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57.06% Baldur Odinson: God of Light / Chapter 105: Chapter 95 - The Avengers Final Part

Chapter 105: Chapter 95 - The Avengers Final Part

POV: Baldur

Near Stark Tower, New York.

It took longer than I thought to escape from my prison. And every moment of my escape was hell for me, to put it simply, I was whipped by the spatial storm, and every time I got close to opening the portal, the blows to my body were stronger, I could do nothing but focus on healing my body, and protect this physical form.

Then I finally manage to get out and appear on a destroyed street, I see bodies scattered everywhere. Some buried by what remained of the nearby buildings, I look up and see several small ships piloted by the Chitauri shooting at anything that can move, and if they don't find anything, they simply shoot at the buildings next to them.

This certainly made me lose a bit of rational thought, Genosha should already be here helping, but even sending my order through Steve, they are delayed because of the person who imprisoned me.


My scream shatters the windows around me creating a rain of glass over a body, now full of scars. Unlike the previous ones, these will always stay on my body. I extend my hand, and Sigel doesn't take long to arrive. It recreated a golden armor covering my body.

When I was about to attack the small ships a change happens, at the top, several golden ships the size of fighters appear out of nowhere, each one with the flag of Genosha stamped, the second they appeared in the air, they began to engage in combat with the Chitauri, they who were only focused on destruction, turned their attention to the army of Genosha.

It was like watching a beautiful dance of destruction in the sky, explosions happened every two seconds.

(Time to go too.)

So I go as fast as I can to battle. I assumed that the fight would be happening near Stark Tower so I went in that direction, I thought it was better to make the journey on foot, since the sky was a complete chaos. I then met a group of Chitauri soldiers who were chasing and killing another group of innocent people, I jumped and fell right in the middle of the two groups, not wanting to waste time, I spun my spear throwing a wave of golden flames at my enemies turning them into ashes.

"Go ahead, and find a safe place."

I spoke to the survivors who were looking at me as I advanced.

All the Chitauri I met on my way were burned or cut by me, leaving a trail of bodies behind me, they tried in every way to defend themselves, but their energy weapons didn't cause much damage to my body that healed quickly using magic. Then above me, I saw a monster the size of a building that looked like a snake.


It was heading in the direction where my soldiers were in combat with the Chitauri, if it gets there, my army will suffer great losses. I jumped towards the beast and she noticed me when I got in front of her, she opened her huge mouth wanting to devour me, I raised Sigel and threw it into the monster's mouth.


At the same moment, the huge snake in front of me explodes spreading blood and viscera all over the street, my spear returns to me and I continued my way towards the tower. When I'm a few kilometers from it, I see the huge portal in the sky, and from it several enemies start to come out.

Then the sky turns dark with thunderclouds, the building next to the tower starts to flicker with energy and it is fired the biggest lightning I've ever seen in my life in the direction of the portal, when the lightning passed through the enemy ships it branched out hitting them, and in the end the lightning hit a Leviathan square on that was sent back into the portal dead. Unfortunately Thor can't maintain such a powerful attack for long, and then four more Leviathans and hundreds of ships cross going towards the battle.

(The number of enemies is clearly superior to those of the Avengers movies.)

I think as I continue my way leaving a trail of bodies behind. Finally, I arrive at the center of the battle, I see Steve in his blue uniform and with his shield in battle, and by his side is Natasha with her two daggers, she learned to use my powers better, since during the fight she simply disappeared and appeared in another place killing her enemy. I shared with her my agility and the ability to become invisible, powerful tools in the hands of a skilled assassin like her.

With the largest number of enemies appearing, and their attention focused on them, it won't take long until they get hurt. So I attack, I spin my spear and a wave of fire goes towards the two, the wave of fire then spreads as if it were alive enveloping the two becoming a hurricane of flames twenty meters high killing everything that was close in the sky or on the ground. The flames last a little while and disappear revealing Steve and Natasha clearly confused trying to understand what happened.

"Sorry for the delay," I say to them arriving in front of them.

"And I thought Bruce knew how to make a dramatic entrance," Natasha jokes.

"What's the situation?" I ask Steve.

"Natasha and I are on the ground preventing the troops from straying too far, Tony is destroying anything that goes too far from us, Hawkeye is up there keeping an eye on everything, Thor and Hulk are doing what they do best."

"Unfortunately Stark is not having much success in his task, and the number of these things only increases." Natasha completes the report.

"The ships of Genosha are already in combat against those who have strayed, I also finished off all those I met on the way here, so we just continue what we are doing."

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

I look up and see that three enemy ships were destroyed. From the top of a building near us, I see Hawkeye now with a golden bow shooting golden arrows at the enemies, besides his new bow with infinite ammunition, he also gained my eyes, in my opinion, he could hit a target on the other side of the city now.

"Loki?" I asked.

"Still in the tower and with company," Natasha replies.

(So they're both there.)

Unfortunately, we can't continue our conversation, a Leviathan passed right above us, and from it several Chitauri soldiers fell on the street or around us.

Steve threw his shield ripping off the heads of several of them and when he got his shield back, he turned to me and said,

"Go. Finish this, we'll hold them here."


Leaving them behind, I continue my journey to the tower. I see Stark fighting against an entire battalion of ships, he was firing with his repulsors and launching several missiles, destroying them, but I could see the damage his armor was suffering. Then he starts to run, and his enemies chase him, I fly and stand in front of him and when he passes by me, I create several golden spears of light and fire them.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Several explosions occur, wiping out a good part of the enemy, the last remaining ships were destroyed by Stark who turned around and hit them.

"Nice work, Rapunzel," Stark shouts, flying over me and heading for the next battle.

(Even with my hair cut, this idiot will keep calling me that.)

In front of me, I find more soldiers, leaving me no choice but to slow down to face them.


The sound of thunder tells me who is fighting ahead, I see Thor fighting several Chitauri soldiers on top of a Leviathan, I jump and fall behind him and cut off the heads of two Chitauri who were trying to hit him, Thor turns around and throws his hammer hitting another in the chest, I turn around too and we start the slaughter together in a beautiful teamwork, in the end without nearby enemies I stick my spear into the Leviathan I'm on top of. Thor knows what to do immediately, he jumps and hits the top of my spear with Mjornir, the blow makes my spear go through the entire monster, killing it.

It was killed on the spot and I fall to the ground with just the two of us on top of him.

"Baldur, are you okay?" He asks me.

"Now I am," I reply.

"I thought the traitor did something terrible to you."

"She did. I will take care of it personally, you have to go back to where Steve and Natasha are, they need help."

Thor nods in agreement and spins the handle of his hammer and throws it up into the air, taking off in Steve's direction.

Finally, I arrive in front of Stark Tower, and I see a scene I didn't imagine, a Leviathan is coiled around the entire building in a defensive position, not just him, but also more than a hundred Chitauri ships and a small number of soldiers around the tower, clearly Loki created a stronghold and defended it with everything he has.

Before I set off to attack, I see something falling right in front of all the enemies.


Hulk roared in his mad fury, he simply went on the attack head-on, throwing himself against the large number of enemies, he swung his hands and kicked anyone who came close to him, the enemies on the ground were no match for him, but the ships above began to fire at him ignoring their allies, a rain of energy shots hit his body. The green giant tried to counterattack by grabbing the Chitauri soldiers and throwing them at the ships, and luckily he managed to explode some.

To give support, I create a huge shield above Hulk defending him, then I concentrate and several small mirrors appear around all the enemies who were in or around the building. A concentrated beam of light falls from the sky hitting one of the shields that reflects it to another mirror that reflects it to another and then another, each beam of light was changing direction hitting all the enemy ships creating a show of lights of destruction and death.

A few seconds later, the remaining enemies were the Leviathan and the soldiers who were already being taken care of by Hulk, I jump towards the Leviathan wanting to finish this quickly, but I underestimated its agility, it used its tail to hit my body throwing me to the ground, but before hitting the ground, I am held by a large green hand.

"Thank you, friend," I thank the green giant.

"How about some help?" I ask him.

"Hulk helps friend."

He answers me in his almost childish way, and takes a strange position, when I realize what he is going to do, I regret asking for help. Hulk then throws me in the same way that I have done hundreds of times when I throw Sigel at an enemy, but I accepted this, and together with the speed created by his terrifying strength I also release energy propelling me even more, this makes me face the Leviathan, the moment he opens his mouth, I don't stop or even try to hit him with my spear, I simply go through his skull like my body killing him.

Leaving Hulk behind to take care of what was left of the Chitauri, I finally stepped onto the top floor of Stark Tower. The first thing I see is Loki looking at me without showing any expression, the second is my wife Amora behind him holding her staff avoiding looking me in the eyes.

"It's over, Loki!" I say to him.

"Maybe. But I will take some of you personally if I fall," he tells me.

All of this has already gone beyond the limit, and I'm not in the mood to deal with Loki, in fact, I'm going to use him to release some of my anger.

I move towards him as fast as I can, Loki is surprised by my speed and can't raise his defense, I hit his nose with all my strength and hold onto the chest plate of his armor preventing him from moving away from me, without giving him time to recover, I punch him in the face again, then another and another. When I lose count of how many punches I've given him, and with less anger now, I stop and look at what's left of Loki's face.

With his nose deformed, Loki's blood covered his entire face, dizzy but still conscious, he tries to hit me with his scepter in my abdomen, but I don't back down and the blade of the scepter pierces the side of my stomach, I ignore the pain and hold Loki by his neck. I lift him off the ground and hit him against a wall making it crack, Loki is stuck in the wall almost inconsistently. To finish it all, I give one more punch to his chest and he goes through the wall and lies on the floor on the other side of the room.

I remove the blade of the scepter from my body and hold it, only with it can I close the portal, I leave Loki behind, and go towards Amora who is still standing like a statue, her lack of action in helping Loki gave me some ideas about which side she is on, but it's not time to deal with that yet.

"Baldur, I…"


When she tried to talk to me I interrupt her, I was also a little surprised by the coldness of my voice speaking to her.

"I will deal with you after I resolve all this mess."

Saying this, I leave Amora behind and go towards the machine that opened the portal, there I see Dr. Erik Selvig frantically messing with the machine.

"I didn't want to do this, I couldn't control myself."

He spoke with suffering in his voice while messing with the machine.

"We know that, all you need to do now is find a way to turn off the machine."

"We need Loki's Scepter." He replies.

"Right here," I say, raising the hand where I'm holding the scepter.

"Right in the center!" Erik says, pointing to the cube.

(Now all that's left is.) I think.

I ignore Erik and look at the horizon where I see Iron Man with a missile on his back flying towards the tower. The missile with the power to destroy the entire city of New York. Hydra would certainly not miss this opportunity to kill three birds with one stone, the Avengers, Chitauri and a good part of Genosha's army as well as their king.

I look up and realize that the Chitauri have stopped crossing the portal, meaning that my father has started his attack, it must have taken him a while to find where they were, if Stark crosses with the missile, my father will certainly stop him, but it would be better if Stark doesn't get so paranoid with the vision like in the movies.

"What are you waiting for! Close the portal!" Erik yells at me.

I leave Sigel behind and only take Loki's scepter and fly towards Stark, when I get above him, he looks at me trying to understand what I'm going to do, my hand goes through the missile and when I remove it I remove the nuclear material from it ending the firepower of the missile, when I did this, the missile exploded and threw Stark towards the ground, but I caught him and threw him back to the top floor of Stark Tower. Then I shoot up and cross the portal.

When I arrived on the other side, I find myself in a dark part of the universe, there was not a star nearby, but surely this desolate place in the universe was quite lively at the moment. In front of me, there are three gigantic mother ships of the Chitauri, ships so large that they would make Fury ashamed of his aircraft carrier, I could also see several Leviathans and ships floating in the void.

And the only reason they weren't crossing the portal was that they were being attacked by the Asgardians, the Asgardian soldiers were not using ships to attack, but Dracar, ancient Viking ships.

The Dracar seemed fragile, but they were withstanding the full attack of the three Chitauri mother ships as well as the soldiers around them. They then cross the defenses and the ships crash into the mother ships, from the ships, I could see several Asgardian soldiers in their armor entering through the opening created by the Dracar and they were certainly creating a pandemonium inside.

"Has everything been resolved on your side?"

Drawing my attention from the epic battle happening in front of me, I see that my Father who simply appeared by my side and was watching the battle.

"Yes, father, Loki has been captured, we are dealing with the last enemies, we just need to close the portal."

Odin, wearing his beautiful golden armor and holding his spear, looks at me and then looks at the scepter in my hands.

"I see, so this is the reason for all this confusion," he says.


"Never mind," he says.

He certainly recognized the mind stone in the scepter.

"Go back now Baldur, I will end this senseless battle now."

"Yes, father."

As we were heading towards the portal to return to Earth, I saw Odin make his move. He simply made a movement with Gungnir as if he were piercing an enemy in front of him, a simple blow that didn't seem to have much strength. But the space in front of him seemed to be pierced and all the enemies in front of Odin were pierced or cut, but they were not the target of the King of Asgard, the target was the third Chitauri mother ship that had not yet been invaded by the Asgardian army, when the blow reached her, it seemed that a gigantic spear pierced the entire ship making it spread through space.

"Those who are lucky enough to get out of here alive tell your master that I, Odin Allfather, and King of Asgard, am still here, and the nine realms are under my protection!"

Odin's voice echoes through the empty space making it vibrate with his power.

I return to Earth through the portal and land in front of the portal machine, Selvig who is still completely in shock doesn't understand where I went, I ignore him and stick Loki's scepter and make it hit the Tesseract making the whole machine explode and the portal close, with it closed, all the Chitauri who were still alive attacking the city simply fell dead, this was the end of the Battle of New York.

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