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76.37% Douluo: Helping my ancestors ascend to godhood / Chapter 181: Chapter 181: Return, Changes After Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 181: Chapter 181: Return, Changes After Ten Thousand Years

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[Detected changes in Douluo's world ten thousand years ago! ]

[Congratulations to the host for gaining an additional 5,000 water element population, a fifty-fifty increase in prosperity, an increase in the soul power level of the entire clan, and Shui Yuanchen's promotion to a powerful demigod! ]

Shortly after Shui Wuya defeated Tang San, a notification sounded in his mind.

This system notification was triggered from ten thousand years ago, clearly indicating that killing Tang San had a significant impact on the future.


The image of Shui Yuanchen appeared in Shui Wuya's mind, and his breathing became noticeably heavier.

Demigod-level powerhouses are exceedingly rare in both the history of the Shui family and the entire Douluo world.

In the Shui family's ten thousand years of history, only a few individuals have reached the demigod level, such as Shui Dongliu, who broke through to the demigod level with supreme spiritual power.

"One day, when I also possess demigod power, I wonder what it will be like."

A vague sense of anticipation arose in Shui Wuya's heart, and his desire for power suddenly increased tenfold.

Shui Wuya quickly noticed that his own soul power level had now reached the level of an eighty-ranked Soul Douluo! This meant he needed to acquire a new eighth spirit ring immediately!

"Someone, take this useless thing back to Spirit City and deliver it to Bibi Dong."

Suddenly, Qian Renxue's voice echoed through the venue.

It turned out that Hu Liena had fallen into a state of collapse after Tang San's death. Overcome with grief, she eventually fainted.

"Yes, young master!"

The strongmen of the Spirit Hall responded immediately. With the saintess unconscious, Qian Renxue was naturally the highest authority present.

"Are you an eighty-ranked Soul Douluo?"

At this moment, Chrysanthemum Douluo suddenly approached Shui Wuya, his face full of surprise as he inquired.

Hearing this, Shui Wuya raised his eyebrows slightly.

He hadn't expected Chrysanthemum Douluo to discern his true soul power level.

But he quickly understood; it was likely due to the aura he had unintentionally released when his soul power level increased.


After a moment, Shui Wuya nodded. It didn't matter if Chrysanthemum Douluo figured it out.

"You are indeed a prodigy!"

Chrysanthemum Douluo exclaimed, his inner shock reaching its peak at that moment.

Setting aside the fact that he had killed a hundred-thousand-year spirit beast, the mere fact that someone so young possessed Soul Douluo-level cultivation was unparalleled across the continent!

At that moment, Chrysanthemum Douluo became extremely curious about Shui Wuya's origins.

"Since the hundred-thousand-year Titan Giant Ape died at your hands, it can serve as your eighth spirit ring. This must be destiny."

To build a connection with Shui Wuya, Chrysanthemum Douluo brought up the topic of the eighth spirit ring.

However, Shui Wuya's response and actions left Chrysanthemum Douluo even more astonished.

"The Titan Giant Ape's spirit ring is not suitable for me."

As he spoke, Shui Wuya extended his hand toward the Titan Giant Ape's corpse, and with a powerful force, he extracted a hundred-thousand-year-old spirit bone from its body.

Though he wasn't interested in the spirit ring, the hundred-thousand-year-old spirit bone was quite valuable.

Everyone present, not just Chrysanthemum Douluo, was astounded by Shui Wuya's actions.

A hundred-thousand-year spirit ring is an incredible treasure for any soul master. Possessing one would greatly enhance their power and status on the continent.

Yet this young man in a blue robe dismissed it without a second thought. Who was he? Where did he come from?!

Chrysanthemum Douluo, Ghost Douluo, and Devil Bear Douluo all simultaneously turned their gazes toward Qian Renxue, hoping to learn more about the blue-robed youth from her.

But all they received was a bitter smile and a shake of the head from Qian Renxue.

At this moment, she was deeply shocked, yet still knew nothing about Shui Wuya's origins and identity.

She realized that from beginning to end, she had completely misjudged Shui Wuya.

At first, she thought Shui Wuya was a scoundrel. Later, she believed he intended to conspire against the Tiandou imperial family. Now, it seemed his objective was to kill Tang San.

"I am Elder Ju Yueguan of the Spirit Hall. I would like to invite you to visit Spirit Hall as a guest. What do you think?" Chrysanthemum Douluo extended an invitation to Shui Wuyai, still reeling from the shock.

"I have other matters to attend to. Let's discuss this another time," Shui Wuya replied casually, waving his hand. He then turned his gaze to Qian Renxue.

"You are free," he whispered to her, using a transmission only she could hear.

Previously, Shui Wuya had restricted Qian Renxue's freedom to track Tang San. Now that Tang San was dead, there was no need to bind her any longer.

Hearing this, a wave of gratitude welled up in Qian Renxue's eyes.

"Farewell for now. Until we meet again," Shui Wuya nodded at Qian Renxue before transforming into a streak of light and disappearing into the night.

Watching him leave, Qian Renxue felt a sudden confusion. She wanted to ask his name, to know when they might meet again.

But under the gaze of the Spirit Hall's strongmen, she hesitated and ultimately remained silent.

"He said 'until we meet again,' so maybe… we will meet soon," she murmured softly, her expression tinged with longing.

In the blink of an eye, a day and a night passed.

After leaving the Star Dou Forest, Shui Wuya flew all the way back to the isolated island in the sea.

His main concern during the journey was to confirm the status of Wang Dong'er.

The first thing he did upon returning to the island was to check on Wang Dong'er in the prison.

The result, however, made Shui Wuya's eyes turn cold.

Wang Dong'er was alive and well, still confined in the island's prison!

"Wuya, what happened?" Shui Bing'er, who was with Shui Wuya outside Wang Dong'er's cell, noticed his strange expression.

"I killed Tang San in the Star Dou Forest," Shui Wuya replied directly, informing Shui Bing'er of the outcome of his mission.

Upon hearing of Tang San's death, Shui Bing'er was initially shocked. But her attention quickly shifted to Wang Dong'er.

If Tang San was dead, then Wang Dong'er should not exist. Shui Bing'er realized something was amiss.

"I need to return to the world ten thousand years in the future immediately to see what has happened in the divine realm."

Soon, Shui Wuya spoke gravely, his voice heavy with concern.

(End of the chapter)

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