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Chapter 156: Inside the Secret Chamber, Helping Ling Qingzhu Refine Pure Yin Energy

Chapter 156: Inside the Secret Chamber, Helping Ling Qingzhu Refine Pure Yin Energy


At this moment, with Lin Yan's finger successfully pointing towards Ling Qingzhu's acupuncture points.

A warm elemental energy began to move along Ling Qingzhu's meridians, circulating around her body.

At first, Ling Qingzhu felt a slight pain and a bit of embarrassment from Lin Yan's finger contact.

But soon she realized that the frenetic energy within her was gradually stabilizing under Lin Yan's guidance.

She was surprised on the spot.

"So... he's helping me."

"And his control over energy is so strong."

"I can't even make such precise control. Is he really just a martial artist at the Perfect Yuan Dan stage?"

Ling Qingzhu felt increasingly amazed.

Especially when she discovered that the intense pure Yin energy she had absorbed earlier with the Nirvana Heart was gradually dissipating with the help of Lin Yan's energy and medicine.

She became even more aware of Lin Yan's extraordinary ability.

"Does this pill have this kind of effect? It's amazing!"

"Truly impressive!"

"Such an impressive pill must be very valuable."

"But he gave it to me so generously, someone I barely know. He's truly kind."

"Compared to him, I feel quite wicked."

"Before, I was even thinking of forcibly taking his yang energy."

With these reflections, Ling Qingzhu felt very ashamed.

After all, she had taken full advantage of this situation, but felt guilty for not recognizing Lin Yan's kindness.

Had she succeeded, she might have ruined Lin Yan's foundations.

Although Ling Qingzhu understood that she had her reasons and planned to compensate Lin Yan afterward.

But that was easier said than done.

However, Lin Yan's action was one of returning good for evil.

Faced with her own discourtesy, he not only brought out such a valuable pill to help her but also healed her while she scolded and distrusted him.

Comparing this, Ling Qingzhu felt extremely uncomfortable inside.

She continued to feel embarrassed while facing Lin Yan.

"It's alright, Miss Qingzhu. From now on, you should be able to heal yourself."

Lin Yan, unaware of what was going through Ling Qingzhu's mind, briefly helped her recover, partially neutralizing the power of the pill and the pure Yin energy from the Nirvana Heart.

Then he decided not to continue further. After all, Ling Qingzhu could handle the rest by herself.

He withdrew from that situation and looked at Ling Qingzhu.

"Thank you, sir."

Once Ling Qingzhu regained her senses, she blushed a little for her previous behavior and then thanked Lin Yan.

"If it weren't for the sir's help this time, Qingzhu wouldn't know what to do."

"The pill that the sir gave me earlier must be very valuable."

"A pill that can neutralize pure Yin energy from the Nirvana Heart can't be common."

"But the sir was so generous to give it to me directly. I don't know how to thank him for his kindness."

"Compared to that, my previous actions seem really shameful. I'm sorry, sir."

Ling Qingzhu felt extremely embarrassed as she thanked and apologized to Lin Yan.

After all, this time she had taken full advantage of the situation and had not recognized Lin Yan's kindness, which made her feel very guilty.

"Miss Qingzhu, don't worry. The situation was critical before, so your choice was understandable."

"Besides, in this world, the good are much less common than the bad. Being cautious, as you have been, is the right thing."

Lin Yan consoled Ling Qingzhu with a smile.

But these words only made Ling Qingzhu feel even more guilty.

She looked at Lin Yan and said, "Sir, you are really kind."

"Qingzhu will thank you in the future."

Lin Yan just smiled and replied, "We'll see about that later, Miss Qingzhu. First, recover."

Ling Qingzhu nodded, but then blinked and asked Lin Yan, "Sir, please, what is your name?"

Lin Yan responded with a smile, "Lin Yan."

Ling Qingzhu nodded slightly, "I'll remember your name."

"And, sir, if possible, please call me Qingzhu."

Lin Yan nodded with a smile.

After that, Ling Qingzhu began to focus on her recovery.

Originally, Lin Yan planned to leave at that moment.

He had obtained what he wanted from this Mansion, and there wasn't much more to do here.

However, through his spiritual perception, he soon realized that Lin Langtian and the others were approaching continuously from outside.

"It seems to be because of the inheritance that was taken, right? Did the outer formation stop because of that?"

"This could be troublesome."

Lin Yan looked at Ling Qingzhu on the side.

Although she had already absorbed the Nirvana Heart, her situation was quite weak at the moment.

Lin Langtian and his group are not exactly upright and honest people. After seeing Ling Qingzhu's situation, who knows what they might do.

Thinking about that, Lin Yan sighed, "Well, I'll help until the end."

Lin Yan patted Ling Qingzhu on the shoulder, who came out of her meditative state after the contact.

But knowing that he was Lin Yan, Ling Qingzhu didn't get angry, but instead looked at him curiously and asked, "What's wrong, Mr. Lin Yan?"

Lin Yan replied, "Probably, the outer formation remained active because of the presence of the mysterious shadow. But now that it's gone, the formation seems to have stopped working, so Lin Langtian and the others are about to arrive."

"Not that I want to defame them, but your situation right now is really bad."

"So my advice is for you to hide for a while."

Lin Yan told Ling Qingzhu, "Through my spiritual perception, there's a secret chamber behind the stone hall."

"Go there first, then I'll use my spiritual perception to hide you. They shouldn't find you."

"When you recover a little, you can come out."

Ling Qingzhu nodded, but then asked, "And you, sir?"

"If I leave, they'll think you took the Nirvana Heart and they'll come looking for you."

Lin Yan wasn't really worried about that.

After all, he had Yao Lao's help.

But thinking that they were all disciples of the great families of the Yan Empire, if they got the Nirvana Heart, nothing would happen. But if he got it, it would undoubtedly cause trouble later on.

Lin Yan didn't want trouble, so he sighed and said, "So, if you don't mind, will I stay with you in hiding?"

Under the veil, Ling Qingzhu smiled slightly, "Of course I don't mind."

So they entered the secret chamber together, and Lin Yan sealed it with his spiritual perception.

As expected, shortly afterward, Lin Langtian and the others arrived at the stone hall.

Upon discovering that the Nirvana Heart had already been taken, they all left in anger.

Meanwhile, inside the secret chamber, Lin Yan and Ling Qingzhu watched in silence. Once everyone left, they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry, Miss Qingzhu, this place is a bit cramped."

Lin Yan apologized somewhat uncomfortably

Ling Qingzhu's cheeks suddenly turned extremely red, but she didn't want to blame Lin Yan either, so she hurriedly left the secret chamber as if fleeing.

But once outside, she couldn't help but murmur to herself.

"That, just now... It must be."

"I didn't expect it to be so big."

Thinking about this, Ling Qingzhu felt a little joy. After all that had happened, although she was grateful, she had also begun to doubt her own attractiveness.

But seeing that apparently, her allure was still effective, she felt more confident.

Ling Qingzhu noticed Lin Yan's uncomfortable expression and couldn't help but smile at him and ask, "Mr. Lin Yan, earlier I thought you had no interest in women."

Lin Yan gave Ling Qingzhu a glance and said, "That's dangerous to claim."

Ling Qingzhu smiled and asked, "So why weren't you excited by me? Any normal person couldn't have avoided it."

Lin Yan scratched his head and said, "I definitely had a difficult mental struggle."

"But in the end, I prefer it more when there's mutual love."

Ling Qingzhu was surprised for a moment to hear this, then a smile appeared on her beautiful face.

"Sir, you really are special."

"You're the first man like you I've ever met."

After gently laughing, she looked away. Then, she began to refine the pure Yin energy in her body.

Meanwhile, Lin Yan protected her while waiting for her to recover.

Making friends with a beauty was itself a pleasant thing.

Even without considering this, Ling Qingzhu's position and status were quite high. Being able to establish a relationship with her was a good thing.

After a few hours, Ling Qingzhu finally completely suppressed the chaotic energy in her body.

Although she hadn't fully absorbed the pure Yin energy yet, at least she wouldn't be bothered by it anymore.

So she came out of her meditation state and saw Lin Yan watching over her on the side.

She thanked him, "Sir, thank you for all of this."

Lin Yan smiled and waved his hand, "Then, let's go out."

Ling Qingzhu smiled and nodded at Lin Yan.

Lin Yan stepped forward, while she took out her Celestial Lotus.

But as they advanced, a major problem was unfolding outside the mansion.

Lin Yan, although he had been in the stone hall previously, he and Ling Qingzhu were hidden in the secret chamber at that moment.

And at that moment, there were still other people inside the stone hall.

Moreover, Lin Yan didn't leave immediately after.

Since Lin Yan wouldn't leave Lin Dong alone and depart, after leaving the palace, Lin Dong stayed outside waiting.

But while he waited, a problem arose.

"Did you steal our Wang family's spiritual treasure and expect to leave like this?"

When Lin Langtian and the others were about to leave, Wang Yan learned of the matter of the spiritual treasure through Wang Pan and went straight to Lin Dong.

"What you're saying is ridiculous. The items in the palace belong to no one in particular, when did they become your Wang family's property?"

"If that's the case, then everyone here could give them to you."

Lin Dong frowned upon hearing this but still responded coldly to Wang Yan.

"Hmph! Don't try to justify yourself. The spiritual treasure was mine from the beginning, it's just that you and another person snatched it."

"That person? Anyway, you stole it."

"Moreover, you damaged another of my spiritual treasures. How do we resolve that?"

But Wang Pan interjected coldly.

Lin Dong immediately became angry upon hearing this. It seemed that this group intended to rob by force.

For a moment, he felt upset at their bandit-like behavior.

Just then, Lin Ke'er intervened.

Lin Dong had taken care of her a lot on the way, and she had also received favor from Lin Yan before.

In this situation, naturally she had to speak up in his defense.

"You're talking nonsense! The treasure was clearly obtained by Lin Yan. You couldn't snatch it away, and now you want to distort the facts."

Wang Pan and Wang Yan frowned upon hearing this, looking at Lin Langtian.

And Lin Langtian, in turn, rebuked Lin Ke'er:

"Ke'er, don't talk nonsense. This is a matter of the Wang family, you have no right to intervene."

"Elder brother Lin Langtian, Lin Dong is also from our Lin family, how can I not be concerned?"

Lin Ke'er hurriedly said.

According to Wang Yan's strength, in the scene only Lin Langtian could intervene in this matter, so she wanted to persuade Lin Langtian to help.

"I've never seen him before. Which branch does he belong to?"

Lin Langtian was surprised and asked in puzzlement.

Lin Ke'er gritted her teeth and said, "He's from a separate branch of the Lin family."

Lin Langtian immediately lost interest.

If he were a disciple of the main family, he might intervene.

But if he was only from a separate branch, there was no need to worry.

So after learning of this news, he simply gestured to Lin Ke'er:

"Stop worrying about this."

But Wang Yan dared not not give Lin Langtian this face.

After all, they were members of the Lin family. At this moment, it was not convenient to attack directly.

"I didn't expect this man to be from a separate branch of the Lin family."

"In that case, I'll also give Langtian a little face. Langtian, I leave it to you to resolve this matter."

Lin Langtian smiled slightly upon hearing this, clearly satisfied with Wang Yan's action.

Therefore, he also said with a smile:

"In that case, I'll act on your behalf."

"Offending the Wang family is no trivial matter."

"But this time, I'll back you up. Hand over the treasure, apologize, and we'll consider the matter closed."

Lin Ke'er and the others were surprised to hear this.

They didn't expect Lin Langtian to be so biased toward Wang Yan, and they began to feel anxious.

As for Lin Dong, who had deep resentment toward Lin Langtian, naturally he would not accept this arrangement.

"I won't hand over anything."

Lin Dong responded coldly.

But when Lin Langtian heard this, his expression turned grim.

A powerful elemental energy pressed down on him, making him breathless.

Lin Dong immediately turned red, and his knees kept buckling down.

But the last vestige of pride kept him standing, gritting his teeth to not kneel down.

Lin Langtian became even more furious upon seeing this, increasing the pressure on him:

"I want to see how long you can hold out!"

Just at that moment, a tall figure suddenly appeared.

After that, a purple array appeared beneath Lin Langtian's feet, and a huge black lotus flower emerged above his head.

"To my brother, can you also act?"

(End of the chapter)


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