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90.9% DxD: Return Supreme King / Chapter 10: Chapter - 9

Chapter 10: Chapter - 9


Chapter - 9: Guardian of Life


Judai walked slowly through the streets of Kuoh, the moonlight casting a white hue over the sky above him. The city buzzed with evening traffic and pedestrians hurrying to their destinations.

Occasionally, someone would glance at him with curiosity, noting his slightly rumpled school uniform and the scratches decorating his sleeves, but they simply looked away, dismissing him as just another street hoodlum.

Judai didn't particularly care what the common folk thought of him, but he couldn't help but sigh as he tried to come up with a good excuse to explain his sorry state to his family.

The Kuoh Academy boys' uniform, consisting of a dark black blazer, was slightly creased with a sleeve bearing several tears, caused by the manifestation of Yubel's Dragon Arm.

The white long-sleeved shirt with black highlights and the black ribbon on the collar were neat, but the matching black pants were dirtied with dust and dirt, a clear sign of his encounter with the fallen angels.

Despite his disheveled appearance, Judai maintained an air of satisfaction and confidence. After a long time, he finally felt like he was beginning to understand the world he found himself in, and that was the most important thing.

As he walked, his thoughts drifted to the events of the day, which had been truly significant for him. His meeting with Azazel and the decision about the Sacred Gear for his friend had left him with some doubts swirling in his mind.

He knew that protecting his family and friends was his top priority, but naturally, every choice he made from here on out would come with risks and certainly some uncertainties for the future.

"You're worrying too much, Judai. You handled the situation well, considering Azazel has thousands of years of experience as the leader of an entire faction of supernatural beings compared to you," Yubel's voice reassured him.

A faint smile crept onto Judai's face, feeling the concern of his beloved guardian. "Perhaps you're right. I am too hard on myself. But I can't help it: ever since I became the King of Dark World, I've always tried to do my best to avoid making wrong decisions that could endanger myself and others who follow me."

"And that clearly shows that you're a great King, Judai," Yubel said with a serious tone. "As for Azazel, I believe we can trust him, given how clear an interest he has shown in your abilities."

"Do you think I messed everything up in the end?" Judai asked with a doubtful tone. "I killed the male fallen angel and tore the wings off Raynare and her friend as a warning not to cause me any more trouble."

Yubel shook her head. "No, they tried to kill a member of your family, so your reaction is entirely natural. And the fact that Azazel didn't intervene to stop you, but rather watched, means he values your alliance more than the subordinates who fail to follow orders."

"But Milltlet didn't seem very pleased with you," Judai sighed, his tone indicating his unhappiness with the turn of events. "She left with a simple thank you, without even looking me in the eye."

Yubel showed a small smile on her lips. "Really, Judai? Even though you can perceive the emotions of others thanks to my powers, you're still far from understanding a woman's heart, my dear Supreme King."

Judai felt a small shiver, but he ignored it for the moment. "What do you mean by that?" he couldn't help but ask.

"Mittelt is just confused and scared. Your strength has deeply affected her, calling into question everything she thought she knew about you. Give her some time and space, and you'll see things will work out," Yubel explained with a sweet but firm voice.

Judai nodded slowly, trying to absorb Yubel's words. "I hope you're right. I don't want to lose her friendship."

"You won't," Yubel replied with confidence and evident amusement in her tone. "Sometimes, people just need time to adjust to changes. Wouldn't surprise me if the next time you meet, she tries to thank you with a good blowjob for saving her life."

It wasn't exactly what Judai wanted to hear, in fact, it was honestly very embarrassing for him, but it was better than nothing. At least now he knew their relationship wasn't ruined and that it just needed some time to sort things out.

"Thank you, Yubel. If you weren't here with me right now, I don't know if I could have made it without you," Judai said, expressing a sincere feeling of gratitude.

Yubel let out a small scoff. "Idiot," she said with an affectionate tone. "How many times do I have to say it? I'll always be with you, no matter what happens. Our bond is eternal." She spoke these words firmly, confirming her unwavering commitment to Judai.

Passing by shops and restaurants, the noise of the city seemed distant, almost muffled, as he reflected. The evening breeze tousled his hair and carried with it the scent of freshly prepared food from street vendors.

Finally, he turned the corner and saw his home in the distance. A tired but satisfied smile appeared on his face. No matter how tough the day had been, coming home was always a relief. There, he would find comfort and support, and could plan the next steps to protect those he loved.

Entering the courtyard, Judai paused for a moment, observing the now-dark sky. Despite the uncertainty, he was determined to do everything possible to face it. With a deep breath, he opened the door and announced his arrival: "I'm home."


Inside the house, Judai leaned against the side of the bed, lost in thought, while the new Duel Monster he had created moved silently and approached, settling on his head as if claiming its rightful place.

Judai noticed the Neo-Spacian: Shadow Bat's movements but didn't pay them much mind. The beasts created by the Annihilation Maker possessed simple wisdom and instinct, but they were completely loyal to him.

However, his mind was elsewhere. At that moment, Judai was more focused on the Duel Monster card placed in attack mode in front of him. He looked at the card with a mixture of nostalgia and sadness, remembering the moments when he would start a duel, his heart pounding and adrenaline coursing through his veins.

Every battle was a test of skill, strategy, and willpower, and that card represented everything he had learned and achieved over the years. It was a symbol of his ongoing struggle and his determination never to give up.

Elemental HERO Stratos (Warrior/Effect/Wind/Level4/1800Atk/300Def)

"Really, no matter how much time passes, dueling in this world will never be the same, no matter how much I try to believe it," admitted Judai with an ironic smile that escaped his lips.

Judai remembered a time when duels were the centerpiece of his life, each day marked by challenges and competitions that drove him to constantly improve. Now, he found himself in a different world, a world where Duel Monsters didn't exist, and where his passion was no longer at the center of everything.

Looking at the Duel Monster card placed in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a deep nostalgia for those bygone days. Those duels were more than simple games; they were adventures, battles that defined his being and his destiny.

However, in this new world, where everything seemed grayer and less exciting, that same passion seemed like a distant and almost unattainable desire, leaving him with a sense of emptiness that he could never truly fill.

"It's been a heavy day; we've uncovered a lot of important information about this world. It's no wonder you can't find any satisfaction in dueling against me," Yubel remarked.

"You're right," Judai replied. He reached for his phone, not too far from his position. With a familiar gesture, he began scrolling through the screen with his finger, carefully reading all the information displayed.

As he read, Judai reflected on how much his world had changed and how much there was still to understand. The information scrolling on the screen wasn't just cold and impersonal data; it was fragments of a larger puzzle that he had to piece together to make sense of everything he was experiencing.

"It was a smart move on your part to ask for information about the Thirteen Longinus; this way, you can easily find a way to further develop your Sacred Gear, given how little we know about it," Yubel commented.

Judai nodded. "Azazel is much more competent than his superficial behavior suggests," he said, clearly showing the content he was carefully reading. "I can't help but compare him to Professor Daitokuji. It's hard to understand his true intentions."

Yubel was puzzled by the displayed content, looking at it with a perplexed expression. Judai noticed her expression and decided to clarify. "What we got from Azazel's phone isn't just simple information," he explained, "but a way to access the supernatural world's network."

Yubel nodded but still had some doubts, trying to fully grasp the implications. "So, with this phone, we can access information and resources that would normally be out of our reach?" she asked, carefully observing the phone in her hands.

"Exactly," Judai confirmed. "Azazel clearly knew how useful it could be to have access to this device. He's showing how much he values our alliance and how advantageous it could be for us."

Yubel reflected on these words, understanding the situation better. "I see. So, it's a way to strengthen trust and collaboration among us. It's really a smart move on his part."

"Exactly," Judai interjected. "We can access DeviTube and various websites from other mythologies to gather information about the supernatural world, better understand what we have to face, and perhaps find answers to the questions that worry us about the future."

Yubel nodded slowly, beginning to grasp the importance of what they had in their hands. "This changes all our future plans, Judai. It's too good an opportunity not to exploit it to put us in an advantageous position."

"I agree with you, and I've already found something interesting about my Sacred Gear. I used to think it utilized my stamina, but in reality, my Longinus uses my Ki, or life force, if you prefer a more precise definition," Judai explained.

"Is it like Duel Energy or better, Ener-D?" Yubel asked, curious since honestly, all these terms weren't very clear to her.

Judai shook his head, searching for the right words to explain better. "No, it's something different. After a brief search, I found out that Ki is a fundamental concept in Eastern cultures, especially in traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts. It's believed to flow through all living beings, sustaining their vitality and health. In practice, Ki can be seen as the energy that fuels the body and mind, maintaining balance and inner strength. While Duel Energy or Ener-D is specific to duels and cards, Ki is a universal force that can influence every aspect of life."

Judai paused, hoping his explanation had been clear. "It's a kind of internal energy that can be cultivated and used for various purposes, like improving health, increasing physical strength, or even achieving greater spiritual awareness."

Yubel remained silent for a moment, reflecting on what she had just heard before honestly expressing her thoughts. "It sounds sincerely just like another name to describe the Gentle Darkness, of which you are the incarnation," she said, trying to better understand the connection.

Judai looked at her thoughtfully. "In a way, you might be right. Gentle Darkness is a primal, pure, and powerful force that flows through me. Ki, on the other hand, is more like a universal life force that every living being can cultivate and use. However, both share the idea of an inner energy that can be harnessed for various purposes."

Yubel nodded slowly, beginning to understand better. "So, while Gentle Darkness is unique and specific to you, Ki is a kind of life energy that everyone can access and develop. It's an interesting concept."

"Do you remember the anime my brother forced me to watch with him?" Judai asked, a wry smile on his face.

Yubel nodded. "It's called Drag-So Ball, right? Now that you mention it, the concept is very similar in a way, although the power levels are a bit too exaggerated to make a good comparison."

"Yes, exactly," confirmed Judai. "But what I'm really interested in, after reading Azazel's notes, is Senjutsu."

Yubel looked at him curiously. "Senjutsu? I've never heard of it. What exactly is it?"

"Senjutsu is the power to control the flow of life energy, or Ki, in living beings," Judai explained, as a small black flame appeared on his finger. The flame danced around his hand, following his movements.

"It sounds really similar to the concept of Ka and Ba that exists in our world," commented Yubel, carefully observing the flame.

"This can be considered a form of Senjutsu," said Judai, extinguishing the flame in his hand. "Every living being in the world is born with a life force called Ki, but only a few are able to access it and control it."

Yubel reflected on Judai's words. "So, learning to use Senjutsu can allow you to more easily access the power of your Sacred Gear?"

Like any other living being in this world, Judai possesses that energy hidden in his body. Thanks to being reborn as a Duel Monster, he's able to perceive it to some extent even without the aid of his Longinus.

"Yes, we can say something like that," said Judai, looking at his new Duel Monster, which was cuddling on his head. An idea flashed in his mind. "The Annihilation Maker creates beasts from my imagination... As long as it's a beast, I can create it," he added, raising his hand and focusing on it.

Judai was contemplating what the best choice for him would be now. To become stronger, he needed to cover everything, from strength to speed, something he knew he couldn't achieve simply by creating monsters and staying on the sidelines because a strong enemy would never allow it.

As he touched his chest, feeling the sphere beat slowly, a creature began to take shape. At the same time, its ability started to manifest on him.

This creature he was creating would be a master of life itself, with a power very similar to his Longinus, which finally made Judai understand how he was able to create it on his first attempt.

The resemblance between his Longinus and the creature made the cost of its creation reduced, and with the newfound ability to control life, the cost became even smaller.

Judai closed his eyes, focusing intensely on the world around him. Suddenly, the darkness surrounding him transformed, illuminating with sparks of light and small luminous spheres floating in the air.

These lights represented every living being nearby: plants, insects, humans. Even the Ki in the air could be used to determine the surrounding environment without the need for sight.

This creature, since its infancy, allowed Judai to access and control Ki effortlessly, like breathing after a night of training. As it was born from his soul, it was more akin to an ability incarnated in a creature.

Judai was now able to gather the surrounding Ki and use it directly to create creatures. However, he realized that it took much more time to gather this Ki compared to using his own, and furthermore, the Ki in the city was very low.

But even though Judai was capable of controlling Ki and performing simple Senjutsu techniques, he preferred not to absorb the Ki from the surrounding environment for three specific reasons.

This was his home, and he preferred that no one from the supernatural world knew anything about it, especially regarding his abilities. He didn't want to reveal them unless it was an emergency situation.

Attempting to absorb the surrounding Ki without control could kill the living beings around Judai, as it happened with that plant in his room. Judai was focused on his creature when he suddenly sensed the Ki, and looking at a plant not too far away, he saw it wither instantly.

The creature was instinctively absorbing Ki from the surroundings to accelerate its growth, but Judai stopped it before it could actually harm anyone or alert the people living in the supernatural world.

Regarding the last reason, Judai discovered that Ki was dangerous even when controlled by his creature. This energy carried with it evil thoughts, making Judai more cautious and pushing him to progress slowly. He didn't want to be corrupted by these negative feelings.

After all, he had already been corrupted once and had no intention of repeating that experience. Judai remembered clearly the chaos and pain he had caused in the past. He was determined not to let it happen again, neither to himself nor to others.


A/N: I hope you enjoy the chapter!

On the other hand, if you want to see something specific in the next chapters, or even just have some good advice for the story as a whole, I am always willing to read a comment if it is constructive criticism.

If you see any mistakes, I would be grateful if you would point them out to me, so that I can correct them when I have some spare time, and make the story as complete as possible for myself and especially for you.

To facilitate a clearer understanding, I've retained pictures of the respective characters. Your feedback is always valued, and if you have any suggestions for the upcoming chapter, please feel free to comment—I'll be sure to respond as usual.

Please leave a review if you like the story.


Demon_King22 Demon_King22

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