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60.86% Baldur Odinson: God of Light / Chapter 112: Chapter 102 - The Malekith War Part 3

Chapter 112: Chapter 102 - The Malekith War Part 3

POV: Baldur

Royal Castle, Genosha

King's Personal Laboratory,

Six Hours After the Start of Isolation


It's not much of my style to vent my annoyance out loud, but the task really left me a bit mentally tired. Normally I could spend entire days without even eating while I was researching something, but this time, I ignored the factors of Thor and Darcy being stuck here with me.

What I was trying to accomplish was already a delicate task, and with Thor's excessive worry for Jane, and Darcy's repetitive questions of "Is it over yet?", almost made me lose patience. I confess that for a second, I thought about swallowing them into my dimension to leave me in peace. Luckily, Jane is also a scientist and was helping me keep calm.

In a simple way, the Ether transforms common matter into dark matter and then recreates it in any way, of course, to perform such a task the user must be powerful enough to control it. In Thor 2 movie, when Malekith got his hands on the Ether, his demonstration of power was really ridiculous. If he had just ten percent control he could kill Thor with just a thought.

Of course, the main problem is control, it's not easy to control any of the infinity stones, the reality stone is certainly the hardest of them. By my calculations, I could use it for a few seconds correctly, if I could fully control my entity powers, I could use it as much as I wanted.

After conducting experiments and thinking through all the facts, I finally found a way to remove the Ether from Jane without hurting her, I don't know how long or how Tony managed to invent this device in Endgame without having any information about the Ether.

In a simple way, the Ether binds to any living being close to it, unfortunately, this also causes the host to die because of how powerful it is. So all we needed was bait, something that recreates a signal that makes the Ether find more appetizing than Jane Foster, this was only the first step, the second was also to create something that contains it, the answer was Uru and Vibranium.

"Are you ready, Jane?"

I ask Jane who is lying on the table.

"I reviewed the calculations with you, I'm sure it will work."

She responds to me confidently about my creation. With her consent, I placed the silver cube right above her chest and the result was immediate, a red light began to shine all over Jane's body and then concentrated on her chest, from it a red fluid substance quickly entered the silver cube which automatically closed.

"It looks like we have a success." I say, picking up the Cube.

"Finally. Can we leave now?" Darcy asked me for the hundredth time.

"Yes, Darcy, we can leave."

"Thank you for your help, brother."

Thor tells me as he hugs Jane, now relieved that his love is well.

"You don't need to thank me, brother, she's practically already family."

My comment about a possible marriage makes Jane blush. I ignore this and go towards the holographic screen and enter my cancellation password.

"You can start the isolation deactivation commands, Alice."

"Isolation Cancellation…10%,20%,50%,80%, 100%. Cancellation complete, sir, I am fully synchronized with Genosha's systems."

The doors of the laboratory finally open and Darcy is the first to leave as if she were running for her life. When the rest of us were about to leave as well, Alice's voice tells us the news that would ruin my mood.

"Emergency report, sir, Genosha just suffered an Alpha code event a few hours ago."

Just with the word Alpha I froze, it's been many years since we had an Alpha code, the first time was when we were invaded by Hydra men in World War II.

"What does Alpha code mean?"

"What is the current state?" I ignore Thor's question and focus on what is important.

"Two hours ago, a portal from another realm was opened in Genosha's royal park, the beings were naturalized by General Nordur and his men, but the casualties were significant."

(The timing was perfect.)

An attack happened when I was unreachable, but that doesn't matter now, all we can do is handle everything calmly.

"Alice, I'm convening a war assembly, I want everyone in the war room in two minutes!"

"Yes, sir."

POV: Baldur

Royal Castle, Genosha

War Room

Two minutes later. 

The War Room has been simple since World War II, it is only used in cases of imminent war. My Generals and my Viceroy arrived a few seconds ago, and with the situation as it was, they didn't waste time with words and sat down waiting for me to speak.

"I just received the news, but I still don't know the details, Seig please."

"Yes, sir."

My viceroy Seig is getting quite old, after his daughter got married and asked me to remove her immortality, he did the same, it won't be long before he retires to live the rest of his life in peace, something he deserves for so many years of service.

Seig stood up and then reported everything that happened a few hours ago, the attack, the elves, and the final battle. After his report of the events was over, he sat back down and waited for my reaction. Actually, he was waiting for me to calm down, people like me shouldn't lose themselves in anger, otherwise, they would cause some damage to their surroundings.

(I underestimated my enemy too much, even with my warnings I never imagined that they would touch the soil of Genosha, not with our defenses.)

"What do the scientists and mages have to say about the way they invaded?"

This time it's Freyja who answers me.

"The scientists couldn't get clear readings since when we arrived at the portal opening location, it had already been closed. In fact, we only found out about it through security camera footage. On the other hand, the mages discovered energy vibrations similar to those of the Bifrost."

"That explains how they entered so easily."

"Yes, my king."

The Bifrost is something between magic and science, it can literally teleport anyone to anywhere, bypassing certain defenses. Unfortunately, the only place that is defended against such a method of transport is the royal castle, and it took many years of work to create defenses like that.

"Any idea of their objective?" I asked.

(I highly doubt that Malekith had any other objective other than to kill and locate the Ether.)

"One of the elves gave me an ultimatum, my King. He said that the attacks would continue until their king got what he wanted."

Nordur reported.

"No. I'm sure he was testing our forces and gathering information. Unlike Asgard and the other realms, they probably don't know anything about Genosha, and without a being with senses equal to those of Heimdall on their side, they had to open a portal in a random location. Otherwise, they would have attacked a location of greater importance than a park."

"I agree with the King, but during the attack, we couldn't confirm if any elf had returned through the portal." Freyja commented.

(or that all of them had been killed…)

The idea kind of made sense, but it also scared me. Either way, it's worth taking precautions.

"Nordur, I want a complete sweep of the entire city. We need to be sure that all the elves are dead."

"Do you think the elves left a spy behind, sir?"

"That's what I would do in this situation. The elves are very good at going unnoticed. A small group of them hidden with the duty to explore and report on the terrain to their leader makes sense."

"I would conduct the search immediately, sir."

Nordur understood the urgency of the situation and with a salute, he went to carry out my orders.

"The casualty report is complete, sir." Alice's voice echoed in the room.

"Tell us."

From the table in front of us, a hologram was projected with the information of the deaths due to the attack.

"There were five hundred and twenty-seven civilian deaths, among them forty children."

I was already expecting a bad result, but the number made me lose some of my self-control. When this happened, a strong golden light emanated from my body, melting the table in front of me.

"And the military casualties?" I asked, still not caring about showing a bit of anger.

"Sixty-four dead, sir."

"General Freyja, how did our soldiers fare against the elves?"

"From the images of the battle, we didn't have a great advantage, our armors are not as resistant to their weapons." Freyja answered me.

Our armors made our soldiers practically invulnerable to Earth's projectile weapons, but the weapons of the elves are literally from another world, this means that the casualties in the next battles will be greater than in previous battles.

(So be it. I didn't start the war, but I will certainly end it.)

"Let's raise the state of emergency to Omega level, I want the entire army on standby ready to obey my order at any moment. All defenses at maximum, and also a curfew for all the people."

"Yes, sir." Freyja replied.

"My king. What should we say in the declaration to the people?" Sieg asked me.

"Report the whole matter and don't hide anything, we never hid information from our people, and we won't start now. I'll also like you to pass a message to them

"What, sir?"

"Blood is paid with blood!"

After my meeting, all my orders went into effect as quickly as possible. The people's reaction to the news of the massacre was first of pain, the pain then turned into anger and thirst for justice, I then fed this thirst.

I've started to look for ways to reach the realm of the dark elves, a task that would be much easier if I could use the Bifrost. So at this moment, I'm heading to Asgard with Thor to report everything that's happening to the Allfather and ask for his permission to use the rainbow bridge. There's also a good chance that an attack on Asgard might occur, and I need to do everything I can to protect my mother.

"My king, we've captured a spy from the dark elves!"

Just as I was about to leave Genosha, Nordur reported this to me. I wasn't really betting much on the theory that any of them were still alive, but here I was in a metal cell with the dark elf chained in front of me.

"Was the mask really necessary?"

I asked Nordur at my side. The elf was chained by all four limbs, stretched out by chains attached to each corner of the wall, and a mask around his face preventing him from speaking or moving his jaw.

"We found a small group of four elves near the city, my lord. We tried everything to capture them alive, but three of them killed themselves when they realized they couldn't escape. Luckily, the last one was a bit slower. We were afraid he might try to bite his tongue, so we took precautions."

"Good job, general. Were any of our men injured?"

"No serious injuries."


Then I go up to my new prisoner and remove his mask.

"You must have figured out who I am, haven't you?"

I ask. The elf remains silent for a moment, looking at me with his cold eyes before responding.

"I smell the blood of Bor on you, Asgardian."

(T/N: Bor is Odin's father so he is baldur's grandfather. also is it "on you" or "in you")

"Well, what was your mission?"

I know he won't answer, but it doesn't hurt to try.

"To exterminate your entire race from the galaxy!"Says the elf

Who seems to feel quite brave uttering these words to me.

"We've recovered their weapons and devices that were sent to the scientists. They're still trying to understand them, but everyone agrees it was some kind of communication device."

Nordur spoke from behind me.

"Well, then we were right in my old theory that they're trying to gather information, and by the time they've been here, I'd say it was a success."

"This is my fault, sir, I didn't think to look for elf spies."

"No one thought of it, you were also quite busy taking care of the wounded, it was an understandable mistake."

"It's no use keeping me alive," says the elf, interrupting us.

"My king will come, and destruction with him!" He continues.

"What should we do with him, my king?"

Nordur asks me, he also understood that it would be impossible to get any information from our prisoner.

"Judge him as the law says." to death i sentence him.

With nothing more to say, I turn and head towards the exit, and then to Asgard.

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