is limitless. Gran or Djeeta, the Singularity, whose existence connects both the skies and stars and acts as the axis of the world. The Singularity's newfound place in the world is an uncertain one in the plans of the Gods, and his interaction with Vyrn and Lyria present an unknown and potentially dangerous variable for the world's future that even the likes of the Otherworld and the Astrals fear.

[Gran image]

[Djeeta image]

In other planes however, ancient threats to the skies continue to scheme.

The Otherworlders have never forgotten their eternal grudge against the God who abandoned them to their suffering, the Moon that he was dispatched from, or the people in the skies and stars who were chosen over them. Lamenting the loss of the peaceful lives that were stolen from them and the countless millennia they've been made to struggle and suffer, they are now fueled by hatred, jealousy, and singular devotion. To this end they work tirelessly toward their ultimate goals of vengeance and salvation, hoping to enact retribution against those who wronged them and restore the world to the idyllic past that they cling to in their distant memories.

Meanwhile, on the Moon, the descendants of those ancient peoples who had escaped the cataclysm of 20,000 years ago have grown strange and cold relative to their forebears. These Moondwellers are now emotionless and amoral beings of logic and order, leveraging their immensely advanced technology to augment their bodies and extend their lifespans. In certain ways they have become just as monstrous as the brethren they left behind to the apocalypse, or maybe even moreso. Though their ambitions were foiled by the Astrals during their rule, the people of the Moon perceive time in grand scales. Millennia and centuries are not terribly long spans to consider in their minds, and yesterday's failures have given way to today's opportunities. The Sky Realm now lies unprotected by the people of the stars, and even setbacks of thousands of years are acceptable in the grand scheme of their ambition.

As for the Astrals, they remain silent for now. Though some stragglers left behind in the skies following their retreat have enacted their own grand and personal plans for the world, the Astral Realm remains distant and quiet. Whether this may hold for the future, or whether the Astrals' High Council in their seats among the stars hold more ambition in their hearts that has yet to bear fruit, is unknown.

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