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"After seeing all the description and power of all the swords. I think this is the best for me. I have decided, I want to purchase this sword. "

"The primordial judgment sword, it suits me the best. And the name also sounds cool. " Daymen said to the system.

[Congratulations host on receiving "PRIMORDIAL JUDGEMENT SWORD" ]

Just then a sword materialized out of thin air in front of Daymen.

The Primordial Judgement Sword stands as a masterpiece of cosmic craftsmanship. Its blade, forged from the essence of the first stars, is a dazzling, translucent obsidian that shimmers with shifting galaxies within. Along its edge, a fine line of radiant starlight pulses, hinting at the immense power contained within.

The hilt, wrought from celestial metals, features intricate engravings of ancient runes that glow with a soft, ethereal light. At the base, a spherical pommel encases a miniature, swirling nebula, symbolizing the sword's connection to the very fabric of the universe.

This awe-inspiring weapon embodies both the beauty and the destructive power of the cosmos.

The aura from the sword alone was enough to destroy anything but since Daymen was in the infinite world there was no damage as it is indestructible, Daymen held the sword in his hand.

As soon as he touched the sword he felt the unimaginable power of the sword which was above even his Transcendent realm soul power.

The sword started to shake and emitted a more powerful aura, looking like it was in joy.

"What's happening to the system?" Daymen asked the system as he was a little bit puzzled.

[Host, the sword is showing its happiness for getting a master and an owner. Now just feed it your soul power and it will be linked to you forever.]

"Okay" Daymen released his soul power and concentrated it towards the sword, the sword started to absorb the soul power extremely fast. Finally after a few moments it stopped and the sword started to glow and suddenly vanished.

Daymen saw this and was about to ask the system what happened before he felt something inside his soul.

He observed it and came to know that it was the sword and it is now linked to his soul and resides in it.

"It is really cheerful isn't it? " Daymen said as he chuckled.

[It is like that because you are the master, the host should know that any artifacts above the Divine realm has its own consciousness and can choose their master themselves.

But they rarely choose and are extremely rude in nature; they rarely show interest in bond with anyone and just exist by themselves. They only acknowledge someone who is very strong and even then the owner has to prove that he is worthy enough to own it. ]

"Then it chose me because I am strong? "

[No, the host has merely transcendent realm soul power which is not much of an achievement ; it has the power to easily kill gods with soul and cultivation base much higher than easily. It chooses you because it was created by the system and as you have been chosen by the system as its host.

It knows that you are going to achieve great heights in the future. That's why it was happy and got along with you. If there was anyone else with the same power as you, he would have been killed by the sword a long time ago.

But most importantly it is afraid of system as it knows that if it doesn't comply with you it is going to be destroyed by me. ]

"I didn't know you were threatening him," Daymen said to the system.

[Host, right now you can't unleash more than 0.01% of its power. You have increased your cultivation to use more of its power And as you keep increasing your cultivation, it will also unlock more of its abilities.]

[That goes for your physique as well, it has many abilities and powers of its own but will be unlocked at a higher level of cultivation.]

"That's nice. By the way, when will the first ability be unlocked?"

[It will be unlocked after the host reaches the tribulation realm.]

"That's quite far away. Anyway, let's move to Cultivation."

"But it is taking too much time to cultivate. Is there any other way that is faster?" Daymen asked the system.

[Yes host, you can use system points to change the time difference between your cultivation floor and other floors. And can also buy a card that increases the speed of cultivation for a specific time.]

"Now that you have mentioned it, what is the time difference between the infinity world and outside? "

[Currently there is no difference between the time of infinity world and normal world you need to use points to make different time flow. ]

"How many points does it require? "

[ For every 500,000 points the time will be increased 5 times faster than the outer world. That is the bare minimum of increase required. ]

"So i can't increase it unless I spend 500,000 points at once._

[ Yes.]

"That's a lot of points but it can't be helped, use the points to make it five times faster. "

[ -500,000 points ]

[Ding! Changing the time flow of the world]

[1%....2%....5%....10%....13%....23%....32%....34%....45%.... 56%....65%....87%

....100% ]

[Ding! The process has been done.]

It didn't feel any changes in the environment or anything it was like before.

"Okay now for the the floor time"

[It takes 10,000 per time to make it faster. ]

"It takes 10 times less than the other? Why is that? "

[It is because before it was required to change the time flow of the whole world which will also keep on increasing as your cultivation increases and the difference between the area is huge.]

"Okay, make the time 30 times faster than the infinite world."

[Yes host]

[ -300,000 points ]

[Ding! It has been done]

"Now for the cultivation card. "

[It takes 1,000 points per hour to increase the speed of cultivation to double the speed. And 2,000 to triple it, and so on.]

"Okay increase it by 200 times for one hour."

[ -200,000 points ]

[Ding! Done, please sit down and cultivate.]

As soon as system notification came Daymen felt that the Qi started to rush inside his body at very fast speed, he was not even cultivating. He immediately sat down and started to cultivate without wasting even a single minute.


1 month later

In an extremely majestic room and ethereal Qi an extremely handsome man was sitting and cultivating in the middle of the room. Obviously it was Daymen

He slowly opened his golden eyes and looked around. "How much time has passed? " Daymen asked the system.

[It has been 30 days inside the cultivation tower, 1 day in the the infinity world and around 4 hours in the normal world. ]

"It truly is great to have much more time than normal people, even after cultivating for a month barely a few hours have passed outside." Daymen while smiling.

"Now I have a cultivation base of the 1st layer of the nascent soul realm. But I ended up using the rest of the 500,000 points."

"System open the status"










SYSTEM POINTS - 1,775,000]

"Close to 2 million points? There should be 0 there. Did something happened while I was cultivating?" As he said that he used his soul search it didn't take even a millisecond before he found out the reason.

He was pretty confident that there were no points before because he had gained perfect memory not even an millisecond of his existence is unknown to him, from the second he was born, to the time he spent in the system reality as well as time after his reincarnation.

It was Amadea. She has started cultivation and has reached quite a feat in just a day. Way more than even Daymen himself. And these points must be given for her breakthrough, as there was no other reason.

As he got reward only for starting cultivation and there was no other reward after that and he confirmed that from the system in the starting.

[Yes host, it is indeed from the Amadea.]

[She is in 5th realm of Lord realm, having 59 minor breakthrough and 6 major breakthrough. ]

"System please explain to me how many points I gain and when?"

[Yes host]

[The host can receive points through 4 different ways :-

1. Completing mission

2. Taking under a vessel

3. Taking a sect member

4. Sect members breakthrough



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