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5.16% Alex Vs The World(BL) / Chapter 11: Dinner Invitation

Chapter 11: Dinner Invitation

Travis and I woke up the next morning, the evening's events still laying heavy on our minds. We immediately checked his computer, and to our not-so-surprise, my brother's scandal was already making waves across the internet. Video footage had gone viral, and it was splashed across headlines on numerous news media sites.

As we scrolled through the articles, another piece of shocking news emerged. Due to the incident, my father had suffered a heart attack causing stock value to drop, which confined him to a bed.

My brother was now in a precarious position, forced to hide from the fallout of his own actions while trying to maintain value in the company. The woman who had been slapped, as we discovered from a live video she posted from the hospital, revealed that she had suffered "severe" head trauma from the incident and had been fired from my brother's company inexplicably. She announced her intention to sue, adding another layer of legal trouble for my brother to contend with.

Travis and I sat in stunned silence for a moment, absorbing the gravity of what had transpired.

"It's... surreal," Travis finally said, breaking the silence. "I never imagined it would escalate to this extent so quickly."

I nodded in agreement, my mind still reeling from the chaos we had orchestrated. "Yeah, it's like something out of a movie."

"But it's real, isn't it?" Travis mused, his tone tinged with disbelief. "We actually did it."

I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. "We did, didn't we? And now we have front-row seats to the aftermath."

As we continued to sift through the news coverage, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that this was only the beginning. My brother's downfall had been swift and brutal, but there were bound to be more consequences that extended far beyond tonight's spectacle.

"We should lay low for a while," Travis suggested, echoing my thoughts. "Let things simmer down before we make any more moves."

I agreed wholeheartedly. "Definitely. We've made enough waves for one night."

We turned on the TV to the grim news that Todd Industries' stock had plummeted overnight.

"We knew there would be fallout, but this..." Travis trailed off, his expression reflecting a mix of concern and resignation.

I nodded, feeling a pang of guilt gnaw at me. "I didn't expect it to hit the company this hard either. I might have gone too far."

Travis sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair. "We can't undo what's been done. All we can do now is deal with the fallout and try to salvage what we can."

I knew he was right, but it was difficult to shake off the sense of responsibility weighing on me. My actions had inadvertently impacted not just my brother, but countless employees and investors as well.

"We'll figure it out," Travis said, his tone surprisingly reassuring. "The grudge has to end."

With a shared nod, Travis and I locked eyes, a silent understanding passing between us. We couldn't afford to dwell on the chaos we'd caused; there was work to be done, and we were prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"We've got this," Travis said, his voice firm with resolve.

I nodded in agreement, a renewed determination coursing through my veins. "Let's focus on moving forward."

As Travis changed the news channel to Looney Tunes, a familiar sense of nostalgia washed over me. The colorful antics of Bugs Bunny and his friends provided a welcome escape from the chaos of the outside world.

The satisfaction of seeing my brother's downfall, of witnessing the chaos and confusion that engulfed my family's empire, was a powerful reminder that justice could prevail, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

And as we laughed and joked together, enjoying the simple pleasure of a shared meal and the antics of cartoon characters, I knew that I had found a true ally in Travis. Together, we had orchestrated a takedown of epic proportions, and in doing so, we had reclaimed a sense of power and agency that had long eluded me.

We were very cool.

Reflecting on my aspirations and the path ahead, I realized that a job at a thrift shop was merely a stepping stone towards a greater goal rather than a pure waste of time. My grandfather's words echoed in my mind, reminding me of the importance of agriculture and the potential it held for success.

In a city dominated by corporate greed and cutthroat competition, the agricultural sector stood out as a beacon of opportunity. With its focus on sustainability, innovation, and community, agriculture offered a path towards not only financial prosperity but also a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

As I considered my options, I knew that embracing agriculture would require dedication, hard work, and a willingness to step outside my comfort zone. But the rewards, both personal and professional, could be immense.

Dressed to the nines and ready to explore, Travis and I ventured out into the bustling city streets. As we walked, Travis pointed out various landmarks, sharing stories and anecdotes about each one. Despite my initial reluctance to be dolled up, I couldn't deny the sense of excitement bubbling within me as we embarked on our adventure.

Travis seemed to relish the role of tour guide, his enthusiasm infectious as he regaled me with tales of the city's history and hidden gems. We strolled through vibrant neighborhoods, admiring street art and sampling local cuisine along the way.

With each step, I felt a renewed sense of purpose and possibility. The city, once a maze of uncertainty, now seemed full of promise and opportunity. And with Travis by my side, I knew that no challenge would be too daunting to overcome.

As the day stretched on, we explored every corner of the city, soaking in its energy and vibrancy.

Travis grinned at my expression, clearly pleased to see me enjoying myself. "Pretty amazing, isn't it? Better than just being in the mansion?" he remarked, gesturing to the bustling streets around us. "There's so much to see and do here. It's easy to get lost in the magic of it all."

I nodded in agreement, taking in the sights and sounds around me with newfound appreciation. Every storefront, every cobblestone alley seemed to hold a story waiting to be discovered. It was a far cry from the bleak outlook I had once held about the town.

Young Masters like us didn't get out much.

As Travis handed me one of the pretzels he purchased, I hesitated for a moment, torn between my desire to avoid confrontation and my obligation to address our unresolved issues.

"Thanks, Travis," I said, taking both of them from him. "But I think I'll need both of these to fuel me through what's about to come."

Travis raised an eyebrow, clearly curious about my cryptic statement. "What's going on?"

I nodded in the direction of Jasper, who was making his way through the crowd toward us. "Remember that annoying cop you like so much? Looks like he's headed our way."

Travis's expression brightened slightly, but he nodded in understanding. "Do what you need to do. I'll be right here if you need backup."

Travis's reaction caught me off guard, his sudden squeal drawing the attention of nearby pedestrians. I shot him a warning glance, silently urging him to dial down the excitement. However, Travis seemed oblivious to my silent plea, his eyes fixated on Jasper as if he were witnessing the arrival of a celebrity.

"Travis, please keep it together," I muttered under my breath, hoping to reign in his enthusiasm.

But it was too late. Jasper had already spotted us, his gaze locking onto ours as he made his way through the bustling street. With each step he took closer, my apprehension grew, my mind racing through potential scenarios for our impending conversation. Would he be confrontational? Apologetic? Indifferent?

I braced myself for whatever was to come, silently praying that this encounter wouldn't stir up more trouble than it was worth.

I racked my brain for the best approach to navigate this conversation. Offering him the pretzel was a good start, but I needed to convey my desire for a brief interaction without coming across as rude or dismissive. Inviting him to a restaurant was out of the question, considering my financial situation and the potential awkwardness it could create.

I plastered on a polite smile, hoping it would mask the uncertainty swirling inside me. I extended the pretzel towards him, offering it with a friendly gesture.

"Hey, Jasper," I greeted him, my tone casual yet cordial. "Want a pretzel? Just passing through, no need to make a big deal out of it."

As Jasper happily accepted the pretzel and settled beside me. "Did you come to see me, Alex?" his question caught me off guard. Before I could formulate a response, Travis jumped in, seizing the opportunity to intervene.

"Alex totally wants you to come over for dinner as thanks for letting him stay in your guest room!" Travis declared, his voice brimming with enthusiasm.

I shot Travis a reproachful glare, but he seemed unfazed as he continued to play the role of the gracious host. "What the hell? I can handle my own things, Travis."

"Like you were handling this? You could barely speak." Travis raised an eyebrow. "Listen to mother on this one."


"You're welcome. It's the least I can do for my child with no manners," Travis remarked, his tone laced with mock sincerity. "You already know my address, Officer McNeil. Come on over after work."

Jasper flashed me a suggestive smile, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Travis's antics.

"What the hell, Travis?" I muttered under my breath, feeling exasperated by his impromptu invitation.

"It's a perfect plan, Alex," Travis whispered back, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Just go with it."

With a resigned sigh, I watched as Jasper bid us farewell, tipping his hat in acknowledgment before sauntering off. This dinner invitation was certainly not what I had in mind, but perhaps it would provide an opportunity to address the lingering tension between Jasper and me.

At least now I could tell him to fuck off for good. He was too high-profile for anything I wanted to do in the shadows, and he knew too many people. I just felt like he couldn't be trusted. It was time to put an end to any lingering obligations and move forward on my own terms.

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